Anti-Sky Game System

v7 Chapter 445: Good tea

Chapter 445 Good Tea

Guo Fu smiled and said, "I look good."

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you have this sentence, I will rest assured."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm telling the truth."

Lin Tianyao whispered: "Yes, I like to listen to the truth."

Right now, Guo Fu whispered, "What are we doing now?"

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "We have many things."

Guo Fu whispered: "Okay, I understand, I will do it well."

So they all got up, and soon they stopped.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we can sit down and drink tea."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "OK, I will drink now."

So, they poured all the tea into the mouth, and soon, they were all finished.

At this time, Lin Tianyao whispered: "I think the tea in western Zhejiang is good."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "This is for sure."

Right now, Lin Tianyao whispered: "Okay, I think we will drink more."

Guo Fu said with a smile: "This is natural."

So, they all gushed down, and soon they all stood up.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we can go back to Huashan, and we also invite them to taste tea."

They both nodded after listening, so they walked towards Huashan, and soon they came to Huashan.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "What do you think, I think we will rest for a while, and after a while, let's drink tea."

They nodded, so they waited a long time.

At this time, Guo Fu smiled and said: "Come on, Lin Shaoxia, I think we will eat quickly."

Lin Tianyao whispered: "Okay, let's eat now."

After that, they all finished eating.

At this time, Hong Qigong came over and said with a smile, "What are you eating?"

Lin Tianyao whispered: "Of course it is a good thing."

Hong Qigong whispered: "Come on, Lin Shaoxia, I think we will attack quickly."

Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Hong Qigong, I know your moves are very powerful, let's fight quickly."

So, they all fought, and after half an hour, they finished.

Right now, Lin Tianyao whispered: "Come on, Hong Qigong, I think we can sit down."

Hong Qigong smiled and said, "Yes, I understand."

At this time, Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Hong Qigong, I think we are out."

Hong Qigong smiled and said, "Yes, I understand."

So they all went out.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "Hong Qigong, I think we do something else."

Hong Qigong smiled and said, "Okay, I think so too."

So, they looked back and forth at the sea, they watched for a long time, and finally, they all stopped.

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "I like this ocean very much."

Hong Qigong whispered: "Yes, I also have this meaning."

Right now, Lin Tianyao whispered: Hong Qigong, I think you look like this, I'm leaving.

Hong Qigong said with a smile: "OK, you go now." So, Guo Fu walked quickly, he said aloud: "I think we go to Linzi."

Lin Tianyao nodded, so they walked towards Lin Zi, and soon they stood in front of him.

Right now, Lin Tianyao whispered: "Guo Fu, I think we will fight right away."

Guo Fu said aloud: "Okay, I know, let's fight now."

So, they all fought, and after half an hour, they played several rounds.

At this time, Lin Tianyao whispered: "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we should do this."

Guo Fu nodded, and then they all fought.

Lin Tianyao said aloud: "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we sit down, we should take a break."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm too tired."

So they sat on the ground.

At this time, Hong Qigong came over, he said with a smile: "I want to make some moves with you."

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Okay, let's get started."

So, they all fought, and after a while they all finished.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "Hong Qigong, I see these moves are very good."

Hong Qigong said with a smile: "OK, I think so."

At this moment, Lin Tianyao whispered: "Come on, Hong Qigong, I think we will separate."

Hong Qigong said aloud: "Yes, we are like this."

After half an hour, Lin Tianyao whispered, "Come on, Guo Fu, I think we will move forward."

Guo Fu nodded, so they walked towards the front, they walked a long way, and eventually they all stopped.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "Guo Fu, I feel a little bit uncomfortable."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Okay, let's go now."

After that, they walked towards other places, and soon they all stopped.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said: Guo Fu, I think you are a little tired.

Guo Fu nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm tired, I want to rest.

Lin Tianyao smiled and said: "It's okay, you have a good rest."

Guo Fu nodded, so they lay down quickly.

Soon they all fell asleep, and then they all stood up.

Lin Tianyao said with a smile: "Guo Fu, I think you are tired, you should sit down."

Guo Fu nodded, and then they began to practice, they wanted to practice more powerful martial arts.

After a while, they were all done.

At this time, Lin Tianyao Xiaohe said: "Guo Fu, I think your martial arts are good."

Guo Fu smiled and said, "Yeah, I think so too."

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Guo Fu, I think then let's go quickly."

Guo Fu nodded, so they all walked away.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "Zhou Botong, you come here now."

Zhou Botong nodded, so when he came over, Lin Tianyao Xiaohe said, "Zhou Botong, what tricks have you practiced now."

Zhou Botong said with a smile: I practiced many moves. "

Lin Tianyao smiled and said, "OK, let me take a look."

Zhou Botong said with a smile: "No problem, I will tell you now."

So, they all practiced, and after a long time, they all practiced.

At this time, Lin Tianyao was very optimistic about his moves, so, ah, they started to practice, and after half an hour, they were all finished, so they were very happy, so they stopped.

At this time, Lin Tianyao smiled and said: I think so, let's take a break. ....