Anti-Sky Game System

v8 Chapter 55: Little fairy

Daji actually died with King Yu?

However, the fact is that it has to be believed.

Daji suicidally greeted the overlord gun, and her slender body was immediately stained with blood, and the king couldn't bear it, sighed, "Why do beautiful people suffer?"

But Da Ji was full of infatuation, and the complexity and struggle that emerged in her eyes made her change from a peerless demon to an ordinary woman. Concubine said, "This time, concubine goes with the king."

"Okay, okay!" King Wang was originally a body of a devil, but at this time two lines of blood shed tears, and the huge body shouted and hugged his wife. "Lonely and beautiful!"

Suddenly, flaming flames ignited around King Wang and Daji, and soon their figures disappeared in the flames, just as these two men have been involved in constant love and hatred for thousands of years.

Xiang Yu immediately cut the Naboo gun into the ground and scattered his arms. The tall figure that had disappeared seemed to hear a long "Ayu".

Lin Tianyao was a bit melancholy, and King Yu was ruined more than praise in history, but in fact, there is also a saying that the emperor is hardworking and patriotic, and does not indulge in beauty, unlike the so-called King Wang of the so-called Jiuchi Lin. the same person. However, history is written by the victors, in fact, who exactly is King Wang, no one knows.

However, when Lin Tianyao was distracted, the so-called system light ball learned that Suo Suo began to move. How could all this escape Lin Tianyao's eyes, Lin Tianyao was already prepared, and already made the Yin and Yang fish surround the system light ball, and when the light ball moved, the two tails of Yin and Yang fish immediately wrapped it up.

If you look closely, the ball of light seems to be a little trembling? It makes people cry and laugh.

At this moment, a white vortex glowed in the center of the venue, and a figure appeared gradually from the vortex.

The pure and flawless girl emerged slowly from the vortex, just like an angel, and like a transparent ghost.

After seeing Lin Tianyao, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Little Fairy."

Sure enough, it was Xiao Xian.

Lin Tianyao felt for the first time since he came to this world that the stone in his heart fell.

Xiaoxian appeared slowly in the air, long hair flying in the air, Lin Tian Remote Sensing was screamed from this world, as if something forcibly intervened in this world, and the system of light **** surrounded by Yin Yang fish Whether or not Lin Tianyao will find it doesn’t matter how crazy he twists, it looks very painful.

"Master." The girl opened her eyes and looked at Lin Tianyao with joy.

"Xianxian, what's wrong with you?"

"Master..." Xiaoxian is a bit difficult to tell, but because of Lin Tianyao's order, he finally said, "Xiaoxian is a little uncomfortable. When choosing this world, something similar to a virus invaded Xiaoxian's system. Therefore, this world is no longer known to Xiaoxian, I am afraid there are many differences. Xiaoxian has lost contact with his owner, and his body has some...Well, what human beings call the state of weakness? I contacted this world, but because the world was very tightly protected, Xiaoxian never came in. Until the protection of this world weakened, Xiaoxian was able to show up."

"The virus you said, is this guy?" Lin Tianyao lifted the ball of light. "Yes." Xiao Xian's face was pleasantly surprised. Apparently Lin Tianya caught the fake system and made Xiao Xian feel very happy. "The host is really powerful."

Lin Tianyao pondered, I am afraid that the virus that Xiaoxian said was the light sphere. This light sphere invaded when Xiaoxian’s body was weak, and changed the world with his own ability, but he could not hurt the world. People, therefore, borrowed the power of Lin Tianyao, this world will be transformed into a crystal soul stone after death, and from the performance of this light ball, it urgently needs the power of this stone.

And just now, because Lin Tianyao defeated the ball of light, Daji took away Xiang Yu again, and Nu Wa, the power supporting the world, was wiped out by Lin Tianyao, so Xiaoxian was able to take the opportunity to invade this world.

"the host?"

Although he finally saw Xiaoxian and let Lin Tianyao's heart finally unravel for a long time, he looked at Xiaoxian's ignorant face at the moment, and he was a little annoyed.


"Eh...?" Suddenly being scolded, Xiaoxian was a little overwhelmed and very puzzled.

"I'm going to say something uncomfortable from the beginning, did you know?" Lin Tianyao rubbed Xiaoxian's head, a headache, and Xiaoxian was a system. Although his appearance was very similar to humans, he was still It is a system that cannot understand human feelings. Xiaoxian is very clever, but always forced herself on Lin Tianyao's affairs.

"Xianxian, you can stick to it." Xiaoxian tried to persuade Lin Tianyao.

"But Xiaoxian, look, this time I was thrown into such a strange place, and I was almost deceived by this hairball, it was all because of your persistence." Lin Tianyao followed the temptation, "Excessive persistence, but Stubborn, little fairy, listen to the master."

Xiaoxian seemed to think for a long time, and finally focused on the head.

"Well, Master, I listen to Master." Xiaoxian nodded cleverly, but Lin Tianya always felt that she was a little reluctant, and she would also force herself in the future.

"So, how to deal with this light ball?" Lin Tianyao didn't see clearly in his eyes. He lifted up the light **** wrapped by the two yin and yang fishes and showed them to Xiaoxian. "You said it was a virus, and killed it directly?"

Xiaoxian took a closer look at the sphere of light. "The host is really powerful. This guy was even subdued by the host." Xiaoxian's white fingers carefully bypassed the yin and yang fish and touched the sphere of light.

"Be careful!" Lin Tian pulled her in a hurry. "Don't you say this is a virus in a certain sense? Why are you so careless."

Xiaoxian was caught by Lin Tianyao, his cheeks flushed, and he smiled, "But now that it has been defeated by the owner, there is no threat to Xiaoxian, really."

Lin Tianyao confirmed again and again that Xiaoxian would touch the ball of light. Xiaoxian held the light ball with both hands, and the light ball screamed, which made people feel very cute. But it quickly glowed, and the light was shining, and eventually disappeared into Xiaoxian's hands.

"this is?"

"In fact, it is also a prototype of the system, but it is not as advanced as Xiaoxian." Xiaoxian does not forget to pretend to boast, "Its emotions and other settings are not comprehensive, but the power it gathers can still let Xiaoxian borrow one. use."

Lin Tianyao thought, I am afraid this is the annexation between the systems, this system originally wanted to invade Xiaoxian, but was eventually devoured by Xiaoxian. ..
