
Chapter 90

Cheng Ke always felt that he would not hold back, but many things were unpredictable. After he threw Jiang Yuduo down on the bed in the daytime, he was convinced that he really held back, and held it quite powerfully.

Maybe it was the separate anxieties of the past few months, maybe it was from the first day that I had "thought" to Jiang Yuduo and now I have thought of it intentionally or unintentionally...

In short, at the moment when the skin was pressed tightly and the temperature was compacted, Cheng Ke humbly admitted that he was indeed holding back.

It felt like holding a pot of fire, the fire kept burning into the body, burning every nerve so hot that it was addictive everywhere.

Jiang Yuduo should have resisted, but the degree of resistance is estimated to be more than 8,000 different from that of Mongolian circle, so that Cheng Keji is not clear, but he is reluctant to take a breath. The "ah" that came out had been circling in his head.

Later, the high and low wheezing could not keep up with this short sound.

Meow slowly entered the bedroom after the war subsided, as if he was a sensible and responsible health inspector.

First he turned around the bed twice, then jumped up and smelled carefully on the two people who were still half-stacked.

Cheng Ke pushed away, turned down and lay down from Jiang Yuduo, feeling that he was just breathing at this moment. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuduo who was still lying on the pillow: "You..."

"Don't talk." Jiang Yuduo quickly interrupted him.

Cheng Ke was stunned for a moment, and wanted to ask why, but hesitated and didn't speak, but just reached over and put it on his back.

Jiang Yuduo quickly took his hand backhand.

Cheng Ke was stunned again, and suddenly a little uneasy. He lifted the meow lying on his belly and sat up. Was this kid angry?

Isn't it right?

The gas volume is so small?

But it shouldn't hurt him... isn't he humming yet...

"Third Brother," Cheng Ke carefully supported the bed with one hand and leaned over to him. In order to show sincerity, he also used the honorific title, "Third Brother You..."

Jiang Yuduo sighed, glanced over at him, grabbed his wrist with his backhand, and pulled down.

Cheng Ke fell on him.

"Don't talk," Jiang Yuduo buried his face in the pillow. "I'm slow."

"...Oh." Cheng Ke reacted violently. For Jiang Yuduo, this fierce battle was probably a bit too shocking. Maybe it was a bit lacking in face?

He didn't make any more sounds and hugged Jiang Yuduo sideways.

After almost twenty minutes, when Cheng Ke felt like she was about to fall asleep, Jiang Yuduo moved.

Cheng Ke quickly raised his head and looked at him.

"Take a shower?" Jiang Yuduo turned over and lay on his back, looking at him.

"Well." Cheng Ke nodded.

Jiang Yuduo looked at him for a while, raised his hands around his head and pressed him down.

Cheng Ke lowered his head and kissed his lips.

The kiss is very serious, gentle, and full of effort, kind of like someone who has done something wrong is trying to find forgiveness.

Fortunately, the time Jiang Yu snatched over was not too long. When Cheng Ke released him, he still bit Cheng Cheng's lips, and then let go after a while.

"Take a shower." Jiang Yuduo sat up with him, and his look had returned to normal.

"Anything uncomfortable?" Cheng Ke looked at him.

"Don't you think I'm uncomfortable if your technology is not good?" Jiang Yu took the bed and stood by the bed.

"...I just cared about it," Cheng Ke said.

"You are not confident in your technology." Jiang Yu snatched a smile, with a smug smile on his handle.

Cheng Ke sighed: "I take back what I just said."

"Late," Jiang Yuduo opened the cabinet to change clothes, "I have a very good memory."

Cheng Ke smiled and didn't speak. After thinking about it for a while, he asked again: "Where did you hide your phone?"

"Are you asking me if you are not looking for it?" Jiang Yuduo said.

"I don't even know where to look," Cheng Ke said. "I'm mainly... I don't have the habit of turning over the cabinets in other people's homes..."

Jiang Yuduo turned his head to look at him and sighed: "I put my coat in my pocket."

"In your coat pocket?" Cheng Ke froze.

"Well," Jiang Yuduo took out a coat from the cabinet and threw it on the bed. "In this pocket, I just put it casually...I thought..."

Cheng Ke remembered that when Jiang Yu snatched it, he only took the jacket he changed with. He probably thought Cheng Ke would wear his clothes just like him.

This made Cheng Ke a little bit distressed, jumped out of bed and hugged him.

"Actually, I didn't even want you to find that I didn't leave anything on my cell phone," Jiang Yuduo touched on his back. "If I don't take the cell phone, I'm afraid I will call you if I hear your voice. , I might be back immediately..."

"Well," Cheng Ke nodded, "I know."

"If I walked away, you would see your phone, would you smash my phone?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"No." Cheng Ke said.

"So what will you do?" Jiang Yuduo asked again.

"I'll cry," Cheng Ke thought for a while. "It's not necessarily, I will have burst into tears the day you left."

"Are you crying?" Jiang Yuduo looked at him and frowned.

"Otherwise." Cheng Ke sighed.

"Really?" Jiang Yuduo still looked at him.

Cheng Ke felt that Jiang Yuduo was like a child who was verifying his importance. He smiled and nodded: "Really."

"Are you ready?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"I can't even catch my breath," Cheng Ke said.

Jiang Yuduo didn't say anything, staring at him for a while before he hugged him tightly: "Sorry, Cheng Ke."

"Don't say this," Cheng Ke said, "you did nothing wrong."

Jiang Yuduo didn't speak, and then he hugged him twice before releasing it. He turned on the face and wiped his face, took the clothes and walked to the bathroom: "Wash it together? After washing, go to dinner, I'm hungry ."

"Okay." Cheng Ke responded, Jiang Yuduo was also a miraculous person. He had to slow down at first, but he was very relaxed after slowing down.

Jiang Yuduo was already standing under the sprinkler when he took the clothes to change into the bathroom. Cheng Ke looked at the water flowing down from him and couldn't help but relive the previous scene.

When I was doing things, it was like taking drugs. I always couldn't see clearly and couldn't hear clearly. I was anxious in my heart. There was an illusion that I was doing nothing.

But it was only when the aftertaste found that everything was clear.

Every eye you see, every sound you hear, every inch you touch, are all clear, not only in your head, but also in your body, so that when you see and hear and then touch again, you can instantly Find exactly the second that makes you breathless.

"Am I broken here?" Jiang Yuduo pointed at his shoulder blade. "How do I feel a little pain."

"I...Look." Cheng Ke cleared his throat, walked over and looked at it pretendingly.

Look at the fart, of course it is broken, can you not bite it with a bite, and at that time Jiang Yudui's muscles were tight.

"It's a little broken, not serious." Cheng Ke said.

"Fuck, you are so good," Jiang Yuduo turned his head and looked at him, "Crazy, with such a heavy hand... the mouth."

Cheng Ke laughed and stood under the nozzle against his back: "I didn't mean it."

Jiang Yuduo snorted, lowered his head and flushed for a while, turned around, and stood face-to-face with him. The sprinkler's water spattered between the faces of the two, and his eyes could not open a little.

"Cheng Ke," Jiang Yu snatched up, his voice low, "You just..."

"Huh." Cheng Ke responded, wiped the water on his face, but it was useless. He couldn't see Jiang Yuduo's expression clearly. He just felt that there was something in his voice and tone that he couldn't judge the emotion for a while.

"Are you just teaching me?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"...You have to understand this way." Cheng Ke didn't expect him to ask this.

"It's not that I want to understand that, it's you who said it yourself," Jiang Yuduo said, and put it in his ear to learn his tone. "I will teach you now."

Cheng Ke suddenly felt panic-stricken.

Rogue, this is!

What a shameless word!

"I'm done teaching now, right?" Jiang Yuduo said.

"Well," Cheng Ke heard Jiang Yuduo a little dissatisfied, and he said, "The first lesson, lessonone..."

Before this sentence was finished, Jiang Yuduo suddenly reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder, squeezing hard.

"Ah!" Cheng Ke shouted. This pinch was a bit cruel. He just felt a sore shoulder. He couldn't stand it without shouting.

Before he could figure out whether Jiang Yuduo wanted to retaliate or what he wanted to do, Jiang Yuduo's hand on his shoulder had swept his back, and he shot him against the wall with his backhand.

Otherwise, Cheng Ke responded fast enough to support the wall with his hand, and his face could be directly buckled on the wall.

"You did..." Cheng Ke roared, but was interrupted by Jiang Yudao before he finished roaring.

"It's me," Jiang Yuduo posted behind him, arms around his waist, "I'm now handing homework..."

After that, I added a few words with emotion: "I haven't given homework since I grew up."

"Go!" Cheng Ke roared.

"Don't get off!" Jiang Yuduo also roared, then bit him up against his shoulder.

"Ah--" Cheng Ke felt a little hurt and wanted to jump.

But on the painful tail tip, a certain emotion has been brought.

When the horn sounded outside the window, Cheng Kezheng was lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, his legs resting on Jiang Yuduo.

"Fuck, won't it be Chen Qing?" He jerked upright.

Jiang Yuduo was cutting nails for Meow, and suddenly his hands shook, but he didn't cut Meow, but he pulled Meow's claws, and Meow was a lightning strike in his hand, and then ran down the sofa and ran away.

"Chen Qing didn't know that I would come back?" Jiang Yuduo turned his head.

"I didn't tell him you came back today, but..." Cheng Ke jumped off the sofa. "But he guessed that we were together. At this moment, seeing someone at home, it must be..."

Before he ran to the window, Chen Qing's voice came out: "Jaeger-LeCoultre! Jaeger-LeCoultre! Are you back! Is the third brother also back! Third brother!"

"Really Chen Qing!" Cheng Ke squeezed his throat.

Jiang Yuduo leapt from the sofa and rushed to the door to refresh Cheng Ke's perception of his speed.

He snapped the door back with a snap.

Sure enough, in the next second, there was a key ringing outside the door, followed by the sound of twisting the lock.

Cheng Ke and Jiang Yuduo glared face to face, keeping quiet.

Chen Qing couldn't open the door and started knocking on the door. Cheng Ke suddenly recovered, "What are we doing?"

"Huh?" Jiang Yuduo froze.

Sitting on the sofa neatly dressed, why did you suddenly get caught on the spot and stole it?

Probably because they played two games in a row an hour ago, and the gangster played too full of guts...

"Open the door!" Cheng Ke lowered his voice, "or should he think we are going!"

Jiang Yuduo was taken aback and hurried to open the door.

The moment the door opened, Chen Qing rushed in and shouted, "Third Brother!"

"Hey." Jiang Yuduo responded.

"Fuck! You're back!" Chen Qing kicked the door, his eyes suddenly turned red, "You **** can be counted back!"

"Don't cry," Jiang Yuduo pointed at him. "Dare you cry, I'll smoke you."

"Don't tell me when you come back!" Chen Qing suffocated her tears, staring at Jiang Yuduo, then turned to stare at Cheng Ke, "You told me when you said back!"

"Just arrived home," Cheng Ke said, "I haven't had time to call you yet."

"You should call when you leave!" Chen Qing said, "What about your brain!"

Cheng Ke was speechless, but he had his mind, but he didn't pretend to be these, and he didn't think of notifying Chen Qing as soon as he came back. After all, he held it for so long...

But now when he sees Chen Qing, he feels a little guilty. After all, Chen Qing is Jiang Yu's sincere iron.

"Sorry, when I saw him...forgot..." Cheng Ke looked at Jiang Yuzhuo.

"It hasn't been separated for a few months," Jiang Yuduo patted on Chen Qing's back. "How to say goodbye to life and death."

"Isn't it mainly you who didn't say it, you said it before going out." Chen Qing finally calmed down.

"Just right," Jiang Yuduo said, "call Shang Dabin and have a meal."

"Not only to eat, but also to drink, all night long." Chen Qing patted his leg.

"Overnight." Jiang Yu nodded.

"I will inform them now and go to book a table first. What do you want to eat?" Chen Qing took out his mobile phone. "You two have lunch...hey!"

Chen Qing didn't finish talking, suddenly raised his head suddenly, staring at them looking back and forth.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Ke suddenly felt nervous, quickly looked down and checked his clothes, no problem.

"Did you just... I said why did you lock the door back, oh, I fucked," Chen Qing turned his face around her, and said in a series, "I didn’t mean it, I was too anxious. Now..."

"You **** shut up!" Jiang Yuduo slapped his back, "You look like this..."

"Isn't it good to open the door for a long time." Chen Qing sighed.

"Call your phone!" Jiang Yu roared, "Just you have an insight into the truth in the world, right!"

"Hello Dabin!" Chen Qing took the phone to his ear. "You, now, hurry up and book a table. It's fine anywhere, sour soup fish, sour soup fish, the one we've been to... ...The third brother is back! Just back..."

When Jiang Yuduo stood in the living room, he looked at Chen Qing, who was excitedly making a phone call, and suddenly his eyes were sore.

During the time when he left quietly, he thought a lot, whether he has lived here before, will there be any changes due to his departure.

These people are a part of his life and all that proves his existence. In these days when he is away, will anyone care, will anyone notice, will someone remember, always remember.

Cheng Ke reached out and scratched his shoulder, and he turned his head.

"They must be crazy," Cheng Ke smiled, "all anxious when you will come back."

"Well." Jiang Yuduo also smiled.

"You are still the third brother," Cheng Ke said, "they are your little brothers, and Chen Qing is your best and best friend."

"How about you?" Jiang Yuduo asked with a smile.

"I'm your real boyfriend." Cheng Ke whispered.

"I am also you..." Jiang Yuzhuo glanced over to Chen Qing, "Real boyfriend."

After Chen Qing made a phone call, he turned around after coughing.

Cheng Ke couldn't help being so attentive about his behavior. He sat on the sofa and sighed.

"Dabin is with the two bald men, and they will come right away," Chen Qing said. "Come and squeeze in one car at a time, sit three in the back row and lie down."

"Can I get down?" Jiang Yuduo said.

"You have to lie down if you can't lie down. You must get on the train."

"I drive." Jiang Yuduo said immediately.

"You two sit in front of you," Chen Qing said, "can you still get you back on your back!"

Jiang Yuzhuo smiled.

"Third Brother," Chen Qing looked at him, "I tell you, next time you have to go back to your hometown, you have to tell me, you are not enough friends."

"Well." Jiang Yuduo responded.

A few of them, Da Bin, are estimated to be nearby. Within ten minutes of receiving Chen Qing's call, they heard their voices talking excitedly outside the window.

"Go." Jiang Yuduo stood up.

After all, Dabin is not the general guardian. When he saw Jiang Yuduo, he obviously had to be much more restrained and did not shout.

"Third Brother," Da Bin walked over and rubbed his nose. "It's counted on you to come back."

"Go to dinner." Jiang Yudiao patted him on the shoulder.

When a group of people squeezed into the car, Jiang Yuduo glanced over and turned to the intersection, a shadow disappeared quickly in the corner of the wall.

"How?" Cheng Ke asked in a low voice.

Jiang Yuduo sometimes felt that Cheng Ke was more sensitive than him. He shook his head: "It's okay, maybe it's an illusion. Dr. Li said that when I returned to the original place, I might still see it."

"Well," Cheng Ke looked over there. "Are you still there?"

"Run away." Jiang Yuduo said.

"They are afraid of you," Cheng Ke said.

"Maybe." Jiang Yuduo smiled, pulled the car door into the cab, held the steering wheel, and looked at the rearview mirror again.

No one was seen this time.

"Are you all lying down?" he asked.

"Okay," Erbal replied later. "Brother hurry up, my third brother, I can't hold this position for long."

"Good." Jiang Yuduo started the car.