Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1120: Cut off 1 head

The Hydra Emperor slapped Tang Tian with a palm, and in the palm of his palm, a group of dazzling to the extreme nine-color rays of light circulated, as if the world had opened up, patted Tang Tian's head with the aura of killing everything!

"Wind, fire, water, thunder, gold, poison, light, dark fantasy! Hydra, has nine attack methods mastered?"? Seeing the Hydra Emperor blasting towards him, Tang Tian's eyelids jumped, and he reassessed the strength of the Hydra again.

I didn't feel anything when I didn't confront him. When I faced him face-to-face, I discovered how terrifying this ninety-ninth-level Hydra Emperor was, and it suppressed everything in the world!

Huh..., there was a scream of controversy, and a brilliant white light appeared in Tang Tian's palm. The years of humane ninth-grade weapons appeared in his palm, trembling violently, and arguing!

Without any evasion, Tang Tian also slammed towards the Hydra Emperor with the same palm!

Om..., the void trembled, the world seemed to be still, and a terrible shock wave radiated along the place where their palms met, radiating to extremely far places in an instant!

The next moment, Tang Tian and the Hydra Emperor disappeared, because with them as the center, the whole world was in a broken state, like glass shattered and shot out, and the whole sky was in a dark vacuum state!

Rumbling..., the huge nurse mountain trembled, and it was broken to the naked eye. In an instant, at least a section as high as several tens of miles in the upper half of the huge mountain was turned into fragments and disappeared without a trace!

Then, in the endless dark space, a nine-color light swept out, the world was shattered again, and the nurse hill below was suffering again. At this time, half of the huge nurse hill had turned into dust and disappeared without a trace!

"It really deserves to be Tang Tian, ​​who is known as the number one among the human beings. There are really two sons." The broken sky contained the indifferent voice of the Hydra Emperor. The voice was no longer so indifferent, but with a trace of solemnity.

Tens of miles away from the Hydra Emperor, Tang Tian narrowed his eyes. The right hand trembled a little, but it recovered in an instant. With a stroke of his hand, a brilliant white light shot from the horizon, and the years returned to his hands again.

In the previous duel, both sides retreated halfway. The years of humanity's ninth rank shredded the nine-color light in the palm of the Hydra Emperor, but he was bounced to the horizon.

The two played against each other for the first time. No one took advantage!

"The Hydra Emperor is regarded as a **** by the despicable nation of the Sun Country. It really deserves its reputation. Come again." Tang Tian's eyes were full of fierceness, and he rushed towards the Hydra Emperor in the blink of an eye!

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you" Hydra snorted and stretched out his right hand. Draw a circle in front of him, as if opening up a world. Nine-colored rays of light circulated in it, turning his hands and pushing towards Tang Tian.

That circle magnified in an instant, with the sun, moon, and stars circulating, and the mountains and the earth taking shape, as if it had swallowed everything in the world.

"Evolving a world, a good method. But it's not complete. I can't help but suppress me..."! With a roar, a white seal appeared in Tang Tian's hand, which was covered up between his hands.

Boom. The heaven and the earth trembled, and the seal was instantly magnified. At the same time, a golden halo on Tang Tian's body was fleeting. The seal that could only be magnified 100,000 times instantly turned into a million times, like an ancient sacred mountain with five dragons entwined. Above the seal seal, a dragon roared, and below the seal seal, the four characters of the sky burst out with a bright red light, shining the heavens and the earth into blood red.

Om..., the print fell, the void trembled, and the world where the Hydra Emperor had evolved was immediately shattered.

"Suppress me..." Tang Tian's eyes were full of madness. He stretched out his hand and pressed fiercely. The void was shattered. The huge seal of the Heavenly King covered the Hydra with the power of suppressing everything, with a buzzing sound. Constant pressure in the void.

The seal flew back, turned into a square of ten centimeters, and returned to Tang Tian's hands, but the four characters, ordered to the sky, were imprinted in the void. The **** rays of light circulated, suppressing the heavens and the earth, and the Hydra was in the four characters. Completely freeze below!

"Damn it, how could this happen..." At this moment, in the distant void, a scream of unwillingness and despair came from the billowing black mist!

In the sky above the black mist composed of endless sky-eaters, a huge swan stretched out in the void, spreading its wings more than 100,000 meters, and its feathers were completely different in black and white. The black was shiny, and the white was dazzling!

The huge black and white swan opened its mouth, as if there was a black hole in its throat, the sky above the endless sky-eaters shattered while rotating, and a white halo radiated away, covering all the sky-eaters.

The white halo was extremely cold, freezing the void, and all the sky-eaters were frozen in the ice.

At the same time, inside the white halo, the space was shattered, and a terrible black hole appeared, and black flames rolled in the black hole. The horrible suction was generated, and the endless sky-eater turned into a long rainbow and projected toward the dark black hole. Go away, like a tired bird coming home!

Among the swarms of sky-eaters, no matter how much Meichuan Naiyi struggled and roared, it was useless. In the end, all the sky-eaters were sucked into the terrible black hole, and the world was clear!

Soon afterwards, the sky became calm again. A palm-sized duck opened its mouth, tilted its head and flew in the direction of Nurse Mountain. Here, the mutant demon vine struggled against nine huge mutant snakes, and the little duck went forward. Helped...!

"If you want to suppress me, you can't do it." Under the command of the sky, the Hydra roars, and the whole body shines with immense nine-color light, like a round of nine-color sun rising above Nurse Mountain. Generally, you can see the scene from thousands of miles away.

Boom..., the seal was broken and dissipated between heaven and earth, and in the original place, there appeared a terrifying behemoth with a body length of more than fifty miles. It was a huge mutant snake whose body was pitch-black as if cast by black iron, and the mountain was cold. Light.

Unlike the normal mutant snake with a huge body, this terrifying mutant snake has nine ferocious heads from half of its body. The colors are different, and each head is staring at a cold one. Long horns, like a dragon!

The Hydra Emperor, transformed into the body, smashed the seal of the Heavenly King's Seal, and the breath was as vast as the sea, like the supreme evil demon who broke free from the seal of the gods, his body twisted and shattered directly into the void, terrifying to the extreme!

"Is this your body? It's so ugly that you dare not look directly." Tang Tian said in disdain even though his heart was shaking when he saw that huge and hideous body.

The body of the Hydra Emperor is almost the same as the monster dragon that has not swallowed the blood of the true dragon. Tang Tian guessed that if only one hundred-level monsters were allowed in this world, the Hydra Emperor could also become a monster. A monster is as terrible as a monster, but the first level only creates two different life levels. Although the horror of the Hydra, it can’t be the same as the monster!

"Tang Tian, ​​no matter how high your status among humans is, you have angered the emperor today, and you are doomed to die." Among the nine huge heads, one of them roared, and a terrifying flame between his mouth was like a river of heaven. Swept towards Tang Tian!

The flames ran across the sky, like a sea of ​​fire descending into the world, burning everything down, and the terrible temperature made the space of thousands of miles distorted!

"It turns out that you can't merge the nine abilities together after being transformed into the body," Tang Tian said with squinting eyes, saying so in his mouth, but he knew it in his heart. The use of this single flame is more powerful than his. There is still terror in the world that has evolved in the human form.

Tang Tian guessed that it was because he was able to have all of the original powers in his body state too large, and he couldn't control it. If he forced the fusion, he might be killed first, and Tang Tian felt that if the Hydra Emperor could achieve one At level one hundred, I am afraid that various skills can be combined at will at that time, but unfortunately, the demon dragon is not dead, it is destined to not reach the level of one hundred!

Rumble..., the sky trembles, a vast ocean rises behind Tang Tian, ​​rolls up a terrible wave, floods the sky, and rushes towards the billowing flames. Undoubtedly, the best way to put out the fire is to use water!

After reaching the ultimate level, the various origin forces controlled by Tang Tian are more powerful. As long as the Qi in the sea of ​​Qi is enough, he can even control the origin of the water system and turn the entire world into a vast ocean. Unfortunately, he does not have that much energy!

The collision of water and fire is either water extinguishing or fire extinguishing water. The hot mist is surging, and within the blink of an eye, it is enveloped by vaporized water vapor for thousands of miles!

"Come and not go indecently", Tang Tian coldly sniffed standing above the void~lightnovelpub.net~ The void above the Hydra Emperor cracked in the thick fog between his fingers, and the rolling mountain tops tore through the sky and transformed into A sea of ​​thunder, endless thunder and lightning bombarded down, like an extinction!

Thunder sea destroys the world, destroys everything, and when it falls on the earth, it often destroys one party. Anyway, this is the boundary of the Sun Nation, even if the entire continent sinks into the ocean, Tang Tian doesn't feel the slightest.

"Don't think you are the only one who can play thunder and lightning," Hydra snorted coldly. Except for the fierce head, the other eight heads looked at the sky together. One of them, the long horns on the head flashed directly, and a purple lightning lased. Thunder sea to the top!

The sky exploded, endless electric and optical radiation went away, destroying everything around!

"Chi..." At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded, and under the thunder light exploded, a bright and extremely sharp edge flashed by the Hydra Emperor. His head spraying the sea of ​​fire was already in a different place, terrifying. The blood surged like a river opening its gates.

"Attention is so easily attracted. It seems that having more heads does not increase your IQ. Don't you know if I still have weapons that can tear your body apart"? Tang Tian coldly hummed in his heart, after extinguishing the other's head, the endless ocean was also shrinking, and finally turned into a stream of water and disappeared between Tang Tian...! (To be continued...)