Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1233: Extremely dangerous!

After bidding farewell to Ike, Tang Tian and the others walked in the opposite direction to the morning sun. The disciples of the first generation of Sword Sect came from that direction, and the Sword Sect worship was naturally not in the white robe youth. The direction is up.

"Your Majesty, there are two small tails behind," Long Yilai's Tang Tian said in a low voice.

The little tail he was talking about, naturally could not be the braided army of Niu Tie, but someone else, who quietly followed after Tang Tian and the others left the Bauhinia City.

"Don't worry about them," Tang Tian said without looking back. Those two people who followed must be ill-intentioned, but they haven't provoke him yet, and Tang Tian doesn't want to make more trouble.

Thousands of meters behind Tang Tian and the others, two figures followed sneakily. Their heads were wrapped in tight black clothes, dressed as professional assassins.

"Boss, those few people are too dangerous. I'm afraid we won't get any benefit from following, right"? One of them was relatively short and said in a deep voice, his voice was very small, and it was impossible to hear what he said ten meters away.

"Do you think I don't know? The man in white clothes shot and killed the demon leader that Mage Ike couldn't deal with with a single arrow. Naturally, it is extremely dangerous, but how strong is he? Isn't he eating and drinking? We only need to poison it secretly. When the time comes, we will get the bow and arrow in his hand, not to mention selling money, our strength will increase a lot, and the chances of surviving in this unfamiliar world will be greater. What a minute," another person said.

These two people, when Tang Tian shot and killed the zombie leader yesterday. Aiming at the longbow in his hand, he desperately wanted to get it from Tang Tian!

"What the boss said is. As long as we get that bow, we won’t be afraid of the old fellow Ike when we come back. He will be obedient at that time. If we don’t, we will shoot it with one arrow. At that time, the entire Bauhinia City will be Ours," the little assassin said gloomily.

The minds of these two people can't be said to be inflexible, knowing that Tang Tian and others are dangerous, but they don't give up. Wanting to use a crooked method to bring down Tang Tian and others to seize bows and arrows, and then come back to rule Bauhinia City, the plan is not thoughtful, but this is just their imagination.

"They have entered the woods. Good opportunity. In the woods, these people are not allowed to be slaughtered by us? Go. Let's go around..." At this moment, the headed assassin's eyes lit up and said, with another one quietly lurking. , Quickly disappeared in the grass.

"Your Majesty, those two guys walked around from behind. They have entered the power of the woods", Long Yi once again wanted Tang Tian to report back.

They used to protect Tang Tian in the imperial city. They don’t know how many clever assassins have been in contact with, and even the top assassins such as the ghost assassins often deal with them. The actions of the latter two assassins really cannot be called how clever. .

"Although the little ants can squeeze to death with one finger. But sometimes they can cause a lot of trouble, if they want to disadvantage us. Don't need me to say that you should know how to do it, right?"? Tang Tian said without squinting.

Long Yi's eyes narrowed, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he nodded, naturally he understood Tang Tian's meaning.

As Tang Tian’s personal guard, everyone in the Shenlong Guard was equipped with storage equipment. Before setting off, Tang Tian specially equipped them with the equipment they needed, whether it was small things like daggers, poisons, antidotes, or swords, guns and swords. A set of halberds, bows, arrows, etc. were specially equipped, and eleven muskets were specially ordered from Niu Tiesuo, and one was distributed to each of them. This kind of thing that Tang Tian didn’t even look at before can be effective in this strange world It works well. Sometimes, long-range attacks are always safer than close combat, but there are not many ammunition.

"what……"? Just when he was about to set foot in the woods, Tang Tian stopped and turned to look in the direction of Bauhinia City. With a heartbeat, he felt a terrifying aura quickly approaching Bauhinia City!

Without Tang Tian's orders, the breath was so terrifying that everyone felt that the hairs on the whole body were blown up, and the group of people quickly entered the jungle to hide, only Niu Tie and others were at a loss, or Long Er. Running over quickly brought them in and out.

Tang Tian and others had just entered the jungle to hide, an evil creature suddenly appeared above Bauhinia City.

From a distance, the creature is about three meters tall, wearing dark leather armor, a hideous and ugly face, and two dark horns on its head, which look like horns. It carries a huge two-handed axe and axe in its hands. The size of the door panel is pitch black and covered with patterns.

This evil creature has a faint black mist entwining its body, and a cold and terrifying aura permeates.

"Humans deserve to die." After this creature appeared in the sky above Bauhinia City, it said in a cold voice. It was already very small in Tang Tian and the others' ears, and the language Tang Tian and others could not understand at all.

"What, leave my Bauhinia City", in the city, Mage Ike appeared on the wall and looked at the evil creature in the sky and said in a deep voice, but his whole body was trembling.

"Ants..." The evil creature grunted, and the dark two-handed axe in his hand waved, a torrential and icy breath erupted, the axe swept across, and a dark light swept across, with a bang, and the entire Bauhinia City was shattered into pieces!

All the people and all the creatures in Bauhinia City became eternal past under the blow of the opponent, and a ten-mile-long ditch appeared on the earth, just like a scar!

In the jungle, Tang Tian was shocked when he saw this scene. If he walked half an hour late, I am afraid that he would also disappear into this world forever with Bauhinia City, right?

At this time, Tang Tian realized the horror of this world, and he just ran out to be someone he needed to look up to. This feeling made him very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, and Tang Tian didn't like it. This feeling of destiny drifting with the flow, but now he can't resist this destiny!

"Damn, what kind of monster is that, it's terrible..." the word from the Musketeer team suddenly exclaimed.

"I knew that the people who followed the white clothes must be lucky. You see, if we stay there, we must be dead now." Niu Tie lamented his wit.

"Captain wise..." Suddenly, flattering slapped Niu Tie!

"Shut up, you guys, if you want to die, I'll serve you right away," Long Yi stared at Niu Tie and the others in a deep voice, just to slaughter these guys with a knife!

Niu Tie and others did not know the terrible evil creatures. Even if they were separated by thousands of meters, any wind and grass would be discovered by the other party. They were talking loudly here, it was an act of seeking death!

However, at this time, Tang Tian and others were not thinking about Niu Tie and others, because a cold feeling suddenly rose in their hearts, and in the distance, the evil creature above the ruins of Bauhinia City had already looked at them!

"Uncle, I was killed by these brain damage." At this time, Tang Tian almost scolded his mother in anger, but he didn't dare to change the slightest. In his heart, the evil creature didn't really find himself and others.

"Are there human beings hiding in the woods? Since they are human beings, then all of them deserve to die," the evil creature above the sky said gloomily, and rushed towards Tang Tian and the others through the void.

A sense of horror appeared in Tang Tian's heart. He knew that he and others had been discovered by the evil creature. If he did not resist, he would end up like the thousands of humans in Bauhinia City. But is the resistance effective?

"If that guy really hits us, we can't say that he has to take out the Heavenly Emperor Sword and slash it desperately. However, if the target is too big, it will definitely be discovered by a strong man in the distance. Trouble..." Tang Tian muttered to himself with his eyes narrowed.

Although the evil creature was strong, Tang Tian knew that if the Heavenly Emperor Sword was sacrificed, the volume of the Tranquil Heavenly Emperor Sword could survive and crush the opponent. That was Tang Tian's last resort, and he didn't want to use it as a last resort.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly, that thing is coming at us, let's go and stop for a while," Long Yi said eagerly beside Tang Tian.

Tang Tian shook his head, he didn't have the habit of watching his subordinates die to save his life!

The evil creature with double horns appeared in the void thousands of meters in front of the jungle. His dark eyes looked at the jungle. The corners of his mouth were split. A **** hand with seven fingers was stretched out. A black energy appeared in the palm. The ball, a violent and cold aura diffused from the energy ball, and with a wave of his hand, he thought of the jungle ahead!

Shoo..., the black ball crossed the void, like a black plume of smoke!

"Damn~lightnovelpub.net~ Tang Tian cursed secretly. The guy really came to himself and the others. In no way, Tang Tian pointed out, a bright white light shot out, and the years passed by. Lasing away in the void.

The years when it has fully grown to the level of equipment of the ninth level of humanity is definitely one of the sharpest equipment in this level, and there are many functions.

After the years lased out, he almost met the black ball of light in the air in the blink of an eye.

There was a loud bang, and the black ball of light exploded in the air. Even Tang Tian and the others, who were thousands of meters away, felt a gust of wind blowing, and amidst the crackling sound, this small jungle broke in countless meters!

Shoo..., the years that were attacked by that strong energy, they spun and flew out, but they weren't damaged!

"Huh? Interesting, humans like ants have some tricks, but they are still just ants." The evil creature mumbled something that Tang Tian and others didn't understand. The axe in his hand was raised flat, and a black light flashed across it. Tang Tian and others hacked!

An extremely dangerous aura rose in Tang Tian's heart. Tang Tian had seen the power of evil creatures before. He didn't expect that he would have his turn to face this terrifying guy in less than a minute...!