Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1261

The valley is only about ten miles deep, and it is only one or two kilometers wide.

In the middle of the valley, there is a dilapidated building. It once looked like a small town made up of stone buildings, but now it is a dilapidated ruin.

Among the ruins, countless small sinkers wandered aimlessly, and the blades in their hands were also tattered, as if they had been picked up from the garbage dump.

In every corner of the ruins, you can see a cauldron being set up, with green liquid tumbling inside. From time to time, a human head or an unknown animal bone is floating in the tumbling green liquid, adding a bit of weirdness.

And around this cauldron, there are dozens or hundreds of Sinking Demons, under the leadership of Sinking Magician, stepping on mysterious steps, as if they were dancing with exotic dances.

When these sinkers were still in their own world, from the direction of Yamaguchi, hundreds of sinkers screamed anxiously and rushed back, some of them were full of arrows, like frightened hedgehogs!

Before the sinking demons in the valley could figure out what the situation was, a rumbling sound came from the direction of the valley entrance. A large group of human troops with bright armor rushed in like wolves. Wherever they passed, the blades flickered, and a A short body of Sinking Demon splits the corpse, spears, and spears the Sinking Demon like a candied gourd!

"The Profound King has orders, a quick fight, no one left." A loud roar seemed unusually abrupt among the galloping army, overwhelming the noisy voice and rang through everyone's ears.

"Kill...", tens of thousands of troops roared in unison, shaking the sky, changing the color of the sky and the earth, and an atmosphere of iron and blood engulfing the entire valley.

The total number of Sinking Demons entrenched in the valley may not add up to 30,000, and their strength is not strong. Coupled with the disadvantage of quantity, how can it withstand the rush of Zhao Yi's seven or eighty thousand troops?

The war came fast and went fast, and it took only half an hour from the time the army rushed into the valley to the end of the war.

After half an hour, there were sporadic Sinking Demons in the entire valley screaming and escaping, and the other Sinking Demons had become corpses on the ground.

There are countless broken arms in the entire valley. At first glance, they were almost all the corpses of the Sinking Demon. The casualties on the human side were almost negligible. The Sinking Demon was naturally timid and not strong enough. Under the charge of Zhao Yi's army, all were lost!

"It's too weak to show the strength of my iron-blooded army," Zhao Yi, who was surrounded by a group of people, said with disdain as he looked at the devastated valley. While speaking, he glanced at Tang Tian from time to time, as if his words were specifically addressed to Tang Tian.

Without picking up Zhao Yi's words, he was despised in his heart. The seventy-eight thousand well-equipped army was like a massacre to deal with the 20,000-30,000 weak and well-equipped sinking demons. Tang Tian really could not think of anything with such a combat power. To be proud of!

"Clean the battlefield, set up camps, and rest one night to meet tomorrow's battle." Zhao Yi said vigorously.

Naturally, people do the cleaning of the battlefield, so Tang Tian and others are not required to do it at all. They only need to find a small place to settle down and spend tonight.

The trio of people, each looking for a place, did not interfere with each other. In this battle, neither the Wang Clan nor the Lin Clan made a move. It was Zhao Yi who was singing a one-man show.

At night, by the bonfire. Tian Hong frowned and asked Tang Tiandao: "Junior Brother, I have never figured out that since everyone can hunt these alien races to harvest the gods and magic coins needed for cultivation, and there may be some other resources, why do they need them? Choose to cooperate with me to worship Jianzong? Even at the mercy of my own everything"?

this problem. Not only Tian Hong couldn't figure it out, even An Ziyue and others couldn't figure it out. After Tian Hong asked them, they all looked at Tang Tian eagerly, hoping to get a reasonable explanation.

Looking at these curious eyes, Tang Tian smiled and said, "It's very simple. Killing alien creatures can get training resources and even various weapons and equipment are good. However, the resources obtained from these alien creatures are too few. For example, take the Gold Swallowing Beast we killed that day, the gods and magic coins obtained after killing such a powerful Gold Swallowing Beast may not be enough for one of you to practice for a night? In this way, we can imagine Knowing that this kind of seemingly free picking is very rare, and it is simply not enough to support a person's continuous cultivation and development. If a family or a power wants to develop, it must be piled up with massive resource areas, so naturally it needs to be traded. Replace what you don’t need with what you need, collect what you don’t have from others, collect it from people below, and supply those who stand at the top of the pyramid to practice. Therefore, there are Wang Jialin’s family and Zhao Yibaba. He came to want to cooperate with me to worship Sword Sect"!

With Tang Tian’s explanation, everyone in the audience understands that killing alien races can get things for cultivation, but it’s not enough at all. If a force wants to continue to develop, it must be continuously supplied with various materials. After all, it is a minority of people who can enjoy all of this, so there is a transaction, and they want to exchange their own things for the benefits they need...!

"I think I understand. No wonder I worship Sword Sect. Although the whole family has more than 100,000 people, there are only a few thousand disciples in one generation, and the disciples of one generation only perform tasks once a month, but they can enjoy the sect distribution. Welfare, that is because there are nearly 100,000 people supplying these thousands of people. They have tasks every day, either alchemy or mining, and the resources they obtain are piled on these three thousand generations of disciples." An Ziyue Said with a sudden realization.

While Tang Tian and others were actively discussing it, not far from the gate of worshiping Jianzong, two skeletal cavalry came outside the gate of worshiping Jianzong by night.

The dramatic thing is that they were killed by the disciples who were in charge of patrolling the mountain before they revealed what they had on the third and fifth elder sisters. Although the disciples in charge of patrolling the mountain were not very strong, they were better than the number. There were twenty people. After killing two skeletal cavalry under the crowd tactics, they swept them away.

The disciples of Xunshan are not high-ranking. Naturally, they have never come into contact with a high-level figure like a disciple of the Sword Sect generation. Naturally, they don’t recognize the things obtained from the Skeleton Cavalry. Cause the slightest spray!

Haas wanted to use the tokens of the fifth senior sister and the third senior brother to let the high-level worshiper of the sword sect run to him obediently, but he didn't want such a thing to happen. Perhaps these skeletons had no brains and didn't know what to say when they were fighting. Naturally, Haas's plan was aborted like this...!

Behind all this, Haas quietly waited in the castle for the worshipers of Sword Sect to come and talk. The senior leaders of Sword Sect worship, especially the several elders and heads, were frowning. One was his proud disciple. It has disappeared for many days. One is the beloved daughter who lost her track. If it weren’t for the fact that the two of them didn’t meet each other at all, they even suspected that the two had eloped.

"This **** villain, I don't know the priority, should I get a news after so many days, right? Not even a single news came, and it's maddening me," the third elder said angrily, he He was a handsome old man with a round head and a beard on his upper and lower sides. He looked like a fat mouse all the time. The third brother was his disciple.

"If it weren't for the jade medals of both he and the little girl, I would suspect that what happened to them", the head of the head frowned and said with great worry in his heart.

He knew the level of chaos in this world, and it was a strange thing that his daughter was not in a hurry after losing contact for so many days.

"I have already notified. All the disciples who descended from the mountain are helping to check their whereabouts besides their own tasks. Perhaps there will be news soon. Please wait for a while," the elder said. She is a Middle-aged beautiful woman, years did not leave many marks on her face.

The disappeared people can only look for them slowly, but they can’t be anxious. Let go of their worries, and the head said: “The disciples who went down the mountain more than ten days ago are already coming back one after another, right? Let the people below step up The information they collected is compiled and compiled. It is necessary to grasp everything within the radius of my worship of Jianzong in the shortest time."

"Already doing it, most of the disciples who went down the mountain have returned, and others are rushing back one after another. If no one returns after waiting for a few days, I'm afraid they..." said the Fourth Elder helplessly.

If you haven't said it, everyone understands that if you don't come back, then the chances of being able to come back are very small...!

Time is passing fast, and one night’s time blinks past~lightnovelpub.net~A new day is coming. In this world, in the early days, every day is undergoing earth-shaking changes. People can’t see places and don’t know what they are going through. , I don’t know how long it will take for this vast world to be relatively stable.

After all, a person’s vision is limited. Even Tang Tian can only take care of the immediate things. This world is too big, beyond his imagination, so he can only do what he has at the moment. thing.

When the morning sun rose, the 100,000 people in the valley were already ready to go. When the sun showed their cheeks from the horizon, the 100,000 people set off in a mighty way, out of the valley, through the small forest, indulgence, ha Si's lair appeared in everyone's eyes!

"Didn't you say that this is a ruin? How could a city appear?" Zhao Yi looked at Tang Tian and frowned and said, with faint reproach in his eyes, and a feeling of being deceived.

"Prince Zhao, don't you understand that the world is undergoing earth-shaking changes every day? Don't you say that a city has appeared here for so many days, even if there is a sea, what's the fuss about?"? Tang Tian looked at Zhao Yi with a speechless expression and said...!

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