Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1288: Happy cooperation

The meaning is obvious. I have already told you where the person is. As for what to do next, it is your business. If nothing happens, can I leave?

But obviously, Tang Tian still underestimated the wit of the old fox, the head of the Sword Sect. He turned his eyes and said, "That's it, but I don't know what the undead creature you are talking about is."

While speaking, the headmaster glanced at the second elder squintly. The meaning was obvious, boy, tell everything you know, otherwise I will leave you to the second elder. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

Threats, blatant threats, but the head obviously underestimated Tang Tian, ​​because he didn't know that Tang Tian was not afraid of the second elders at all. He pretended to be confused and said, "I really don't know. Sovereign, if it's okay, can I go back first?"

Tang Tian’s meaning is already obvious, that is, not to see the rabbits or to scatter the eagles. Although the head of the boss does not know what Tang Tian has the confidence to challenge the second elders, but it is related to his daughters, he has to compromise: "Well, since In this case, as a member of my Sword Sect worship, you should be aware of your every move within a 10,000-mile radius with my Sword Sect worship as the center...".

Saying that the head of this place closed his mouth and didn't say it, the meaning is obvious, let's exchange information.

As the big boss in charge of a sect, the head of the sect is always treacherous and it is related to his daughters. How could he not learn about Tang Tian in detail?

Although he didn't know where Tang Tian came from, he had already inquired every bit after Tang Tian appeared in a very fast time. At the same time, he also knew that Tang Tian now manages a city of hundreds of thousands of people. To be honest, the old fox was also very shocked when he learned about this. What kind of enchanting is this able to lay such a large foundation with one hand in such a short time?

Therefore, even if he talks with Tang Tian as the head, he puts both parties in a calm position. He didn't put on any airs, because he knew that if he really had a quarrel with Tang Tian, ​​maybe Tang Tian would lead his one hundred thousand army to worship Jianzong. I am afraid it will be a disaster at that time.

It is because of knowing this. That's why he threw out this bait, using the information within a radius of tens of thousands of miles to exchange with Tang Tian what kind of environment his daughter was in.

"It really is the old fox. Although this information is insignificant, it is necessary information. If I ask someone to collect this information, I will delay the time. I am afraid I will not have the complete collection of the Sword Sect.", looked at the master's face. Cunning smile. Tang Tianzhen wanted to slap him with a fist.

"Of course, as a member of the Sword Sect, these things must be known, but the head, I found a mine with an extremely amazing output. Think about it, I worship so many people in the Sword Sect. For sure, casting swords. I need raw materials, do I get some materials back?" Tang Tian said.

The conversation between the bull's head and the horse's mouth makes the people around him confused. What is this all about?

But the head of the old fox just understood. It means that Tang Tian feels that the chips he put out are not enough, just because I have a mine in my hand, let's do some more trades.

The head who cared about her maiden contemplated for a moment and then compromised, and said: "Yes, I worship the Sword Sect's great cause, and the daily needs are quite huge. Just do it as you say, how are you responsible for this matter?"?

Okay, it's a threat again. Tang Tian understands it. The head means, don't be too much. I don't say that I worship Sword Sect and don't say that it's not easy for anyone to take care of. You, it's better to be enough! And also reminding Tang Tian, ​​since it's a deal, don't let me suffer too much. After all, I worship the Sword Sect so many people is not a display!

Speaking is an art. In many cases, you will suffer a big loss if you fail to understand a sentence. If there is no ten years of exercise in the last days, I am afraid that Tang Tian will be stunned by this troublesome care and be sold back to others. Count the money.

Tang Tian was satisfied with the conclusion of the transaction, and naturally no longer concealed it, and said, "As far as I know, where the undead creatures are entrenched, this group of powerful undead army gathers, the number is about 10,000, and there are other relatively weak ones. The undead creatures are entrenched on the periphery, and the number is about 20,000 to 30,000. In addition, it is worth noting that there are several powerful undead creatures in this place. I did not dare to approach them, but the aura on them is not Weaker than everyone present, um, this kind of powerful existence may look like four or five...".

Tang Tian’s meaning is already obvious, that is, your girl fell into the hands of these undead creatures. The other party has tens of thousands of powers to fight, and there are a bunch of powerful existences. How to save your girl next is your business. The reason for emphasizing that the other party is strong is that Tang Tian wants to stay out of the matter and save yourself to save, don't pull me!

Tang Tian’s words made the head and the three elders frowned deeply. If you want to save Hanlu and Ye Ran, you might have to worship the Sword Sect as a whole. Can be rescued, the atmosphere here suddenly seemed a bit solemn.

I'm afraid that everyone present is only the second elder unknown. He who only knows his personal interests all day does not care about the affairs of the sect. Naturally, he does not care about the surrounding situation. He is not interested in what Tang Tian and others say. Go to know, just thinking about how to clean up Tang Tian.

After a moment of contemplation, when the chief elder and the third elders were unable to do anything, the head of the old fox's eyes lit up again, and he looked at Tang Tian and said, "This way, we are not familiar with the route. Why would you take us to..."?

Tang Tianzhen wanted to spray the head of the head. I told you that you still want me to help you save people? No doors!

"It doesn't matter, I just tell the head of the specific route, it is easy to find, or you can let Senior Brother Tian and the others take you there, they know the way," Tang Tian shook his head and said.

Obviously, if I don't do it, it won't work to threaten me with others. If I don't do it, I won't do it. The big deal is that everyone will fall apart.

And while speaking, Tang Tian stared at the boss, meaning that I have already told you, should you keep your promise? Gan Huyou, Believe it or not that I ran to disrupt the situation while you were saving people?

"Ahem..., um, this is a long-term plan. This is some of the circumstances within a 10,000-mile radius of my worship of Jianzong. You can use it to find out." The head coughed dryly. He took out a palm-sized jade piece and handed it to Tang Tian.

Tang Tian's eyes lit up, and Xindao had heard countless rumors about what jade slips were storing information. This was the first time I encountered them. I thought it was the so-called jade slips where the cultivator stored information, right?

Take it decisively. The mind is silent on the jade piece. Suddenly, a huge amount of information flooded into Tang Tian's mind.

The amount of information in the jade slips is huge. It mainly records the situation within a 10,000-mile radius of the worship of Jianzong, the distribution of various alien races, the distribution of human forces, mountains and rivers, and so on. It was drawn into a huge and clear map, which is clear at a glance.

When Tang Tian was watching the jade slip, the head of the head secretly communicated with the three elders of the great elder, and finally reached a tacit understanding. The head looked at the second elder and said, "Well, the second one, I just heard that Wuji was injured. . It just so happens that I have a healing pill here, you can take it to him."

Hearing the words of the head, the face of the second elder was as black as the bottom of a pot, even if he could hear it no matter what. The head is going to drive people out. Lao Tzu is also a high-level person who worships Jianzong, okay? Is there anything I can’t know?

However, after seeing the other people with the same faces, the second elder didn't say anything. He left calmly and even angrily, and didn't even ask for the pill in the hands of the master.

After the second elders left, the headmaster looked at Tang Tian again, and said straightforwardly: "Your name is Tang Tian, ​​right? I still have some impressions of you. Let's go and save Han if we don't talk secretly. Lu and Ye Ran, I need your help. As long as you are willing to take action, I will help you completely solve the problem of the second elder. What do you think?"

This was the showdown. Tang Tian thought that the other party was going to hold on for a while. Obviously Tang Tian still underestimated the weight that was revealed in the head of the head.

Now that everything has been said, Tang Tian also said straightforwardly: "To be honest, at present, I don't want to provoke the undead creatures. Even if I add worship to the Sword Sect, I would have to pay a huge amount to wipe them out. The price, so, the price you paid is not enough, I will not do it!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Tian was so direct, the head was speechless again, and then he said in a deep voice: "Don't force the opponent, just save people"?

"That's even worse. To tell you the truth, I have more dealings with these undead creatures than you do with Sword Sect combined. Once this kind of thing is provoked, if it is not completely resolved, the other party will be in an unending situation with you. , So you don’t want to think of a way to calm people down, you can only wipe it out completely, and to be honest, it’s not that I look down on you, but you worship Sword Sect and want to rescue people silently from the other’s hands. It’s simply Wishful thinking, only to smooth them out," Tang Tian said bluntly, not giving the face in the slightest.

"It's really as scary as you said"? The great elder asked with a look of disbelief on the side.

"It's more terrifying than you think, and these undead creatures have weird methods. To be honest, there is a kind of undead creature. I am afraid that you will not be able to find it when you touch it. Do you think the other party is really so easy to deal with"? Tang Tian looked contemptuous and showed no face at all.

Thinking of the ghost creatures among the undead creatures, Tang Tian is also the first two big creatures. If the other party sneaks, even he will be very troublesome. He lurks silently, and it is too difficult to find the other party without revealing murderous intent. It is also impossible for Tang Tian to open his delusion-breaking eyes all the time to observe the surrounding environment.

"Han Lu and Ye Ran, we must be rescued, but according to what you said, it is almost impossible for me to come out of the sword sect and want to rescue. All, at present, the only way to go is to cooperate with you. , Let's talk about it, how do you promise to help rescue them?" The head is no longer circling the bend, and he opened his mouth straightforwardly, almost begging for help in a low voice.

"This is not a question of whether to help or not, but that I am really powerless now. Maybe after a year or a half, I can easily solve the opponent, but not now," Tang Tian said decisively, shaking his head.

"Don't go too far, just say how you want to help, and I will try my best to satisfy you," the head of the head said with a frown.

To be honest, Tang Tian really didn’t want to help. Among the group of undead creatures, several were extremely powerful. From the moment when he successfully assassinated Haas, it was not impossible to kill himself in seconds. Once he helped The risk is great, and the one hundred thousand troops under his own are not suitable for fighting the opponent right now, and the combat effectiveness has not yet fully grown. Once the losses in the war are huge, Tang Tian does not want them to sacrifice in vain.

However, it seems that if he doesn't help, I'm afraid that he and Sword Sect worship will be completely broken, and Tang Tian is a bit cramped for a while.

After thinking for a while, Tang Tian looked at the boss and said: "It's okay to help, but I have a few conditions. If you can't do it, I really can't do anything."

The head showed a look that counted you, and said: "Let's talk about it, how can we cooperate with you"?

Lao Tzu was pitted again. Tang Tian complained in his heart. The other party deserves to be an old fox, but it is not time to care about these things. Tang Tian raised three fingers and said: "First, I am the only one who helps you, except for me. People don’t have one soldier and one soldier. Moreover, those who worship the Sword Sect must listen to my arrangements. Second, my request is not excessive. If the opponent is destroyed this time, I will get half of the gain. Third, this Most importantly, if you want me to help, you have to give me something. I want to worship the sword sect for thousands of years. There must be a formation skill similar to the sword formation, right? Not much, I only need one, but you don’t take it. The **** exercises have come to lie to me, my eyes can still tell good from bad by asking myself"!

Tang Tian said all of his conditions in one breath. As for the success or failure, it depends on the other party's choice~lightnovelpub.net~ After speaking, Tang Tian turned around and didn't look at how many of them. discuss.

After a while, the head coughed to remind Tang Tianhou and said: "I can agree to all three conditions you mentioned. Let me talk about the first condition first. If you help, you must rescue them. Moreover, I worship the sword. The sect can only send out 20,000 people. No matter how many people are, I completely agree to the second condition. As for the third, I can only give it to you after I have been saved."

Tang Tianxin said that he was worthy of worshipping Jianzong for thousands of years. It was indeed in stock, but his face sank and said: "The first and the second are up to you. Anyway, there are many people and few people decide how long it will take to rescue people. Three conditions, you must give me what I want now, or else it will be a big deal."

Well, after all, everything else is imaginary. Tang Tian is a master who doesn't see rabbits or scatter eagles. It's impossible to ask him to help if you don't see the actual benefits.

After gritted his teeth and stared at Tang Tian for a while, he flipped his hand, and a purple jade slip appeared in his hand and handed it to Tang Tian, ​​saying, "If you can't save someone, you will regret it."

"Deal, happy cooperation..." Tang Tian smiled after taking the jade slip...!