Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1303: Nostalgia

Outside the small courtyard, there was indeed Yingying Yanyan's voice, but it was not as Bai Wenxin imagined that the person she was looking for was escorted, and the picture showed a completely opposite state.

Zhao Yueer's poise, walking at the forefront, behind him were dozens of guards with bright armors protecting him, and beside Zhao Yueer, there were a team of beautiful girls, chatting non-stop.

Those who are familiar with Profound King City can see that those who surround Zhao Yue'er are all family members of the entire Profound King City who have a face and family power. As the most distinguished woman in Profound King City, Zhao Yueer naturally has a large number of people every day. around. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

This time they came here, not to let Bai Wenxin choose which of them was the one Bai Wenxin was looking for, but to see the legendary method of the new city lord of Profound King City, how to win an existence they needed to look up to.

To put it bluntly, they all came to see Bai Wenxin's jokes. By the way, they got a little familiar with Zhao Yueer.

"It wasn't someone who came to provoke the Lord of the City this time, but it's going to be unlucky. I really don't know the so-called. Do you think this is a place where everyone dares to make troubles"? This voice was very nice, full of gloating, it was the voice of Wang's Patriarch Wang Die, she actually ran up in person.

From knowing Tang Tiandao now, Tang Tian's actions again and again have impressed the woman Wang Die. He doesn't think that the white questioning heart can take the slightest advantage by running here.

"I heard that this person is very powerful. Thousands of sergeants can't help but do anything, and the Lord City Lord will use any means to win the opponent..." The Lin Family Patriarch also ran to join in the fun.

"Well, everyone will see it soon." This is Zhao Yueer's voice. No matter where or when she is in the temple, she is full of confidence in Tang Tian and loves it. One more worship.

In the yard, Bai Wenxin, who stood up, frowned when he heard the conversation outside, and vaguely felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this, but he will soon be thinking about it. Zhao Yue'er is now. This doubt was instantly thrown out of the clouds by him.

Squeak..., the wooden door of the yard was opened, and a large group of people filed in, and soon almost filled the small yard.

"That's this person? It doesn't seem to be great. The writing is weak and weak, and you have no power to bind a chicken at a glance." A woman who is over thirty years old, when she sees Bai Wenxin, she doesn't care who he is. . Let's slander first, even if Bai Wenxin is not what it looks like, but it doesn't matter what he does, it's important to curry favor with Lord City Lord.

"This is Bai Wenxin, who claims to come from a huge force called Haotian Sacred Land? It's true. I am not an opponent. Originally, when I got the news, I wanted to stop the opponent outside the city. Fortunately, Lord City Lord has returned." Asked solemnly. He saw the power of Bai Wenxin at a glance, and his heart was lingering.

"But no matter who he is. As long as he confronts Lord City Lord, it will be tragedy." This was Wang Die's voice.

Since she had contact with Tang Tian, ​​she had sent someone to check all the past after Tang Tian appeared in detail, and the information she got shocked her and was stunned at the same time. Tang Tian was not strong at first. The world that had just arrived entered a city, and then the city was flattened by the strong, and was hunted down, but the existence that was hunting him was almost killed and entered the Sword Sect. It seems that Sword Sect worshipped a chaos shortly after he appeared, which caused many people to decline in cultivation. Then they came to Profound King City. In the end, the three powers of Profound King City were deeply pitted, then Haas, and also because of Tang Tian’s The reason was pitted to death, and the latest information Wang Die obtained was that not long ago, Tang Tian seemed to take the people who worshiped the Sword Sect to the Bloody City, and then the Bloody City was not erased....

There are various signs that although many things seem to be unrelated to Tang Tian, ​​they all have a shocking reversal after his appearance, making Tang Tian be labeled as a disaster star in Wang Die's heart, and it is best not to provoke him!

"How is this going"? Bai Wenxin, who saw that something was wrong, squinted at Tang Tian and asked coldly.

Tang Tian stood up slowly and looked at Bai Wenxin with a smile: "As smart as you, can't it be seen?"

"You set the game to harm me? Haha, ridiculous, just rely on you"? Although Bai Wenxin couldn't understand it, she looked at Tang Tian with disdain and said, turning to Zhao Yue'er in the crowd and said: "Junior sister, we have met again. We haven't seen you for so many days, how are you doing? Don't you? , You disappeared after the catastrophe, how scared and worried I am"!

Bai Wenxin's words, if it were not, would think he and Zhao Yue'er had a good relationship, but the fact is that they have no relationship at all, everything is just Bai Wenxin's wishful thinking.

Zhao Yueer didn't even look at Bai Wenxin, walked to Tang Tian and asked softly: "Husband, how are you doing these days? Is everything going well?"?

Give Zhao Yue'er a relieved look, Tang Tian looked at Bai Wenxin and said, "Haotian Holy Land Bai Wenxin? Ask yourself, Tang Tian, ​​the city lord of Profound King City, the junior and sister Zhao Yueer you mentioned, is my wife, even though Don’t you come all the way to find my wife what to do, but do you think I will let you do what you want?"

Seeing Tang Tian and Zhao Yue'er hugging each other affectionately, Bai Wenxin's face was pale, with an unbelievable expression. She couldn't believe this fact. She looked at Zhao Yue'er and asked with a trembling voice: "Junior sister, what are you saying is true? Do you already have a husband? This is not keneng, all this is fake, you tell me, all this is fake"!

Zhao Yueer's beauty, the years did not leave a trace on her face, but became more and more beautiful. Saying that the allure of the country, the fish and the wild geese are all out of convention, and if she insists on using an adjective, she is simply banal from the immortal Linchen.

Since the first time I saw Zhao Yueer, Bai Wenxin was deeply attracted, and in the end the whole heart fell. The so-called love at first sight was nothing more than that, but the fault was that the Zhao Yueer whom he liked was already Tang Tian’s wife. , And the two share the same joys and sorrows, and there is no need to talk about their feelings. Bai Wenxin can only end in sadness in the end.

He came here to look for Zhao Yueer, not so much to complete the task assigned by the master, but rather to say that he himself wanted to come here, just to take a look at the face he was thinking about.

"I told you a long time ago that I have been married as a mistress. You don't listen. He is my husband Tang Tian. When the Holy Land was robbed, he took me back." Zhao Yueer said calmly, her eyes just A faint glance was placed on Tang Tian's body.

"This is not keneng, this is not keneng, how can this be keneng. How can he be keneng worthy of you? That's fine, that's all, if that's the case, I will kill him, junior sister, I like you, although if you kill him, maybe you will Sad and sad, but I really like you. In the future, I will spend ten whole lives to smooth out the pain in your heart and replace him..." Bai Wenxin first closed his eyes, and finally opened his eyes. It was already cold, watching Tang Tian almost gritted his teeth and said.

"He is my husband. When you say that you want to kill him, you are already a dead person in my heart. If my husband doesn't do anything, you will definitely die in my hands in the future." Zhao Yue'er looked at Bai Wenxin with a cold face and said, that voice was absolutely absolute. Like a cold wind condensed into a knife.

Zhao Yueer had been crazy because of Tang Tian, ​​what kind of love was that? How can you allow others to say something that threatens Tang Tian?

"It's useless, Junior Sister, the mistake is that I like you, and the mistake is that he shouldn't be your husband. I am better than him in everything. Only I am qualified to own you, so he will undoubtedly die. ..." Bai Wenxin said when she heard Zhao Yue'er's words, not only was she not angry, but calmed down.

"Okay. Originally, you took care of Yue'er and drove away some flies in the Haotian Holy Land. I gave you this opportunity to reminisce with Yue'er, but unfortunately you want to kill me, so this cause and effect is so offset. Now, it's time for me to deal with you." Tang Tian interrupted Bai Wenxin at this moment.

Bai Wenxin's expression stiffened, and she looked at Tang Tian and asked incredulously: "If I heard it right, you mean you want to deal with me? It's up to you? Hahaha, what a joke, who do you think you are? I want to kill. You, one finger is enough".

Tang Tian shook his head decisively and said: "Come on, now you are not a powerful monk, but an ordinary person. If it is not because you can't kill you now, I will kill you thousands of times based on what you said before. Got it".

After speaking, Tang Tian didn’t ask for nothing, but said to the soldier on one side: “Come here, **** him down, and remove everything from him. Don’t leave a single trace, lest he notify the people behind. Then, I handed him over to Zhao Qiang, let Zhao Qiang run around with the world, and not let him die. The people behind him thought that he should be dead or alive and general whereabouts, let him run, so as not to be behind him. People are suspicious"!

"You're looking for death..." Bai Wenxin was furious, and Tang Tian decided his destiny in a few words. How could he tolerate it as an arrogant man? He slapped it with a slap, but thought that his movement was a stagger, and he almost fell to the ground, suddenly he looked like hell!

"This is not keneng..." Bai Wenxin, who was flustered in his heart, wanted to take out his weapons from Qihai, but found that he couldn't feel Qihai at all, as if he were an ordinary person.

"What did you do to me? Why did I do this..." Bai Wenxin said in horror as she watched Tang Tian.

At this time, Bai Wenxin, to put it bluntly, is an ordinary person. As a powerful person at the life wheel level, it is no different even if the powerful body of this level has become an ordinary person. The sea of ​​Qi is even more sealed, and there is no strength. He is just an ordinary person now!

Faced with Bai Wenxin’s doubts, Tang Tian sneered: “Well, let you know it, don’t waste your time trying to get in touch with this state. I have given you some local specialties from my hometown. There is no antidote. If you do, you can only stay in this state for the rest of your life. Of course, you don’t deny that there is a great power to help you get in touch with this state.”

When talking about this, Zhao Yueer looked at Tang Tian and said in surprise: "Husband, you gave this guy that kind of food"?

Tang Tian nodded as an answer to Zhao Yueer, watching Bai Wenxin continue to say: "Tell you a story. In my hometown, um, it was like two years ago. There is a guy who is good at using poison and doesn't listen. My rule, using my own means to do evil, this man frantically searched for countless kinds of poisons and plants all over the world, and finally configured it into a colorless and odorless poison. This kind of poison only needs one drop, and it can be sprayed. All the creatures within a radius of a thousand miles are deprived of all their strengths. Even a behemoth with a size as large as a thousand miles can only become as fragile as a white rabbit after breathing this poison. That time, it will be as fragile as a white rabbit. It was said that it was a catastrophe, and countless creatures suffered. He wanted to overthrow my rule by this means. Indeed, I was also taken aback at the time, but he was wrong. He should not trust others. The plan made people write to him, and finally took him down to resolve the disaster. Naturally, this poison was controlled by me. Since this poison can make any strong person lose his ability, at that time my hometown The people named this poison Nostalgia, is it a very sad and beautiful name? It means that if someone misses himself as an ordinary person, he can come to take this poison, but unfortunately, this kind of poison One drop of the poison that can make the inner creatures lose all their abilities. You just took one drop by yourself, so don’t waste your energy. Whether it is your demeanor quality or other messy methods, you have been completely affected by this. This kind of medicine is suppressed. If there is no antidote, you will always be an ordinary person~lightnovelpub.net~ Tang Tian’s words sounded like a story, but after hearing it, everyone in the room rushed to the horror. If it were that Does this kind of medicine blend into the air? I am afraid that everything in the distance of the Profound King City as the center will become a little sheep without the slightest strength! The white question in front of you is the most proof. If he is strong, he has become a lamb to be slaughtered?

Everyone looked at Tang Tian in their eyes full of jealousy, this Tang Tian, ​​how many skills and methods Tang Tian has not revealed yet?

What other people think of Tang Tian, ​​he only has this crisis resolved by himself. He is relieved and also secretly glad that he came back in time. If he didn't arrive by himself, once Zhao Yueer was taken away, he would bring him there again. What kind of sacred place is in trouble, and who is that sacred place?

"I'll **** him down, just do what I just said, remember, don't let him stay in the same place for a long time, let him run..." Tang Tian ordered again.

"You, you dare to use such a despicable method against me, quickly give me the antidote, otherwise you can't bear the anger of my vast and holy land, my master has been paying attention to me, you..." Bai Wenxin was scared , Clamoring all the way, but no one cares... (to be continued...)