Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1356: Tai Chi Stars

The civilians in and around Profound King City were already desperate when the giant python attacked. No one thought they could survive this catastrophe. They had already begun to flee Profound King City, planning to flee their homes. However, it was suddenly discovered that all the pythons that came on the attack had been wiped out. No one could understand this feeling of restlessness.

After all, being able to live without having to die, and without leaving the country to open up a homeland again, is the greatest happiness for ordinary people. Moreover, Profound King City is able to withstand such fierce foreign impacts, not only has not been breached, but the other party is all punishable. Killing outside the city caused the people in Profound King City to have an extremely strong sense of confidence and dependence on Profound King City. It also created an unprecedented strong cohesion.

If Tang Tian issues an order at this time, even if it is likely to be wrong, I am afraid that not many people will oppose it. This is a kind of blind worship.

"what"? At this moment, Tang Tian let out a surprise. Under Zhao Yueer’s cold and uncomprehensible gaze, Tang Tian left the city wall in an instant, ran to the place outside the city where the magic coins dropped the most, and sat down cross-legged .

"Husband, this is..."? Leng Xue asked Zhao Yueer incomprehensibly, calling Tang Tian her husband in front of Zhao Yue'er. Leng Xue still felt a little shy and blushed. Although she and Zhao Yueer had served Tang Tian together, in the end Leng Xue could also say yes. Later, she grabbed Zhao Yueer's place in Tang Tian's heart, and felt a sense of guilt in her heart.

"Perhaps we are about to break through, let's go. We will protect my husband in the past, so that people who can't open their eyes will disturb him." Zhao Yueer said generously, and took Leng Xue's hand and flew towards Tang Tian.

After all, as the queen of a country, if Zhao Yueer didn't even have this tolerant attitude, she would have been blinded for so many years of experience. In the last ten years, what kind of situation has not been seen? Since Leng Xue and Tang Tian have become facts, she will not stop anything, not to mention that she tried her best to get Tang Tian to find more women...!

The fact is just as Zhao Yueer said. At this time, Tang Tian felt that his realm would immediately rise. After reaching the 214th level, it was equivalent to crossing a small realm. He was completely able to successfully practice the first round of the life wheel.

Outside the Profound King City, where the gods and demons were the densest, Tang Tian sat cross-legged. Looking inside the sea of ​​qi, the life wheel like Tai Chi slowly rotates in the sea of ​​qi, and the surrounding nine huge pillars of vitality light connect the sky and the earth one after another.

At this time, the yellow light pillars representing the earth system collapsed suddenly, turning into wisps of light to converge toward the life wheel, and finally merged into the yellow circle outside the life wheel.

When a whole beam of light is turned into a halo. That halo instantly solidified countless times, and as the sea of ​​qi boiled, the family of endless vitality, that halo began to condense in the process of solidification, and turned into small inscriptions. Like words, and stars.

When the entire halo became formed by countless points of light like stars. The first ring of Tang's fate wheel level is considered to be a successful promotion. The yellow halo surrounds the fate wheel, like a meteorite halo outside of the stars, slowly rotating, with an inexplicable power of celestial rotation!

In this promotion process, the vitality was consumed. Not only the vitality in the celestial qi sea poured into the halo, even the outside world, the dense gods and demons were broken and turned into strands of vitality into the qi sea, which guaranteed Tang Tianming. The round was promoted smoothly.

After Tang Tian's promotion was completed, with him as the center, within a hundred li, there was no longer a single **** and devil coin. You must know that after killing countless pythons, the **** and devil coin on the ground can be called a cushion. On the first floor, the number is incalculable, but when Tang Tian was promoted, he swept the gods and magic coins within a hundred li. One can imagine how terrifying his consumption is!

After Tang Tian’s first ring was successfully cultivated, the second type of source beam, the water source beam of light, also collapsed, turning into a semi-transparent halo covering the outer earth system runner of the life wheel, forming the first beam of light. The two auras are different from the earth-based auras in that the water-based auras are blue, like a vast ocean, and even the sound of waves can be heard.

"Is this the first round of consummation at the life chakra level? The life chakra, no layer of aura can carry an attack method, then I should let that kind of skill be carried on this life chakra"? At this time, Tang Tian was obviously thinking.

"The earth, nurturing all things, carrying the world, the so-called virtues, the thickness of the earth, the generosity of the earth, all tell the goodness of the earth, but the earth is violent at the same time, the earth shakes, the sky is turned upside down, and it is no less violent than others. Any strength, the earth carries violent and heavy weight, and it nurtures all things to carry the world. Tai Chi is perfect for practicing Tai Chi. Tai Chi, which looks weak but in fact, is extremely strong. It corresponds to the characteristics of the ground wheel, so Tai Chi Fist into the soil system runner," Tang Tian thought in his heart.

At the life wheel level of cultivation, each level can carry a means of attack, and every cultivation cheat has a cultivation method at this level, allowing a kind of ability to be integrated into the life wheel. Similarly, Tang Tian’s Nine Turns Profound Art There are also such cultivation methods, which are even more advanced than other cultivation methods of the same level.

At this time, the essence of Taijiquan was flowing in Tang Tian's heart, running nine turns of profound art to integrate it into the aura of the earth system.

I saw the earth halo surrounding the fate wheel in the sea of ​​qi, detached from the fate wheel, as if it turned into a sea of ​​stars, the little rays of light revolved along the mysterious trajectory and merged with each other. It turns into a huge Tai Chi ball, the whole body is earthy yellow, like a star celestial body, slowly rotating, it looks soft but contains a great power!

"That's it. In the future, you only need to constantly use the life wheel halo to evolve this Tai Chi star, and then you can continuously improve its ability," Tang Tian said to himself.

At the same time, Tang Tian got a prompt voice in his mind and said: "The ninth-level humane skill Taijiquan is integrated into the life wheel to form a new attack system. The skill is erased from the attribute panel. Please name the new ability. "!

"Huh? There is such a thing, and yes, nowadays, Taijiquan can no longer be regarded as a boxing method. It is naturally different from the past. In the final analysis, this is an evolution from Taijiquan. This kind of offensive ability, since this evolved from Taijiquan, then call this new offensive ability the Taiji Star," Tang Tian thought in his heart.

At the same time, the reminder sounded in its mind again: "The new ability is named successfully, Tai Chi stars"!

At the sound of the prompt, Tang Tian wondered in his heart. This newly created ability, named by Tang Tian as the attack skill of Tai Chi Stars, does not have the so-called level limit. You must know that in the past, the skills were divided into various levels, what? Basics, levels, ranks, humanity, a lot, but this new skill doesn't have such labels, which made Tang Tian wonder.

But when Tang Tian thought about it, he understood, and said in his heart: "In the end, all the skills at all levels were only extremely useful, but when it comes to the life wheel level, it is no longer a simple skill, but an attack method similar to magical powers. , To directly communicate the power of heaven and earth, cannot be described by a simple skill, and with the improvement of the realm, the power of this skill can continue to rise, naturally there is no clear level standard. At this level, you can fight. It’s not who has the more subtle use of skills, but who has the stronger understanding of various attributes. Of course, the use of skills has become richer according to personal understanding, regardless of a specific form"!

Tang Tian, ​​who had figured it out, was relieved. When he opened his eyes, he found that the sky was full of moon and stars. This level of improvement made him sit for half a day.

Not far away, Zhao Yueer and Leng Xue were paying close attention to Tang Tian's every move, the concern in their eyes was beyond words.

"It makes you worry, I'm fine," Tang Tian said, standing up and fancying the two women.

"Husband, how is the harvest?" Zhao Yueer walked by and asked, Leng Xue stood aside, fearing the same way as the wife's mistress.

Tang Tian stopped both of them in his arms and said with a smile: "The harvest is huge. Now I have been promoted to the realm of the first ring of the fate wheel, and I have smoothly integrated a skill into the runner. How can the specific power be returned? do not know".

When speaking, Tang Tian also sighed in his heart, these two people will be the ones he will guard in the future, and he must not be slack in the slightest, and must become stronger as soon as possible.

For Tang Tian, ​​who had no father or mother since his childhood, ~lightnovelpub.net~ Leng Xue and Zhao Yueer are his closest people, none of them.

"Well, that's good, right, my husband will go back to the Profound King City today or go to the mine side"? Leng Xue asked awkwardly, and at the same time she was hugged by Tang Tian with Zhao Yueer, she still couldn't let go.

"I won't go to the mine side today. I'll go there tomorrow morning. Let's go, let's go back to the city," Tang Tian said, holding the two of them towards the direction of Profound King City.

On the mine side, Evil Heart might have completed the formation at this time. With the protection of the formation, Tang Tian no longer worried about the safety there. After all, if the formation could not be maintained, it would be of no avail for him to go.

Hearing Tang Tian saying that they could not return to the mine, Zhao Yueer and Leng Xue glanced at each other subconsciously, and then separated their eyes, their faces bloomed with a blush, and they understood each other's intentions.

After all, no matter what, even if a few people stayed together, they gathered less and separated more. Zhao Yueer and Leng Xue didn't want to waste this rare opportunity.

Tonight is destined to sleepless, but Tang Tian enjoyed the blessings of the people amidst the shy exclamations of the two girls...! (Ahem, I have been warned by the editor, please make up your own brains, Amen...!)