Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1368: Ruthless years

The years are ruthless, and too many have been buried. Whether it is a stubborn stone, gold or iron, or a blood bone, none of them can escape the temper of the years, and they will eventually turn into the dust of history.

A sharp sword can only take away life, a sharp pen can only take away fame and fortune, and years are the sharpest sword in the world. He can take away all traces of existence, but it is the sharpest weapon.

In the long slaying of dragons, in the gray world, the people of Tangjiabao grew old and died one by one. The clothes they wore gradually turned into dust, and the weapons they wore quickly rusted and corroded, but who Did not notice that the warship under their feet remained unchanged and had not been tempered.

Maybe they noticed it, but they focused more on people, ignoring the warship under their feet.

Tang Hao, the eldest master of Tangjiabao, came here with three thousand Tangjiabao masters, three steel warships, several orderly elders, and a piece of Tangjiabao’s most precious Vulcan Cannon. At the same time as the mines, they wanted to kill the people here to regain the small things Tang Xin had lost. However, they could not even see the shadow of the enemy, and they were almost lost.

Let you be magnificent, let you be the best in the world, let you be famous all over the world, in the ruthless years, you will not be able to withstand the temper of time, and will eventually disappear in the long river of time.

The people in Tangjiapu have been crazy, resisted, yelled, shouted, and prayed, but in this ruthless geomantic array, they were all in vain. They couldn’t find their fate, so they could only watch. I'm old and turned into dust.

Soon after, everyone in Tangjiabao died one after another, one by one turned into dust, and the steel battleship fell to the ground because no one was urging them. Thousands of people, shortly after, only one old man who was going to die was still standing on the bow, looking at the gray world. The muddy eyes are desperate.

He is Tang Hao, the eldest master of Tangjiabao. The once vigorous spirit is no longer, the once arrogant and confident no longer. In the end, all that was left was fear and despair. He stood on the bow of the boat, recalling his short life. The hope that was placed on Tang Jiabao was on him, but he was about to die here soon. It was so ridiculous and helpless to be killed in a short period of time.

Even without seeing the shadow of the enemy, his Tang Jiabao's elite force died. In the end, there was only one him left, and in the end, he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He was too old. It is ridiculous that he is less than thirty years old...!

In Tang Hao’s desperate and helpless eyes, a person appeared in his line of sight. He was very young, and his eyes were not very sharp and peaceful, but the other person’s eyes were full of confidence, the confidence that everything is under control. , Tang Hao used to have it, but now he has no self-confidence. When he sees this person, he just feels cold all over.

"You...you...you...you do everything, right? Everything is you...you return my life, you return my youth, you return everything I have...", Tang Hao, who is about to die , Pointed at the other party and wanted to question loudly, but found that he didn't even have the strength to speak loudly.

He, as a strong man who became the eighth-level of the fate wheel before he was 30 years old, can be described as outstanding, but now he doesn't even have the strength to speak. How sad and desolate is this?

The person who walked into Tang Hao’s line of sight was not someone else. It was Tang Tian who had been following him. He had always seen what happened to Tang Jiabao. From the strong and confident at the beginning, to the anger and swearing at the back, to The despair and fear behind him saw everything in his eyes.

He was sighing in his heart. For years and time, he has a new understanding. Whether you are outstanding or dominate the world, you will eventually turn into a pile of loess and dust. Even Tang Tian thought in his heart, maybe for a long time. After a long time, I will disappear in the long river of history, time will erase all traces of my existence, and the years will be ruthless and no one can help.

He would not be pessimistic and afraid, because the experience of his life made Tang Tian clearly understand that this is a natural law, and no one can resist, so there is no need to be pessimistic, and there is no need to fear and escape.

When he came to Tang Hao, he saw the other party’s dying appearance. Tang Tian sighed, "Do you know? Actually, my surname is Tang. Although I don’t come from a place, it was originally because of the face of our surname. , I won’t embarrass you, but, first Tang Xin wanted to take over my mine. In the end, I didn’t kill him and let him go. I took the armored warship, just to remind you, why Don’t listen? You’re here again later, Xingshi’s questioning is aggressive, I didn’t take action, because we are all named Tang, because we are all humans, until now I haven’t taken action, and the reason why I stand up is not because I want to be a winner. What does my attitude tell you, I just want to say, if you don’t come to provoke me, none of this would have happened in the first place."

"You...you...you..." Tang Hao pointed to Tang Tian, ​​speechless, regretful in his heart, originally he still had a wonderful life, originally he still had many dreams and ambitions, but now , All in all, it's too late to regret.

As Tang Tian said, they asked for everything, no wonder others.

In the end, Tang Hao closed his eyes with unwillingness and regret, and fell to the ground. His body quickly decayed and weathered, turned into dust, and disappeared into the world. All traces of existence were erased. This is the time. Power, ruining life, silently.

"Hey..." With a light sigh, Tang Tian groaned in his heart, the years are merciless, the years are merciless.......

Although he can appreciate what happened to the people in Tangjiabao, Tang Tian will not give up what he should take. The two complete steel warships are taken away and equipped in the army. The combat effectiveness and deterrence of the army will be greatly improved. .

The reason why these two steel warships were okay was of course not because they could withstand the invasion of time, but because Tang Tian made hands and feet in them and they were able to be preserved. In the end, Tang Tianyou found the place where Tang Hao disappeared. A storage ring found the Vulcan Cannon. Except for the Vulcan Cannon, everything else is no longer usable. Perhaps it is a special problem with the material of the Vulcan Cannon, which has not changed due to the invasion of the years.

"In addition, if the broken steel battleship is repaired, I will have four steel battleships in my hand. If the three pieces of equipment obtained can be mass-produced, they can be equipped in the army. The combat effectiveness of the army can at least match The fighting power of the powerful at the order level will greatly increase. If both the organ armor and the Vulcan cannon can be made..." Tang Tian planned in his heart. To the end. He suddenly felt that if everything was what he wanted in his heart. It's not that there is no opportunity to use the army to kill the powerhouse at the level of Dao Talisman!

But that said, he has a long, long way to go, and now everything is just imagination.

With the trophy, Tang Tian left the formation. With the black flag given by the evil heart, he can come and go freely in the formation, without being attacked by the formation.

After leaving the formation, Tang Tian did not participate in the battle in the formation, but found a place to get the drawings of the Vulcan Cannon and the three things. The three things are okay, and it is troublesome to make. But after a period of research, mass production can be achieved. But the Vulcan Cannon did not work. Like the armor previously obtained from Tang Xin, this kind of thing has almost developed to the extreme, and it is almost impossible to copy. In the end, only production can be simplified, and the power will be greatly inferior to the prototype of the Vulcan Cannon.

This also made Tang Tian helpless. He couldn't get the good things in his hands. He could only call Naihe for nothing, but he also understood that it was the culmination of not knowing how many years others had done, and only one thing came out. Is it possible for people to come out casually?

Tangjiabao has three great treasures, and now two of them have fallen into Tang Tian's hands, and even three of the steel battleships have fallen into Tang Tian's hands. I don't know how the other party would be angry if they knew the news.

When Tang Tian sorted out all this, he wanted to give Lin Tao the drawing to let the Lin family find a way to make these things, but found that Lin Tao no longer knew where he was going, and finally found out in the formation. After the opponent's figure, he was leading the Lin family to kill the alien.

"He will find a place, but it's okay so that all forces that enter the formation don't even want to go out and beat out the prestige of My Profound King City. At that time, see who still thinks the idea of ​​playing here." Tang Tian secretly said in the heart of them who were fighting in the formation.

Originally, Tang Tian also wanted to enter the formation to hunt the alien races, but after thinking about it, it’s not necessary. Although killing them can improve his level, they are limited, and he has to risk being killed by the opponent. The danger of death is not worth it at all. The forces that come here can't be the same people, there are few levels of order, and they don't get much experience if they are killed. They simply let the formation itself clean up them.

With the passage of time, one force after another disappeared in the formation forever, most of them were killed by the formation itself, and less than one-third of them could walk through the first formation. Not every force is as lucky as the Bauhinia Principality. There is a character who specializes in restraining evil dragons. Even fewer have walked through the second layer of the formation. The blood knives are rolling, and too many blood bones are ruined. The forces that had passed the second layer of formation by chance, when they came to the third layer, this place would become their final cemetery, and they were all buried here without any exception.

In addition, Zhao Qiang led the army and the Lin family to attack and kill, one force after another remained in the formation forever, and it was impossible to go out again.

Especially in the outside world, there are many existences who are watching, some are the real leaders of the forces who have entered the formation, and some are those who are in a wait-and-see state. When they find that those who have entered the formation have never gone out again, Only then did I panic, and never dared to enter rashly.

Among the formations, in a corner of the gray world, Du Guang, the prince of the Bauhinia Principality, looked desperate, and a pile of dust around him was drifting away with the wind. It was the last trace left by General Ailuo, struggling in this gray world for a long time. , In the end, Ailuo died, living and dying in the formation.

Hundreds of thousands of people entered the formation, and in the end only Du Guang was left. He was desperate and inexplicable.

At this time, he looks like he is in his thirties. Originally he was only about twenty years old, but now he looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties. The reason he didn’t die was because of the fruit. Because of this, he ate all the fruits, so that he could live to the present and not die.

"I am not reconciled. I will not die here. I still have too many dreams that have not been realized. I still have the throne of the Bauhinia Principality. I have not taken the throne from any woman. My Holy Light Beast Soul has not yet been able to. With the most urging light blooming, I will not die..." the elder prince Du Guang roared in his heart, unwilling to die here like this, using the last time of his life to make struggling efforts.

He ran as fast as he could, advancing toward the depths of the formation, panicking, not looking at his surroundings at all, and wanting to get out of this world, but the fear of this formation was brought out by Feng Shui. In addition to being able to get out easily with Feng Shui, you can only find the source of the formation, other than that, you will always be lost in this formation.

Du Guang, who was in a panic, didn't know how long he ran or how far he ran. A little bit of strength disappeared from him. The years left traces on him. He began to grow old again. In the event of an accident, he will be killed in it soon.

Just when he was desperate, one inadvertently turned over and fell into an abyss. He could fly easily with his ability, but he was desperate at this moment and felt that ~lightnovelpub.net~ might just die like this. It’s a little better now, so I don’t struggle anymore.

However, when he fell down and waited to die, the scene changed in an instant, and he suddenly appeared in a strange place. Here, all around are mines, and the world is no longer static and gray, but full vitality.

At this moment, dozens of pairs of eyes were looking at him.

"This guy is lucky, he got out of the formation I set up by mistake," Xie Xin said with an unhappy curled lips after seeing Du Guang.

Tang Tian said that as long as human beings let the opponent fend for themselves in the formation, if it weren't for this sentence, the evil heart would not have let the opponent out of the formation, and controlled the formation early and played the opponent in it.

"Where are you? Who are you? By the way, you are the ones who arranged those **** formations, right? Return my subordinate's life..." Du Guang, who reacted, suddenly went crazy, fancy evil heart. Waiting for the savage face and furiously said.

"You should consider your situation first. If you don't want to get better, you won't be able to live long even if you step out of the formation..." Tang Tian stood up and looked at Du Guang and said calmly...!