Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1455: bombing!

With everyone's surprised eyes, Tang Tian said: "Today is a good weather, and the scorching sun is sky. Those evil skeletons will definitely sleep in the ground and won't come out. This gives us a good opportunity."

Immediately, Tang Tian waved his hand and a large box with a diameter of three meters appeared in the tent. He pointed to the box and said, "Zhao Qiang, you open the box."

After Zhao Qiang opened the box suspiciously, he found that there were densely packed black **** the size of glutinous rice dumplings. He looked at Tang Tian in surprise, and his eyes flashed with joy.

"Yes, this is the black thunder that I let Lin Tao speed up to make during this period of time. One threw out, can produce a huge explosion, and unexpectedly kills a strong man at the life wheel level. No need to say it, inside this box , A full 10,000 pieces, and this black mine, this time I have brought a hundred boxes, a full one million black mines, enough to blow up the entire skull tomb, I think, experience a million black mines After the bombing, there are not many of the skeleton tombs capable of fighting anymore. At that time, our 90,000 army was afraid that we would not be able to get a skeleton tomb." Tang Tian looked at Hei Zi Lei in the box and said.

Hearing Tang Tian's words, the eyes of everyone present flashed a little bit of astonishment. He didn't expect that Tang Tian was even ready for this.

Shaking his head, Tang Tian said: "I understand what you are thinking. Last night, the Skeleton Tomb came too suddenly. I came before I had time to equip the Heizi Lei, otherwise there would not be nearly 10,000 sergeants. Died".

This is a heavy topic, and no one talks about it in depth. Instead, Tang Tian said again: "In addition, I have brought 10,000 cloud-piercing bows. At that time, after some Heizilei baptism. The sergeant is equipped with cloud-piercing bows. , As long as there are strong skeletons who rush out, they will be taken down by several kinds of firepower."

"Your Majesty, it's much easier to have these things. The final petition will lead an army to surround the tomb of the skeletons. Eliminate them all," Zhao Qiang said excitedly. With these things, the tomb of the skeletons is still a fart.

"Don't be careless, it's unrealistic to disperse troops to surround it. The skull tomb is so large that our 90,000 army alone is not enough to encircle it. We can only rush in with our troops, but too concentrated forces will not work. Let's The 90,000 army is divided into nine groups, not too far apart from each other, rushing in, destroying the entire skeleton tomb in one fell swoop," Tang Tian said at last.

To be honest, Tang Tian is not a military genius, and these plans he made are too clumsy, not to mention the two guys who were good at layout, Wang Deming and Song Ci. Only Zhao Daniu and others who have been fighting for many years are probably better than Tang Tian, ​​and each has its own strengths. It is impossible to be perfect in all aspects.

After some discussions, it was decided that the final decision was made. One million Heizi Lei was distributed among the 90,000 army, and 10,000 cloud-piercing bows were also equipped. Riding on the scorching sun, the 90,000 army set off in mighty force. He rushed towards the skull grave.

But at this moment, there was dead silence in the tomb of the skeletons. Under the scorching sun, these evil creatures living in the dark didn't like to wander out under the scorching sun. Sunlight can restrain their dark attributes, staying in the hot sun for a long time will not only affect the combat effectiveness of the skeletons, but also affect their lives.

The skull tombs were covered with countless graves, large and small, and the black earth was always covered with a layer of black clouds, but under the sun's rays, the black clouds were almost dispersed.

In the dark castle in the center, the Skeleton King sat on the throne and roared: "Trash, trash, black bones, the trash, small humans can't deal with it. He was killed by the opponent and lost 50,000 skeleton cavalry. It's just waste".

"Master Skeleton King, now is not the time to lose your temper. The scorching sun is in the sky, and those humans are not fools. They will surely lead the army to rush and kill when the sun is in the middle of the sky. How should we deal with it now?" Below, a skeleton in a cloud of black mist spoke.

"Do they dare? There are a million skeletons in my skull tomb. As long as the opponent dares to come, I will keep them back and forth. What if the scorching sun is in the sky? Ten times the number of them will pile up the opponent, the opponent It’s dead if you don’t come. If you don’t come, when night falls, this king will personally rush over with a million army, eat their flesh and drink their blood,” the Skeleton King roared, his voice cold and ferocious.

"Report to Master Skeleton King, that gang of humans have been killed..." At this moment, a skeleton rushed in to report.

With the voice of the report, even in this castle, you can feel the ground shaking.

"Hmph, you dare to come, then you don't have to go, you all listen to me, call out all the skeleton soldiers, if anyone doesn't come out to fight, I will tear him down alive", the Skeleton King roared, all of a sudden from the throne Stood up.

"Yes..." all the skeletons present replied in unison, leaving quickly to prepare for the battle.

"Huh, little human beings, do you really dare to deal with my skeletons when the sun is in the sky? It's too simple...the dark sky...", in the castle, the Skeleton King roared, and eight chains of order leaped into the sky, charging. Out of the dark castle, standing between the sky and the earth, intertwined with each other, and finally exploded, turning into a billowing dark cloud, covering the sun from the sun, leaving the entire hundreds of miles of skeleton tombs in the dark. .

Outside the tomb of the skeletons, with the head of Tang Tian, ​​an army of 90,000 rushed forward. When he saw an evil black cloud like a block of lead blocking the sun from the sun, Tang Tian ordered: "Bai Yunfei, disperse these dark clouds for me. ".

"Accomplished..." Bai Yunfei replied, rising to the sky, righteousness song chanted, the vast voice echoed between the heavens and the earth, arousing the mighty righteousness between the heavens and the earth, and it fell from the nine heavens with great impact. Dark clouds covering the tomb of skulls.

Haoran righteousness is more powerful in the daytime, especially under the sunshine of the sun, it is more powerful, righteousness meets in the evil clouds and mist, like a burning ice, the sound of chick is constantly sounding, and the billowing clouds are dissipated. In the end, the dark clouds could not even withstand the sun's rays, and the sun penetrated the clouds and hit the tombs of the skeletons.

Kakaka...At this moment, among the skull tombs, the ground cracked, and a skeleton frame turned out of the mud. On the pale skeleton frame, there was a little bit of flesh that didn’t even rot. Disgusting.

Endless skeletons crawled out, with human skeletons and animal skeletons, and soon formed a sea of ​​skeletons in the tomb of skeletons, which seemed to make the scalp numb.

However, at this time, the dark clouds above the sky were dissipated, the sun shone in the big day, and under the bright sun, black smoke appeared on the skeleton frames, as if they were about to burn.

"Kill..." Tang Tian pointed at the long sword in his hand, and an army of ninety thousand rushed out and rushed towards the skull grave.

The Second Legion was divided into nine groups, each with 10,000 people, all holding Heizi Thunder, and when they rushed out, Heizi Thunder was thrown out, and they were thrown to places with many skeletons.

Boom boom boom boom boom..., the endless Hei Zi Lei was thrown into the skeleton shelf and exploded. Countless skulls were immediately blown into bone dregs. You must know that every Hei Zi Lei could kill one if he was caught off guard. The powerhouses at the life wheel level are now densely thrown away. The skeletons that have just crawled out of the ground have already lost their combat effectiveness under the sun. After such a sharp, there is no reason why they can't die in pieces.

Boom boom boom..., wherever the army passed, the skeleton frame shattered, fragmented into pieces, the sunspot thunder exploded, the ground was overturned several floors, and the nine army rushed past, like nine sharp sharp knives. Entering the ocean of skeletons, wherever they go, the skeletons shatter one after another.

"Damn it, kill me, kill all the humans", a roar rang from the skeleton tomb, and eight black chains of order lifted into the sky again, turning into a billowing cloud trying to block the sun.

But Bai Yunfei didn't give the other party a chance, and aroused Hao Ran's righteousness, washed it past, and washed away the dark clouds.

An army of 90,000 rushed into the sea of ​​skeletons, and Heizi Lei threw out. Wherever he went, the skeletons were all turned upside down. They were blown into bones and dregs. They were harvested in slices like a sickle harvesting wheat.

"Damn, are you all dead? Attack me and kill all humans", the Skeleton King roared.

Ho Ho Ho..., the next moment, an angry roar sounded, dozens of dark silhouettes rushed out, all of them were incomparably powerful skeletons, humanoids, beasts, and all were powerful in order.

"What I'm waiting for is now ~lightnovelpub.net~Bai Yunfei grinned, and the righteousness song was quickly recited, and the awe-inspiring righteousness descended and merged into the 90,000 army, so that every sergeant glowed with silver light. Fear of these evil skeletons.

Kakaka, a sound of bowstring pulling sounded, and the 10,000 crossing bows hidden in the army were pulled apart. With the blessing of awe-inspiring righteousness, each cloud-piercing arrow bloomed with silver light.

Swishw..., a total of tens of thousands of cloud-piercing arrows shot out, like a rain of silver light, concentrated on the dozens of strong skeletons and shot past.

Boom boom boom..., in front of the cloud-piercing arrow that blessed the awe-inspiring righteousness, there were thirteen order-level skeletons that were instantly killed, shattered into bones and dregs, and the rest was not pleased. Haoran was righteous. It was their nemesis, the evil methods were used, and they were wiped out by Haoran's righteousness.

Under the scorching sun, the tomb of the skeletons really turned into a tomb, but it was the tomb of the skeleton family. The army rushed past, and the skeletons were smashed into pieces, blessing the awe-inspiring soldiers, it is simply the nemesis of the skeletons... . (To be continued...)

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