Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1634: Strong

Ji Ya led five small teams to forcefully occupy the carts and horses controlled by the Redstone Society, and took over the business here. "

The same scene also appeared in another place in the town of natural disasters. Rei Ribbon brought five small team treasures to a small courtyard. Here, after the original Black Snake Club personnel introduced it, it was a name in the town of natural disasters. For the pheasant dens controlled by the Hongsha Gang, some disadvantaged women are forced to engage in skin and meat business, and the income is considerable.

"The town of natural disasters is indeed a place to hide dirt and grime. Even this kind of sordid thing forcing her to be done, rushed in, killed all the Hongsha Gang here, and let those women regain their freedom." , Liz gritted her teeth.

Although she has not experienced too many things, as a girl, encountering such things is intolerable, and she must rescue such a miserable woman.

Her order made the team hesitate. Lisi couldn’t see through many things, but they knew it. One of the team leaders cautiously said: "Head Lisi, we dare not violate your order, but, Have you ever thought that Master Feilong asked us to come here to take over the business of the Hongsha Gang, not to destroy this place."

"You, don't you have the heart to watch the tragic fate of the captured woman? Yes, you used to be engaged in this kind of thing, but don't you even listen to my orders?"? Lisi said in a deep voice.

"Head Lisi, we dare not disobey your order, but have you ever thought about it, even if it’s abandoning Master Flying Dragon’s order, don’t you think that if we destroy this place, those women can be rescued, but , As a weak woman like them without the slightest strength. What else can they do if they lose such a business? What do they use to survive in this chaotic town of natural disasters? Perhaps you can say that we need manpower there, they can. Do some things to support yourself, but how many such women are there in the entire natural disaster town? Do you want to rescue them one by one? Also. We are a mercenary group, not a philanthropist, and it is impossible for Master Feilong to raise How many of these useless women can be raised even if they are raised? Besides, do you really think that all the women in them are persecuted? Leader Lisi, please think twice.", The talking team leader said bitterly.

his words. Let Lisi be there for a moment. She didn’t think about it before. She just felt that women should be set free when they suffered such a tragic fate, but after that, they didn’t think about how they survived. After this team leader Such a reminder made her at a loss instead.

She is not a fool, she will soon understand a lot of things. This is the helplessness of this world, she can't change anything. I can only adapt to the rules of this world, take a deep breath and say: "I understand, take action, get rid of the people of the Red Sand Gang, take over here, in the future. Let such a woman get better, at least, not Treat them like people from the Red Sand Gang."

After making a decision, the next thing is much easier, five teams of people. Led by Lisi, they rushed in. The people of the Red Sand Gang killed them when they refused to accept it. Finally, they took over the place strongly, and then moved to the next place.

In the town of natural disasters, there are too many such influential small forces. They control some small transactions and obtain not many benefits, but they add up to a huge number. The three-headed dragon's plan is Take these scattered small transactions in your own hands.

One place after another was taken over by members of the Green Leaf Mercenary Group, it would definitely provoke the bosses of these forces, but in front of Lisi Jiya who has obtained powerful skills, these little bosses are no longer their opponents. , Suppressed forcefully, killed those who dissatisfied, and used **** and cruel means to accept one sale after another.

Although some powerful people were also provoked, there were three flying dragons in secret, and there were no dangers. In just one day, at least fifteen places outside the town of natural disasters were taken over by the Green Leaf Mercenary Corps. , There are six or seven small forces that have become the past, and have been erased from the town of natural disasters forever.

The businesses of these fifteen locations, if integrated, can bring the Green Leaf Mercenary Group one or two hundred thousand gods and magic coins every day. After a month, it is also a huge gain.

The teams involved in this matter are all silent in the joy of success. Sure enough, they still have to follow the strong to do big things, instead of bullying ordinary people like before. Moreover, the profit of the Luye Mercenary Group is higher. The better the rewards they get, the better the welfare and the more motivated they are.

Tang Tian, ​​who was observing all this in secret, shook his head and smiled helplessly. It is undeniable that this method of the three-headed flying dragon can expand its territory and increase revenue in a short period of time, and its influence is also increasing, but in the long run. Look, the three-headed flying dragon is digging holes for itself, and the consequences will be serious.

The expansion of the site can get huge benefits, but correspondingly, the place where it is taken over needs manpower to manage it, right? Does the Luye Mercenary Group have so many people to manage it? Even if there are so many people, does the manager have experience in managing the business? Moreover, how much of these businesses that have been taken over by force can really be in their hands? Let others be forced to surrender, but will they not profit from it? The three-headed flying dragon took these things too simple.

In the resident of the Green Leaf Mercenary Corps, in an inconspicuous house, the three-headed flying dragon found Tang Tian and reported the results of the day, saying: "Master, in one day today, Lisi and Ji Ya, with ten The team, with my secret help, took over the business of fifteen other small forces, and each day's income can be more than one or two hundred thousand gods and magic coins. If this continues, the Luye Mercenary Group will have financial support and grow. Just around the corner".

The three-headed flying dragon that originally thought it would be appreciated, but in exchange for Tang Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly. He only listened to Tang Tian's words: "Xiao Fei, you see all this too simply. Indeed, you are behind you. Everything went smoothly. If you win these places, you can get huge wealth. But, have you ever thought about it? Can you think of such a way? In the natural disaster town, other powerful forces can't think of it? They can also pass With such a method, these fragmented businesses are in their own hands and huge wealth is obtained. However, they have not done so. Do you know why?"

The three-headed flying dragon was surprised. He did not think of so much. Yeah, I can think of such a way, can others not think of it? Why didn't others do it? Bowing his head, the three-headed flying dragon smiled bitterly and asked: "Master, I really can't think of the key to this, please specify."

Tang Tian didn’t blame him for anything, because the three-headed flying dragon itself is not a good scheming person, and it is reasonable for many things to be unclear. This is also the reason why Tang Tian did not leave. Before he had a little bit of strength, Tang Tian had to stay and point him. Although Tang Tian didn't know much himself, he naturally knew some after experiencing the exaggeration of various conspirators in the last ten years.

"The town of natural disasters is a chaotic place, and various forces are intricate, and many of them can completely wipe out the existence of these small forces, but they did not take all the business in the town of natural disasters into their own hands, not because they did it. No, but because there is no need at all. The town of natural disasters is chaotic, and it is inevitable to form such a pattern of existence of countless forces, large and small. This is a law, and you should not use this method to destroy him. , But you should control him according to this law and learn how others do it. Strong subjugation is the correct way, but you are using the wrong way." Tang Tian nodded and said.

"I used the wrong way"? The three-headed flying dragon asked without knowing it, and didn't understand what was wrong with him. Isn't it the most correct way to take over those businesses forcefully, with everything under control?

"Yes, you used the wrong method. Think about it. How many forces, large and small, are there in this natural disaster town? There are 800 without a thousand, right? But why do they always exist? Rarely true No one can hold all of this in their hands? Wrong, many people are there, but why didn’t they do it? Because there is no need, chaos is the law of the town of natural disasters, and there is no need to destroy him at all, but, think To get your own benefits in this chaos, strength is inevitable, but you don’t have to use a strong posture to control these little things~lightnovelpub.net~ If you use the right method, you don’t need to be so tired to get what you didn’t expect. Wealth," Tang Tian said in a deep voice.

The three-headed flying dragon still doesn't understand, with a blank face, since it wants to be strong, why should the natural disaster town be chaotic?

"Xiao Fei, have you ever thought about how the transcendent forces in other natural disaster towns do it? You can see it without too much thought," Tang Tian said, shook his head, saying that it's not worth it. Understand, let him a little speechless.

"What did others do?" The three-headed flying dragon frowned and thought about it seriously. There was a little clue in his mind, but it didn't focus on me. What should I do to get huge wealth without expending these efforts?

"Let’s not talk about this, let me talk about it again. Although what you are commanding today is correct, it cannot be done like this. It will cause immeasurable consequences. Maybe you haven’t noticed it. Strong, it’s not used like this. It’s true. The strength is not to be used in these useless places," Tang Tian said, shaking his head.

"Master, I still don't understand..." The three-headed dragon shook his head, completely at a loss... (To be continued...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)