Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1651: The origin of the town of natural disast

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Observing Linna's face, Barodo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there anything wrong with the town of natural disasters?"

"It's not just wrong, it's simply too wrong," Linna said with a wry smile, and then explained with a heavy face. "The town of natural disasters, I think you have heard of some deeds more or less? Don't talk about other things, just You must have heard of the three things, the blood spirit fruit, the resurrection grass and the star iron, which are produced every year. You must know that each occurrence of these three things will cause a sensation." ^_^Book·Book·First·Publish·Enlightenment·Book·Web ωωω.мм^_^++++

Tang Tian on the side, after hearing Linna’s words, he fully understood the three specialties of the natural disaster town. In addition to the blood spirit fruit, the other two are called resurrection grass and star iron. They are not easy to know by their names. .

"I heard that not long ago, His Majesty the Great rewarded me with a blood spirit fruit, allowing me to heal many years of hidden illness," Barodo nodded and said from the side.

"Although I haven't seen it, I have heard of all three things," Siwa also nodded and said.

"That's right," said Linna, a long sword long in length appeared in Linna's hand. The long sword was blue all over, with white light flashing on it. Seeing this long sword, it seemed to face the entire starry sky. Generally, giving people a feeling of vastness, Linna, who took out the long sword, continued: "This star sword in my hand is forged from the star iron produced in the town of natural disasters. For this, I spent most of my life. Savings".

Tang Tian at the side was silent, not understanding what they were talking about, and did not interrupt.

"What does this have to do with the so-called natural disaster town and the bloodthirsty mosquitoes outside"? Barodo asked Tang Tian's doubts.

"It's a big deal," Linna put away her sword and said, watching the wave of bloodthirsty mosquitoes outside, she said: "The town of natural disasters, since you know the three specialties, you should probably know where it is. It used to be a country in history. But the legend has disappeared in a natural disaster, just like the current disaster."

Speaking of this, Linna said leisurely: "When I was buying the star iron produced in the town of natural disasters, I specifically looked for some historical documents to learn about the town of natural disasters. These are not secrets, everyone knows. I will say next. It’s something you may not know."

In Linna’s narration, the thoughts of Tang Tian and others seemed to have been taken into the long river of history. No one would have thought that the natural disaster town had so many things happening in history. If Linna hadn’t said it, who Do not know at all.

According to legend, the town of natural disasters was originally a huge imperial capital. Once the empire was much larger than the Hungarian-Pakistan empire that was destroyed by the Fire Dragon Empire, but it did not reach the level of ruling the entire magical civilization.

It is such a huge country, but one day in history, it has completely disappeared from time. Life and soul are dead. No one knows what is going on. These things can be found by a caring person, such as the mosquitoes that are happening now. A disaster like a natural disaster.

but. What people don't know is the history of the natural disaster town. I want to go back ten thousand years, that is to say, in a period older than the once glorious Fire Dragon Empire, a major event happened in the town of natural disasters.

Ten thousand years ago, it was the period when the magic civilization reached its peak. Various geniuses emerged in an endless stream, and the secret forbidden curse was created by people one after another. It can almost be said that during that period, human beings were the masters, and the gods appeared in this world and were killed by humans who mastered powerful magic. It was a magnificent era.

But, anyway. After all, human beings are human beings, no matter how powerful you have mastered, they are still human beings. If you are human, you will die, and you cannot live forever. Death is the final outcome.

But what if people who have mastered a powerful force are so willing to die? As a result, there are countless geniuses trying to study the law of immortality, but many years have passed, no one has succeeded, and the bright era has gradually ended. One after another strong men died one after another. After all, people still live forever as if they can't be absorbed.

Until one day, a genius magician, a lunatic, and an outstanding lunatic put forward a conjecture that a person's lifespan always has a limit, so what if it takes other people's life to supply oneself? Can I get immortality by myself?

After he had an idea, the lunatic took action and devoted himself to studying this conjecture. He started experimenting with animals, drawing blood and flesh of animals, and so on. He failed, but instead made himself inhuman.

This incident did not arouse people’s attention. Until tens of thousands of years ago, when people were about to forget about this lunatic, he was born. I don’t know what secret method was used to absorb the lives of tens of thousands of people, and he survived. , Became young again, and threatened that as long as he followed him, everyone would have eternal life.

Such a lunatic survives by taking the lives of others. How can the world tolerate him? Because he himself is a dying person, every time his life is extended, it takes countless lives to survive, and the next time he needs life energy is more than ten times that of the previous one. If he continues his life several times, the world will not Someone may survive.

As a result, the hidden old monsters were dispatched one after another to jointly annihilate the madman, triggering an unprecedented battle.

The current world may not know that battle, but the top hegemonic power of the Mage’s Guild has vague records. It is called the Battle of World Destruction. In that battle, countless powerful people participated in the battle and succeeded in order to be able to Destroy that lunatic.

At that time, the magic civilization was beaten and disintegrated after that battle. There were countless potential races, such as the dragon family, the elven family, the dwarves, the titans, the Bimon, etc., all joined that battle, and the earth fell apart.

In the end, the madman was killed by the powerful of various races in the magical civilization, and his body was sealed forever.

After that battle, the vitality of the various races that participated in the war was greatly injured. The dragons were almost dead. The elves escaped deep in the mountains because of the small number of people. The dwarves lurked underground. The human race was able to survive because of its extremely strong fertility, and thus ruled the world.

The civilization inheritance of the human race is different from that of the alien race. The human race is passed on by learning from the experience of the predecessors. Most alien races are passed on by word of mouth or by life. In addition, the fertility is not strong, and the earth is eventually ruled by humans.

Few people knew about the battle, and most of the words passed down were obliterated in history.

If Linna hadn’t bought the star iron in the town of natural disasters, she probably wouldn’t have been to learn about that period of history. After understanding, she came to the conclusion that the body of the lunatic was sealed in the town of natural disasters. Deep in the earth in the distance.

"Do you know? The town of natural disasters originally didn't have any special products, but because it was once the center of the battle, it was the place where the lunatic was sealed, so the blood of countless strong people nourished the earth and grew blood spirit fruit. This kind of fruit, because countless creatures died there, and things such as resurrection grass grew, and the so-called star iron was not naturally generated, but in the historical war, countless powerful people were united in energy, and they would be proud of each other. The smelting of weapons against the madman left behind fragments. This is the origin of the three specialties of the town of natural disasters.” After saying this, Linna paused and said: “The empire in the original history, I don’t know who understood it. In the previous battle, I wanted to find the corpse of the madman who was sealed, but finally accidentally unlocked a bit of the seal. Natural disasters came and the empire disappeared, not to mention, it exudes the **** breath of countless years that have been sealed underground. This has caused the blood fog in the town of natural disasters. This is the origin of the town of natural disasters."

Hearing all this, Tang Tian's heart was also ups and downs. He didn't expect that this magical civilization had such a glorious past.

But at this time Barodo changed his face and said in a deep voice: "If you say this, doesn't it mean that the mosquitoes outside are caused by the madman who was sealed in history? What does he want to do?"

"It is already obvious. Since the madman is known as an immortal existence in history, the sealed corpse probably still wants to resurrect, and these mosquitoes are probably the things he released to absorb life energy." Siwa's face was a little ugly. Said.

What this means is already obvious. This is no longer a matter of a single person. Maybe it’s a matter of the entire magical civilization, it’s a matter of the entire world. Once the lunatic is resurrected successfully, the entire magical civilization or even the entire The big world will fall into disaster.

Of course, the possibility of spreading to the entire big world is very small. After all, this big world is too big, who knows that there is a terrifying powerhouse hidden in that corner? The entire magical civilization is equivalent to the big world ~lightnovelpub.net~ but it is just a dust in the starry sky.

"This matter must be reported to His Majesty the Great, otherwise, it will be a disaster for our entire civilization," Barodo said with a frown. Although this is just a few mosquitoes appearing, this matter should not be taken carelessly.

Speaking of this, Barodo looked at Tang Tian and said: "Brother Tang Tian, ​​the outside has been blocked by Mosquitoes, and the news is impossible to pass. Next, I will borrow the fire dragon token in your hand."

What else can Tang Tian say? Originally, I just wanted to gain a firm foothold in the natural disaster town and slowly develop. I knew I would encounter such a thing, and I got stuck in it.

He took out the fire dragon token given by Burning Heaven Emperor Shameruo and handed it to Barodo.

Barodo, who had obtained the fire dragon token, did not see what he was doing. He just saw that the black token lighted up, and then there was nothing unusual. Then Barodo handed the token to Tang Tian and said: " I have passed the message to your majesty, and your majesty will be here soon. This time, thanks to Brother Tang Tian, ​​who has your majesty's token in his hand, otherwise..."! (To be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)