Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1656: news

Fa Hai is very strong, even if Tang Tian knows that the other party is not doing anything good with him, he can't do anything about it. After all, what if he meets someone standing so that you can't even hit him? Fortunately, Fahai is a very competent monk. He is compassionate. Apart from being cruel and unscrupulous towards demons and other races, he has nothing to say to human beings. The heart of a real Bodhisattva probably won’t follow. That's it for Tang Tian.

Along the way, Tang Tian was thinking about how to get rid of the dead monk Fahai, but it was a pity that he couldn't get rid of it anyway, the gap was too big, and Tang Tian even felt that his methods were simply funny in the eyes of the other party.

A strong man in the realm of the sky, the means is absolutely beyond Tang Tian’s imagination, the strength that can cross the starry sky, Tang Tian probably has no hope of being able to get rid of the opponent, faster and Fahai is not an ordinary realm of the sky The strong man is even closer to the realm of the gods.

"Master, I didn't provoke you, why did you harm me"? Tang Tian said silently, only now knows how hateful Fahai is, no wonder Bai Suzhen is about to flood his Jinshan Temple.

"Amitabha, the benefactor, the poor monk is for your own good and save you from the sea of ​​suffering. How can you say that the poor monk is harming you", Fahai said, after hearing Tang Tian's words, he said, "I treat you too much." Good look.

Good your sister, if it's not for the strength, I will kill you! Tang Tian cursed in his heart, and then stopped talking to him.

The yellow sand desert, followed by a boring journey, and a few days later, at the edge of the desert, Tang Tian finally saw a trace of greenery, and then he was sure that he had really touched the edge of the desert.

After more than a year of boring rushing, he was finally about to walk out of the desert. It is hard to describe that mood. When he met Fahai and killed the eagle a few days ago, Tang Tian thought he was about to approach the desert. Unexpectedly, there is still such a long distance.

"It's no wonder that the Eastern civilization didn't cause war with the magic civilization. There was such a huge desert in the middle. If nothing else, the marching alone would have to look more than a face, it's not worth it at all," standing on the edge of the desert. Tang Tian sighed.

Such a huge desert takes more than a year to walk at Tang Tian's speed. Whoever eats too much will run across such a long distance to fight, provided that the strength of the army is all the same as Tang Tian's. , But is this possible? A large-scale march involves too many things. Even if all the strength is the same as Tang Tian, ​​the time it takes is at least ten times that of Tang Tian, ​​which is fundamentally different from the simplicity of individual action.

move on. Although it is still desolate and lonely, the greenery in the yellow sand is getting more and more. In the end, the picture of the yellow sand covering the sky completely disappeared. The desert was completely left behind by Tang Tian. At the edge of the desert, Tang Tian also saw it for a year. Many people except Fahai.

On the edge of the desert, is a small town. Dilapidated and desolate, but there are still human activities. Tang Tian even faintly heard the sound of camel bells, melodious and crisp, reflecting in the desolate world, with a different kind of beauty in it.

The town is small, with only ten or twenty dilapidated houses, which can no longer be described as a town. It's a little small to describe it as a village.

But although the so-called sparrow is small and complete, there is an inn, a blacksmith's shop, and a caravan in this small town. Tang Tian even saw a small military camp. But there were few people in the barracks.

One after the other, Tang Tian and Fahai walked into this small town. Tang Tian urgently needs to know where he is now and find out a good route to return to the border town of Jingguo. Only when he gets there, Tang Tian has the opportunity to pit. Fa Hai shook it off completely, or else there was no way to take him by himself.

Inquiring about the news, the first choice should be the inn. The inn in this small town is a two-story wooden building. It has obviously been a few years old. The inn looks very old and many places are dilapidated. There is one in front of the inn. A rag was hung on the mottled flagpole, and the word inn was blurred.

Opening the two-hole old door curtain, Tang Tian entered the inn. There were only a dozen tables in the lobby. Three of them were sitting on people. It was so lively drinking and punching. Xiao Er sat lazily on the side, obviously not. If you want to be lazy about any business, to be honest, in this broken place, it is impossible for a few people to come here all year round.

The appearance of Tang Tian made the people in the inn stunned for a moment. From the other's expression, Tang Tian could tell that these people seemed to have not seen any faces for a long time, and they seemed very different.

It was Xiao Er who reacted first, and stood up with a dumbfounded grunt, trot to Tang Tian's side and bent over and said, "How many guest officials? Are you staying in a store or a tip"?

"One, two, give me something to eat first, and later I have something to ask you," Tang Tian said. He originally wanted to talk about one, but Fahai with a big bald head behind his back followed him, and it was not bad for him. For this bite, just say two.

"Eh, okay, please sit down, two people, and the food will come right away," Xiao Er said after leading Tang Tian and Fahai to a table beside the table, and then disappeared, faintly an order could be heard from behind. The sound of cooking.

After a while, Xiao Er ran over with a pot of tea. During the process of pouring tea for Tang Tian and Fahai, he whispered: "Hey, the two guest officials are here at the right time. The shop has just entered. A batch of beef and good wine, if you arrive late, you won’t be able to eat it. Few people come here all the year round. You two are still the first raw faces I have seen in the past few months..." .

Xiao Er said to himself that Tang Tian just listened. From the other party’s words, Tang Tian could hear that this place was so desolate that no one came here all the year round. I really don’t understand the existence of this place. significance.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that someone would come here in this shabby place, come and come, meet is fate, have a drink", a person stood up at a table next to him, bare-chested, twisting a wine jar and shaking Staggered towards Tang Tian and raised the wine jar and said.

With his eyes flashing, Tang Tian found that none of these people had exceeded the 100th level. In other words, they were ordinary people at all, probably the aborigines here.

"Meeting is fate, then I will accompany you for a drink," Tang Tian said with a smile, pouring out the tea from the tea bowl on the table, and letting the other party fill himself with a full bowl. He drank it upright in one sip, the wine was terrible, but Tang Tian drank it without changing his face.

"Quickly, haha, where did the brothers come from? There is really nothing to patronize in this place where birds don't shit, right". The other party continued to fill Tang Tian with wine, sat down and asked.

Is this the beginning of my story? Tang Tian secretly said in his heart, without changing his face, said: "A strong wind, lost our way, we came here by accident, and are about to ask you what this place is."

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't dare to ask for advice. Here, this is the border of Wu State. Those of us, Nuo, just these are the officers and soldiers stationed here. We change every three years. There are 30 people in total, and there are still some. Come on, probably sleeping. In this broken place, nothing happened. Facing the yellow sand all day is very annoying", the other party didn't know if he believed Tang Tian's words, and said to himself.

Wu Guo? Tang Tian's heart moved. He didn't expect that this was already the border of Wu State, Tang Tian still remembered. Among the supreme tombs, one of the so-called four princes of Wu Kingdom is still dead inside. Wu Kingdom and Yasukuni are bordered, and it seems that they are not far from Yasukuni. This way. Tang Tian's chance of returning to Jingguo is even greater.

The other party is the military officers and soldiers. Tang Tian can analyze a lot of things from this information alone. Every country has such a station at the border. In fact, such officers and soldiers don’t have much to do, just discovering something wrong. It's just trying to inform the rear, their existence actually shows that this place belongs to the country of Wu, and the others are useless.

In this shabby place, there are not many people coming throughout the year, so what can you do? These officers and soldiers probably all know this, and they don’t care about anything. After three years of patting for fear that they will leave, and from the identity of the other party, it can be judged that this so-called small town exists for the sake of These officers and soldiers serve. After all, they want to survive here. All kinds of living materials have to be transported. There must be someone, all, this small town exists.

"It turned out to be the army master, but I was disrespectful. I respect you." Tang Tian smiled and drank the bad wine in the bowl in one sip. Tang Tian absolutely didn't mean to look down on the other party. Instead, he admired such a person, a country. , The border is always the loneliest, but it is because of the existence of these people that a country can be peaceful.

"Hahaha, why the army master is not the army master, I just waited here to hang around, it's rare to see a new face, come here, let everyone get to know each other, have a drink, it's fate...", the other party did not She smiled embarrassedly.

After a few cups of wine, Tang Tian got acquainted with these people and obtained a lot of useful information without a trace. As for Fahai, he didn't say a word from beginning to end, and everyone around him ignored him. This monk Not very easy to get along with.

It is too simple for Tang Tian to derive words from these big old vulgar words, but the information they can get is limited. Their status and vision are destined to the amount of information they know, except for knowing that this is the most borderline in the north of Wu Kingdom. Besides, the rest is ignorant. As for what Yasukuni has never heard of, it is naturally impossible to provide Tang Tian with a useful route, and the nearest town is a small town three hundred miles away from here. It’s a real small town, but it’s not too big. It’s responsible for transporting supplies to a station like this. As for the bigger town, it’s five thousand miles away. It seems that there are more than one hundred thousand people. The city is considered a border gate, and no matter how many people there are, they won’t know.

With this information, Tang Tianxin said that if he wants to return to the border city, he has to go to the so-called border city to inquire. The people here don't even know what to do.

I let Xiao Er drink dozens of jars of wine in a row, poured these guys down, and emptied all the information they could get before letting them go, but Tang Tian was entangled at the checkout because he didn’t know anything at all. The gods and demons recognize silver!

Ordinary people, they haven't even touched monsters. Naturally, they haven't seen the gods and demons. In embarrassment, the monk Fahai took out a silver ingot and sent the mistress.

After leaving the inn, Fahai, who never took the initiative to speak, looked at Tang Tian and said, "The chief Shi is going to Jingguo? If you said earlier, the poor monk will take you there. If you get there early, you can follow the poor monks to enlighten the Dao of Dharma."

Hearing Fahai’s words, the first half of the sentence made Tang Tian happy. Fahai led the way. I was afraid that he would be able to reach the border town of Jingguo in minutes, but the second half made Tang Tian dismiss this idea. He died of the monk, wishing to get rid of it soon. Without you, the ghost would go with you to understand what Dharma avenue is. Suddenly, there was no idea of ​​letting him lead the way, and he said angrily: "I'll go all the way and get to know the local customs."

After speaking, Tang Tian didn't even look at him, and headed towards the so-called border city.

"It's okay, everything in the world has Buddha nature. It will be helpful for the benefactor to see more about the Buddhadharma in the future," Fahai took the stubbornly and said with stubbornness, leaving Tang Tian speechless.

The distance of thousands of miles is a trivial matter for Tang Tian, ​​and he soon came here. The so-called border city, the wall is no more than ten meters high, and many places are made of rammed yellow sand. This kind of defensive power can be imagined. .

After entering the city, it suddenly became lively. After all, this is also a city of more than 100,000 people, which is countless times more "prosperous" than the previous border town.

When he came to a restaurant, Tang Tian was about to inquire about the trip to Jingguo, but he unexpectedly learned one thing, that is, in this small town, there are actually some people playing a game of gods and monsters!

Tang Tian was stunned~lightnovelpub.net~ It was originally a game of gods and monsters spread in the border town of Yasukuni, but he did not expect it to spread here. It was beyond his expectation. The game of gods and monsters not only emerged from the border town of Yasukuni. , Actually spread to the border of the country of Wu.

"In this way, things become much simpler," Tang Tian said to himself with a slightly tilted corner of his mouth.

"The latest news, the latest news, there is news from Dayue City, Wu Guo is a great man, the whole country, as long as you feel that you are extraordinary, you can go to Dayue City and go to the capital of Yasukuni to participate in the election ceremony of the princess Yasukuni!"!

Tang Tian was about to leave the restaurant to find a way to contact the people in Anbu through the game of gods and demons. A person hurriedly ran into the restaurant and shouted loudly.

The news came out, and the whole restaurant was immediately boiling, but everyone was just talking about the news. There were no people who really wanted to go to Yasukuni to participate in the so-called election of the eldest princess!

"Princess Yasukuni? Choosing a consort? What's going on?" Tang Tian thought secretly. (To be continued...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)