Apocalypse Game

Chapter 1845

"What..." The weapon was destroyed, and the demon wolf who attacked Tang Tian roared in horror. He didn't believe that the equipment he had finally refined was destroyed all at once. You must know that he was refining this equipment. It took a lot of hard work. ⊕,

"Dead..." Tang Tian snorted in the distance, stretched out his hand and pointed, the Emperor of Heaven sword passed across the sky, and he stabbed in from the mouth of the demon wolf's open mouth. The thousand-mile-long Heaven Emperor sword directly pierced the opponent's body. Through, fly out from the tail!

Boom, the body of the Demon Wolf was pierced, and its tenacious vitality hadn't completely died yet, and it wanted to escape from a distance.

On the other hand, the demon wolf of the third **** hidden realm wanted to come and help, but was dragged by the lord of the Emerald City with the three-story jade pagoda. Although she did not know who came to help her, but But he knew that at this time, two demon wolves in the realm of the gods must not be allowed to join forces, otherwise everything would be finished.

"Damn it, get out of me...", the third demon wolf in the realm of God's Treasure roared, and the evil body was filled with black light. It gathered at the center of the eyebrows, and unexpectedly split, and a third pitch-black eyeball appeared.

This third eyeball, like the eyes of a demon, diffracted a blood-colored rainbow, and rushed out of the three-story jade pagoda. It rushed to the three-story jade pagoda. Instead of chasing the lord of the Emerald City, it turned towards Tang. The sky rushed over.

"Oops..." Tang Tian secretly said that it was not good. If two demon wolves of the Divine Hidden realm joined forces to attack him, it would be troublesome. Only one was killed in a sneak attack before, and there was no frontal confrontation that penetrated the body of the demon wolf. Being able to kill each other shows that these three magic wolves are not as fragile as imagined!

Om..., the third demon wolf rushing towards Tang Tian, ​​the eyebrows and demon eyes split, and a blood-colored rainbow diffracted towards Tang Tian, ​​possessing the aura of destruction. Collapse, collapse and shatter, shattering the world.

Tang Tianxin said that he didn't know what secret method was so terrifying, and he didn't hesitate, pressing his backhand down, the sky shook, and a huge portal stood between the sky and the earth. The gate of chaos manifested.

The terrifying blood-colored Changhong bombarded the Chaos Gate, and the portal twisted and swallowed the Changhong.

Roar..., a roar came, and the demon wolf that had been pierced by Emperor Tang Tiantian's sword pierced through and was not dead rushed over. The enemy was attacked on his stomach and back, which made Tang Tian feel a little rushed. The two-phase attack also made him extremely strenuous.

Om..., stretched out his hand, the Gate of Chaos moved laterally and knocked away the demon wolf that was rushing towards him, but at this time, a blood-colored rainbow diffracted again.

He thought that the lord of the Emerald City shouldn't be such a dish. In desperation, Tang Tian clenched a fist. In the sea of ​​qi, the vitality is tumbling, and the body is golden. Ten times the strength amplitude, Chaos Qi wrapped around his arm, and hit the blood-colored Changhong with a punch.

Boom..., Tianyu collapsed, and Tang Tian's strength ten times the amplitude plus the chaotic energy condensed on his fist, and was also knocked out by the blood-colored Changhong. My throat is sweet, and the corners of my mouth are bleeding.

"This wounded demon wolf is handed over to me, I'm sorry", the lord of the Emerald City rushed over at this moment, and said palely. The three-story jade pagoda suppressed the demon wolf that had been knocked open by the gate of chaos.

Seeing the other party's state, Tang Tian knew that she had been injured in the previous battle. No wonder she rushed over a step late.

"It's good if you block it for a while," Tang Tian said hurriedly, coming across the sky, and with a wave of his hand, the Gate of Chaos pushes towards the Three-eyed Demon Wolf. The Gate of Chaos is huge, across the void, and the void appears to be wrinkled. Broken away.

Chi..., a blood-colored rainbow came across the sky, blocking the momentum of the Gate of Chaos.

"It seems that each of the strong in the Divine Tibetan realm has its own unique means. The guys sent by these demon gods are not comparable to those of the snake clan." Tang Tian secretly said in his heart, but when dealing with one alone Not afraid, the Gate of Chaos was blocked, and he stretched out his hand and the Heavenly Emperor Sword came from across the sky. Holding the Heavenly Emperor Sword in his hand, he cut down with a sword, tearing the sky apart.

As if he also knew the power of sword aura, the magic wolf immediately had too much power, and a beam of light shot from the center of his eyebrows to the Emperor Sword in Tang Tian's hand!

"What I'm waiting for is now," Tang Tian secretly said in his heart, the Heavenly Emperor sword continued to hack, but was blasted by the red light beam, but at this time, the Gate of Chaos came out of the sky and pressed it under the Gate of Chaos in the middle road in one fell swoop.

"No...", being suppressed by the huge gate of chaos, this demon wolf was as immobile as the original feather king, Tang Tian came from across the sky, the Heavenly Emperor's sword swung across, and the three-eyed demon wolf's head rose into the sky in a flash. There is no sound!

"Hmm..." On the other hand, when Tang Tian killed the three-eyed demon wolf, the lord of the Emerald City grunted, his face was pale as paper flying backwards, and the three-story jade pagoda that was sacrificed appeared. Damaged condition.

Turning around to see such a picture, Tang Tianxin said that the demon wolf was a bit too fierce. It was pierced by his own Heavenly Emperor Sword and it didn’t even die. He actually had such fierce fighting power.

Wow..., the demon wolf roared up to the sky, the sky turned into blood red strangely, and a round of monster blood moonlight hung above the sky, hanging down like a sword light on the three-layer jade of the city lord of the Emerald City. Above the pagoda!

Kaka...boom..., by this blow, the pagoda was completely shattered and turned into fragments. The city lord became even more sluggish, and fell down.

"Be careful..." Tang Tian recruited and sent him into the city, only then did he use his sword to kill the demon wolf.

"It's you again, dare to ruin my Lord Demon Wolf, wait for the corpse to be broken into ten thousand pieces." The Demon Wolf saw Tang Tian killing it, and instead of fighting Tang Tian, ​​he dropped this sentence. Then, even the subordinates will run away without even turning around!

The powerhouse of the Godzang realm wants to escape. Tang Tian doesn’t have the speed of King Yu. He must be unable to catch up. Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind instantly. The bow appeared in Tang Tian's hands.

It was the supreme-level longbow that Yuntianhe gave to Ying Zheng and then exchanged it to Tang Tian. Tang Tian gave it to Leng Xue. This time he came out and asked Leng Xue to take out the longbow!

Holding the longbow, the endless vitality poured into the longbow, slowly pulling away, on the bow without arrows, the light of fire circulated, condensed into a red streamer, and red lines appeared between the sky and the earth. The band of light drifted and merged into the arrow.

Even if Tang Tianqing did his best, he could only pull a few centimeters away for the longbow of the supreme artifact level, but that was the case, it was enough!

With a loose hand, the bowstring vibrated, the world trembled, the fiery red arrow disappeared in a blink of an eye, and disappeared into the void. The next moment, tens of thousands of miles away, the void exploded, and the fiery red light swept the sky and the earth, and a desperate wolf howl came out. Flesh and blood shattered!

"Huh, always kill it. If he escapes and attracts a large group of magic wolves, it will be troublesome", after killing the opponent, Tang Tian said in a sigh of relief.

The three strongest demon wolves were killed, but the battle is not over yet. Millions of demon wolves are still fighting fiercely with the Emerald City army. They are powerful, and they have the upper hand with a human army several times their own. !

"Sure enough, the troops sent by the Demon God are all elites, and they are simply not comparable to a'small country' like the Great Moon Kingdom." Tang Tian sighed in his heart and rushed into the battlefield with a sword.

The powerhouses of the gods can be cut off by him, and the demon wolves below the gods are killed as if they were cutting melons and vegetables, plus the army of the Emerald City and the Tenth Army of the Heavenly Kingdom that he brought. Wan Jianxiu, in just half an hour, all the magic wolves were resolved, and there was no one who had escaped.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace. On behalf of the 300 million people in the Emerald City of the Great Moon Kingdom, thank you, dare to ask the name of the benefactor"? When the fighting subsided, the city lord of the Emerald City dragged his injured body to Tang Tian's side and said.

"The grace to save lives will be spared. I am Tang Tian from the Kingdom of Heaven on the edge of the Great Moon Kingdom. The border between our two countries is both prosperous and prosperous. So I brought people to see it, but I didn't expect it to meet him." The place shook his head and said.

What he said was the truth, once the Great Moon Kingdom was destroyed, the next one would be the Kingdom of Heaven, and it would definitely not be spared.

"It turned out to be His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, Lan Xin, the lord of the Emerald City of the Great Moon Kingdom, has seen His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven." Hearing Tang Tian's words, the other party was startled and said, slightly bending over.

Although the Kingdom of Heaven is a small country, its strength should not be underestimated. If nothing else, the supremacy of the national beast Phoenix clan alone cannot be underestimated by any neighboring country.

Lan Xin has a nice name, but she is no longer a young girl~lightnovelpub.net~ but a woman who looks thirty or so, but she is also beautiful, but she is in the realm of God, no one can say that she is bad. How old is it?

"I won’t say much if you’re polite. I think you should heal your wounds first. In addition, this place has been damaged so badly. In order to avoid the people of the demon wolf clan coming here to kill again, I think you should make arrangements as soon as possible. Good," Tang Tian nodded.

Although the Emerald City is only a small and medium-sized city in the entire Great Moon Kingdom, it is also inhabited by hundreds of millions of people. However, after this battle, most of the city’s buildings have been destroyed, and even more people died in the battle. It is countless, at least as much as half, which can be described as tragic to the extreme.

"The news from the capital said that now my Big Moon Country is everywhere, and no place is peaceful. The people here don’t know where to go. Moreover, the demon wolf clan has been killed this time, I’m afraid it will be soon. There are more powerful magic wolves coming with an army of magic wolves, I don't know what to do," Lan Xin said bitterly, shaking his head.

During the battle, she could resist desperately, but in the face of this devastating scene, she really didn't know what to do, especially when the entire Great Moon Kingdom fell into desperate war! (To be continued...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)