Apocalypse Game

Chapter 274: Gucheng 1

In Tianshui City, the lush vegetation has covered the original prosperous city without a trace. The prosperous city built over the past few decades has been destroyed by wild plants. More than 90% of the buildings have collapsed, and scattered buildings are in the jungle. It seems to be the isolated child who will be swallowed at any time.

Over ninety-nine percent of this city has become a paradise for monsters, and humans can only hide in a small area.

In the entire city, no, now it can only be said that among the urban relics, there are only a few local novel chapters that are relatively safe.

The first is the base established by Tang Tian, ​​the tall walls, and the powerful army. People living here are at least guaranteed a certain amount of life and safety.

The second is the bases established by the military and districts. Before the end of the world, the military has always been the focus of care. The construction of the military area decided that there will be no tofu project. Even in the end of the world, the military area’s buildings will remain relatively intact and tall. The surrounding wall became a good protection circle, preventing monsters from chaos.

As far as Tianshui City is concerned, these two places are the safest. Although many survivors have gathered in other places to form large and small forces, there are no safe buildings to block them. People feel insecure.

Just imagine, what if there are more people? Can you alone withstand an attack by a wave of monsters? I'm afraid it will be crushed to pieces in an instant, human beings really seem too fragile in front of monsters.

It’s like Liangshui County on the spot. If Tang Tian hadn’t led the army to stop the monsters and finally destroyed the root of the monster’s siege, I’m afraid the entire Liangshui County has become completely history, and people will die, even a little memory. Will not stay.

So, the end of the world. It's just the last days of mankind, but it is a paradise for animals and plants.

If time can be reversed, even if we return to the world ten million years ago, it will not be as exciting as the world now.

It is also the reason why everyone is struggling for life in the last days. If human beings are not under pressure to survive, I am afraid that many phytobotanists will find that there are at least dozens of times more species in the entire world than before the end of the world!

The morning of the last days is the most dangerous. Because the monsters who rested all night would choose to forage in the morning, except for the powerful existence of the surviving humans, it was decided at this time that no one would choose to appear in the jungle, of course, except for brain damage.

The morning sun is rising. It was a good day, but no one in the last days will feel good. It's just suffering every moment.

In the arena, the huge stone monument towering into the clouds still stands like Optimus Prime. The mystery is vast, and when facing him, people will feel a great sense of depression in their hearts.

Since the arena came here and people have benefited from it, almost every day there has been an endless stream of people coming in and getting points to redeem items, and all those who have the courage to enter are tyrannical.

Of course, the fact is that there are many more people who go in and never come out. The survival rate is less than half.

But today, the arena has been closed. Prevent anyone from approaching, the reason is that the leaders of the entire Tianshui City are going to have a meeting here!

Under such a prerequisite, who would dare to touch the mold? In the eyes of those big guys, as long as you are on the three-square-acre land in Tianshui City or even Yun Province, no matter how powerful you are, it is a scum. You can send a bunch of people to kill you at any time.

Whether it is before the end of the world or now, no matter how strong an individual is, it is no match for the power of the team.

The vast arena has been completely surrounded. On the edge of the arena, there is a person guarding it almost every ten meters, refusing to approach anyone.

In the words of those who don't understand. This meeting is of great significance. It can completely determine the future of Tianshui City and even the entire Yun Province. No one should be sloppy.

In this meeting, don't talk about people, monsters don't even want to get close!

In the jungle outside the arena, at least tens of thousands of teams sent by various forces are patrolling. Once they encounter a monster, they will go up and kill to prevent monsters from appearing in the adult meeting!

"Dude, didn't you mean that the meeting started when the sun rose? What about those big guys? Why didn't you see any of them?" On the edge of the arena, a soldier asked the humane around him.

"They? On top..." the man replied, speaking, looking at the top of the arena.

The questioner took a cold breath, suppressing the shock in his heart and stopped speaking.

As a low-level person, how high is the arena that has penetrated into the clouds, and there is no point of focus around him, he can't imagine how those big guys got up!

Of course, after living in the last days, he certainly knew that some powerful people among the survivors had incredible abilities, as well as the existence of powerful and unmatched job-changers among them.

But that kind of existence was too far away from him, he couldn't imagine it at all.

The picture rises, rises and rises again, the top of the arena has entered a very high altitude, and the wind is raging on it, not to mention standing on it, even if you throw a stone weighing a hundred kilograms, it will blow it for you every minute. Fly away.

The top of the arena is an open field. The square is the size of several football fields. The ground is covered with mysterious patterns. It is not like carved on it, but like a natural texture. No one can understand this. How it is formed is like a fingerprint on a human palm.

At this time, at the top center of the arena, there are several huge stone seats, each of which is three meters wide and is carved with exquisite patterns. From the size and material of the stone seats, it can be seen that each At least a few meals are heavy!

No one knows who made these stone sits, and no one knows how these stone sits were made! This is an altitude of thousands of meters, Nima, if it is placed in the end times, it is tantamount to placing these stones on the top of Mount Everest. I am afraid that only the kind of powerful military helicopter can get it up.

The huge stone sitting on it is not empty. Several people are already sitting here. Looking at their relaxed faces, even at an altitude of more than a thousand meters, the raging wind hasn't affected them in the slightest!

One of the stone seats was seated by Yang Tianlin, a tycoon of the military district. He had changed a lot from when Tang Tian saw him before. He was dressed in silver-white armor, and each deck reflected a cold metallic luster. It makes people feel indestructible. The armor is a complete set, even the helmet, which protects it tightly. Yang Tianlin's side was a dark red long knife with a weird shape, and the blade did not dare to look directly.

If someone who loves to play and see this knife, he will definitely exclaim, how did Nima bring Nero's knife in Devil May Cry into reality?

Yang Tianlin, compared to the previous duel with Tang Tian, ​​is much stronger!

In front of Yang Tianlin, sitting on the right side of a woman with an enchanting body, a tight wispy leather armor outlines her mature body vividly, a man will be dying to death when he sees it, especially the looming temptation , A man who is not determined to be horrified will make a fool of himself on the spot.

With long hair like a fire and lips like blood, it is almost life-threatening. This is the beauty of flowers known as poisonous snakes. He is still so tempting to commit crimes.

He licked his lips from time to time, looked around, his eyes unscrupulous.

Beside Hua Meimei, there was **** wood with a calm face. He was dressed very rigorously and looked a little old-fashioned. His eyes were not sad or happy, and he waited silently.

Mo Yun was sitting on his right arm not far from Jiang Mu, wearing a gray gown, like a master who walked out of ancient times.

If Yang Tianlin Huamei Jiangmu and Mo Yun both said they were calm performances, then Pang Guang, who was five big and three rough, would be a little impatient.

"I said, when will I have to wait? Grandma, yes, I am upset, wait for them to fight before they come," Pang Guang roared in a loud voice.

But no one took care of him, and he continued to rub his skin under the boring feeling.

"Lao Yang, call us, not to come to see the scenery," Mo Yun said to Yang Tianlin.

Yang Tianlin and Mo Yun, one army and one government before the end of the world, can be described as real big-time figures. If they were before the end of the world, the other people would not be qualified to sit with them.

"No hurry, wait until everyone is here," Yang Tianlin said lightly.

He was like that, as if everything was under control, it made the other people unhappy.

What is your Yang Tianlin? I thought it was before the end of the world. Who did you offend?

"Here..." At this moment, Hua Meimei, who had been showing off her attractive figure, said with bright eyes.

Hearing the sound, a few people looked up, and saw a huge white crane hurriedly flying here from the sky. The white crane spread its wings ten meters wide and was covered in snow, just like the crane in the fairy tale novel.

It may be due to the mutation of the white crane after the end of the world~lightnovelpub.net~ The wings are not like feathers, but made of gold. On the contrary, a pair of long legs are much shorter and become hideous claws.

No matter how outstanding Baihe was, he couldn't stop the light of the man on Baihe's back. His presence completely attracted the attention of several people to him.

Ruoxue in white, gentle and elegant, with a snow-white paper fan in his hand, this person is like a scholar walking out of the painting.

With a leap, the man jumped slightly in front of a few people, casually found a stone to sit down, smiled and said, sorry, Bai Yu is late, please bear with me."

Seeing this man, Yang Tianlin furrowed his brows without waiting for the others to speak, and said displeased: "The gods will send you here? Where are your four kings? What about the goddess? Why didn't the goddess come?"

Facing Yang Tianlin's question, Bai Yu smiled slightly and said, "I'll be enough." Although he was smiling, his eyes were sharp as a knife, and he looked at Yang Tianlin.

Taking a deep look at him, Yang Tianlin stopped talking...

(Well, a climax, tide has arrived...) (To be continued...)
