Apocalypse Game

Chapter 310: Eschat union bank

The so-called challenge came and went quickly. The previous break-in was arrogant, but that fascinated guy came with thirteen deadly swords, and there was only one duel. The two sides stopped when they clicked, and then they went away.

With only one fight, both sides know that the other side is not so easy to deal with, there is no life or death, and there is no need to fight hard. Such a result will only lead to loss of both sides, and it is not worth it.

How long was it from the appearance of the man in black to the departure of both of them? It only takes a few seconds. This has confused many people below. Is this over? It's too fast, I haven't seen any signs yet.

Suddenly there was another buzzing discussion below, and the object of the discussion was of course the broken army and the mysterious man in black.

People are speculating about who the man in black is, whether the thirteen swords he said is true, and who has won the duel? There is no answer, I am afraid that only the two of them know.

Others don’t know, but Tang Tian knows. Although the man in black didn’t show his true face, Tang Tian knew what the name of the man was, and he used thirteen deadly swords. This skill, just like that broken army, this person's thirteen deadly swords is only a level ten skill.

"Leng Feng, a very interesting person, I hope you don't become an enemy", Tang Tian thought silently in his heart.

After breaking through the army for a while, Tang Tian realized that I am afraid that all skills are based on tenth level. After crossing it, it will be a world of difference, and he will be able to rank as a real master, and the skills are also Only when it reaches the rank above can it be regarded as truly showing the brilliance that the skill should have.

Not only Tang Tian, ​​but almost everyone who watched this duel realized that having a powerful skill and a powerful piece of equipment is really important. Like the cold wind of the broken army and the men in black, their level is only relatively high among the public, but it is because they possess powerful skills that many people are discouraged. This is strength.

Although there are levels of skills, the power displayed by different skills is different. For example, even if the basic skills are trained to the tenth rank, they may not be as powerful as the tenth rank of Dugu Nine Swords. This is the gap.

For example, Tang Tian’s Sword Technique of the Setting Sun has a considerable gap between its power and the Dugu Nine Swords. The Sword Technique of the Setting Sun is now a Tier 1 skill, but Tang Tianxin is still a danger when he sees the broken army. a feeling of. This proves that the first-order setting sun sword technique can also injure Tang Tian and even kill him when confronted with the tenth-level Dugu Jiujian.

In other words, different skills have different powers, and there is also the reality of leapfrog killing.

"But when I took the Xueyin Crazed Knife, they had no chance," Tang Tian said to himself confidently in his heart. The Xueyin Crazy Knife is a weapon in the legend, and the weapons in their hands are just "normal" things, and Tang Tian is full of confidence with the Xueyin Crazy Knife in hand.

For example, before the end of the world, Tang Tian was holding a gun, and the other party was holding a knife, even if he was holding a peerless martial arts? It's not just a shot.

All weapons and skills are indispensable. Weapons can bless the power of skills, and similarly, skills can better master weapons, which are complementary to each other.

"It seems that it is time to put the learning of the magic sword technique on the agenda. Otherwise, it will be a lot of pressure to continue like this. Although the learning limit of the magic sword technique is really too large, I think there must be a shortcut to go, maybe that. There are things in the arena to reduce the learning conditions. After everything is arranged, it seems that I have to take a trip to the arena." Thinking in his heart, Tang Tian came to Old Man Xu and the others, he didn't forget his purpose of coming.

"Old Xu, let's go," Tang Tian said to Old Man Xu.

"Just go in like that"? Old man Xu felt a little unreal. After all, this is an inner city. Before he could not even imagine that he would walk in one day and live there.

It is no wonder that Old Man Xu has such a mentality. After all, the inner city represents a safe and comfortable living environment. Even if a million zombies are killed in the inner city, it will not be affected. At most, the outer city is affected by some.

Tang Tian didn't say anything, took the lead and walked forward. He had already inquired about it. Although it was difficult to enter the inner city, as long as there were a lot of gods and demons in his hand, it was simply too easy to get in.

"Stop, the inner city boundary, if you want to enter, please show the proof of residence in the inner city." Sure enough, as soon as several people arrived at the gate of the inner city, they were stopped by two soldiers wearing iron armor.

Tang Tian didn't bother to talk to them. He waved his hand and threw out a small bag of magic coins, and asked, "I want to buy a house in it. What procedures should I go through?"

The soldier who stopped Tang Tian weighed the weight of the magic coin in his hand, his eyes changed suddenly, the weight of the magic coin in his hand was not light, look at the posture that Tang Tian threw out, good fellow, he didn't blink his eyes. At first glance, it was the kind of character that was not easy to provoke, and he quickly changed his face and said: "It's very simple. One person enters the city and pays a thousand gods and magic coins. This is only the admission fee. If you live in it, buy a house. At that time, you will go through the residence formalities, and you will be able to enter freely by virtue of the residence formalities. But let me remind you that if you don’t have a residence certificate, the soldiers on patrol will be invited out anytime and anywhere.”

The soldier is completely official, he is neither humble nor arrogant. He can't be arrogant in the face of Tang Tian, ​​but there is a city of hope behind him as a backer, so he doesn't need to be humble.

"Understood, three people, you will collect the three thousand gods and magic coins." Tang Tian nodded, once again took out a big bag of gods and magic coins and handed them up.

As a result, the soldiers in Tang Tian’s hand were a little surprised, and said, "You can go in, but I kindly remind you that if you find it inconvenient to bring a huge amount of magic coins, you can go to the bank in the inner city to exchange for it. Other currencies of equivalent value are jointly launched by the City of Hope and the ten major forces, and they can be circulated at the same price everywhere."

Is there such a thing? Tang Tian didn't know, and asked in surprise: "How is the exchange method?"

The soldier explained with a smile: "It's very simple, based on a single eschat coin, ten eschat coins are exchanged for a silver eschatological coin, ten silver eschatological coins are exchanged for a gold eschatological coin, and ten gold eschatological coins. Exchange one crystal apocalyptic coin, ten crystal apocalyptic coins for a masonry apocalyptic coin, and ten masonry apocalyptic coins for a colorful apocalyptic coin".

Tang Tian thought and was silent in his heart, that is to say, a colorful end-time coin is relative to one hundred thousand gods and demons. I really don’t know who came up with it. It’s a lot more convenient when it comes to it, after all, no one wants one. It’s not like going out with a lot of magic coins.

Tang Tian nodded to express his understanding, and took the old man Xu and the three into it, but he didn't have the slightest intention to exchange it. Just kidding, this **** and devil coin came out of the monster, and it carried a mysterious energy. , Once it is exchanged for eschat currency, there will be no such mysterious power. What is the use of eschat currency?

However, Tang Tian turned to think about it and found that he was too careful. It doesn't matter if this can be exchanged for end-time coins.

What Tang Tian thought of, the big guys of all parties had already thought of it. This magic coin carries a mysterious power and cannot be imitated. It is only the beginning of the end of the world, and there is no use for all parties. The big guys used this exchange business to start hoarding the magic coins, waiting for one day in the future to be able to truly discover the purpose of the magic coins.

Entering the inner city of the City of Hope, the environment is quite different. The streets are clean and tidy, and the buildings are much more beautiful and tidy than those in the outer city. Here, you can see people walking peacefully on the streets, walking horses and dogs. , Very comfortable, it is hard to imagine that there is an apocalyptic scene outside the city, but here is a quiet and peaceful picture.

It's really unreal.

Those who live in the inner city are either elderly people who are very old. Tang Tian guessed that these people either have a shocking background, or they are powerful people among the descendants, or they would not be eligible to live here.

And the women who appear here are either the old ones, or the young and beautiful. Needless to say, the old ones are definitely relatives of those strong men, and the beautiful ones are of course those. The strong captive canary.

And there are many children playing on the roadside, probably all descendants of those strong.

To tell the truth, entering here, Tang Tian thought he had entered the park before the end of the world.

Needless to say, the old man Xu and the grandson who followed Tang Tian didn't need to talk about it. They just felt that their eyes were not enough, and they saw everything with emotion, but when they thought that they were about to live here, they immediately felt relieved.

Not long after entering the inner city, Tang Tian saw a tall black building in front of him, with a huge plaque carved on the top of the wide door, inscribed with the letter "Apocalyptic United Bank".

"Hehe, this must be the trumpet created by the so-called top ten forces, right? You can exchange for some end-time coins. Every time you use it, you will use a lot of gods and magic coins, which is not convenient~ lightnovelpub.net~ To exchange the gods and demons coins into the end-time coins jointly launched by all forces, Tang Tian did not worry about not being exchanged. If they could not be exchanged, Tang Tian would not mind the so-called end-of-day coins someday in the future. The Union Bank's treasury was looted.

When he came to the door of the bank, Tang Tian said to Old Man Xu: "Old Man Xu, wait for me for a while, I'll come as soon as I go."

Naturally, Tang Tian was not afraid of Old Man Xu walking indiscriminately. He had to be careful when he took a step here. It would be no good if he accidentally provoked someone.

As soon as I entered the bank, a tall waiter wearing a cheongsam was greeted. To be honest, this waiter can go directly to the pre-apocalyptic beauty pageant. I am afraid that the ranking is not low, but here we can only do it. A waiter.

"Excuse me, what business do adults need to handle", the waiter smiled, looking very humble.

"Go out of my way. Didn't you see the uncle coming? I have delayed the uncle and killed you..." At this moment, there was a violent voice from the door... (to be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)