Apocalypse Game

Chapter 321: Kill the zombie king

"Damn it, everyone, be careful, these guys are too fast, don't disperse", as soon as they entered this area, there were casualties, Zhang Chao, as the group leader, frowned and shouted. M

However, what he said was only for Tang Tian and the others. After all, in his opinion, these hunters would not give himself and the spearman anything ēxé at all.


A red shadow flashed, accompanied by a fluttering sound, an arm holding a knife flew out.

"my hand……"! With a howl of pain, a swordsman followed, with one arm cut off by the hunter.

Losing an arm in such a situation means death!

While this person was still in pain, two hunters passed by, and his body was torn to pieces by the hunters, and his mutilated body was all over the ground.

Hunters, as a special evolution type among zombies, are actually almost the same as professionals among humans, and their levels are as high as level 30. How can humans of more than 20 levels resist this kind of strength?

So death is inevitable.

"Pear Flower Thousand Trees...", there was a loud shout, and the man with the spear in front of him rushed in between, and the spear in his hand danced out fragments of shadows, and a dazzling edge enveloped the ten-meter area around him.

Puff puff puff puff puff..., the edge was gone, the three hunters were pierced with spears, and fell to the ground and did not move anymore.

The spear man exploded with a spear-based big move, and instantly killed three hunters!

Under him, the hunter is simply a dish, and his strength is beyond doubt. From this, it can be seen that the gap between the strong and ordinary people is not at the same level.

Not to be outdone, Zhang Chao brandished a long knife in his hand. A gorgeous knife light flashed, and the two hunters who rushed towards him were cut in half by the waist.


Seeing that his subordinates were beheaded, the Zombie King roared in anger, and the golden eyes exuded a dangerous light.

Boom boom boom...

fǎ received some orders from the Zombie King, and the rest of the flamethrowers and wind whisperers also moved.

With a mouth open, sparks splashed in the mouth of the flamethrower. A long pillar of fire spurted out and blasted towards the fighting crowd. A dozen hot pillars of fire intertwined a fire net to cover the fighting crowd.

The Wind Whisperer was not far behind, endless sewing shots flying in the air, invisible to the naked eye, only the sound of the air being torn apart.

Touch..., facing the sudden fire pillar, I was caught off guard and just wanted to be concentrated by the fire pillar again. The body was blown into pieces and burned, there was a smell of burnt meat in the air, and the other two people did not know what was going on, they were torn into pieces by infinite sewing.

A group of more than ten people only entered this area within ten seconds, and five people died!

"Kill, kill, kill...", accustomed to seeing life and death, the people present were numb to the death of teammates. Only vent the anger in the heart to these monsters.

Tang Tian in the crowd had calm eyes. For this kind of battle, it seemed very easy. To be honest, compared to the Skeleton King and the Purple Lightning Black Feather Eagle who had fought before, he still felt that this kind of battle was quite easy.

A pillar of fire that shot at him was split apart by a knife between his hands, and his body flashed, leaving an afterimage in the same place, avoiding the invisible wind blade. Facing the pillar of fire, he could split it up by raising his hand, and the invisible wind blade could not hide when he opened the real eye, and he escaped early.

"These are all īngyàn, but you can't let the two of them grab them all." Tang Tian thought in his heart, his eyes swept away, his body disappeared in place, and he appeared behind a hunter who was about to sneak attack the knife.

With the long knife in his hand dancing, the air was torn apart, and the head of the hunter was slashed out with a flutter.

"Hey, be careful." After killing the hunter, Tang Tian kindly reminded the knife.

"Thank you," said the knife, and then disappeared. He was fighting desperately at this time, and he could not tolerate his distraction.

Tang Tian's power is ten or twenty times that of ordinary people. Even ordinary attacks have great power. In addition, they are fast, making them very easy to do in such battles.

With a wave of a long knife in his hand, a sharp blade of air passed through a distance of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye, splitting a flamethrower who was about to open his mouth to breathe into two halves, Tang Tian's body flashed, and he rushed straight towards the zombie. king!

He once killed the Skeleton King and fought the Purple Lightning Black Feather Eagle. In Tang Tian’s eyes, this zombie king is just īngyàn, but now that he is disguised as an ordinary person, he has many methods, although he can't be used blatantly, you can still let him Challenge the zombie king.

Tang Tian's actions naturally fell in the eyes of other people. Seeing him, she actually rushed to the Zombie King. They either laughed at him for being overpowered, or felt that Tang Tian likes to show the limelight, and they all waited for a good show.

They were all watching Tang Tian being torn to pieces by the Zombie King for a few seconds.

But who can live in the last days to the present, who is not a person with a delicate mind? The battle that Tang Tian used to take a walk in the courtyard before naturally fell in the eyes of the caring people.

These people include Zhang Chao and the spearman, as well as Leng Xue who has been paying attention to him.

Seeing Tang Tian's movements, the three of them thought a little, and rushed towards the Zombie King!

Zombie King, this new monster has never appeared before. Killing him now means the first kill, it means īngyàn, it means equipment, and no one wants these things to fall into the hands of others.

The terrifying zombie king, who is five meters tall, saw the small and unusual Tang Tian rushing towards him. He was initially wise with a scornful smile on his face.

At this moment, Tang Tian’s eyes only saw the zombie king in front of him. His body flashed quickly, leaving behind many afterimages. When he was about to approach the zombie king, his footsteps suddenly stepped on the ground, accelerated again, and jumped several meters high with a long hand. The knife slashed straight at the neck of the Zombie King.

In the face of Tang Tian’s attack, the Zombie King opened his palm, and his five fingers had turned into a mile-long bone knife. This open palm covered a range of two meters. A slap was like Tang Tian drew it. It's like swiping flies.

The zombie king casually slapped the air and exploded the air. Five bone-knife-like fingers slid through the air and there was a scream that pierced the eardrum.


Facing the slap of the Zombie King, Tang Tian's heart shrank, if he was drawn by this slap, he would peel off his skin if he didn't die! The speed of the Zombie King was too fast, and Tang Tian was in the air at this time, and it was too late to escape.

Had to split the long knife in his hand to resist the slap that the Zombie King slapped over.


The long knife in his hand slashed on the claws of the zombie king~lightnovelpub.net~ I just wanted to explode a group of sparks, and at the same time, Tang Tian only felt that a great force came from the place of collision, and the others also all of a sudden. Just flew out!

Tang Tian came fast and went faster, and in the blink of an eye he had already flew upside down twenty or thirty meters. The scene seemed to be slapped away by the zombie king.

When a person was in the air, Tang Tian adjusted his figure with an somersault, and fell to the ground as soon as he touched him. His legs were drawn seven or eight meters away on the ground before he stopped. The ground was marked with a deep trench. .

Tang Tian's eyes flickered when he stopped, he was not injured, and he backed so far just to resist the huge counter-shock force.


At this moment, the attack of Zhang Chao's trio had also approached the Zombie King, and the long knife in Zhang Chao's hand exploded with a five-meter-long brilliance, which suddenly slashed out. The man with the spear on the other side also burst out, and on the spear in his hand, a black light flickered, like a poisonous dragon, piercing the zombie king’s eyes, while Leng Xue didn’t know what he was hitting. Pay attention, and his figure flickered. Ready to shoot at any time.