Apocalypse Game

Chapter 329: Snake Group

"Get ready to fight," Zhang Chao said in a deep voice. M.

The druid has proved with facts that he did not lie, and he has no need to make such a joke.

"It seems that the battle is completely inevitable." At this moment, the spearman stood up and said with a wry smile. When he was speaking, people who heard his words did not understand why he said this.

However, after ten seconds, almost everyone's complexion changed, extremely solemn.

"Listen, what sound is it?" The scene suddenly quieted down, and at this moment, I don't know who said this softly.

Everyone was quiet, except for the rustle of the breeze across the grass.

However, under this rustle, a kind of Xixi Suosuo's voice began to appear, which was not obvious at first. After more than ten seconds, Xixi Suosuo's voice became one piece and came from all directions.

"It's a swarm of snakes. Oops, we are surrounded by a swarm of mutant snakes, and there are a lot of them, no less than a thousand." Hearing the voice of Xixi Suosuo, someone immediately said it out loud.

People who can mix up to more than twenty levels in the last days without dying have already become veterans. The characteristics of any monsters are well known. There is no way, people are forced out, so people soon after this voice appears. Knowing that this is the sound of a mutant snake swimming across the grass.

"I wiped it, when did snakes start to play gregariousness, it's too boring," some people couldn't believe it.

Anyone with common sense knows that cold-blooded animals such as snakes generally live alone and only choose to contact other snakes when they mate.

The appearance of the mutant snake immediately changed the complexion of some female members of the team. No way, the girls were naturally afraid of such things, and even Leng Xue, who had always been fearless and fearless, changed his complexion. Subconsciously leaned against Tang Tian. Among the entire team, I am afraid that only Tang Tian can bring her a sense of security. There is no way, who will let her know Tang Tian's "real strength".

"Quickly, open up an open space. The line of sight is completely blocked by the grass, which is not conducive to the fight at all," Zhang Chao immediately said loudly.

People also knew the seriousness of the situation, their sight was affected, and it was impossible to judge the number of mutant snakes, which was very unfavorable to them. He had just finished speaking, and immediately someone responded accordingly.

I saw that several wizards in the crowd began to release their skills, and a wind blade shot out. Immediately, the grass within a radius of tens of meters was cut off, the wild grass fell, and the line of sight was immediately opened up.

Looking at the open space with a radius of less than 50 square meters, Zhang Chao frowned and said: "It's not enough. Expand the open space to at least two hundred meters in diameter."

The fact is also true, I don't know how many monsters there are, this little open space is really not enough, immediately. In addition to the wind system mages, a few people with long swords or long swords also walked out. Coming to the edge of the open space, the sword aura is vertical and horizontal, and the sword aura is flying, and the open space has been expanded to more than two hundred meters in diameter within ten seconds.

After everyone heard the snake crawling across the grass and making a squeaky sound, the site was cleared, but it was only a short ten or twenty seconds, under unknown danger. People are always very active in doing things.

When the field was cleared, the first mutant snake also exposed its head at the edge of the grass.

The black triangle head is about the size of a washbasin. The two long fangs are no longer hidden in the mouth, but are exposed outside the mouth like a saber-toothed tiger in ancient times. The neck is the size of a basketball. Such a sturdy snake might be able to swallow a cow directly.

As soon as the snake's head was exposed, the person in the team with the identification technique immediately identified the mutant snake's information and told everyone.

"The eighteenth-level mutant snake, the triangle snake, the scales are tough, and it is highly poisonous. Please be careful. Those with antidote should be prepared, otherwise it will be troublesome after a while", the wizard is telling the triangle snake I did not forget to remind everyone in the information, it seems that this guy has suffered a lot from snakes.

"This is troublesome, the first mutant snake that just came out is already at level 18. I don't know how many powerful mutant snakes are hidden among the snakes," someone said solemnly.

Unlike zombies, mutant beasts are even more terrifying. Although zombies are powerful, mutant beasts of the same level are generally several times more powerful than zombies. No matter how powerful a zombie is, the muscles of his body are stiff. Is it worthy of the flexible body of mutant beasts? Not to mention that mutant beasts still have some wisdom.

At this stall, under the bushes blocking the voice of Xixi Suosuo, the whole team was surrounded by countless mutant snakes. Numerous mutant snakes in all directions turned out of the bushes, seeing people all **** their heads. It is seven or eight meters high, and it can be seen from the height of the snake's head that the snake's body length is at least thirty meters away.

The head of the snake was as high as seven or eight meters, and the group of snakes who looked at the people opened their mouths, protruding long letters and making a hissing sound.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was terrified. Mutant beasts are far more terrifying than zombies. These nineteenth-level u mutant snakes are even more dangerous than a group of 30th-level ordinary zombies, except for the crowd. Except for those whose level was 30 or higher, all of them frowned deeply, and some of their bodies trembled, obviously too scared.

In the apocalypse, who would say how many kills they kill every day may not care many people, but if someone said that they killed a mutant beast of the same level, it would be amazing.

This is also the reason why there are ten fierce lands. In those places, it is basically the world of mutant beasts, such as the dark forest. Tang Tian has experienced it. Where is the paradise of mutant beasts, not even the City of Hope. If you dare to hit the idea there, you can see how dangerous it is.

In the team, even the men who are as powerful as Zhang Chao's spear frowned. If there are a smaller number of mutant snakes, they are not worried, but the number in front of them makes them feel cold and sweaty. No matter how strong they are, they can't stand the group attack. what.

If someone in the crowd is not worried at all, then it is Tang Tian. Not to mention that he has learned the magic knife technique, but before he learned the magic sword technique, he didn’t see the mutant snake in front of him. Will put it in his eyes, he personally killed too many mutant beasts, he spent almost every day in the fight when he came out of the dark forest.

"That's right, why did you have such a back luck? When you encounter a group of mutant beasts, you still have to go like this on the next road," someone said with a weeping face.

"Brother, don't worry, let's think about how to get through the current difficulties."

It's a long story, in fact, it was only a short minute from the time people began to clear the ground to the appearance of mutant snakes.

The mutant snake didn't know much about it. As soon as it appeared, he spit out the letter and rushed over, opening his mouth wide. To be honest, humans are really not big enough to stuff their teeth.

"Kill, brothers, do your best, don't hide it, this is a mutant beast, not the zombie I met yesterday", the one who called out was a mage, and while he was calling out, the development in his hands lit up dazzlingly. Shining, with a wave of his hand, a few meters high wall suddenly rises on the ground in front, hoping that this can stop the attack of the snakes.

But this was just his wishful thinking, the mutant snake's long body swam past the earth wall without any resistance, and rushed towards the people. Seeing this result, the face of the soil mage who was the first to do it changed his face, and his staff waved again, and a sharp thorn of one or two meters rose suddenly in the area of ​​more than 20 meters on the ground.

But this ground thorn just rose, and only one or two unlucky mutant snakes were attacked. But what made him stare at him was that the sharp thorn only pierced the snake's body a few centimeters, and it just broke the defense. This shows the snake. The toughness of the body.

What makes people terrifying is that these mutant snakes are too flexible. When the ground spines rise, their bodies twist and twist flexibly, avoiding lightly, without any harm at all.

"I wiped..." I don't know who exploded when I saw this picture.

"Rushing out and staying here is simply looking for death," Zhang Chao decisively said in a loud voice. Faced with so many terrifying mutant snakes, it is impossible for this team of three hundred people to defeat. The only way out is to run, but the vast grassland , Where can I go? But no matter how bad the result is, it’s better than being swallowed alive by the snake here, right?

Draws out the long knife, Zhang Chao is the first to kill, and oncoming is a huge Shekou. The opening of the Shekou is bigger than Zhang Chao’s entire body. The long fangs are shining with cold, and the smell of the mouth is full of fish. Zhang Chao has nausea.

With a twist of his body, Zhang Chao escaped from Shekou, leaving an afterimage on the spot. He jumped up, and a sharp light flashed by the long knife in his hand. With a chuckle, the huge snake head flew high.

Killing a nineteenth-level mutant snake with one slash is nothing to be proud of. You must know that Zhang Chao's level is more than 30. If the eighteenth-level mutant beasts are difficult to kill~lightnovelpub.net~ then this The team is not qualified to go to the Stone Forest of Thousand Beasts at all.

However, Zhang Chao had just killed the snake, and the sound of the air being torn apart was heard around him, and a long snake tail drew towards him like a steel whip.

Without the slightest fear, Zhang Chao grabbed the snake's tail in his hand as soon as he reached out, twisted his waist, and his arms, he swept the snake up and threw it away.

Compared with strength, Zhang Chao, a power-type swordsman, is not afraid of these mutant snakes at all.

At this time, the battle has inevitably begun. Following Zhang Chao's ascension, people began to attack in one direction.

The spear in the hands of the speared man fighting among the snakes pierced the head of a mutant snake and flew it far away.

The level reached their level, naturally there is not much pressure to deal with these ten ** level mobs, but it is impossible to continue to be so brave, the only way is to rush out.

They are brave, but others are not so powerful...