Apocalypse Game

Chapter 426: planning

Pingdingshan, which is the top of Tang Tian's sealed mountain, the rippling teleportation array is still open, but no one enters or exits from it anymore. M

At this time, Tang Tian and others have returned here. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the top of Pingding Mountain. Hundreds of thousands of terrifying troops were dominating here. No monsters dared to approach, and felt the horror atmosphere here and fleeing far away. left.

Taking Tang Tian as an example, all the high-levels of Xinshou Village gathered here.

Looking around, Tang Tian pointed to Pingdingshan and said: "The mountain is high and the terrain is dangerous, and the top of the mountain is open, with an area of ​​several square kilometers. In the future, we can build a fortress here to protect the army. Stay here to prevent monsters from coming to harass."

The reason for Tang Tian’s arrangement is that the terrain here is suitable. This mountain is a thousand meters high, but the top of the mountain seems to be flattened by a sword. The terrain is dangerous on all sides, and a fortress can be built. Secondly, because the teleportation array has been established. Here, the teleportation formation cannot be moved, and if it is destroyed, the quota for a teleportation formation will not be reclaimed. Tang Tian cannot destroy this teleportation formation and then build it elsewhere, so there is only a portal to enter and exit the Novice Village. It was established here as the first place to settle in Novice Village as the Dark Forest.

Novice Village has already existed, and there will be too many people pouring into Novice Village in the future. Tang Tian must control the only road in his own hands. Not to mention other things, he wants to enter the village to make transactions. Those who enter and leave the village will pass through the teleportation array. A large sum of money can be collected at that time.

Yes, this is the only road leading to Novice Village. In the last few months, the whole world has almost known the existence of Xinshou Village and the terrifying dark forest, but countless people have lost so many lives that they have not been able to open a road in the dark forest, so apart from this road. It is impossible to reach Xinshou Village from other places.

"Well, I think it's okay. Hundreds of miles in this direction is the City of Hope. It is not far or near, and there is no big friction. It is convenient for trade. In the other direction, although the distance is too far, it is It can lead to the sword city, and a road can be opened up sooner or later. It is convenient for communication." Tan Fei listened to Tang Tian's words and analyzed.

The reason why they calmly believe that there will be too many people going to trade in Novice Village in the future. That's because Xinshou Village has a huge advantage that other places don't have.

In the first end of the world, the gods and demons in the hands of people can only be used in the real sense in Novice Village, and secondly. In the past, humans hunted monsters, after killing them, it was at most to gain equipment and experience, and to eat a little meat or something, but other things on the monsters, such as fur, nails, bones, blood, etc., can get novices. The village is sold to shops in exchange for magic coins, and only the novice village can turn these materials into real equipment.

Many people will say that since there are any professions in the last days, then someone must become a secondary profession. Those materials can be processed into equipment by themselves, but the facts are simply not the case.

When the end of the world is coming, the demon **** who does not know that there is or does not exist once said that the world is a game field. Since it is a game field, the rules of the game must be followed. The main profession can be used for full-time through the full-time scroll, but the secondary profession must be studied It can only be obtained, and the place to learn can only be Novice Village, there is no semicolon of other houses, which is why the whole world is looking for Novice Village.

Only by finding the Novice Village and learning the secondary profession can the materials on the monsters become real equipment. This is also the answer that many people spend their points to exchange in the arena.

Many people have used a certain part of a monster to fight. For example, compared to the nails of some monsters, its sharpness is stronger than many swords. When people fight with it, they can only use the sharpness of the nails for basic basics. Because he is not equipped or a weapon, he can't even use the useful skills of this thing without special treatment. The skills here refer to the skills such as using swords to cleave sword energy.

Without the corresponding weapons and equipment, even if you have Tier 10 skills, it is useless. This is why there are professional divisions. For example, before the end of the world, can he draw animation with an excavator? It definitely won't work.

With the passage of the end of the world, the explosion rate of equipment is so low that people can't get the equipment, but the monster is still evolving, what should I do? You can only go to the Novice Village to learn the vice-professionals and process the materials on the monsters into equipment, so that humans can truly counterattack, instead of blindly looking at luck and equipment.

Some people say that, for example, Taoist priests can use the materials of monsters to draw amulets or something. Doesn't this use the materials of monsters? Why do you still have to study a vice career? In fact, it was just the use of Taoist skills, not making equipment at all.

All of the above illustrate the importance of Novice Village to the entire world. After the news of Novice Village's present life spreads, countless people are bound to flock to Novice Village, so Tang Tian and others must make advance preparations.

"Well, this is completely feasible. Enclose this entire mountain top with a city wall, and then use great effort to cut all the surroundings into vertical cliffs, which can not only resist monsters from invading here from other places, but also prevent other forces from coming from this place. It’s guilty, but it’s too much effort since then," Jiang Mu frowned and said. He used to be a gangster and had some experience in deploying defenses.

"Haha, don't worry about this, just cut all sides into cliffs and I can finish it in one day by myself. It's just a little tired," Lin Tian said with a smile.

People are relieved that this job is quite suitable for him. A sword is swung, and the horrible sword light passes, and I am afraid that a piece of the mountain will be wiped out. In fact, when Tang Tian will do such a thing, it only takes four to do his best. A knife can cut the cliffs on all sides, but no one raised such a topic.

"Well, it was so decided. I will start to build the city wall in a moment, leaving one hundred thousand guards here to guard, and the others will return to Xinshou Village to clean up all the monsters within a hundred miles of Shijia Village. Clean, the Novice Village will have an explosive exhibition in the future. The cleared area can be used to build a city. I think Novice Village will become the world's largest capital in the future." Tang Tian nodded and said.

Tang Tian's words are not bragging. After the news of Xinshou Village's present life spread, I don't know how many people will flood into Xinshou Village, so Tang Tian's hypothesis is completely valid.

"In this way, the news of Xinshou Village's present life will surely spread all over the world in a very short time. It is urgent to reach Tianshui City through the teleportation array immediately to prevent the population from coming to build, and we must make this a fortress in the shortest time.", Zhao Yueer said.

"Also, just cutting the mountain into a cliff is not enough. It is necessary to engrave countless formations on the cliff to prevent some masters from coming in from this place," Hua Meimei suggested.

Her opinions have been recognized by everyone. You know, there are many people in this world who can fly, and many people who can't fly have flying mounts. Cliffs can't stop these people.

The plan was finalized, and the time brooks no delay. Everyone acted immediately and went to work on their own. Although there are many details that are not perfect, they can only be solved when they encounter them.

To build a fortress, everyone in the last days can be used as ten or a hundred, which is more convenient than the machinery before the end of the world. It may not take a few days to build this fortress.

As for the city wall surrounding the mountain top, Tang Tian opened the drawing directly and built it. After the time has passed, the construction of the city wall is completed, and then it can be upgraded. It is guaranteed to be several times stronger than the city wall built by the city of hope. This is the system. Power can also be said to be the rule of law.

Just as Tang Tian finished building the city wall and was about to leave Shijia Village for a long time, he suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of the City of Hope.

At this time, the sun has completely set, the sky is already dark, and the majesty of late autumn blows, making people feel cold but not cold. The coldness of the evolution of physique can already be ignored.

Looking in the direction of the City of Hope, Tang Tian clearly felt a depressive breath coming from that direction. It was a kind of pressure like the waves of the sea, vast and endless.

"It looks like something went wrong in the City of Hope"! Lin Tian stood beside Tang Tian and said.

When Lin Tian was speaking, a gleam of light flashed in the direction of the City of Hope, because it was too far away, but Tang Tian and others still saw that it was the light of skills. Obviously, the City of Hope At this moment in the battle, the light of the skills used in the battle can pass hundreds of miles to reach here, it is conceivable that the person who fights must be the master of the master.

"Strange, who dared to go to the City of Hope and make such a big disturbance? It seems that the City of Hope is in trouble~lightnovelpub.net~ I don’t know how they will deal with it," Zhao Yueer came to Tang Tian and said .

After organizing for many years in Shijiacun, she no longer considers the issue as a unilateral consideration, but takes into account many details, such as the city of hope. She will not consider who is fighting because there is no Meaning, only consider how the City of Hope will deal with it, subconsciously means whether it will affect itself.

"Or let's just go play and see what happened there." Liu Xin directly hugged one of Tang Tian's arm and pressed Tang Tian's arm firmly on the already fertile breast. Above the pigeon, he didn't care about Tang Tian's slightly stiff arms and strange expression at all.

"Ah..., since you dare to fight in the City of Hope, it must be very dangerous, or I'll take a look alone." Tang Tian quietly drew his arm, but now he couldn't get it out, he coughed dryly.

(Brothers, I’m very touched by your support. I think I have time for two more chapters in these two days. I will go to deal with the work in two days. After I have processed the stone, I will come back with peace of mind. Well, the stone has been decided. I don’t hesitate to live and struggle. Although the subscription volume of this book is not very good, it can make up for my clumsiness. When the time comes, the stones can be more and more every day, but the stones cannot do without your support...