Apocalypse Game

Chapter 433: Vast Times 7

"Sister City Lord, what is it? Can we get through this difficulty"? Leng Xue, who didn't understand the truth, asked suspiciously. Although her sister is a general in the City of Hope, she herself does not hold any position in the city. Naturally, she doesn't know what the last thing the City of Hope is holding is at the bottom of the box.

Not to mention her aura, in the entire City of Hope, apart from the three leaders and the city lord, no one knows what kind of terrifying thing it is.

General Lengdie, General Baihu, General Yinmang and others all looked at the city lord suspiciously. They didn't understand what dumb riddles they were playing. It stands to reason that they were already the highest-level figures in the City of Hope. There are things they don't know, which makes them a little confused.

"This is also a last resort. If there is really no alternative, I will not agree to use it anyway, let alone me, even people in the world, no one in this world will use it in the same way, even if it is All the people in the City of Hope will not use the same thing if they die, but I can't just watch tens of millions of people die...", the city lord said slowly, looking into the distance.

Those eyes were filled with confusion and anxiety, fear of the unknown!

"I don't know if it's right or wrong. If I use it, it may save tens of millions of people, but after using it, it may kill more people..." the city lord sighed helplessly.

The wave of mutant locusts in the distance is approaching, like the sea is like a tide, and the terrifying breath is covering the sky and the earth, and it has not weakened. Millions of people looked at the wave of locusts approaching in the distance with a face of death, ready to use their lives for the final battle!

Soon Guangming returned to the city wall again and nodded to the city lord: "I'm all ready, do you really decide to do this?"! Talking in his mouth. Guangming's face was full of bitterness and helplessness. If there were other ways, he would not agree to use that thing if he was killed.

Because other people don’t know, but he knows what it is. Once used, it may become the enemy of all mankind, bringing unknown consequences...

"For the lives of more than 20 million people, this is the last resort. I know that the consequences are not imaginable. If I have to suffer infamy in the future, let me bear it alone." The City Lord said bitterly.

Under the silver mask, the corners of the beautiful mouth were bitterly conjured, and the clear eyes contained tears. She seemed to see that because of her decision today, countless lives will be lost in the future, and countless souls are asking her why she is doing this...

"Big Brother Guangming, Sister City Lord, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all," the atmosphere was depressed, Leng Xue couldn't bear it, and almost cried, holding the hand of the City Lord and asked anxiously.

"Sister Xueer. You'll know later..." As if unable to face Leng Xue's innocent face, the city lord looked at the distance and said.

"Xue'er, please remember that the decision made by the city lord and us today is nothing we can do. You must not blame her in the future. Maybe you won't need the future, and you may know the result tomorrow, and you don't know. There is no tomorrow", the leader of Tu Long who knows the truth, no matter how fierce his temper, no matter how strong his nerves are, he looks helpless at this time.

Above the city wall, many generals and general-level figures all looked at the city lord and the three chiefs in awe. Although they didn't know why these people were so helpless, they could feel their bitterness in their hearts.

"No matter what happens, even if it becomes the enemy of all mankind, the more than 20 million people in the City of Hope will always fight behind the lord of the city"! I don't know who started the game, and it has attracted others to conform.

At this time, the wave of mutant locusts constantly surging from the darkness was less than one kilometer away from the front line of millions of sergeants!

"Light, let's start, goal, in the darkness at a hundred kilometers away"! Taking a deep look into the distance again, the city lord closed his eyes in pain and ordered.

Taking a deep breath, Guangming slowly exhaled, his arms slowly raised, as if pressing the whole world, it was extremely difficult, when he reached the highest point, he swung it down fiercely and closed his eyes in pain. !

I don’t know why, when Guangming’s arm was waved down, not only the people on the wall but also the millions of troops below felt a horrible atmosphere between the heavens and the earth, which was depressed so that people could not breathe. The horror and rejection from life.

Not only human beings, but also the wave of terrifying locusts not far away stopped moving forward, and all fell silent.

When the whole world was quiet, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded in an unknown corner in the City of Hope, and people subconsciously looked in that direction.

Everyone saw that a huge flame rose slowly, and then added in vain, swish away, and drew a red trace on the sky, and disappeared into the darkness!

"Do not……"


"Why? Can't you use that thing?"

"Even if it is to let us all die, we can't use that thing. We would rather die, City Lord, please give up!"


Although it was only a few seconds, it was enough for people to see clearly what it was. When they saw the true face of the thing, almost everyone shouted in despair.

The millions of soldiers who faced the endless wave of locusts did not collapse, but when they saw the thing, almost half of them fell softly to the ground, and they couldn't believe it.

What do they see? It is a nuclear bomb that has been fired! A large-yield nuclear bomb!

Yes, the City of Hope has spent countless human material resources in the arena to collect points, and it took half of it to redeem a nuclear bomb with a large equivalent!

This nuclear bomb is the last secret of the entire City of Hope! Because it is a nuclear bomb, no one knows its existence except for the three tallest people in the City of Hope!

Some people may ask, how powerful a nuclear bomb is to save the lives of tens of millions of people, and why people would rather die than use nuclear bombs?

There is a reason for this.

When the arena came, after people knew that any item could be exchanged in the arena, almost all the big forces had thought about it, why not exchange massive nuclear bombs to wipe out all the monsters in the world?

This theory is completely established. As long as all mankind work together and exchange all the points to exchange enough nuclear bombs to cover the area where all the monsters are located, the monsters in the world can be eliminated.

But in the end they didn't do it, no one mentioned it, and regarded this kind of speculation as a taboo topic.

Why is it taboo? Isn't this a once-and-for-all solution?

why? Because this is the end of the world! Yes, because of such a ridiculous reason!

Human beings are not fools, what is the end of the world? It is a paradise for the evolution of all species, a paradise for mutation, what is a nuclear bomb? In theory, it is a weapon of mass destruction that can sweep everything, but why is it forbidden to be used by humans before the end of the world? Just because its radiation can cause species variation!

In the last days, the species itself is at the peak of evolution. If the radiation of the nuclear bomb is added to allow it to mutate and evolve again, who knows what this world will become?

Nuclear bombs are poisons and catalysts. After the radiation of species at the peak of evolution, evolution will increase! Because the species itself is in a period of mutation and evolution, this kind of radiation will not bring negative effects, but will only make the species evolve even more terrifying!

Therefore, when the people in the City of Hope saw that a nuclear bomb was actually fired, they would rather die than use a nuclear bomb. All the city owners gave the order so painfully!

Because once you shoot a nuclear bomb, you will become a sinner in the world, and a sinner who pushes all mankind into the abyss! Human beings are already standing at the mouth of hell. With the radiation of nuclear bombs and species evolution and mutation, how can humans survive?

This is the end of the world. Some people may say that life is already very difficult. Are you afraid that it will be more difficult? What can't you do to survive? Yes, everyone has such an idea, but why hasn't anyone used nuclear bombs to deal with monsters after the end of the world for so long? Just because it can't, even if it's dead, it can't be used!

Everything is too late, countless people cry and despair!

A flame pierced the sky and went away, disappearing into the darkness, and then there was a brief silence.

Soon after, in the distant darkness, a terrifying white light lit up, as if a sun had been thrown into the darkness. The terrifying white light pierced people's eyes with pain and tears flowed.

Where the white light rises, the space is distorted and everything is destroyed!

Because of the white light, people in the City of Hope can see the endless waves of locusts that stretch all the way to the horizon, flooding the entire world!

In the next moment, circles of terrifying shock waves spread, sweeping everything! All the affected items are vaporized!

The earth trembles, the sky collapses and the earth cracks, like the wrath of the gods, and the vast power sweeps all directions...

Huhu..., the gusty wind suddenly started, even if the city of hope, which is a hundred miles away, was still blown away by the violent wind caused by the terrifying shock wave!

The nuclear bomb exploded and everything within a hundred li radius disappeared!

It was precisely because of the explosion of the nuclear bomb that Tang Tian and others who were hundreds of miles away saw the terrifying white light!

Everything has become a foregone conclusion~lightnovelpub.net~ The nuclear bomb has exploded, and then it is time to bear the consequences!

This one, the City of Hope, tens of millions of people, all fell silent, and no one spoke.

"The city lord is also for us, even if it is to become a public enemy of the world? Are you so worthy of the city lord?" I don't know who roared like that, and the voice spread over the City of Hope.

"Yeah, if the city lord doesn't do this, we may have been overwhelmed by locusts. The city lord is saving our lives."

"City Lord, you don't have to bear the burden, we will bear all the consequences together with you"

"The City Lord..."


Hearing these voices, the city lord smiled bitterly... But, I am a sinner!

(Seriously, when writing this chapter, the stone was also very nervous, but if you want to complain, let's complain, sigh...)