Apocalypse Game

Chapter 601: The first auction item

In an open-air auction room like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, dozens of beams shone on the high platform, presenting the first auction item to everyone's eyes. M

The first auction item caused a sensation as soon as it came out, and the originally quiet auction room suddenly became chaotic.

The so-called first auction item is not an item, but a person, a woman, a beautiful woman, a very, very beautiful woman.

He is about eighteen years old, his face is as beautiful as a bright moon, and he wants to take it for himself, with long hair to the waist, soft as a black waterfall, white and tender as a shelled egg, and a height of about 1.6 meters. It's a perfect ratio.

This is undoubtedly a girl with an alluring look, but at this time it has become an auction item!

The old man next to him saw the tumultuous crowd and knew that he had mobilized people's emotions. He waited until everyone calmed down and said again: "This is the first auction item. Do you think she is just a beautiful girl? Wrong, so wrong"! Having said this, the old man deliberately whipped everyone's appetite.

"You old stuff, what's the point of selling, is it a woman or something? What is special about it?"

"Quickly make an offer, I can't wait, I must clap her hands..."

The old man deliberately lost people's appetite, which caused everyone's dissatisfaction, and they asked loudly, but no one dared to do it. It was just verbal dissatisfaction.

The old man pressed his hand and waited until everyone was quiet before he said again: "Let me introduce this first auction item to you. This girl is named Xiaoxi, is 18 years old and is 1.62 meters tall. As for the figure and appearance, everyone has seen it. It’s comparable to a fairy, I won’t say more about it. Secondly, she is not only a beautiful girl, she is also a forty-eighth level swordsman. She possesses a set of Tier 3 skills flowing water swordsmanship. , Think about it, everyone, after you buy her, you can not only become your personal pet, for you to have fun, but also become a powerful help for you. Is it a rare bodyguard, is there anything more wonderful than this? She will do it, just do her if there is nothing to do. Is there anything faster than this? Don’t worry, this powerful girl has been controlled by a special method and will never attack her master. We will only wait for who becomes her master. Tell her how to command her, and the path is absolutely clean and will not cause you the slightest trouble, but I want to remind everyone that although she is powerful, she needs her new owner to equip her with weapons! And I tell Everyone is a secret, she is still a complete body. I think everyone can't wait, haha, then the bidding starts, starting at one million gods and magic coins...".

Lao Mo said a lot, in short, he gave a complete introduction to all aspects of the girl's origin, so that people can understand the benefits of buying her.

I have to say that if anyone owns this girl, it can be said to have made a lot of money. Not only is she beautiful, but more importantly, her strength. The forty-eighth-level swordsman can already sweep a piece, and there will always be a set of third-order skills, such a person is an existence that cannot be ignored even if it is placed among the major forces!

After hearing Lao Mo's introduction, everyone present was boiling. What could be compared to a powerful bodyguard who was drifting and powerful? The most important thing is that the bodyguard is still free to ask for it. Is there anything more exciting than this?

Almost everyone is crazy, let alone the people in the lobby, but there are many people from the major forces in the private rooms. They all know how difficult it is to cultivate such a forty-eighth level swordsman. A powerful boost!

"One and a half million, I want it." When Lao Mo said the low price, someone started quoting on the spot.

"One and a half million you want to have such a peerless beauty? You can't even buy it with Mao. I pay five million, and I want it." Someone raised the price again and raised the price to five million on the spot. The girls are so crazy, totally worth it.

The ensuing quotations climbed steadily, reaching a sky-high price of 30 million in just a few minutes. One can imagine how crazy people are. 30 million is not a small number. There are so many things that can be done. At this time The enthusiasm of the people cooled down.

"Huh, such a beautiful girl, how can a mere 30 million show her value? I paid 50 million." At this moment, a person in the private room made an offer and raised the price by 2,000 again as soon as he opened his mouth. Million!

Hearing the quotation, many people took a breath. It’s just a girl, should I burn money like this? How much can 50 million do? They were able to pull up a team of thousands of people, and the enthusiasm of many people was instantly dispelled, and suddenly I felt that the brains of the people who quoted were broken.

"Brother Tian, ​​let's buy this girl, she is pitiful," said Zhao Yueer looking at Tang Tian in the private room.

Tang Tian shook his head and said, "Why do you buy it? I have a personal life. I only hope that she will be bought by a good master." Tang Tian didn't care about the so-called beautiful bodyguard. He still needs a bodyguard at his level? Moreover, Tang Tian is not very keen on women. Women have brought him too much pain, and it is too late for him to escape.

People are so enthusiastic and crazy, but they only took a fancy to this woman's appearance and strength. They didn't care about these Tang Tian. Although the forty-eighth level swordsman was powerful, it was not enough in front of him.

"80 million, I want this girl", just at this moment, a strong voice rang from a private room.

Eighty million, in this person's mouth, seemed to be just one or two cents, and he just threw it away.

Many people have toothaches, and they secretly scold this person as a prodigal, 80 million yuan, exchange points for food, enough time for ten thousand people to spend a year, rushing to exchange for a girl, is this not burned?

Tang Tian couldn't hear who was making the offer, and he didn't care about all of this at all.

In the end, the girl was bought by this person for a high price of 80 million, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the people who had previously offered 50 million, but did not say anything.

Tang Tian knows that in fact, the people who quoted 50 million really wanted this girl, probably because of the main event later that they stopped the quotation.

A girl acted as the first auction item, ignited a small cock, and raised everyone's enthusiasm.

When the settlement between the two parties was completed, Lao Mo stood on the stage again and said, "Congratulations to the guest on the 25th for owning Xiaoxi at a high price of 80 million. I hope you will pamper her, haha, so let’s not talk too much. Start the second auction item".

The second auction item was an exquisite porcelain vase measuring one foot high. Lao Mo introduced: "As we all know, almost everything was destroyed after the end of the world. This item is an authentic piece of yuan passed down from before the end of the world. Blue and white antiques, this thing can be called a rare treasure before the end of the world. I think it is the only one in the end of the world. Although it can be exchanged in the arena, it is fake after all. It is labelled as an arena production, so the preciousness and historical significance of this Yuan blue and white porcelain vase should be clear to everyone, right? Not much to say, the starting price is 100,000 gods and magic coins...".

No matter how nice he said, as long as he is not an antique enthusiast, he will not care at all. No matter how good your broken porcelain bottle is, it cannot be eaten or used. If it is broken, it will be cut off. It is just a decoration. Use it as a chamber pot. It's almost the same. This kind of thing is invaluable before the end of the world, but in the end of the world, it may not be as real as a piece of bread.

Therefore, even though this Yuan Qinghua is called a rare treasure, there are not many people who really bid for it, only a few people. In the end, it was bought with 800,000 gods and magic coins, and it was even cursed and eaten by others. To support it, 800,000 to buy a bottle that can only be seen, isn't this person crazy...

Old Moss didn't care about this. This thing is not of much value. I am afraid that in many cases it is not as practical as a knife, so he said again: "Congratulations to this friend 800,000 for obtaining this rare treasure. , Then the third auction item..."

The next few auction items were all infamous things, such as antiques, calligraphy and painting, and the skins and bones of mutant beasts, etc. They were all sold for auction. They did not get any high prices, even if they were a complete one. The skins of the 53rd-level mutant snake were only sold for 1.3 million yuan, which was not enough for that girl's fraction.

The auction is like this. At the beginning, everyone's emotions are mobilized, and then some not very good things are shown when everyone's emotions are high. Maybe someone has a high price in their brains.

Finally, I saw that everyone's emotions were almost consumed~lightnovelpub.net~Lao Mo once again said inexplicably: "Next, please go to today's eighteenth auction item, I think everyone will be crazy".

"This old man is bragging again, which of the previous things didn't say that, but it was just rubbish," someone said loudly, causing a burst of laughter.

Lao Mo didn't take it seriously, so that people came up with a ruler-long box covered with black cloth, and placed it on the high platform. Then he said: "As everyone knows, in addition to the powerful strength, equipment is also indispensable in the apocalypse. , In addition to equipment, the first choice is a powerful pet. I think everyone knows the pet’s loyalty to the owner. The auction item that comes down is a powerful pet”!

With that said, Lao Mo uncovered the black cloth and exposed a small box inside. What kind of box was there, it was clearly an iron cage, and inside was a golden mini eagle that was less than a foot long.

This golden eagle, even if it is only a foot long, but the tyrannical aura that it exudes makes people terrified again, even Tang Tian paid special attention to it.

"I didn't expect such a good thing to be auctioned. The backstage of this auction house is a bit tricky," Tang Tian said with a smile... (to be continued...)