Apocalypse Game

Chapter 787: Mirror transfer

"Oh? What else did she ask you to bring me"? Tang Tian turned around and looked at Xia Yiyi questioningly. m

In Xia Yiyi's hand, there appeared a foot-long emerald green bottle, like a green jade, exquisitely beautiful, but Tang Tian felt great vitality from it, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes. If he guessed right in this bottle If it is, it should be the spring of life.

"This is the life spring that my king asked me to bring to you, because it is extremely precious, and the output is extremely low. Apart from the usual consumption of my elves, there is not much left. This is already 90% of all the life springs of my clan. Now, Lord Hou, my king does not hesitate to give this precious spring of life water to each other. His heart is so obvious. Please don’t let my king’s heart be disappointed." He said when Xia Yiyi handed over the spring of life. Said.

Tang Tian got the bottle containing the spring water of life, weighed it, and found that the spring water in it was a little bit more than when he left the Snow Mountain Heaven Realm. He looked at Xia Yiyi and said, "I understand."

It’s just three simple words, not a heavy promise, but it’s enough to show Tang Tian’s intentions. There are many things, saying a thousand words and ten thousand, it is better to do one thing with actual actions. His heart for Liu Xin, You don't need any gorgeous words to frame.

Xia Yiyi didn't say anything, but she was stunned to see Tang Tian making a move that almost made her crazy. The life spring water is a precious thing among her elves, even if she wants to use a drop, she will have to pay. Only to get it, but it was such an extremely precious thing. At this time, Tang Tian opened the bottle cap and drank it all like mineral water.

"You can't be Hou, you will be blown up by the powerful energy," Xia Yiyi wanted to stop it, but it was too late, and said somewhat aghast. She was afraid that Tang Tian would be torn into pieces by his endless abilities in the next moment.

When the last drop of life spring water entered his mouth, Tang Tian looked at Xia Yiyi and said, "It's okay, I have my own measures. Don't think that I wasted this precious thing. Drink it in my stomach to release it to the maximum. The role of ".

"how can that be……". Xia Yiyi stared at Tang Tian dumbfounded, and drank so many life springs. Not only did Tang Tian not suffer a single bit of damage, but he looked like she hadn't done anything, let alone other, even if it was her Xia Yiyi as a 70th-level tyrannical. Existing, he only dared to drink a small sip of the life spring water at most, but at this time Tang Tian drank a few catties, how could it be okay?

Tang Tian didn't need to explain to her that he had opened up a sea of ​​anger. After a large number of life springs are drunk, the energy formed enters the sea of ​​qi, decomposed and turned into strands of qi to appear in the sea of ​​qi.

A drop of life spring water can be turned into 90,000 strands of qi. The entire bottle of life spring water has increased the qi in Tang Tiantianhai by 3 billion strands. Adding the original one billion, the qi in his qi sea has reached four. A billion strands.

It sounded a lot, but Tang Tian was speechless, compared to the endless silence of the sea of ​​air. This seemingly large amount of air is only a drop in the ocean, almost like a small puddle in the ocean. Wanting to fill the entire sea of ​​qi, Tang Tian guessed that it would go on at such a speed, and he would never even think about it in his life.

In the sea of ​​qi, the long sword with no handle in its entire arc, floating up and down in billions of qi, like a swimming fish. While swallowing strands of qi to nourish oneself, the qi has not diminished, but it itself has become more and more spiritual.

"I look forward to your bright moment," Tang Tian thought to himself after seeing the years in the sea of ​​qi. Those years seemed to feel Tang Tian’s thoughts, arguing in the sea of ​​qi, and the trace of breath exploded the billions of qi, just like a tossing sea, but soon he recovered calm and lurked. The bottom of the sea of ​​air.

"Let's go, maybe there will be a battle next," Tang Tian said while looking at Xia Yiyi.

Tang Tian took Xia Yiyi and left the Hou Mansion, and followed the traces left by the little demon. There are one or two hundred thousand luthiers of different levels. It hasn't been long since they left the city. Of course, it is impossible to leave too far. Quickly caught up with them.

Needless to say, Tang Tian's speed is naturally higher. Xia Yiyi's level is higher than Tang Tian's, so it is strange that the speed is slow.

After catching up in the footsteps of Xifeng and the others, Xiwu immediately spotted Tang Tian, ​​and rushed over as soon as his eyes lit up. However, after seeing Xia Yiyi next to Tang Tian, ​​his expression suddenly changed, and she changed her face without knowing why. He asked in a questioning tone: "Uncle, who is this woman? Why would I be with you again? You went to see her before"?

Tang Tian looked at her and smiled: "Little girl doesn't need to know so much about the film."

"Uncle, I hate you", Xi Wu's eyes were red, and she almost ran away. He stared at Xia Yiyi and turned away. Then Hua Yuesheng in the crowd suffered, and Xi Wu was tortured by ears but returned. Not daring to fight back the slightest, he turned around and glanced at Tang Tian. The expression in his eyes was resentful...

Suddenly seeing a beautiful beauty appeared next to Tang Tian, ​​Xifeng sighed in his heart, not knowing what it was like, but then he reacted. The eyes looking at Xia Yiyi were full of fear, because he found that he had a look at Xia. When Yiyi was in, the other party also glanced at himself, and immediately became cold all over his body.

"Who is this woman? Why is this terrible?" Xifeng thought in amazement that Xifeng didn't dare to look at Xia Yiyi again.

Quack quack..., the little duck sprang out from nowhere, came to Tang Tian and quacked, shaking his little **** to please Tang Tian and threw something to Tang Tian, ​​turning around Xia Yiyi twice, crooked He glanced at her head and ran away again.

After seeing the duckling leaving, Tang Tian smiled and looked at what it threw to him. He didn't expect it to be a bright red fruit named Huofengguo. It can increase the fire resistance ability and three points by eating it. Ten agility, if it were in the early end of the world, this thing could be regarded as a good thing for everyone to grab their heads, but for the current Tang Tian, ​​it is only something better than ordinary fruits.

After all, the little duck was not in his heart. Tang Tian immediately ate the fruit on the spot with two mouthfuls. The taste was not bad, and the sweetness contained a burning feeling, which was very peculiar.

"Little demon, how far is it from the celestial worm's nest"? Tang Tian asked.

"Brother Master, there are still 30,000 miles away from the old nest of the Celestial Clan. If it passes at the current speed, I am afraid it will take ten and a half months," said the little demon with a bitter expression.

"It won't work like this. You must arrive as soon as possible. It is best to shorten the time within one day," Tang Tian said with a frown, but even if it was himself, he wanted to bring the two hundred thousand piano masters in one day. Thirty thousand miles of the road is just wishful thinking, there is no way for a while.

Before, he only thought of rushing as soon as possible, but ignored the issue of distance. Now the only way to get there as soon as possible is to get these people back to the city, and rush over to build a teleportation formation so that they can quickly rush through the teleportation formation of the main city went.

"Is Hou Ye struggling with things on the way? Leave it to me", Xia Yiyi suddenly looked at Tang Tian and said.

"You have a way"? Tang Tian looked at Xia Yiyi in surprise, but was relieved when he thought of the opponent's seventieth level strength.

"Sister Little Demon? You only need to provide me with specific coordinates," Xia Yiyi turned to look at the little demon and said.

After the mutant demon vine got Tang Tian's nod of agreement, he gave out the specific coordinates of the Celestial Clan.

When Tang Tian asked Xifeng to order everyone to stop, Xia Yiyi started, and she suddenly exploded with a strong breath, opening her hands as if she was praying up to the sky. This blue sky and white sun seemed to come all at once. In the moonlit night, a cemented moon appeared above the sky, and the endless brilliance enveloped everyone present. The void was distorted and rippling like the surface of the water. When the surrounding scenery can be seen again. , Everyone found that their position had completely changed, not just after leaving the main city, but a huge valley appeared in front of them.

"This..." Everyone was dumbfounded when they looked at Xia Yiyi. What is this method? Is the universe moving? Two hundred thousand people were transferred to places tens of thousands of miles away in an instant?

When the sky regained clarity, the cemented moon disappeared, and Xia Yiyi's face was pale, painfully swallowing two drops of life spring water to recover.

"Thank you," Tang Tian said when he came to Xia Yiyi's back, with his palm on her back, instead of feeling the silky skin touched by the fingertips, but passing a wisp of air into her body to help her recover.

"Mirror transmission~lightnovelpub.net~ Tier ten skills, sure enough, you are qualified to be by the side of the uncle", Xi Wu said unwillingly with her small fist raised not knowing when she appeared here.

After helping Xia Yiyi to recover, Tang Tian looked at the valley in front of him. He said it was a valley. In fact, it was more of a huge abyss, which was hundreds of miles long, gloomy and cold, like a wound on the earth. , Among them, there were waves of low roars.

"Is this the base camp of the Celestial Clan"? Tang Tian said with blinking eyes.

"Yes, the master brother, I am sure from the seeds of the two girls that they are indeed among them. It must be the nest of the Celestial Clan," said the little demon when he came to Tang Tian's side.

"In this case, let's start," Tang Tian said to Xifeng immediately.

Xifeng nodded and said loudly to the two hundred thousand piano masters: "Everyone immediately separates and surrounds the two sides of the abyss. Then, they will attack the abyss together and wipe out the celestial worms in one fell swoop!"

"Who would dare to invade the territory of my Celestial Clan and don't want to live anymore"? At this moment, there was a roar from the abyss...