Apocalypse Game

Chapter 85: moron

Tang Tian also knew that to want these people to obediently surrender something that was almost a lifetime of nine deaths, it would certainly not be that simple. He was asking himself, if he stood from their perspective, it would be difficult to obediently hand it over.

   Even the things you handed over are not something you can use.

   However, Tang Tian also underestimated the endurance of these people, or in other words, underestimated the nostalgia of these people for life.

When Tang Tian looked at these people coldly, finally, one of them stood in front of Tang Tian and took out a large handful of magic coins from his arms and said, "Boss, this is what I killed nine. All the gods and magic coins obtained by the zombies, there are some other things, but you said that you only give you the gods and magic coins and drawings, I did not get the drawings, only these seventy-five gods and magic coins, I have not hidden any of them, Please accept it."

   Tang Tian accepted the coins he handed over, but he gave a cold hmm, and didn't say anything else. At this time, he knew that he had to play a cold role.

   It should be said that he was the first one to show his loyalty to Tang Tian, ​​but he found that Tang Tian had no expression at all, so he could only obediently retreat after handing in his things.

With the first person taking the lead, the rest will naturally be logical. Others have come forward to hand over what they have gained, but almost all of them are gods and demons. There are a dozen less, and as many as two or three hundred. There were no drawings at all. Maybe it was because the drawings were too precious, or there were other reasons. Tang Tian didn't bother too much.

When these people handed over the things, Tang Tian took everything in order, without saying a word, playing his coldness to the end, while others saw Tang Tian like this, and there was no nonsense. They obediently left the things and waited for the end. What did Tang Tian say.

In the beginning, Tang Tian called down about three hundred people from the third floor of the cafeteria, but now there are fewer than two hundred people who have survived, but despite this, these people still contributed nearly 10,000 gods and magic coins to Tang Tian. , Plus where he got it from the chief ten, adding up, Tang Tian's current total assets are almost close to sixty thousand gods and magic coins.

   And none of these people chose to leave. Tang Tian understood it when he thought about it. Probably because these people are not very high-level, they always want to stay in a crowded place in the face of the unknown and dangerous world.

   Moreover, when dealing with the mutant white rat, these people are all in the eyes. Follow yourself, at least, when facing such a powerful and incomparable mutant beast, these people have a little more hope of survival.

It can be said that he has grasped the lifeblood of these people. They guessed that they would hand over the magic coins obediently. As for whether there is a phenomenon of hiding personalities, Tang Tian doesn't know. Anyway, following him, these people will sooner or later. One day it will be handed over obediently. As for the issue of these people Shi Fei hiding their personal matters, is this still important?

After collecting the things handed over by these people, Tang Tian found that there was no drawing, and he had no thoughts in his heart. After he collected the gods and demons, his expression eased a little, but he still said coldly: "Okay, since you guys I’m done, so go up first, and then discuss other things."

After that, Tang Tian walked into the canteen first, surrounded by dozens of remaining soldiers. How dare other people walk in front of Tang Tian, ​​they had to follow behind. Perhaps they were unwilling after being persecuted. No one spoke, the previous joy disappeared without a trace.

   Tang Tian didn't say anything about this.

  This is the case in this last days. It is enough to live a better life. As for the life and death of others, what does it matter to you? In this action, Tang Tian obtained enough gods and demons coins, and his mind has long since turned to how many troops he can recruit after returning. He brought these people back and recruited a large number of troops by himself. He was afraid that they would not be obedient. ?

However, the question of how to resettle these people after they were brought back made Tang Tian secretly embarrassed, because all other houses in Shijia Village were demolished, and these people went to places where they didn’t live at all. However, Tang Tian didn’t care much. It's the early autumn season, and the weather is not very cold. Just take these people back and place them casually. Anyway, it's cold.

   There must be a way to the front of the mountain by car, isn’t it...

Came to the third floor, because these people on the third floor saw what Tang Tian was doing below, they looked at Tang Tian one by one, but no one dared to speak. Tang Tian’s coldness, these people all watched In the eyes, there is no need to touch his brow.

   Countless pairs of eyes or looking at him with fear or thoughtfulness, Tang Tian didn't feel any discomfort. The powerful and incomparable mutant white mouse elites have been hunted alone by himself. Do you care about the eyes of these people?

   "Did you make the food you cooked before?" Tang Tian frowned and said in the face of these people.

   Starting from Shijiacun in the morning until now, I have spent almost half of the time fighting. It is almost two o'clock now. I haven't eaten yet. I relax and feel hungry and exhausted.

   "Tang...Boss, the rice is ready"

   After Tang Tian asked, a female cringed and whispered, for fear of Tang Tian's fear.

   "Bring out all the food, my soldiers and I have priority to eat, you are waiting"! Tang Tian said coldly.

   After Tang Tian finished speaking, those who had arranged the cooking before replied, and then entered the canteen, and then one after another brought out large pots of rice and vegetables.

   After everything today, Tang Tian realized that the most important thing to him now is these soldiers who are so devoted to him. Of course, Tang Tian must give priority to them.

After the food was brought out, under Tang Tian's gesture, the remaining soldiers got the priority to eat, so they didn’t know where to take out the big bowls. Everyone had a fight. The big bowl of rice and food were eaten in front of everyone.

   Tang Tian also took out a bowl from the storage ring, and ate a bowl of rice and rice. Completely disregarding other people's eager eyes.

When Tang Tian waited for people to eat, the action and the sound caught the eyes of other people noisily. They had been hungry for a few days. Seeing Tang Tian and the others eating, it was greedy, but Facing Tang Tian's coldness, all of them could only gawk at the saliva.

When Tang Tian and his soldiers were full, Tang Tian said to the others: "Now, everyone is in line to receive food. Because food is limited, it is distributed according to needs. Crowding is not allowed, otherwise. There is nothing to eat".

   After Tang Tian finished speaking, he left these things to his soldiers. He was too tired today and wanted to find a place to take a good rest.

   It would be nice to have food. These people would dare to refute Tang Tian's words, so all of them went to the cafeteria kitchen and lined up obediently with tableware to receive food.

The rice and vegetables that Tang Tian took out before were all determined according to the number of people before, but because of a battle with zombies, many people died, so even though Tang Tian and others ate and drank, The rest is enough for everyone on the third floor of the cafeteria to eat.

   After waiting in line for a long time to receive food, Shen Yun and Bingbing almost immediately burst into tears. After a few days, they can finally eat a full meal.

   regardless of the appearance of the ladies, they were extremely hungry, and immediately ate after they got the food.

   These foods are almost something they would never see in peacetime, but now they seem to be just as delicious as the world.

After everyone had finished eating, Tang Tian once again walked the whole canteen completely, and stuffed some useful things into the storage ring, but because the storage ring space increased after strengthening. Ten times, even though Tang Tian stuffed it inside as much as possible, it still looked empty.

After feeling that there was nothing to take, Tang Tian went to the third floor again and looked at those people and said: "Now I give you two choices. One is to stay here and wait for death, and the other is to follow me. I will take you to Choose a relatively safe place."

   These people must stay here and wait until they die. Almost all of them chose the second way.

   "Very good, then you all bring your own stuff and set off with me. Remember, remember to bring all the bowls and everything. I won't have the bowls and chopsticks to send to you when I eat later."

After Tang Tian's words were finished, these people immediately gathered up their belongings, but there were not many personal belongings, at most some belongings. After all, these people were panicked when they came to the cafeteria. In order to escape, where is the mind to clean up other things.

   Almost nothing personally owns just a small package, and some girls who like to carry a bag even just have a small bag.

   "Don... Boss, did we leave like this"? At this moment, Shen Yun came to a place not far from Tang Tian, ​​completely lost the temper of the eldest lady, and asked in a low voice.

   "Then what do you think? Just say anything." Seeing him hesitating, Tang Tian said coldly, as if she had something to say.

Although Tang Tian was quite impressed with Shen Yun, he didn't catch a cold. What's wrong with the beauty? There are more and more beautiful girls in this cafeteria. As long as you nod your head, you can ensure that there are a large number of girls willing. Throwing himself into his arms, and in the last days, the beautiful girl is of no use at all. Without a soldier of his own, Tang Tian would never give him a good face.

   Regarding Tang Tian's attitude, Shen Yun felt that her soul was hit once again, but she was also extremely aggrieved. Her distance was reduced to the point where she would humbly to others. This was a scene she had never dreamed of before.

But now the world has changed. I don’t have the power to bind a chicken, and I can only live on a powerful person like Tang Tian, ​​so he said in a low voice: "It’s like this. Wouldn’t it be a shame if we leave like this? After all? The school is so big, there are still many people who will definitely survive, and the whole cafeteria is not the only cafeteria in the school, there are several other, and there must be people alive in places like dormitories, why not put them all Take it away".

Shen Yun felt that if he said this, first, Tang Tian saved those people and increased his leadership position. After all, there were more people under him, and Tang Tian’s position would be higher, right? Second, it was based on the first point. On the basis, once Tang Tian's status is higher, because it is his own suggestion, then his status in Tang Tian's heart will be correspondingly improved, which is more conducive to his hope of living.

   As the proud girl of Tianshui University, she is also very smart.

After hearing Shen Yun's words, Tang Tian sneered and said, "Do you think I have the ability to rescue everyone on the campus? What an idiot." After finishing Tang Tian shook his head and walked away, and set about taking these people away from this dangerous campus. , Take them to Shijiacun, and then plan the next move.

In fact, Tang Tian didn’t think about saving all the surviving people in the whole school~lightnovelpub.net~ But Tang Tian didn’t do that because he considered the extremes. First, the campus is too big, and God knows how much it hides. Abnormal mutant zombies? I simply don't have the ability to travel around the entire campus, let alone rescue other people, I have to act cautiously.

  Second, that is that this canteen can have a powerful opponent like Zhang Hao. God knows how powerful people are in other places? Even if he escaped countless zombies and mutant beasts and went to other survivors, once faced with these powerful people, first of all, his status is not guaranteed, and even his life safety cannot be guaranteed. Tang Tian completely There is no need to take this risk.

  三, it's already afternoon, Tang Tian must take these people back to Shijiacun before dark. On this crisis-ridden campus, when night comes, Tang Tian really doesn't feel any sense of security.

Based on the above points, Tang Tian didn’t act rashly to rescue others. He didn’t think he would be invincible by virtue of his current ability. At least he had to hold hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands before Tang Tian would go on rampage in this apocalypse. Wuji, but it was too far away.

   All, Tang Tian scolded Shen Yun for an idiot, and he ignored it afterwards.

   Shen Yun was scolded by Tang Tian and felt very wronged. She just gave him a very helpful suggestion. Why should she scold herself?

   She has never experienced the cruelty of the last days, she would never think of Tang Tian’s worries...

  PS: Shishi is just a hard-working worker. He has to go to work every day and has almost no rest. Now the manuscripts have been sent out. Fortunately, Shishi will still work hard to upload the codewords. I hope everyone will support...

   Shishi is here to thank those friends who support Shishi...