Apocalypse Game

Chapter 852: Surrender or die

I really don't know it. I was shocked at first glance. Who would have thought that the main city where they lived seemed peaceful, but in fact it was always in a precarious state? Everyone says that monsters are terrible, but there are still so many people who kill monsters to improve themselves. There is nothing to be terrible. But when they understand that the monsters are condensed in all the energy that will erupt, everyone is shaken. !

A mutated mouse of level 30 can reach 30 meters in length. Is it scary for a person of level 30? This is for sure. If you don’t pay attention, you will be slapped into flesh with a slap, but it is a little harder or you have a good skill or good equipment to kill the opponent, so it seems that there is nothing terrifying, but, among them Such mice form a group, with millions gathered together. Are you afraid?

"Have you figured out the specific monster distribution?" Tang Tian asked in a deep voice.

The matter has reached the point of urgency. Fighting must be fighting. If the monster forces are allowed to slow down and attack oneself, then it will be dangerous at that time. The first thing to say is the current situation.

"It has been roughly figured out. The distribution of monsters and the surrounding situation have been sorted out in detail, but many monster groups are too large and dangerous, and the specific number is unclear," Ann lowered his head and said.

The people in Anbe are responsible for checking everything, but they are not gods. They can only figure out a rough distribution of the monster group. It is simply impossible to go deep into the monster group to find out the specific number.

"So, Wang Deming, I will give you one day to dispatch the army and make a detailed combat route plan based on the information provided by the Anbu. It must sweep the entire dark forest within 20 days. At all costs, manpower and material resources provide full support. When necessary, you can borrow from other forces. The dark forest must be cleared within 20 days. It involves the issue of the speed of the army in a vast area. I give you a right. You can build four teleportation formations by yourself, which is expensive. Very fast, I hope you don't let me down," Tang Tian said while looking at Wang Deming.

This time it’s going to be a big deal. Don’t hold the dark forest firmly in his hands. Tang Tian is not at ease, especially when people from the elves say that it’s likely that all the big clans in the world will be absolutely unique in a month. After the top figure would come to the world, Tang Tian really couldn't sit still.

Although he knew that twenty days was too short and too short to sweep the entire dark forest, but there was no way. If you don't act, then it will be dangerous, and it is very likely that the entire human race will be destroyed.

The army in the main city has already started the action to eliminate monsters, but it was just a small fight. It was aimed at some single monsters in the wild. The real monster group still dare not provoke them, and now they have to What it does is, regardless of any monster group, push it horizontally. Either destroy it or subdue it. The third situation must never occur.

Start with the weak and build the foundation. Then, treat it as a training. Kill the monsters to get their own supplies, skill books and equipment experience, etc. After you kill the weak, you will start to use the big knife. Pushing it horizontally step by step, Tang Tian didn't believe that he couldn't take the entire dark forest in one fell swoop.

Perhaps many monster groups are not something he can provoke, but he is not without a hole card. If necessary, he can also ask an iron knife to make a shot. Presumably he can kill a group in one fell swoop. Of course, from a long-term perspective, it is better not to let him take action. Every opportunity consumed is extremely precious. Who knows what kind of things will be faced in the future?

The entire main city became very tense again. This time, everyone felt bad because the main city’s actions were too big. Not only did the main city mobilize almost all the troops from other places, but it also started a large-scale conscription. , As long as it is worthy of World War I have been recruited and placed in various military systems. Of course, everything is voluntary, and no one will persecute you.

However, after the news of the conscription came out, almost everyone wanted to join the army. No one else, because the world is no longer a lone ranger. No matter how strong you are, you will be torn apart after you fall into a monster group. Scum, you can only fight monsters in groups. The old scenes of fighting monsters alone are almost invisible. Even teams of thirty or fifty people are struggling to fight monsters outside. Monsters are just like humans. Once the wisdom is born, everyone has learned that the power of a group is powerful.

In a valley, all sides are steep, the mountains appear black, and there are many unknown wild flowers blooming in the valley, which makes people fascinated. It is an excellent scenery.

This valley is wide open, not like a valley, but it is equivalent to a plain. It was also caused by a sunny beauty. Dew dripped from the petals, and under the sun, the entire valley appeared colorful and blooming.

Whoa..., suddenly a wolf howl sounded out of the valley, but it stopped abruptly, as if a rooster was crowing pinched by its neck.

Suddenly, the whole valley was silent. Then, among the rumbling sounds, the whole valley was boiling, the earth was trembling, and a sturdy wolf appeared from every corner of the valley.

Smaller wolves are three to five meters long, occupying only a very small part. Among countless wolves, giant wolves with a body length of more than ten to twenty meters abound, even three to five hundred meters in length. It is not uncommon.

Here, entrenched in this pack of wolves, amidst the rumblings, the wolves appeared in the valley like a tide, large and small looking at the number of no less than 20,000, this is a group of terrible and brutal guys,

"Ohhhhh..." At this moment, there was a terrifying wolf howl from the depths of the valley. The sound was terrifying, and the void was trembling during the howl. The surrounding mountains were rumbling and shaking, and countless stones were Shattered and fell from the cliff.

A blood-red, 800-meter-long giant wolf, as tall as a mountain, wandered out from the depths of the valley. The terrible reminder made people fearful, and every move gave people an extremely shocking sense of strength.

When this giant mountain-like wolf appeared, all the wolves in the valley crawled on the ground, as if worshipping the king.

"What happened? Why is there a danger signal?" This terrifying blood wolf actually spoke, it was pure celestial language, this was an extremely incredible scene.

Among the wolves, a black wolf one size smaller than it stood up, crawling in front of the snow wolf and said: "Report to the wolf king, the wolf who is in charge of guarding outside the valley howls and releases one. The danger signal disappeared, and the subordinates have sent wolves to find the cause."

"Huh, how come there is still no result? Did the humans come again? Just tore them apart," said the blood wolf incredible, humans are nothing more than food in their eyes.

"Wow..." At this moment, the howling of the wolf sounded again outside the valley, and the same abruptly stopped.

"Something happened, go out and see what's going on." The wolf king shook his whole body, and he was about to rush out of the valley with a leap.

Boom... In the sky, a round of golden light bursts like a scorching sun, reflecting the entire valley golden. With the emergence of this round of scorching sun, the temperature in the valley rises extremely, and many plants are Yan has lost water.

"Who dares to attack me"? The wolf king roared, and a terrifying paw slapped out, the paw was covered with a layer of blood-colored light, and the paw slapped out the void and rippled away like water.

Boom... Its claws and the scorching sun in the sky blasted and, the void was twisted, with a bang, it flew back and crashed into the wolves in the valley.

Among the unprepared **** sound, its terrifying reminder alone crushed hundreds of weak wolves to death.

The ground was really like an earthquake. The Scarlet Wolf King stood up and glanced at his paw incredulously. It was covered with traces of scorched black, as if it was about to be scorched.

"Listen to the wolves in the valley, surrender, or die", a muffled voice resounded in the valley. Suddenly, the wolves in the valley saw that a golden figure appeared above the valley, wearing a golden robe. He was bald, looking at all the wolves in the valley with contempt.

"Human, are you looking for death"? Without waiting for the wolf king to speak, a silver giant wolf roared immediately. And jumped up amidst the rumbling sound, rushing towards the golden figure in the sky.

"Huh~lightnovelpub.net~ I dare to be unreasonable to my general and look for death", a white figure rushed in from outside the valley, and hit the silver giant wolf with a punch. Suddenly, the temperature in the entire valley They all seem to have dropped by dozens of degrees.

In the rumbling sound, the human who was not as big as a silver wolf with a claw hit the silver wolf's head with a punch, and only heard a thump, the silver wolf's head was blown to death, the corpse flew out, and fell amidst the rumbling. In the valley.

"Who are you? Dare to offend me Wolf Valley"? The Scarlet Wolf King bowed slightly, staring at the two figures in the sky.

"I am the main city Lieyangtian. I am ordered by the weather to conquer the Wolf Valley. A hundred thousand troops have already surrounded this place. You, sincerely serve or die," the golden figure in the sky said, his voice spread mightily The entire Wolf Valley.

The previous round of scorching sun was a punch from Lieyangtian, which forced the Scarlet Wolf King back. As for the white figure that appeared later, it was the heavenly king of the original gods and killed one of the wolf valleys in one fell swoop. A giant silver wolf.

When Lieyangtian spoke, a dense figure appeared above the entire valley, but it was a human army. Just as he said, this valley was surrounded by an army of 100,000! (To be continued...)