Apocalypse: Opening All-attributes Fragments

Chapter 690: Power of faith

"Senior, but it doesn't matter." Su Chen smiled.

Wuyazi is a false saint after all, and it is reasonable for such a character to make some demands.

Of course, the premise is not to be too much.

"You should be able to feel that I am not your human race, am I?" Wu Yazi said slowly.

Su Chen nodded, and asked, "Which race is the senior?"

When he started, he realized that Wuyazi's breath was very different from that of human beings. As for which race it was from, he didn't know.

"The old man belongs to the dwarf race." Wu Yazi said in a deep voice.


Su Chen suddenly realized.

He had seen quite a few dwarves when he was on the void island.

The biggest feature of the dwarves is their short stature and fierceness, which is quite similar to Wuyazi.

Wu Yazi continued: "The reason why the old man wants to live is only one purpose, revenge!"


Su Chen's expression condensed.

At the level of Wuyazi, his enemies needless to say, they must be all false saints or powerful saints.

As if remembering the past, Wuyazi fell silent for a while, and then sighed: "I have a junior named Ji Cangzi. Originally, I both ruled the dwarven continent together, but Ji Cangzi wanted to dominate the dwarven continent. , Actually murdered me secretly."

"It's okay if I die. The key is that Ji Cangzi's rule is extremely **** and brutal. I can't bear to see the spirit of the clan being overwhelmed, so I vowed to kill Ji Cangzi. This is the only way to continue my life."

Upon hearing this, Su Chen's heart moved slightly and asked: "Senior, is Ji Cangzi a holy order?"

Considering that if Wu Yazi is conquered, his grudges will also be retaliated, and he also wanted to know Ji Cangzi's strength in advance.

"The first stage of the holy stage may also enter the second stage of the holy stage." Wu Yazi said solemnly.

"Maybe it is the second stage of the holy stage?"

Su Chen took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued to ask: "Senior, why does Ji Cangzi dominate the Dwarven Clan mainland?"

At the level of the holy rank, it is reasonable to say that the mind should be focused on cultivation. What is the use of grabbing the power of the mainland?

"For the power of faith!" Wu Yazi said solemnly.

It was the first time that Su Chen had heard of the'Power of Faith', and she couldn't help but cheered up and listened quietly.

Wu Yazi coughed lightly, and continued: "At the level of the holy rank, it is as difficult as climbing to the heavens if you want to improve your cultivation base. The power of faith can be regarded as a shortcut to promote cultivation, as long as the power of faith condenses to a certain degree. , It can be used to promote cultivation, but also to condense an attack method."

"So, the power of faith is very important to the power of faith."

"What does the power of faith have to do with ruling the mainland?" Su Chen was a little confused.

Wu Yazi explained with a smile: "The way to gain the power of faith is the worship and obedience of the clansmen to the powerful saints, and it must be from the heart, or the kind that is deeply rooted."

This time Su Chen understood why Ji Cangzi wanted to monopolize the Dwarven Clan mainland.

Wuyazi and Ji Cangzi are both holy rank powerhouses, so their tribesmen have two objects of faith.

The strength of the condensed belief is definitely not as much as that of a person.

Ji Cangzi was not reconciled, so he secretly murdered Wuyazi.

After the dwarven continent is ruled by Ji Cangzi, those people who worship Wuyazi will inevitably be bloodbathed, which will result in a disaster.

Su Chen Mu Ran thought that when he was in the Royal Orc Continent, he was using the life of the Royal Orc to threaten the ancestor of the Orc.

At that time, he was still a little strange, wondering why the ancestors of the Royal Orcs were so scrupulous.

Thinking about it now, the other party must be for the power of faith.

Imagine if the clansmen were slaughtered, what power would they use to gather faith?