Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 212: crisis! ! !

Chapter 212 Crisis! ! !

At the north gate of Skyfire Base, three hurricanes drove out of the base first, and then three six-barreled machine guns roared together, opening a **** path among the corpses. Then, the missile launch port of the first hurricane opened. The warheads of two surface-to-surface missiles were exposed, and then they rose into the air and flew into the sky.

"Boom!" Because they landed almost at the same time, the two missiles made only one sound. On both sides of the breakout route planned by Duan Lei, two mushroom clouds rose up, and all the zombies around the landing site were immediately emptied.

The missile attack of the No. 1 vehicle has not yet ended. After the launch of the two surface-to-surface missiles, the remaining two surface-to-air missiles also rose into the air, extending in front of the landing point of the two missiles just now. The attack is just that the distance between the two missiles is a little closer, because the target of the surface-to-air missile is the air target, so its power is much weaker than that of the surface-to-surface missile.

After launching all four missiles, Hurricane No. 1 began to charge forward. Because Ouyang Feng was in the car, the shooter of this car can be said to be the happiest, because his ammunition is almost infinite, at least, Before rushing out of the corpses, his six-barreled machine gun did not need to cease fire.

The six-barreled machine gun on the hurricane uses a krypton alloy barrel, which is claimed to be able to shoot for ten hours without interruption, and it will not affect the shooting because the barrel is hot.

Together, the three hurricanes opened a road paved with flesh and blood among the dense corpses. The guards on the roof of the car also started shooting freely, but they all shot behind themselves, and those who were facing Those zombies coming from the flesh and blood channel.

"It's now, keep up!" Duan Lei shouted! At the same time, a gesture was made. Some enhancers rushed out first and volunteered to be the pioneers. With people taking the lead, the survivors began to rush out of the skyfire base and attacked their unknown future.

Maybe it’s because the group of corpses suffered a blow yesterday, and even the mutant corpse king was killed. The other corpse king hadn’t completely received the power of the corpse king, so Ouyang Feng and the others made a smooth advance. It didn’t take long. He walked a little and a half distance among the corpses.

Because they just wanted to save people, and those survivors basically didn’t have any supplies, they all went to battle lightly, especially now they are in the stage of fleeing their lives. Even if the survivors walked, their speed was considered very fast, and they were not caught. The speed of the hurricane slowed down and followed closely behind the hurricane.

At this time, their team had all left the Skyfire Base, and they were left behind. In addition to Duan Lei, Liu Qiang, and Lu Feng, there were also Li Tianxiang and the other soldiers who had guarded the city wall before. After the missiles were sent out, they had all evacuated from the city wall and moved closer to the north gate, and then automatically took over the task after the break.

So far, the breakout team has been smooth, and there has been no loss of personnel, because since they came out, even ordinary people know that they have no retreat. They either rushed out smoothly or died here. There are three ways to go.

Therefore, these people are very cooperative now. The women and children are in the middle, and the men are on both sides, following the hurricane together, constantly advancing toward the periphery of the corpse group.

After Ouyang Feng and the others had all gone out, a great chaos began in the Skyfire Base. Because the guards on the city wall were all evacuated, many fortified zombies began to cross the wall and attack the survivors who were left behind.

At this time, the remaining survivors began to regret. They did not expect that after those people left, the zombies would have entered the base so quickly. They originally thought that they would continue to guard them. life.

Fortunately, they are basically staying in the building now. At the bottom, there are many strengtheners staring at the zombies trying to smash the door and go in to enjoy the food, but they all know that they have lost the protection of the city wall. His death is only a matter of time.

So they began to curse one after another, cursing Ouyang Feng, they didn't explain clearly to themselves, cursing the equation of their inaction, even cursing the vigorous energy of zombies, but no one can think that their current ending is actually themselves. s Choice.

The equation looked at the chaotic Skyfire Base, but a weird smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, making He Ming and Lao Qian beside him a little creepy. After experiencing the scene in the morning, they no longer dared to look down upon this only. The guy with the strength of the third-order enhancer.

So, by now, they have unknowingly regarded Equation as the commander of this action. Now seeing the smile of Equation, the two of them felt a little nervous, and the old Qian couldn't help but ask carefully:

"Command Fang! Can we go now? Or... wait until they go out?"

Now, Lao Qian and He Ming have all assembled here, including the dead Fatty Li. His forces have now been incorporated by them. Dozens of vehicles have been connected to form a convoy and parked behind the hurricane. Some boosters were distributed on both sides of the convoy, and they kept killing some boosted zombies close to the convoy.

"They go out? Haha! Are they... going out?" Equation stood on the roof of the hurricane, looked at Ouyang Feng and their breakout team with binoculars, and suddenly said with a smile: "My gift hasn't been given to them yet." !"

"Gift?" Old Qian and He Ming looked at each other, feeling a bit inexplicable. However, Equation immediately used his actions to tell them what the gift he wanted to give Ouyang Feng and the others.

The equation got into the hurricane, and then the two remaining surface-to-air missiles of the hurricane 2 slowly exposed their warheads at the hurricane’s missile launch port and entered the launch state.

Lao Qian and He Ming looked at each other again, and then they looked at Ouyang Feng and others who were breaking through together. It was obvious that this was the gift that the equation prepared for Ouyang Feng and the others.

Lao Qian and He Ming frowned at the same time. They were not worried about the fate that Ouyang Feng and others were about to meet. How many of them died had nothing to do with them. They just thought about the value of wasting two missiles for revenge. It's not worth it, and they have a clearer understanding of what the equation is like. After looking at each other again, both of them can see each other's decision from each other's eyes.

After going out, it is definitely not fun to either kill this guy or stay by his side and become his enemy.

Just as the two surface-to-air missiles were erected, and when they were preparing for launch, Ouyang Feng, who rushed to the forefront of the team in the distance, seemed to have some sense. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the Skyfire Base. From rushing out of the Skyfire Base to the present, He hasn't seen any mutant zombies, so he hasn't personally shot them. These ordinary zombies and enhanced zombies are not his food.

At the moment when he turned his head, Ouyang Feng immediately spotted the two missiles that were in the firing state, and looking at the direction the two missiles were facing, it was not difficult for Ouyang Feng to know where the target of the missile was...

At this critical moment, Ouyang Feng didn't even think about it. He directly activated the superb gust of wind, rushing towards the skyfire base like lightning, and at the same time, he left what may be the last sentence in his life: "No one should come here. , Don’t stay! Bring these people back to the hope base safely! Leizi! Tingting! Remember our ideals!!!"

Liu Wanting suddenly turned her head and looked at Ouyang Feng’s back. Suddenly, she felt a pain in her heart. It seemed that she had lost something important to her. Duan Lei also looked at Ouyang Fengqian Xiangtianhuo base. It's just that he, who has always been sharp-minded, didn't see the two missiles that had entered the firing state in time, and he was already aware of what happened.

Duan Lei's heart sank. He knew that Ouyang Feng rushed back to the Skyfire Base in such a hurry, something must have happened there, and there was only one possibility for Ouyang Feng to rush back desperately, and that was a hurricane.

Even though Lu Feng once suggested that the Hurricane’s missile should be dismantled, Duan Lei did not agree, because he knew that if the missile was dismantled, the equation would definitely make waves. He didn’t want to make his breakthrough plan again because of this. What happened.

Moreover, Duan Lei left the second car. The second car has only two relatively weak surface-to-air missiles. Those two powerful surface-to-surface missiles were released when he broke into the skyfire base. .

And what Duan Lei thought was that the equation is a very life-saving person. He will definitely keep these two missiles to open a way for him to break through and increase his chances of survival. This is also why he can safely leave the missiles in the hurricane. The reason for this is that he didn't expect that the flaws in the equation he had neglected must be reported. In order to avenge himself, the equation directly used these two missiles to attack himself and others.

Duan Lei’s idea is actually a bit biased. He is even worse than Lu Feng’s understanding of the equation. What he thinks is that if the equation wants to take the remaining people away, he needs those two missiles to open the way for him. , The equation just thinks about leaving. Does the remaining survivors have a dime relationship with him?

It’s not that you support me crying and screaming, I must be responsible for your safety, I am me, as long as there is a hurricane, and there are two evolutionaries, Lao Qian and He Ming, and then bring those enhancers, can If you can keep up with other people, I will use you in the future. If you can't keep up, then you will die!

With this mindset, the equation launched these two missiles. He wants to retaliate, to retaliate against these people who made him lose his current status, let them know that no matter how awesome they are, they are only their own defeated opponents. The target of his missile attack is exactly the location of the three hurricanes in the front. The equation knows that once these three vehicles are destroyed and the forward power of Duan Lei and others are lost, in the end, only the corpses will be submerged. In the end, killing someone with a knife, he had already learned when he was very young.