Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 634: Not a seal?

Chapter 634 is not a seal?

Putting his hair into the small holes one by one, Ouyang Feng appeared very cautious. After the twelve hairs were put into the twelve small holes, Ouyang Feng took a step back, and then looked expectantly. That door.


Waiting for a while, nothing happened?

Ouyang Feng couldn't help frowning, then stepped forward again, inserting all those hairs one by one into the bottom of the small hole.

This time it finally had an effect, the door in front of him glowed again, and then a person condensed by a beam of light appeared in front of Ouyang Feng.

"Damn! So you have to plug it in to get out?"

Ouyang Feng muttered in his heart.

The image formed this time is the same as the previous one, except that the appearance is somewhat different. It is no longer the same person, and it seems to be a woman! Only then did Ouyang Feng understand why the front door was not opened (if anyone understands it, it means you are very dirty! quack!).

And this time, the image is not like the previous one, but just a photo, because Ouyang Feng discovered that after this image appeared, the woman turned around and looked at her surroundings before turning around to look at it. Ouyang Feng.

"Young man, you are very nice!"

The projection looked at Ouyang Feng with a sweet smile and said, this woman's facial features are quite delicate, especially when she makes that sweet smile, it is not only not excessive at all, but also feels these two. The adjectives are a bit pale and weak...

"You... can see me?"

Ouyang Feng was taken aback, unable to think that his guess turned out to be true.

"Of course! Since you can activate the previous photo, you can still watch it alive, and you can find a way to activate me, proving that you may have the opportunity to get the qualification to enter this door!"

The projection smiled:

"You can call me every day!"

"day by day?"

Ouyang Feng was taken aback! Then asked:

"You just said that I might have the opportunity to get the qualifications to enter this door. Didn't you come out to open the door for me?"

"of course not!"

Shaking his head every day:

"There is a big secret in the door. Even if you are also a human race, you can't get in until you reach a certain level of strength. Moreover, I am just a projection now, and I don't have the ability to open this door for you. "

"If you want to open this door, you must rely on your own ability, because after entering, you will be able to understand everything, including all the information of our human race and the ghosts of the universe. If you do not have enough strength, after entering, you may be You know too much, and bring real catastrophe to the human race!!"


Ouyang Feng said in doubt:

"I saw the picture just now. Isn't humanity extinct? Even the mother star, the entire galaxy, has all disappeared. Isn't the image I saw true?"

"This is not something you should care about now!"

Tian Tian shook his head and said:

"The image you saw is real, and that image only gives you some understanding of our human race and our enemies."

"However, although there is something about the human race, I can't say more, but about our enemy-the ghost of the universe, I can tell you in detail!"

"Then... can you tell me how we should unlock the seal in our body?"

Ouyang Feng asked tentatively.

Although Tian Tian said that he could tell him in detail about the enemies of the human race and the information of the ghosts of the universe, Ouyang Feng believed that the ghosts of the universe must be the invaders with white hair and cat eyes that he saw in the previous image.

But Ouyang Feng doesn't want to know this right now. For him, what he wants to know most is whether the mother star has been destroyed, and how mankind came to this planet in the kind of desperation at the beginning.

Now that Ji Tiantian said that he couldn't let himself know too much for the time being, Ouyang Feng remembered the most important thing he came here this time, so he asked it directly.


After hearing Ouyang Feng's words, every day he was taken aback:

"What seal?"

Ouyang Feng was also taken aback, she didn't know? Could it be that the previous guesses of himself and Duan Lei and others were wrong? The seal in the human body is not set by human beings to protect future generations?


Therefore, Ouyang Feng said that there is a mysterious power in all human beings on this planet, which suppresses them and prevents them from fully exerting their strength, and their guesses, to Tiantian. listen.

"Haha! Your imagination is really rich. You can actually think that our human race, in order to protect our descendants, set a seal so that our descendants can't exert their full strength?"

After hearing it every day, she chuckled softly. Then, on her beautiful face, a very serious expression suddenly appeared, looking at Ouyang Feng said:

"Junior! Remember! The situation you guess will never appear in the human race!!"

"Our human race is a proud race as well as a powerful race. Before the ghosts of the universe appeared, we could even be regarded as the rulers of this universe!"

"When facing the enemy, our human race will always have only one choice-war!!"

"No matter how powerful the enemy is, whether we can defeat him or not, we must fight him."

"We can forbear, avoid the enemy for a while, accumulate our strength, and wait until the time is right, before we strike a fatal blow to our enemy."

"But we will never kill all hope of revenge out of fear, so that our descendants will always be shrunk and no longer face the enemy."

"We would rather our offspring die in a battle with our enemy than let them linger in a corner that the enemy will never find."

"Without the glory of the human race, what is the point of leaving a life? Such offspring, our human race does not need it."

"Human race! Must have the courage to fight any enemy, this is the human race!!"

Said decisively every day, the expression on his face seemed quite decisive!

Ouyang Feng nodded. He believed this. At least, in the image at the time, the human race he saw was indeed the same, whether it was the fleet that went to meet the invaders or was sent to those who were sent to The detonating planet to drag the enemy's strong human race can fully confirm this.

Tiantian's gaze fell on the hair of Ouyang Feng on the door, and then, endless sadness appeared in his eyes, and he whispered:

"As for the seal you mentioned, I know what's going on."

Hearing Tiantian's words, Ouyang Feng suddenly felt cold. Originally, he thought that this seal was set by humans. In that case, Tiantian might have a way to unlock it.

Now that I know that all my previous guesses are wrong, that is to say... it is very likely that she is also powerless to this seal!

Seeing Ouyang Feng’s expression, Tiantian seemed to know what Ouyang Feng was thinking, so he shook his head and said:

"As for the seal you mentioned, in fact... it was caused by the loss of one of the most important abilities of our human race."

"I can't tell you how we lost this ability, but I can tell you what caused this seal!"

After hearing Tiantian's words, Ouyang Feng was refreshed. He couldn't know the method, and it was good to know the reason.

"You mean that your current human race cannot fully exert your strength because you lack the most important ability of mankind-the ability of hair!"

Every day, he looked at the hair that Ouyang Feng had left on the door again, and then looked at the hair that was barely reaching his shoulders, and sighed slightly:

"You have seen the photo. You should know that the hair of our human race has a special function, but the photo is a photo after all. You can't see the importance of hair to humans at all!"

"For us humans at that time, hair is our most important limb, even beyond the limbs."

"Moreover, hair is where our human race gathers energy in our body, and due to... some reason, our human hair loses its function."

"It's like a space battleship. It has enough energy, and it has strong firepower and power, but its power system and firepower system are paralyzed. Then it has more energy and no way to use it. Show your own combat power."

"Your current human race is like this, because when we reach this planet, our hair has already lost its power."

"Because of this, we have a lot of abilities that we can't use. Even driving our spacecraft is quite difficult."

"So! Although this planet is not suitable for human survival, we can only stay here, because we don't know whether we can find a more suitable planet."

"The seal you are talking about refers to a mysterious energy in your human body, right? You think that it is this energy that suppresses your strength and prevents you from fully exerting it, so you think of it as a kind of seal. ?"

"Wrong! That mysterious power belongs to you, but because they need you to use your hair, just like fuel can provide power, but it must be converted into power through the engine. This is the same. reason."

Tiantian's words made Ouyang Feng stunned. It turned out that he and others believed that the mysterious force that suppressed his strength was not a seal, but a force that belonged to human beings.

"That's not right! I have already unlocked the seal, why..."

Ouyang Feng suddenly remembered that Tianqi once said that his seal has been unlocked, why the function of his hair has not been restored? So he asked.