Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 732: Wrong choice!

Chapter 732: Wrong Choice!

As for Fuxi's small fighter plane, Likas couldn't confirm that he would be able to kill him!

Because they have already set the fire once, their small fighter has suffered a heavy loss, but what about the Terran fighter?

With a coverage attack, you can only confirm that your side will be killed, but the enemy will not necessarily be damaged.

No matter who it is, this kind of business will not be done! !

After getting Rikas's order, the space warships without shields immediately dispersed and fled indiscriminately towards the surroundings.

Now they don't care about the direction, no matter where they go, it is always better than staying in this "slaughterhouse"!

The ghosts of the universe are not devourers, and their social composition is similar to that of human beings.

There are also offspring, relatives and friends.

So compared to Devourers, they are more afraid of death.

But if they dare to disobey the military order, they will hurt their family members.

So they obviously saw Fuxi attacking them as much as they wanted before, but they didn't dare to flee before they got the order.

Now that he got the order, and Rikas didn't say where to evacuate them, he immediately did the birds and beasts!

But in this way, Rikas was not lightly given to him.

He originally meant to evacuate these warships without shields in one direction, but because he is now dizzy by Fuxi.

As the commander of a space battleship, Likas certainly has real knowledge, but after Fuxi appeared, he made mistakes again and again.

This is because one is that Fuxi's performance was too amazing and shocked him, and the other was Xuanyuan's previous self-destruction.

After suffering heavy damage, seeing Fuxi's ghostly fighter plane again made Likas unable to maintain his previous composure.

That's why his order just now was full of loopholes like that.

And now, he also made a fatal mistake.

When the space warships that had lost their shields fled around, it seemed a mess, and the formation of the space warships that had gathered and wanted to besiege Fuxi was messed up.

Those space warships that had been ordered to come to besiege Fuxi had to avoid those warships that scurry around like flies without their heads.

In fact, these warships can’t be blamed, because they didn’t have a prescribed direction, and they had been frightened by Fuxi a long time ago. When they heard the order to retreat, they were like death row prisoners who received an amnesty. How could they think of the formation? this thing?

In the panic, several space battleships even directly collided together, both of them were turned into fragments, making the scene even more chaotic! !

"Huh! It's just a mob!!"

Fuxi showed a sneer. After leaving the burden of the human race, Fuxi finally found the invincible feeling of the year. The once human emperor has finally returned! !

"Almost there?"

Fuxi looked at the space fleet in front of him and thought, and then, taking advantage of the chaos of the ghost fleet in the universe, immediately turned on the communicator:

"Duan Lei! Take back all your fighters and stay in place. I will try my best to divert some cosmic ghost warships. As for the rest, I will leave it to you!"

After a pause, Fuxi solemnly said:

"If... you can, the future of Human Race! I beg you!"

Afterwards, Fu Xi didn't wait for Duan Lei's answer and turned off the communicator. Then, following the chaos in front of him, he drove the fighter directly into the middle of the cosmic ghost warship.

After driving a fighter plane and launching a few energy beams at Rikas' flagship, Fuxi's fighter plane drew a strange pattern in the air, and then fled straight into the distance.

On the way to escape, Fuxi even had time to destroy some small fighter planes and three space warships that lost their shields by the way.


Ricas roared angrily:

"Damn it! The whole army pursues it!!"

"My lord! What about these humans?"

A cosmic ghost quickly pointed to the sign of hope in the distance and asked.

"Pop!" The cosmic ghost was slapped in the face immediately.

"Are you an idiot? Just leave a few warships to deal with these miscellaneous things, just let the guys without shields stay here, and destroy all this warship and the brood and human warships over there, no need to stay. Any live mouth."

Rikas scolded angrily, and now his emotions have been completely detonated by Fuxi, basically he has lost his reason.

Moreover, Duan Lei and Ricas had seen their combat effectiveness personally before, and it was a piece of cake for those warships without shields to annihilate them.

As for the Terran battleship in the distance, if he can move, does that human emperor still need to escape?

A small warplane can beat them like this. If there was such an ancient human race on that human warship, they would have been wiped out if they joined the battle just now.

So Ricas didn't even consider the Yanhuang number!


The cosmic ghost who was slapped innocently did not dare to speak any more, and quickly stepped back.

"The whole army listens to the order!"

Ricas roared:

"All the warships that have no shields and have lost power stay here, destroy all the human warships and broods in the space, and the small warship, and then stand by here!!"

"All other warships, including ship-owned fighters, when I was ten years old, I chased that small Terran fighter together, and I must kill him!!"

Before Rikas had finished speaking, his flagship had already chased in the direction of Fuxi's escape.

They all looked at Rikas's state now, for fear that if the reaction was slow, it would be light to slap him, and Wai Yi directly cut himself off, that would be wronged.

Seeing that Ricas's flagship had already caught up, the other space warships dared to neglect, except for the immovable and shieldless warships, all the other space warships followed.

And the small fighter group, there is also a large part, following their large forces, chasing Fuxi away...

In fact, Rikas made another mistake here. He could completely keep all these small fighters to deal with Yanhuang and Duan Lei.

Because in the previous battles, Fuxi had already proved with his own strength that the small fighters not only had no effect in the battle with him, but they were still cumbersome! !

However, Rikas, who was burning with anger, had obviously forgotten the lessons he had learned before, or he, according to his own inertial thinking, only remembered that the carrier-based aircraft of each battleship had to follow his battleship.

If Li Yingning were here, he would definitely shake his head, because he had taught his students that a commander who would lose his calm on the battlefield and didn't know how to control his emotions was definitely not a competent commander.

His every impulsive command may ruin his army!

Likas obviously didn't have the honor of being taught by the instructor Li Yingning, so he took his fleet and chased Fuxi in a mess...

After Fuxi took the warships and left, the remaining space warships were all gathered together, with the small warplanes outside and the space warships without shields inside, and the assembly began again.

As for the space warships that have lost their mobility, no one cares about them.

They just lost the power system, and most of the shield systems are still good.

In the eyes of those space battleships without shields, these guys are obviously safer.

As for the few guys who were unlucky enough that all the shields and power systems were damaged, this is your own bad luck, no wonder others.

Obviously, the inside of the ghost of the universe is not monolithic! !

It is said that where there are people, there is a fight, but in fact, where there is life, there is a fight.

Regardless of race or life form, all living things are the same, in the final analysis, it is two words-survival!

Whether it is right or profit, it is all for survival!

The space battleships left now are still undecided, so they don't care about anything first, and directly take all the fighters back.

It is true to form a good formation first to ensure your own safety.

The Terran fighter plane just now scared them.

There is still a human space battleship in front of me.

No cosmic ghost can guarantee that his commander, not using the excuse of chasing the enemy, escaped from this terrible place with a battleship still capable of fighting.

Even the vast majority of cosmic ghosts think so.

They all felt that perhaps among the human space battleships, a few human fighters like the one just now could fly out again.

So these guys adopted a defensive formation for the first time.

Then they did not immediately attack, although Rikas asked them to annihilate all the warships that remained here.

But fortunately, Likas did not set a time. In this case, they can prepare first and prepare slowly. Maybe they will attack again when Likas and the others are about to return. This is the perfect choice.

The ghosts of the universe do not attack, and Duan Lei and others will naturally not attack.

However, Duan Lei only took back all the small fighters according to Fuxi's order, but did not retreat.

Obviously, the opposing warship seems a little scrupulous now, so this time, of course, is not the time to show weakness.

As a result, Duan Lei stopped the Hope in place, and just stalemate with the fleet of universe ghosts.

However, this situation, in the eyes of the ghosts of the universe, is beneficial to them.

Of course they didn't know that Duan Lei and they wanted to delay time, but the ghost of the universe itself needed time.

Because in the stalemate stage, the ghost of the universe is constantly repairing its warships.

For the cosmic ghosts who are used to fighting with an energy shield, there is no sense of security without a shield.

They are waiting, waiting for all their warships to repair their shields, even if Rikas does not come back, they will attack! !

And it turns out that what they made was a very wrong choice...