Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 766: New command

Chapter 766 New Command

The first to fire was the cosmic ghost battleship group, nearly five hundred cosmic ghost battleships, at the same time, together launched a cover shot at the location of the Yanhuang.

A large number of beam rays directly cover the location of Yanhuang and the path ahead.

This is because the commanders of these space warships, because they saw the command of the Cosmic Ghost Headquarters, began to attach importance to this human warship in their hearts.

If this Terran space battleship is really ordinary, the Cosmic Ghost Headquarters will definitely not issue such orders.

Besides, the commander of this space fleet gave these space battleship commanders the order--

Destroy the Terran warship at all costs! !

If this is the case, no matter how much energy they waste, there will be no punishment. As long as they kill this Terran space battleship, it will be a great achievement! !

Because those beam rays were too dense, after arriving at Yanhuang, a large number of light clusters burst out.

The commanders of the warships of the ghosts of the universe were stunned when they saw this situation.

Because of this situation, it means that their attack has hit! !

So simple?

Isn't it that we are just here for a tentative attack?

How did one salvo solve this Terran warship?

Because it was too easy, these space battleships did not react for a while, and they did not proceed with the following attacks.

The commander of the space fleet was also a little silly, because he also didn't understand what was going on.

Rikas, this human race's space battleship has blown into the sky, making him feel terrified inexplicably.

He never dreamed that this Terran warship was so vulnerable! !

However, they obviously believed their firepower a little too much, and some of their beam rays did hit the Yanhuang.

However, Ouyang Feng deliberately followed these attacks.

It's not that you can't avoid it. To avoid this wave of attacks, for Ouyang Feng, it's quite simple.

However, in that case, he would have to expose the speed of Yanhuang in front of the warships of the ghosts of the universe.

The only thing that came to intercept him now was that the fleet sent out to test its own warships, and the number was less than one-tenth of the entire fleet.

Of course Ouyang Feng is not willing to expose his hole cards so early! !

Moreover, his life energy reserves are quite strong now, and it is no big deal to consume some on the shield to resist those beam rays.

Moreover, Ouyang Feng didn't just accept all the beam rays that attacked him, but was selectively hit by a few weaker attacks.

It's just that after these weak beam rays hit the Yanhuang's energy shield, due to Ouyang Feng's deliberate creation, the light clusters that collided between them appeared extremely large.

This made the cosmic ghosts believe that at least half of their attacks should have hit the Yanhuang.

Even if Yanhuang has an energy shield, it will be attacked by so many beam rays in an instant, the intensity must be beyond the limit that the energy shield can withstand.

Therefore, those cosmic ghosts all believed that Yanhuang should have been torn to pieces during their fire-focused attack! !

After staying for a while, the leader of these five hundred space battleships, the commander of a large battleship, was about to use the communicator to ask his fleet commander what they should do next.

A scene in front of him turned him into a sculpture directly and froze there...

Not only him, but other universe ghosts, as long as they see this scene, they are all petrified, and they look like terracotta warriors of fish universe ghosts.

In the area where the light group is still shining, a huge space battleship is rushing out of the light group at high speed, flying towards them! !

This space battleship is naturally Yanhuang.

The warships of the cosmic ghosts have stopped advancing at this time, and even the following space warships are already preparing to turn around.

In their opinion, this large human space battleship has been destroyed, and there should be nothing to do with them in the next battlefield.

The remaining small space battleship, the five battleships that are preparing to attack it, can easily kill it.

And at this time, the Yanhuang number piloted by Ouyang Feng rushed out of the light group area and launched an impact on them! !

Just after rushing out of the light regiment, the space battleship Yanhuang, with its two main guns located at the bow, launched an attack against the cosmic ghost fleet on the opposite side.

Two thick energy beams directly hit the two space battleships in the front.

Afterwards, three consecutive energy beams came one after another. Before the two space battleships had any reaction, they directly smashed their energy shields, and directly turned the two space battleships into two fireballs.

Their shield is just the standard energy shield of the cosmic ghost fleet, and one or two energy beams can withstand it.

However, four consecutive energy beams were concentrated at the same location at the same time, and they were fired by the main guns of the flagship-level space battleship.

Their shield was damaged when the third energy beam arrived, and lost the energy shield. The fragile hull of their battleship could not withstand the attack of Yanhuang's main gun.

Especially Ouyang Feng is now very familiar with the warships of the ghosts of the universe, so the location of the attack is naturally the key to the enemy warships, so he made a contribution in one fell swoop! !

It wasn't until this time that the commander of the space battleship, who was planning to return the "good news", woke up like a dream.

He immediately yelled at the communicator, but the subject had changed from the commander of the space fleet to the commander of the space warships next to him.

And the victory of the original victory naturally turned into a bit of fear and with some angrily commands:

"All the team! Attack, attack with all your strength!!"

However, at this time, Yanhuang has already rushed into their battleship group, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and began to attack the battleships around him recklessly...

Since the Yanhuang had entered their line, the warships of the ghosts of the universe seemed to be a little rat-inhibited, and were afraid to let go of their attacks.

Because once one's own attack is evaded by Yanhuang, then it is very likely that he will accidentally injure the enemy warship on the opposite side! !

But Yanhuang didn't have this scruples. Except for itself, everything here was an enemy.

Therefore, as long as it was a battleship that appeared in front of him, Ouyang Feng did not hesitate to use the naval gun to kill it! !

In just ten minutes, the Yanhuang Ship piloted by Ouyang Feng killed 14 cosmic ghost warships of endless size.

At this time, not only the commanders of the space warships surrounding the Yanhuang were frightened, but even the space ghost warships in the distance felt fear.

Especially the commander of the space fleet, he now understands why Ricas has such a high evaluation of this space battleship.

I finally knew why Likas wanted to rendezvous with other fleets so anxiously when he was leading his remnant space fleet!

The apparent reality of this battleship is too — weird! !

Obviously it is a flagship super-large space battleship, but it flies out of the agile feeling of a small fighter.

Few of the beam rays fired by the cosmic ghost warship can concentrate it, most of them missed, and even hit their own warship.

And even those beam rays that hit were directly offset by the energy shield of that battleship.

Now the opponent's energy shield is still intact, and there is no loss at all!

The commander of the cosmic ghost fleet immediately sent a message to his headquarters again, confirming to the headquarters that this space battleship was indeed the human battleship that Ricas had encountered before.

Afterwards, the commander of the space fleet looked up at the battlefield in front of him, and realized that with the skill of sending such a message, several space battleships over there were once again destroyed by the Yanhuang and turned into space junk!

"Prepare! The whole army presses up, and all the small fighters move forward and hit the enemy ship!"

The commander of the space fleet suddenly turned his mind. Instead of ordering a retreat, he directly ordered all the space warships to press on.

Because he saw that even though the Terran space battleship was quite flexible, it was too big after all.

Therefore, all the beam rays that attacked him were not avoided.

Although not many beam rays hit him, in the eyes of the commander of the cosmic fleet, this space battleship of the human race must be at a considerable cost at this time.

And he also carefully recalled the previous battle report of Likas. At that time, the main force of Likas's fleet only encountered the previous small fighter.

They haven't had direct contact with this Terran warship, at least not their main fleet.

The only warships that have been attacked by this human space warship are those warships that were left behind and injured in the previous explosion.

It is said that some of these warships do not even have a shield, and some have lost their power systems, and some have lost their firepower systems!

In other words, what this battleship dealt with before was just a group of disabled space battleships.

But now it's different on my side, at least my side is in full state before encountering it, and all warships have full combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the commander of this cosmic ghost fleet suddenly decided to use his fleet to defeat this Terran warship! !

Although I saw the horror of Yanhuang, because of the order, the more than 5,000 space warships that had been hiding behind to watch the show.

At the same time, he pushed forward, and also touched the defensive formation, spread out, it seemed that he was about to encircle the Yanhuang...