Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 1271: beasts

The flame was lit again.

Illuminated excited faces.

Above the street, the burning baskets illuminated the fading night, the surging flames reflected on the broken glass, and in the reflection, the vague figures flew, cheered, and shouted in the dim twilight.

Just like dancing.

Celebrating the collapse of the building and the hard-earned victory.

"Judgment! Judgment! Judgment! Judgment!"

In the excited shouts, the blood-shattered operators cried out and were dragged out of the mall. They struggled and begged desperately, and finally, they were ruthlessly thrown into the flaming fire.

A shrill scream rang out for a long time.

"Hooray! Hooray!"

The insane citizens raised their hands and cheered, celebrating the deaths of the criminals who re-sold food and hoarded goods.

When the flame here is temporarily extinguished, the surging crowd will spontaneously surround the flame that is lit in another place.

Like moths chasing flames, swarms, like tides and dark clouds, gradually cover this chaotic city.

And on those crowded streets, in front of the burning buildings, trucks still branded with the dark horse industry parked in front of the crowd, and believers in black robes threw the reserves in the carriages.

Food, water, meat, milk, and more... guns, swords, ammo, and fuel!

"Take it! Take it! Take it all!"

The believers raised their horns and shouted at the faces: "Go eat as much as you like! Drink!"

"You are given the flesh and blood of the beast of the end—"

The emaciated bishop held his cane and roared at the beasts he was shepherding: "Go the way you should, fight the battle you should fight, and keep the righteousness you deserve. When the final judgment comes, the crown of righteousness will be yours. You stay!"

"Holy! Holy! Holy!"

Reverent praise rises from the twilight of the eternal paradise, one after another

Gunfire and flames spread.

Like a wriggling monster, it rolls up from the bottom, slowly rises, and with the chaotic crowd, it rises inch by inch toward the upper floor.

Wannian Casino, Circular Station, Dajiao, Baishi Road, Changqing Square, Xunle Center...

With the sound of explosions and collapses, the huge buildings were gradually bathed in flames. And under the light of the fire, every face of begging children, workers covered in stains, workers in torn shirts, and even the kind-hearted old people, every face is full of joy and satisfaction, so full, calling out to the one who bestows them on them. The name of redemption.

"A lawyer!"

"A lawyer!"

"A lawyer!"

The beasts were neighing.

In groups, galloping in the streets and alleys, hungry and thirsty looking for the whereabouts of every package of food, vying for the ownership of every treasure.

Without any jerky or contradictory, even they themselves were amazed by this strong instinct and smooth behavior.

It's as if... I've finally found my own way of living.

I finally found the piece that was missing in my soul.

So fulfilling.

There is no need for a call to justice, no need for just anger, and no need for a call to virtue, just follow the deep hunger of the soul.

Just to bite and destroy in the raging flames.

Perhaps, it was not that the day came suddenly, but that they had been waiting for a day for too long.

Whether hunger is a reason or an excuse, no one can say clearly. Everyone has been immersed in this re-opening carnival.

Forget the endless work, leave the loan with no end in sight, and at the same time, give up reason and thinking.

No more struggling, no more grovelling and crawling in tears.

It's just instinct, I want to make others, let this world be the same as myself——

- into hell!


Unknowingly, when the blazing flames rose again, they were already close at hand.

The top floor of Hope Energy's headquarters is in the top floor area where the sirens are blaring one after another.

Behind the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he stared restraintly at the flames and thick smoke that were gradually approaching. At this moment, he finally came to a realization.

"That's it, Huai Shi."

At that moment, behind the ruler, there was a cracking sound.

In the dark projection of the Eternal Paradise, above this pitch-black artificial hell, five criss-crossed chains are rubbing fiercely, entangled in one place, turbulent.

Right at the very front, the Cord of Order once again spread across the cracks.

But the sound that just broke did not come from here.

It is the power hidden in the deepest part, the shackles that exist in countless consciousnesses, the seal formed by the connection of countless souls - the rope of morality!

That is the result of all the painstaking design of the Land of Bliss, and the miracle woven by countless sacrifices and believers with their own lives.

But now, under the gaze of restraint, the cord of morality trembled.

Crack the gap!


From this moment on, the morality of **** begins to be subverted...

That's what a lawyer is for!

"Have you ever wondered what morality is, Mr. Temperance?"

When he returned to the cage again, the ruler saw the prisoner's smile.

Also, the same mockery.

"It looks like you just... um, come back to it?"

Huai Shi put down the book in his hand, looked down at his opponent, and overlooked: "How do you feel? Is it as refreshing as the rain in the desert?"

"Is that your purpose?"

Tempering looked at him coldly, "Your one, what the fuck... The Order of the End? And what you've done... is for now?

In order to make those mad dogs have the courage to attack their masters? "

"Mad dog? Maybe—"

Huai Shi shrugged and asked curiously, "But when were you their master, Temperance? Who, which, and what made them what they are now?"

"Haven't you ever been in front of me, complimenting everything you've done and their appearance?"

In the shackles, the prisoner asked indifferently: "Isn't this the morality that you personally created? Isn't this the result that should be taken for granted?

When you enjoy the benefits, you feel that it is only right and right. After encountering a backlash one day, you will in turn blame others for the bad. Is it all the fault of others?

Such a state of mind-"

He paused for a moment, admiring the restrained scarlet pupils, and his never-hidden malice overflowed from his smile: "—It's too, too, naive?"

At this moment, just between the two of them, in the projection of the eternal paradise, another crack emerged from the moral cord.

The cracking sound is so crisp.

Like a whimper.

What is morality?

Isn't it the commonality in this soul?

The basis for the establishment of society is the criterion for the maintenance of order by ethnic groups.

Good is good, evil is bad, and should not be stolen. The wounded will be punished, the murderer will be rewarded, the loyal will be rewarded, and the betrayal will die without a burial!

This is morality.

In the Paradise of Eternal Life, in the 'food chain' created by ranchers, [morality] is even simpler - as long as 'eating' is enough.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp.

Like beasts, they fight each other, and in an endless cycle, they feel eternal torment and pain.

——This is the so-called, [the strong eat the weak]!

However, what if, what if... the position of strength and weakness suddenly reversed?

What if the weak eat the strong?

What if the cycle of the food chain in **** was broken?

The grass produces venom and is unwilling to be eaten by cattle and sheep; the cattle and sheep grow fangs and are unwilling to be devoured by tigers and wolves; the fighting tigers and wolves are hungry and thirsty, and lose their patience in anger-finally, in the venom, fangs and In the ambition of the tiger and wolf, the food chain is disconnected at layers, and the flame of destruction burns everything... The white land is really clean.

Compared with the colorful **** picture scrolls, this pleasing blank is the truly pleasant result.

If you want to eat, then eat!

Go indulge gluttonous!

Don't care about the order that didn't exist, and don't care about the tomorrow that won't come. When the time of hunger comes, follow the path I have made, and go to prey like a beast.

Even if this road leads only to destruction.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

eat! eat! eat!

Just eat and that's enough!

Ants eat tigers, hyenas eat tigers and leopards, giant pythons eat elephants, giant whales eat tides, and the sun devours the earth until everything is completely devoured!

Even if it comes to an end!

In the future created by tuners, there has never been hope or redemption.

Is more complete, destroy!

"Everything that lives by eating, let them perish by eating."

As if he could see the flaming flames, Huai Shi in the cage smiled and asked hell: "—Eating each other to live, how can we eat each other and die?"


In the upper area, the huge oil tanker crashed into the exquisite garden, and the fiery scorching current spread, covering the collapsed pavilion and all the people in it.

Frightened screams and ecstatic laughter echoed across the ground.

And in the darkening night, another dazzling bonfire was lit.

People seem to be dancing.

In the firelight, they sang, danced, cried, and made noise, enjoying this never-ending carnival.

When the heat mixed with ashes and stench blew, the monument on the gallows seemed to sway silently. In this way, to the ugly world, to the beasts, offer blessings.

Go eat, drink, party, hunt!

If the goodness of human nature is still insufficient, then use the evil of human nature to set the **** on fire!

Let's go eat it all up.

Whether it is **** ahead, or the so-called... God's 'Kingdom of Heaven'!

This is what the tuner promises you, perish.

Inside the cage, a harsh sound suddenly burst out.

An invisible force emerged out of thin air, grabbed Huai Shi's collar, and grabbed his neck, as if it could suffocate his soul, and rudely pulled him.

Come to temperance.

"Stop dreaming, Huai Shi!"

The ruler's five fingers tightened, ravaged the prisoner's soul, and vented his anger: "Do you think I will lose? It's just, wishful thinking!"

"Not 'thought'."

Under the restraint of the ruler, Huai Shi looked at him, so sympathetic, "From the beginning, you have already lost, restraint."

He said, "From the moment I opened my eyes—"

——From the moment you dared to become my enemy, start!

In the brief dead silence, restraint stagnated in place.

He stared blankly at his reflection in Huai Shi's eyes, so small, like dust.

And in that endless darkness, in the endless anger, sadness, pain, and resentment, it seemed as if some behemoth was slowly rising from the abyss.

With this pair of pupils, he looked at him indifferently.

It made him involuntarily, creepy.

Only now has he discovered what it is that is his enemy!

Where are the heroes and guardians of this realm? !

What is hidden in that soul is the terrifying essence that even the ruler of the abyss shudders!

Is this the piper's prank, or is it the masterpiece of Posen? Or, is it the monster created by the radiant Utopia of the astronomical society that seems to be high-sounding? !

But in just an instant, everything that was hideous disappeared like an illusion.

All that was left was peace and indifference.

That is the last mercy from the enemy.

"Choose, restraint, there are not many choices left for you..."

Huai Shi raised her empty palms and showed him two pills that never existed: "Now, are you watching everyone break free from the shackles and turn into beasts that destroy everything?

Or, do you want to completely destroy the food chain you built with your own hands? "

In the silence, the expression of restraint twitched, and the furious frozen soul almost tore apart this human-shaped disguise, broke out of the shell, and tore this **** fellow to pieces!

But in the end, he didn't waste any more time.

He just slowly released his five fingers.

"Don't forget, Huai Shi: Dogs, no matter how crazy they are, will eventually be afraid of whips!"

Zhan Leng watched the countless chains re-binding the prisoners again, and finally told him: "It's not over yet..."

"Well, then go and gather everyone, temperance."

Huai Shi nodded happily and said like a blessing: "To implement your plan, to turn the tide, to protect everything you have, just like a 'hero'."

At the end of the darkness, the lawyer still smiled and told him:

"I will definitely, wait and see..."


The door is closed.

The last light is cut off.

But when he returned to his office, he saw that the dark night had been illuminated again.

There are no more bright lights and dazzling neon lights like the starry sky. Only one after another scarlet firelight slowly creeps, crawls and crawls in the world outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Just like a moth, you have to devour everything little by little!

But the real destruction is still too far away!

Save the laughs.

Everything is just beginning!

"Pass the word about major companies, call everyone."

Temperance picked up the phone and commanded in a solemn voice: "Using my authority, mobilize the expedition legion into the city - I can't let it go any longer."

During the phone call, the secretary respectfully accepted the order, and carried out this will from restraint without any discount.

Just in the middle of the orders, the hope energy that has been watching so far started a new operation and movement~lightnovelpub.net~ After half an hour, the flight formation of the hope energy fell from the air, under the follow and protection of the escort, Temperance crossed the last road and trotted to the Great Hall of the House.

The layers of doors slammed open in front of him.

Stepping on the gorgeous red carpet, he walked step by step towards the heart of the Holy City, which belongs to his domain!

But this time, when the final door was pushed open in front of him, he could only see the empty hall.

A bleak.

Between the long tables, there were only fruit bowls and tea that the attendants urgently placed.

Under the splendid crystal chandeliers, among the complicated murals and exquisite displays, there are only two rows of sparse chairs, and one name brand without an owner.

No one came.

In the silence, the door slowly closed behind him.


Tempered silent stare at all this.

He lowered his head, looked at the address book on the screen of his mobile phone, slowly flipped through the pages, and flipped through the names one by one, but in the end, those calls were not broadcast.

As if to understand something.

He chuckled lightly to himself.

shook his head.

He covered the phone on the table, pulled out the chair, and returned to the throne where he once dominated the Holy City.

Finally, he poured himself a glass of wine by himself.

However, when he picked up the cup, the anger that had been suppressed from a long time ago, but could no longer be restrained, broke out completely.


The glass cracked between the shrunken fingers, and the amber liquor mixed with blood fell.

The ruler closed his eyes, his grim expression twisted.

In the dead silence, there was a silent roar.


In this hell, there is no need for heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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