Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 1360: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Present situation, Seoul.

On the hot summer night, the lights of the distant city can be seen from the shed in the countryside.

In the quiet and sultry wind, the down-and-out drunk staggered through the alley, tore off his trousers and urinated, causing a burst of barking in the distance.

The drunk man shouted angrily, and then kicked his feet against the wall with all his might, and then walked away contentedly, as if he had returned victorious.

On the desolate street, he staggered forward, and casually, hammered the truck next to him twice, and a dull voice sounded.

Then, go away without looking back.

signal, everything works fine.

In the office on the overhead floor, Ai Qing picked up the coffee cup, took a sip, stared at the camera in the surveillance video, and said, "The action begins."


After the door was opened, a pair of ghostly scarlet eyes lifted up from the darkness.

The signal lights of the night vision device flickered, and with the footsteps that were so soft that they were indistinguishable, burly figures jumped out of the carriage. Not only here, but in the hidden corners of the entire shanty area, there were soft footsteps.

The firearms that had already been sprayed with matte materials did not shine under the moonlight, only a shocking shadow.

Under the jacket that looks only slightly thick, there is a whole set of valley sequence delta armor, after ensuring the minimum level of protection, the ultimate enhancement of mobility and response.

The executioners from the original Dark Legion walked silently between the sewage ditch and the narrow alley, like a black current, surrounding a dilapidated area.

I don't know how long it has been in the dilapidated factory, except for the sound of flying insects, it is silent.

Through the on-site collection equipment, all the shredded sounds traveled a long distance and came to Ai Qing's ears. The sound of soft footsteps, the chaotic echo of the rush, and then, the loud explosion.

In the burst of firelight, those swaying shots burst into the factory, swooping inward like a broken bamboo. He ruthlessly killed all living creatures he saw along the way.

When the door was opened, sparks spewed out from behind the door.

In the violent explosion, there was a shocking cry, and then the cry disappeared without a trace under the ruthless annihilation. The sporadic gunshots came from inside, and they fought back, but under the suppression of firepower, they didn't dare to stick their heads out.

When layers of walls collapsed under the blast of explosives, even the last resistance was powerless. Even the Ascenders quickly ushered in an end under the skillful tactics of coping.

The slaughter work like an assembly line has already begun.

The fugitives and wanted criminals who were hiding in the factory building and the secret room were pulled out and shot on the spot after verifying their identity against the dazzling light.

Until the end, in the hoarse shouts and struggles, the last leader struggled hard, shouting something loudly, as if trying to explain, but was hit by a gun **** in the mouth, unable to make a sound.

The trigger was never pulled after the raised muzzle.

The captain of the horse head mask looked down at the target indifferently, took out a disposable mobile phone from his pocket, and threw it in front of him.

When the leader was sluggish and didn't know why, the high-temperature muzzle was raised, pointed at his head, and pressed twice, urging him unhappily.

"You know who to call."

"Think about it," Tony said.

The leader's lips twitched, his whole body trembled, and after a long time, he spat out a series of numbers vaguely.

The call was made and sent to his mouth.

But before he could speak, the other end hung up after connecting.

In the silence, only the sluggish leader was left kneeling in the dirt, shivering.

Tony didn't pull the trigger, though, just silent.

As if waiting for something.

On the other end of the camera, in the office, Ai Qing heard the voice of her mobile phone, the slightly dull and dull preset ringtones echoing repeatedly.

Until she reached out, pressed the call button, and went hands-free.

After searching and chasing for a long time, Ai Qing put down the coffee cup and asked curiously, "Should I say good evening, is that gentleman or lady over there?"

There was no immediate response from the other end. After a short silence, a dull electronic voice sounded: "I know you have opinions on me, but why do you do this, Ai Qing?"

"Hmm? Did I do something? Did you do something?"

Ai Qing seemed puzzled: "I'm just doing my job, tracking down the illegal smuggling organizations in the world and clearing them up—it just happens that they all happen to be your downline, so there's no need to be so nervous."

She paused for a moment, and comforted her thoughtfully, "Just take it as a warning of your own fault."

In the past few days, through the huge database and intelligence channels of the overhead agencies, and even their own personal connections, they have been conducting investigations in secret.

I don't know how many clues have been investigated, and following the information records that are more intricate than the mess, she is pulling silk threads and silently tracing back, moving forward from the labyrinth of complicated events.

Finally found.

The trace left by this "colleague" of the Pioneer Society who has never met.

And, in return for what happened in the past, he gave the other party a little surprise.

"Just because I moved your little toy?"

The electronic voice couldn't tell the anger, but the mocking echo sounded like a can of laughter: "Haha, is this a new type of persona? It's weird, do you really care about him? Or do you feel offended?

Well, your possessiveness is really scary..."


In the middle of the quiet conversation, there was a sudden sound of gunshots.

In front of Tony, the kneeling leader fell to the sky with a blood hole on his forehead.

Tony just calmly withdrew his pistol, waved his hand behind him, and signaled to continue the suppression, and the army filed in.

On the phone, there was dead silence.

As if suppressing anger.

"Do you want to go to war, Ai Qing?"

On the other end of the phone, the investigator hiding in the dark asked, "Do you think I will endure your endless provocation? Or do you think the identity of an alternate agency can protect you?"

"Relax, as I said, this is just a warning."

Ai Qing turned the slender lighter with her fingertips, and responded calmly, "If you want to play games, then let's play games, it's that simple. It's just a slight loss, I believe it won't hit you. In comparison, I care more about some other traces found during the game."

She said: "If that's not gentle enough for you, then just think -- Vancouver, Cantonese, Nigeria, Kathmandu ... and finally, Seoul -- maybe there's something beyond Seoul? Who knows?"

In this way, he solemnly and carefully reported a series of place names, causing the other party to fall into silence.

"Indeed, you took the lead, you sensed my identity, and I still don't know where you are, but that doesn't prevent me from discovering something interesting, right?"

"What are you trying to hide? My 'colleague'?" Ai Qing asked curiously, "You want to fight me? But are you really ready to face me face to face?"


Silence, and after another silence, an electronic voice sounded.

No anger, but full of surprise.

"Is this your warning? Or is it another disguise? I have to admire your excellence, Ai Qing, she was able to find so many clues with just a pseudonym. No wonder Ms. X loves you so much. I underestimated you."

The man on the other end said: "I admit that going to war with you is not the best option. Say your purpose and I will consider it."

"My purpose has been told to you from the beginning,"

Ai Qing told him word by word, "Don't move, my stuff!"

This time, no more words came.

As if suppressing something, the investigator in the dark gasped, as if leaning forward and backward, and at the end, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"...Ah, ah, I understand, haha, so that's it, hahahaha."

The electronic voice on the other end of the phone asked, "So, do you 'love' him, Ai Qing? It's incredible, is this self-deception or an exception?

Hahahaha, I understand, the reason why 'that thing' values ​​your particularity.

However, can you understand what you are thinking? Is that really love? Or is it just an illusion of a continuation of the past, a subconscious dependence now? "

"You want to tell me that you don't know what love is?"

Ai Qing was indifferent, "Or, is our relationship a handkerchief that is friendly enough to talk about romantic feelings?"

"No, no, it seems you didn't understand what I meant."

The electronic voice mockingly sighed: "As a 'colleague', let me tell you an open secret, newcomer."

Gu Ya

He said: "The tools selected by 'that thing in the stone tablet' are all selfless."

"—To be exact, a person who has lost the function of 'love'."

"Through the observation of the sea of ​​silver, 'it' will find the most suitable tool, and in all the standards, the ability is still secondary, in the final analysis, what is needed is the difference of 'essence'.

No matter what criteria to choose based on, the best choice in the end is the exquisite consumables like you and me.

family? companion? offspring? For the poor chosen ones, those are just labels, and the tools don't even love themselves-because only if they don't love the individual, they can take on the responsibility of taking care of "all".

But in the end, nobody loves that thing, neither do you nor I. "

'Mr. Electronic Voice' said: "Don't expect too much from 'It', newcomer."

Ai Qing responded indifferently, "I'm not interested in your nonsense either, 'senior'."

"It doesn't matter, I have seen enough strange things, although I don't know whether you are imitating it deliberately or whether it is really lost and found, it doesn't matter.

I'll keep my promise, don't worry. "

Mr. Electronic Voice said, "And, in response to your hospitality, I also have a present for you."


The scene on the screen swayed suddenly, and it was pitch black.

Only in Tony's perspective, a fiery fire suddenly erupted from the deepest part of the earth, rising into the sky, and the terrifying air waves spread, causing a turmoil and noise.


Destruction came suddenly, and when the torrent of explosions swept through, Tony looked up from behind the ice shell, the ruins of the factory gone, replaced by a scorched earth.

Even the metal remains of all the soldiers...


It seemed that even Mr. Electronic Sound was stunned. He never expected that all the team members except Tony were actually machines.

In the end, just laugh at yourself.

"We will meet, Ai Qing."

The phone hangs up with a busy tone.

In the long silence, Ai Qing didn't speak, she just put down her phone and continued her work.

Dealing with the slack, smoothing out the losses, dealing with the price of that guy's lion's mouth, and continuing to complete the complicated work of those overhead mechanisms.

Business as usual.

Then, after six o'clock, he turned off the computer on time, pulled down the window, and got up and left.

get off work.

After she went to the cafeteria to eat a standard working meal, she took a short rest and arrived at the gym on the middle floor at 7:30. After an hour of aerobic exercise as usual, she made an appointment with the front desk for next Tuesday's general meeting. Physical fitness test and recommendation analysis.

Finally, drive home on time and on time.

Only, this time, before returning to the apartment assigned to her, she went to another place.

After passing through the layers of verification, go straight down through the elevator.

Finally, when the door opened, at the other end of the hall, a middle-aged man walked out from behind the other door on time and stood behind the counter.

"I want to see the pilot meeting." She said bluntly.

The middle-aged man shook his head: "You don't have such authority, and the Pilot Council has not received your application."

Ai Qing nodded and told him, "Now, they have it."

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and the middle-aged man nodded slightly as if he had heard something. Behind him, the door slowly opened.

As always, it was an empty and silent square, dimly flashing lights, and the huge Silencer stele.

Even, the fuzzy face that appeared above.

Fall asleep peacefully.

But when the visitor arrived, the silent lights were illuminated again, and there was a rattling sound from the complicated instruments, causing the sleeping face to change slightly, as if a distant question came from that long dream.

Handwriting appeared on the screen: [Ai Qing, why are you here? 】

"You should understand."

Ai Qing interrupted the meaningless process: "I want to know, who gave the order to investigate Huaishi? Is it from the Pilot Society's order."

The vague face of the pilot meeting did not fluctuate, and answered bluntly: [This is not a problem you should be concerned about. 】

As if she had expected it, Ai Qing gave a silent mocking smile.

"Then, let's change it—"

She recalled the small traces she found during the investigation, as well as the many guesses that emerged in her heart.

Even if he knew it was meaningless, he still stared at that face and asked in a solemn voice:

"Are there any traitors among 'us'?"

The screen did not respond.

Just a brief pause, as if the whole picture had been seen from countless souls and memories.

New handwriting appeared: [This is not the scope of your authority. 】

"But I got it, and that's the problem."

Ai Qing emphasized: "'You' made a mistake in work, didn't it?"

No respect, no need for respect, the Pioneers never care.

Here, straightforward communication is far more effective than euphemisms.

Before the countless consciousnesses sleeping in chaos can truly awaken in a personified way, it is a self-disciplined machine composed of countless complicated logics, analyzing the infinite rhythm from the sea of ​​silver, and extracting the real key from it. deal with.

Perhaps, in a sense, it is the tool that is really used to maintain the Pioneer Society, and the so-called investigators are just a product of consumption.

[The work of the Pilot Society has never been wrong. 】

[I know you have doubts in your heart, but your worries are meaningless. This is just one part of a process—]

"You know why I came here."

Ai Qing interrupted those words.

[Then, as you wish. 】

On the stele, the blurred face seemed to become clear for a moment, and the order from the Sea of ​​Silver flowed out from the screen: [The Pilot Council is directly under the commissioner Ai Qing, you will be transferred to the T1 sequence, and the task will be changed.

The information you need will be delivered to you, and you will be granted temporary authority, but you must understand that you are responsible for all your actions. 】

"Thank you so much."

Ai Qing sneered, not hiding her indifference and displeasure.

Turn away.

Outside the door, the middle-aged man seemed to be still standing there, but there was an additional portfolio in his hand, which he handed to her.

"It's got everything you need in it~lightnovelpub.net~ Take it seriously," he said. "

"I will."

Ai Qing took it and was about to leave when she heard a voice behind her: "The pilot will let me tell you that when your mission is over, please come back here—"

He, or it said: "There is a problem waiting for you."

Ai Qing frowned.

He didn't say anything, just nodded slightly and turned to leave.

After the elevator door closed, the middle-aged man turned around and walked to the other door and disappeared.

The hall returned to silence.

as always.

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