Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 1420: pick 1

Earlier, four hours ago.

The huge office was busy, but it was silent from beginning to end, not even the sound of high heels stepping on the floor.

The people who came and went walked silently between the workstations, but could not hear the noise of other discussions or talking.

Like a cemetery.

Under the pale incandescent light, everyone was expressionless, looking down at their work, ignoring the breathing and life of others.

For overhead institutions, this is the day-to-day.

However, today, many people couldn't help but look at the office in the corner.

Two minutes ago, three people in black uniforms and badges walked in. After crossing the aisle, they walked in.

Just the moment they appeared, they attracted everyone's attention. Just as no one would like someone from an overhead mechanism to come to their door, there is something in an overhead mechanism that no one will like.

Investigation Team of the Censorship Section.

The department on the overhead floor that specializes in internal investigation and interrogation, the mad dog that bites its own people, and if they are stared at, they will have to peel off their skin if they don't die.

It's just that today, when a mad dog is staring at another mad dog, a sense of schadenfreude emerges in everyone's hearts.

Even in busy work, I can't help but peek.

Blurred figures behind the blinds.

And in the inner office, there is a calm atmosphere, and there is no tense atmosphere.

Even, as if it had been expected, when the other party entered the door, the computer had already been shut down, and all the manuals for handover of work were placed in the center of the table.

Laundered coffee mugs upside down on coasters.

Ai Qing sat behind her desk and waited peacefully.

"Next, read the internal management notice."

The informant from the Examination Division opened the notice in front of her, "...Due to personal reasons, I made a mistake in action and caused heavy losses. From today, I will suspend all duties of Ai Qingqi, the director of the overhead floor and the current covert operation processing office. He was ordered to wait for the hearing notice.”

"You must not leave London during this period, wait for a summons at any time, and cooperate with our work-"

Finally, the informer folded the letter in his hand again and handed it over: "Do you have any opinion on this?"


Ai Qing put the notification aside.

"Then, from now on," the informant said. "Before you leave, you have ten minutes to pack up your personal belongings, but no more confidential work."

Just behind him, someone handed over a cardboard box for packing personal belongings, while others began to check the office inch by inch, filing records.


Looking at the cardboard box in front of her, Ai Qing couldn't help laughing again.

Just like that, a pen was thrown in.

Put the lid on.

She got up and walked out of her office, under the eyes of many confused, curious, or gloating, accompanied by the Censorship Section, walked across the aisle and walked towards the elevator.

In the corner of the tea room, Schweiger raised his eyes and glanced at the censorship section behind her, and nodded clearly: "Get off work?"

"It's just a lunch break." Ai Qing replied, "It won't be too long, come back soon."

"It's nice to have a rest."

Schweiger nodded and glanced not far away: "However, it looks like a grumpy old lady wants to take up some of your coffee time."

In the smoking room not far away, the door opened slightly.

Behind the glass wall, a slightly old middle-aged woman sat on the sofa, propped her chin, and waited silently.

"It was unexpected."

Ai Qing raised her eyebrows slightly. She didn't expect to see the person who gave her a suspension notice so soon.

The real master and person in charge of the overhead floor.

Ms. X.

"Is it okay to give the two ladies some privacy, gentlemen?"

In the smoking room, Ms. X looked at the censorship section immediately behind Ai Qing: "I believe that the action director I chose will not be mad to hurt an old woman."

The people in the censorship section hesitated, looked at each other, and waited outside the door.

Thick glass blocks all sound.

In the silence, only the sunlight leaking in from behind the shutters, and the dust rustling in the sunlight.

And, silence.

Ai Qing sat across from her without speaking.

Didn't even ask why.

Only Ms. X, smoking a slightly pungent cigarette, let out a long sigh of relief: "To be honest, there are not many people who work on the overhead floors and plan to do some part-time jobs...I don't know what you are thinking."

Ai Qing thought for a while, and answered indifferently, "Maybe it's because of her strong desire for power."

"Really? Then why did you refuse to serve as my deputy?" Ms. X asked back, "If you want to be promoted, you won't miss such a shortcut, right?"

She paused, and looked at Ai Qing with her dark eyes: "Or do you think it's too boring to work with an old woman, and can't stand the life of a puppet?"

"It's just that I don't need it."

Ai Qing shook her head: "Ma'am, your work is flawless, isn't it? You don't need other people to superfluous, right?"

"So, that's not the only reason, isn't it?"

Ms. X laughed: "Maybe, you are not as utilitarian as you think? But why are you so anxious?"

"Yeah, why?"

Ai Qing seemed to be pondering, but she never hesitated: "What I want to say is just pure, so I can't stand it."

"In the beginning, it was just instinct, I wanted to start a new life, find something to do again, and I was satisfied if I could find a place to live.

But later, I found that what I wanted was not a peaceful life. "

She raised her eyes and looked at the officer in front of her: "Then, instead of letting some trash and trash take over the position, why can't the person sitting in that position be me?"

The corners of Ms. X's mouth twitched, seemingly happy.

"You don't hide your ambition at all, Ai Qing." She said, "As long as people work hard, mistakes are always inevitable, aren't they?"

Ai Qing shook her head: "I don't like the argument that I've done more and more mistakes, and I don't think I've done anything wrong."

"Until now, you still don't plan to change your mind?"


Ai Qing nodded decisively.

"Then take a good rest, and maybe have a new troublesome job."

Ms. X got up, patted her on the shoulder, and finally told her: "Compared to the others, you are already too late."

Ai Qing's expression changed slightly, but she didn't say anything after all.

Just before pushing the glass door open, Ms. X suddenly turned around and looked at her.

"Finally, let me ask another boring old question."

She said, "I'm curious—what are you doing all this for, Ai Qing? Justice? Or ideals? Or is it for the present and the future?"

"For my own sake, of course, ma'am."

Ai Qing answered as a matter of course, without hesitation: "As long as I can achieve my goal, as long as I can have more power, I will use any means, and I don't care what the cost is."

She answered frankly: "I am such an ambitious person."

"very nice."

Ms. X finally smiled and nodded: "I like it very much."

She turned away.

And Ai Qing, sitting in the smoking room, after being silent for a long time, got up, carried her personal belongings, walked to the parking lot under surveillance, and drove away.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a traffic accident at Albion Gate in London.

The out-of-control tanker exploded after crashing through the guardrail, causing damage to the bridge. Fortunately, it was not rush hour, and only one person was killed.

In the accident, Ai Qing, the former director of the overhead agency, disappeared.

Whereabouts unknown.



Two hours after receiving the call, Huai Shi set off from the Ivory Tower and led a team of scholars to Jixia for the new Jixia Academic Exchange Conference, and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony the next day.

And just before that, in the mist and drizzle of London late at night, a motorboat landed silently in the turbid current.

In the sound of the tide, the sound of whistle echoed faintly in the distant port.

In this remote and desolate corner, the Nameless One lifted his hood, raised his head, and stared at the frontier city immersed in darkness and neon in front of him.

He slowly exhaled the breath in his lungs.

"It's beautiful."

He murmured softly, the reflection of the city lights in his pupils, like burning flames.

"Thank you to the old man for me."

He turned his head to say goodbye to the middle-aged man in a rain cape on the deck: "Then, I'll go first."

"You go well."

The sublime from the Lin family said goodbye politely: "According to common sense, we should say that you need to give orders at any time. But according to the old man, the small profits are small, and life is difficult. It is not easy for our family to earn some hard money. Given the scale of the matter, it's better not to contact us..."

"Wherever we are, we are as close as a family, so naturally we need a lot of trouble if something happens."

The stowaway smiled and lifted his suitcase, disappearing into the darkness at the end of the narrow road.

On the bow, Lin Liu, a middle-aged and bearded man, watched his figure disappear. He waved his hand, and a group of people in the cabin came out, covered with mops and various tools. Clean up all traces.

After Lin Liu finished the phone call, he began to loudly urge others to move the goods quickly and run away after moving.

When are you still dawdling?

act recklessly!



About half an hour later, Masamune Kaizuka, a beast-like character from Yingzhou, got his room key in a cheap hotel after successfully smuggling.

Stepping on the creaking floor to the second floor, I closed the door behind me in the musty smell.


After turning on the faucet in the bathroom, with the sound of clattering, he closed the curtains, sat on the creaking chair under the flickering lights, put down the suitcase, opened the cuffs, and saw the shackle-like bracelet The upper green light is flashing.

The stigma is locked and not connected to the outside world.

Status is complete.

This is a shield from Sharma before he left, and it is the same model as the one worn by Shepherd Gregory.

Even the terrifying erosiveness of the primitive incantation to the products of civilization can be temporarily suppressed. Under the condition of Huai Shi's deliberate restraint, it is naturally easy to block the connection between the stigmata in his body and the outside world.

As the headquarters of the Astronomical Society, London has the most stringent outsider censorship system and the strictest monitoring of the Great Secret. In this huge and complex border, every miracle will leave traces. The recorded stigmata will trigger an alarm whenever it is used.

And no matter how subtle the signs are, they will be reflected in the monitoring room of the Great Secret Instrument.

Huai Shi, as a key monitoring figure who is about to be listed on the current threat list, does not want to be sent out by the ruling bureau for the time being until the specific situation is clear.

Thanks to the friends who made forged documents in the alley at the south gate of the school, they got the forged documents as quickly as possible.

As for his appearance, after deliberately aging, he turned into a gentle and harmless handsome middle-aged man who had been used for a short time in hell.

After raising his neck and injecting two tubes of essentia inhibitor into his neck, Huai Shi put down the injection gun and picked up the disposable phone that he bought on the boat on the table.

According to memory, dialed the emergency contact number.

After two rings, the phone was connected.


He said, "I'm here."

"I know." On the other end, Ai Qing replied, her voice calm.

"How is the situation?" Huai Shi asked.

"It's still a small problem, and I still have some inconvenience for the time being." Ai Qing said, "But your whereabouts don't seem to be very secretive, and the call line has been monitored."

"on purpose."

Huai Shi replied: "Always leave a way for friends who help, and people will still do business in the future."

Ai Qing understood: "Can it be done?"

"It's still being resolved."

Huai Shi raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of the door.

It was as if through the wall panels, you could see the silent figures moving forward in the corridor, and had quietly gathered on both sides of the door. on the door.

Be careful and cautious.

As if completing some artwork.

"Then contact me later." Ai Qing said.

"Wait a minute, there's another question."

Huai Shi tilted her head with her phone between her hands and looked down at the few choices on the table: "Do you think a teacup is more convenient, or a hot water bottle better?"

"It doesn't matter." Ai Qing said.

"Choose one." Huai Shi insisted: "There must be some fun in life."

"Then you choose the more difficult one yourself."


In the busy tone of hanging up ~lightnovelpub.net~ Huai Shi shrugged and put down the phone.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of the explosion burst out from the corridor, and in the spreading air waves, countless wooden plank fragments and steel **** spread in all directions, and a strong wind swept through the smoke and dust.

When the attackers broke into the room, they saw everything in a mess, as well as the figure who slowly got up from the chair.

In front of them, he bent down and picked up the paper box that had rolled at his feet.

Between the dirt and scratches, you can vaguely distinguish the appearance of furry bears and rabbits playing in the forest.

Just like that, in hand.


"You're going to love this stuff."

Huai Shi said, "I promise."

------off topic-----

Ah, it's the beginning of the month, the child has a good card, and I've been crying, asking for a monthly pass...