Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 519: The time of gluttony (thanks to Yangersu

   "Speaking...if you really want to do it, why do you take students?"

   "Social practice."

  Andrea said, “There is still a lot of maintenance work to be done in the local area. When the time comes, let them lay hands, help, and do some external activities, which can be regarded as gaining experience.

   The teaching and research section evaluated the degree of danger this time as an extracurricular practice level-as long as you pay attention to safety and follow the teacher's instructions, there will be no accidents. "


   Huai Shi was amused.

   The internship at the Tower of Ivory is too hardcore.

   Andrea shrugged and expressed calmness: "In the Ivory Tower, this is called an internship, and the next point is called an outing level. Only a few teaching assistants are enough, and the full-time teachers do not need to participate.

   Don't worry, don't stress too much. The ivory tower hasn’t declined to such an extent that a new teacher is needed to turn the tide. This time it’s just an inspection at best, so you can accumulate more experience. "


   Huai Shi sighed.

   Anyway, he doesn't have any expectations for Russell's integrity.

   As a senior vehicle explosion experience, even if someone tells himself that a destructive element is mixed in the car, he will not react, let alone someone will attack.

   His only expectation for this car is that he can deliver himself to his destination in full, or even not.

   Before leaving the box, Huai Shi couldn't help being curious, and finally asked, "Speaking of which...what was the level of the asterisk in the teaching and research section last time?"

   "Is that part of my participation?"

   "Hmm." Huai Shi nodded.

   "Ph.D. graduation defense, small scene."

   Andrea calmly put on a blindfold to herself, and did not say whether she was the one who was defending or the wave of censoring and defending. Lying on the bed, fell asleep.

   very relieved to hand the safety of the entire vehicle to Huai Shi.

   This made Huai Shi a headache instead.



   In the following time, Huaishi went to the front part of the car to say hello to Raymond, then turned back, turned around in the car, and patrolled.

   Most of the students fell asleep leaning on their seats, and some of them were reading books or playing cards silently.

   Lin Nineteen did not mix with his new friends. Instead, he lay in the corner next to Yuanyuan. He was sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag, and nasal bubbles came out.

   As a senior patient with persecution delusion and persecution delusion, he knows where the safest place is in this car.

   Hearing someone walk in, the girl with closed eyes raised her eyes and looked over. Huai Shi waved his hand to signal them to continue to rest. After confirming that they had kept the cage of dreams by their side, they left.

   It was very quiet in the middle of the night.

   Nothing happened.

   When passing by Huocheng, he got off the car and went to the platform to let the air out.

   There is a lingering smell of sulfur in the slightly sultry air, which fits the description of **** in traditional stories. On the borders of the Middle East, the abyssal precipitation that erupts periodically spreads across the land in the form of flames, and the city is built on lava and mountain peaks in the form of steel frames, which is sultry all year round.

   As the few large borders closest to hell, it has a rather gloomy atmosphere.

   In the station, the platform is empty.

  Only a well-dressed middle-aged man came up and said, "Is it convenient to borrow a fire, friend?"

   Huaishi rubbed a lighter from his pocket and handed it over.

   The middle-aged man was very grateful and returned after using it up.

   After a few casual chats between the two people, Huaishi saw that Raymond had negotiated with the station, he politely left and went back to the car.


   The middle-aged man with gray hair stood there, smoking a cigarette in silence.

   just turned his back to Huaishi's face, with his eyebrows slightly raised.

   After feeling that the beacon he had left on the lighter disappeared, he laughed softly. I didn't expect the people in the Ivory Tower to be so cautious.

   Or should you be prepared for yourself from the beginning?

   It looks like a good talker...

   After he walked down the steps of the platform, a young man came up: "Mr. Quinn, when I unloaded the cargo, I saw clearly that it was indeed the ivory tower car."

  Quin nodded, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, "Tell the doctor and the colonel for me. I want to try it out."

   The young man was taken aback, with a strange expression.

   "What's wrong?" Quinn asked.

   "Uh, this... the doctor also asked me to tell you."

   The young man paused, and said sternly, "It's okay to try."

  Queen was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter.


   Since leaving Fire City, Huai Shi's mood has been a little restless.

   After returning to the carriage, he sat in the middle carriage meditating, with the spine of the sword of virtue in his hand knocking on the spine of the sword of virtue. There was always something that made him feel uneasy.

   He began to remember.

   When recalling the middle-aged man who met on the platform, he couldn't help frowning.

   Now that I think of it, even though I didn't feel the malice and killing intent, the feeling that that person brought to Huai Shi was extraordinarily strange-he looked serious, but inexplicably it felt like a disguise.

   There is something more unique under his smile, almost overflowing.

   Before entering the hell, meeting such a person, Huaishi didn't think it would be accidental.

   But most sublimers are a little weird.

   So he was not sure.

   After thinking for a while, he got up and went to wake Andrea.

   If it was Huaishi's illusion, then she would have just missed a few hours of sleep. If he was right, then she would be able to provide more protection in case of danger.

   After listening to Huai Shi’s analysis, although Andrea felt that it was unnecessary, she woke up and stopped sleeping at all.

   After washing her face, she waited with Huaishi from four in the morning until nine in the morning.

   Still nothing happened.

   Andrea is not very angry or dissatisfied, but Huai Shi is getting more and more embarrassed.

   Just when he was about to persuade Andrea to stay asleep, the female professor's action of turning the book paused and raised her head.

"You're right."

   She shook her head and sighed softly, "Something is coming."

   The voice just fell, and the dense and fine voice sounded from the roof of the car.

   Like water drops hitting the iron sheet on the roof of the car.

It's raining?

   Huaishi and Andrea frowned at the same time.

   has not left the Middle East for **** snorkeling. In the eternal sea of ​​fire in the Middle East, let alone rain, even sewage is a resource that can be used to replace currency.

   How can it be extravagant that it turns into rain falling from the sky?

   Soon, those fine beating sounds came more clearly and carefully, as if countless legs were beating on the top of the carriage in a complicated way, forming a flood quickly spreading over the car body.

   Then there was a filament hanging... from the roof of the car, it suddenly hit the window, casting a black shadow in the fire outside the window.

   That is a spider.

   A dazed student screamed, his face quickly pale.

   Those slap-sized spiders crawled flexibly on the car window, dragging a huge abdominal pouch, but the colorful colors were not likable, only ugly and disgusting.

   Now, with the rapid increase in the number of spiders, this fear has begun to expand rapidly.

   Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, tens of thousands... The entire train is quickly covered by colorful spiders, all pervasive wanting to erode in.

   Countless scarlet compound eyes opened, staring at the alert faces through the car window.

   suddenly spit out the venom.

  ——呲! ! ! ! !

   It was not the sound of the glass windows being corroded by venom, but the sound of suddenly throwing dead pork on the hot hearth!

  The flame is tangible.

   But when the temperature soared to hundreds of degrees in an instant, and it was heated into a Fenfeng that could scorch all flesh and blood, it was still invisible.

   Andrea quickly finished writing a line of formulas in the air, and the fire at her fingertips flashed out.

   After that invisible law was out of her control, it began to multiply and expand on its own, spreading in all directions.

   Substitute the volume and space, specify the vector and scale, and then enter the source...Finally, the result is obtained.

   combines thermodynamics and aerodynamics, using the blood of a red dragon to extract the heat from the countless lava under the railroad tracks, and a terrifying stream of incineration instantly enveloped the entire train.

   But across the car window, the temperature inside the car did not change. Even the air conditioner is still working normally, giving the illusion that everything outside the window looks like a phantom.

  The twisted air enveloped down, just at the click of a finger, the high temperature and burning stream made countless crawling spiders ashes.

   collapsed quickly.

  Before they were burned out, they shattered into pieces of paper, quickly shattered and turned yellow, and finally turned into black ashes.

   At this moment, it seems that there is an invisible garment of flame covering the entire train. An invisible diaphragm is formed. Everything that dared to enter within three meters of the car body would be burnt to black ashes instantly.

   Even steel and rock are the same.

   "...is Andrea?"

   On the roof of the car, a crouching figure whispered, "Is the heretical red dragon in the thermodynamics classroom? Hey, is the ivory tower so anxious?"

   Quinn was wearing an unusually conspicuous raincoat. There were countless small mirrors attached to it, and the whole person looked shining. But in the raincoat, those abnormal high temperatures are difficult to penetrate.

   None of his hair fell out.

   The curtain of sand.

   The relics found in a certain **** of eternal high temperature cannot resist any rain, but the high temperature cannot be better.

At this moment, his hands were continuously folded with colorful papers. The papers fell from his fingertips like rain, fell into his arms, and squirmed quickly, forming a thumb-sized spider in the raincoat. Crawling quickly below.

   Under the reflection of the fire, his figure suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

   At the same time, the alarm sounded in the car.

  "The intruder entered the car~lightnovelpub.net~ Raymond heard from the voice of the intercom: "The warehouse has been blocked, don't worry-you will take the rest. "

   At the same time, the dense rustling sound has sounded from the air-conditioned pipe, like a torrent, spreading along all the gaps from behind the hatch in the car.

   Under the invisible raincoat, Quinn smiled happily and waved in the dark.

   Thousands of spiders screamed sharply, drilled sharp nodes from the air-conditioning mouth, dragged the fat abdominal sac, and rushed towards the food below.

   gluttonous time has come!

   Then, they saw the same scarlet eyes as themselves.

   has been waiting for a long time.


   In the brief silence, on the luggage rack in the carriage, countless mist-like crows flapped their wings excitedly, unable to hide their excitement.

   Yeah, the time for gluttonous... has arrived.








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