Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 579: phantom

It seemed that silence came suddenly.

The noisy sounds all around disappeared.

There is no break in order, the infusion of infusion, disinfection and sterilization, dressing and dressing, the medical room is running as usual.

It's just that even the original breathing sound is gone at the moment.

Obviously, everyone looked down and focused on their work. But secretly, he could not help but quietly raised his ears, hiding the burning gossip fire in his eyes.

Especially the ear of a sublimator who pretends to be sleeping is almost on the back of his head ...

There is no way, some things, up to eighty, down to eight years old, everyone no matter how serious people like to listen to both ears.

The parties personally described their mental journey, how fresh!

How can you comfort yourself for your hard work in **** without secretly listening?

"So, what about the child—"

Andrea concealed her curiosity and prying eyes in her chest, lowering her voice, and looking forward with big eyes: "Is it true?"

Huai Shi looked at her dullly.

The eyes were dark.

Finally felt the social death in close proximity——

what happened? !

No, why do both of you know so fast?

Also, didn't you come to **** to explore and explore the present situation? What is your determination to sacrifice and pay for the situation? Did n’t you forget the gossip of staring at your colleagues when you went to hell?

and also……

As soon as Huai Shi's eyeballs turned, he finally reacted and looked serious: "Who said this!"


Andrea finished speaking, and immediately concealed her consternation, unbelievable: "Really?"


Huai Shi rolled his eyes and was furious: "You believe him a fart, I am a virgin !!!"

So, ten minutes later, the entire Tiejingzuo knew that Huai Shi was a virgin ...

At this time, the poems of Huai had no power to explain.

Anyway, even an excuse will not be useful.

He is ready for the arrival of social death.

After cleaning, stitching, bandaging, and blood transfusion like the assembly line, Huai Shi was stuffed into a wheelchair, and people were even directly brought with a sling needle, and was sent to the temporarily converted meeting room

Usher in the final task.

Hearing the sound above, he yawned and could not hide his sleepiness.

Start to distract.


"... Next, we are about to enter the final battle stage of the Twilight Town."

At the corner of the hangar, in the temporary meeting room where several boxes were piled up, the chief announced: "This is the most important stage, and no slack or omissions are allowed."

A solemn response.

Huai Shi opened his mouth and wanted to keep up, but found that when he responded, everyone had finished shouting, only his voice was trailing behind.

Very embarrassing.

The Chief Executive glanced at him and resignedly looked away: "According to the divination and chaos calculations in the control room, after 20 minutes, we will be able to completely crack the outer defense and activate the central tower.

It is foreseeable that there will be a lot of unknown changes in the hometown of dusk.

"At that time, Grand Master needs to go all out to compete with Ivy League for control authority in hell, and he has no time for him to take care. Ms. Andrea will preside over the defense, but if not necessary she will not take action, and the task and command will be my responsibility. Your victory will be handed over to you. "

Everyone responded loudly.

This time, Huai Shi finally caught up with the rhythm and left behind.

The Registrar looked around and announced, "Then, according to the previous arrangement, all the staff will begin to act after ten minutes. The members of the exploration team are still chaired by August, and you need to give priority to ensuring the safety and action of the team of scholars and alchemists. , You should have been used to it for a long time, and I do n’t need to say more. Your goal is to ensure that the “Permafrost Hearth” can be started smoothly. In addition, all things must be prioritized ... "

In the faint, the chief's voice seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

Huaixi lowered his head and slept in sleepiness.

In this short sleep, he seemed to have a flower suddenly in front of him, and appeared in the middle of the forest of birds and flowers, a vibrant scene.

"What the hell?" Huai Shi looked blankly.

Countless lush trees reveal artificial stars under the night, and the eternal sun hangs between heaven and earth.

Pleasant laughter came from afar, and others were talking softly.

But when he raised his head, he saw a huge shadow standing at the end of his line of sight, as if supporting the huge giant tower of the whole world.

Like a well-carved tombstone.

Just looking at it, I feel inexplicable fear and anxiety, and ... unspeakable pain!

The invisible big hands are ravaging his heart and clenching his heart.

He fell to the ground, trying to climb, but his limbs were breaking quickly, like fragile pottery, falling apart in the spread of the fissure, and the darkness like the spring spring emerged from the crack

When he tried to raise his head, he saw the strange shadow in front of him.

Wearing a crown and a solemn vest, the decayed bone looked down at him with his lips open and closed, as if he was talking about something, but Huai Shi could not hear clearly.

In the dizziness and pain, only the sound of thunder exploded.

"Huai Shi!"

In the ear, an unpleasant voice suddenly sounded: "Huai Shi, can you hear me?"

"I'm here!"

Huai Shi opened his eyes and sweated.

Finally woke up from a nightmare.

There were no ghosts and demons in front of him, only a huge figure, glowing steel, frowning and looking at him.

It is the Grand Master.

On the palm of his hand reaching Huai Shi, the light of the alchemy secret slowly dissipated.

I don't know when the meeting has ended, there is no one else around. After seeing Huai Shi wake up, the chief of the distance office turned away.

"How long have I slept?"

"ten minutes."

Grand Master replied indifferently: "After the meeting, Simon found that you couldn't wake up, and pulled me over ... At that time, I was preparing to crack the important steps before refining, and the whole secret instrument was delayed for ten minutes. And, thanks to you, I really hope you can win back these ten minutes next. "

"I will." Huai Shi smiled reluctantly and wiped the sweat off his face.

"Did you dream?" Grand Master asked.

"Yes ..." Huai Shi bowed his head, recalling the scenes in his dream, frowning: "Suncaster ... He seems ... he wants to say something to me."

"It's not just him who has something to say to you, but the one in front of you."

Grand Master lowered his head, looked at his face, and asked in a word: "Now, Huai Shi, answer me-are you still awake?"

"... Yes." Huai Shi nodded.

"So, are you up to the task?"

"I can."

Huai Shi answered.

Grand Master didn't speak again, staring at him silently, as if trying to sniff out any trace of uneasiness and fear, and finally, nodded slightly: "I hope so."

He picked in the medicine box next to it, mixing the medicine quickly, and finally picked up the syringe, placed it on Huai Shi's neck, and pulled the trigger.

The cold medicament was instantly injected into the carotid artery. After a period of discomfort, Huai Shi's drowsiness and drowsiness began to subside rapidly, returning to sobriety.

It seems that breathing has become smoother.

"what is this?"

"Stabilizers used for spirits can temporarily keep your consciousness clear. In fact, you should be allowed to use the" regret medicine ", but few people are affected by the mechanization of the mind."

Grandmaster pulled out the syringe and threw it into the trash basket: "After all the sub-control centers have been activated, the town of dusk will enter the stage of activation, and the records left in **** will be more active than usual and will cause you a deeper Impact.

Originally it was more subtle, but you have been locked in the Ivy League for some time, and suddenly you return to the ground, it will be difficult to adapt. "

"I'm ... allergic?" Huaishi was unbelievable.

"This is also considered to be an inherent defect of the kingdom of heaven. Excellent individuals will gain adaptability to the abyss, but at the same time it will be more difficult to resist the influence of the **** record. The possibility of assimilation and solidification by **** will also increase significantly.

The Grand Master reminded, "You have to be careful not to become like Condra."

Huai Shi's movements stiffened and recalled the figure assimilated by this piece of hell.

Huaixi has not seen him for a long time, but this does not mean that Condella has disappeared ... as long as the home of dusk still exists for a day, he will not be relieved.

"Are there really no way we can save him?" Huai Shi hesitated for a long time, and finally asked.

"Maybe there is." The Grand Master asked in return: "But do you think that after being assimilated, the original Condela was saved again?"

Huai Shi was speechless.

In the short silence, a sharp bell rang in the distance, mixed in the faint roar.

The alarm sounds one after another.

Huai Shi looked up in amazement: "What is that?"

"Forecast of stage opening."

Grand Master withdrew his gaze: "The rest period is over, Huai Shi, and the final curtain will be unveiled. Everyone should return to their place, including me and you."

"It sounds like I am full of weight."

"Yeah, who said that tool people are not important?"

Grand Master patted him on the shoulder. Before leaving, he finally glanced at him, "Everyone has something they should do well. We do our best ..."

"The rest is up to you."


A minute later, Huai Shi had changed the equipment again and walked into the hangar again.

The roar from outside was getting louder.

The world has never been suspended due to the respite of Huai Shi, and the fight between the nano-sequence mechanical body of the Ivory Tower and the synthetic giant monster of Ivy League continues, even more and more fierce.

Countless flapping wings flew into the sky along the orbit, and began a new struggle among the clouds, or fell.

Through the vast blood rain and fog outside the door, you can see the flickering fire.

In this real hell, the two parties are working hard to make **** more **** ... Whether it is because he is already hell, and it will not be worse if it is done, or because he came to **** and liberated without care. What about nature?

Hard to understand.

In front of the departure gate, a truck with armor and equipment replaced in its entirety has been waiting for a long time, and the door opened, waiting for his arrival.


Huaishi walked into the carriage and greeted colleagues who were sitting on both sides.

Auguste, who was sharpening the edge of the axe, looked up at him and raised his eyebrows: "After a sleep, it looks good."

"I hope it doesn't just look like it."

Huai Shi shrugged and sat in the last empty seat in the car.

Next to it was a disturbed young girl in gray. Her armor was covered with a gray burqa, holding her helmet stiffly and daring not to look up at her teacher.

"Are you nervous?" Huaixi asked, "I was a little scared when I heard the chief said you signed up, and to be honest."


Yuan Yuan lowered his head, fearing that Huai Shi would be angry because of his unauthorized decision.

"Xiao Nineteen?" Huaixi looked up to other places in the carriage. "Should it be there?"

"Where is it?"

Oppositely, the man hurriedly took off the helmet, revealing a somewhat stiff smile of earnestness: "What do you ask?"

Looking at the smile with no sincerity, Huai Shi couldn't help but sigh: "I guess you must think that if Yuanyuan signed up and didn't report, the teacher will definitely remember you, right?"

"Teacher, where are you, how can I think of you as that kind of person?" Lin Jiuzhen said in a loud voice: "I am all voluntary!"

"Really? Then you remember to rush to the front. I'll take over as the supervising team-"

A laughter sounded around.

Lin nineteen shrank his neck and dared not speak.

"Okay, let's relax."

Huaixi shook his head, "Both are already in the car, can I still chase you down? Besides, the clerk told me that when I was away, both of you were doing well. Fatal. "

August raised his hands in excitement: "I testify at this point. Although the devil slipped a little, it slipped very fast. As for the little girl ... I haven't had the chance of her hands, I'm really looking forward.

"Let me say that it is best for them to stay in the iron crystal seat and fight soy sauce, but when they become sublimers, where can they escape these?"

Huai Shi said with emotion: "As a student, in such a situation, willing to follow me to the battlefield is already a rare honor for the teacher.

Therefore, I will not say any reprimands, just hope that you can understand the dangers. "

He said: "To protect yourself, don't learn to rush to the front when my brain is hot."

In silence, the two students nodded solemnly.

After thinking for a while, Huai Shi scratched his head embarrassedly and lowered his voice: "And ... surrender if you feel like you can't beat it, as long as you are not found to be my student, there should be no major problems.

Just be locked up for a few days. The food in the Ivy League prison is quite good, bread and soup are very supportive, maybe they can be two pounds fat. "

As he talked, he couldn't help but danced: "The people inside are nice to talk and all are talents. In fact, it's quite interesting ..."

Suddenly the silence came, and everyone watched in amazement as the opportunity for Huai Shi to teach his students the opportunity to cast enemies ... Suddenly he wanted to kill the dog traitor on behalf of the Ivory Tower.

God **** two or five.

Is there a problem in your classroom?

Where is the truth in the world to teach students to vote in front of teammates!

But even knowing that this was wrong, Huai Shi could not help expecting his students to move faster when they surrendered ... I wish they could sew a small white flag with them.

Of course, the children of their own family must be distressed by themselves.

Finally, there are two students. In case of death, I do n’t know how sad I will be.

No matter how worried or upset, he couldn't get them out of the car.

In the final analysis, to become a sublimator, unless there is always staying in one acre and three points to maintain the Buddha system, who can not have this day?

Huai Shi, the self-preserving ability of Yuanyuan, is not worried ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Ke Lin 19 has no real fighting skills ... Huai Shi can only put the sacrificial knife to him, and tell him to be serious A remote assistant, don't make a fuss.

But these thoughts do not have to be ordered by Huai Shi.

When it was time to run, he must have run faster than himself.

In this way, after a short wait, the doors closed slowly.

In the blood rain outside the gate, the storm suddenly swept through, and countless fires rose slowly, occupying the sky, as if the whole world was completely lit.

The world is immersed in blood and fire.

The long-awaited truck shuddered and hurled toward the **** ahead.

At that moment, everyone stopped talking.

Clenched the weapon in awe.

From this moment on, the war to decide which **** belongs to has begun. @B