Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 580: Want to win

In the darkness and darkness, Michelle opened her eyes from above the altar.

"Has it started?" He asked.


The old man under the altar nodded, waiting quietly for the order from the host.

In the silence, there was only a fine sound from the thick steel and stone walls, ticking, as if it stretched to the end of time, never ending.

A damp wind blew in the distance.

"It's raining ..."

Michelle whispered suddenly.


"I just slept, is it the time?"

From the shackles of the altar, Michelle raised her cloudy eyes.

Numerous sharp thorns and roots prodded from his shell, coiled on the throne representing the position of the gods, and the last root was submerged into the ground and the stone slab, connecting him to this sign of Noda As one.

As a result, a heavy pulse and heartbeat came from the darkness, just like the tide.

Each pulsation caused painful blood to extend from Michelle's pupils and overlap, covering those old eyes into scarlet.

"Originally I thought I could last longer ... It seems that I am really old."

Michelle murmured softly, dropping his head weakly, as if he had no strength to support his neck.

So tired.

He said: "The next thing, no, it should be said: 'Win or lose', it will be given to you, Pan Delong."

Under the altar, the old Pan Delong's shoulder shook, and he couldn't help stepping forward, his eyes widened: "Please don't give up easily ..."

"I didn't give up--"

Michelle interrupted him and calmly told him: "Pandron, I haven't given up."

Pan Delong froze in place.

"I am ashamed now."

Above the altar, the alchemist said, "I am not Mikhail's opponent."

"Even if I can tie him now, it is not because of my talents and efforts, but because I have exhausted all the methods of the three abuses. At all costs, at all costs ...

However, this is already its own limit.

Even if you exhaust your last effort, you can't cross the abyss without seeing the bottom.

Countless attempts and prayers, but can only stop here.

Michelle said calmly, "From before to now, I have never won him even once."

So, full of humiliation, admitted this **** fact.

Whether it is achievements, status, identity, or a beloved woman.

Looking back on the unwillingness and grief of my life, those vivid memories have been completely filled with pale defeats.

Pursue as hard as possible, use all methods to challenge, and finally can only fall into the abyss with bitter fruit and pain.

The pain of the shadow, those who are illuminated by the sun will never see.

Originally thought that after so many years, he can already forget and put aside those humble pasts and make everything light. But now, when I recall it, it was so painful, so ... unwilling!

Never hate failures like this, even small failures are unacceptable.

Never had such a desire for victory, even the humblest and smallest victory ...

"I'm old, Pan Delong, I can't go any further."

"But you still have a future and a possibility."

Michelle bowed her head and humbly begged like a beggar. He said, "Please, help me win him."

"Before I die, let me try again."

"I have lost countless times in my life, but this time alone ... I want to win!"

In the silence, Pan Delong wanted to look away. He couldn't bear to look at his friend's so embarrassed appearance, but some kind of power would not allow him to look away.

He was not allowed to scorn the thin and tired man.

He was not allowed to evade such a request.

"You will win, Michelle!"

Pan Delong raised his head and told him firmly as if to announce the truth.

"I promise, we will win!"

The alchemist above the altar laughed softly.

"Thank you, Pan Delong."

He was calm and closed his eyes.

No worries anymore.

Here, the old body is presented as a pan offering, imitating the overhanging **** who once sacrificed himself, and his consciousness once again sinks into the storm of source and miracle.

Drive miracles and become the reflection of the Holy Spirit on the ground.

At that moment, Alien Hades Tralokan roared.

The endless thunder bursts, slashing towards the dome giant in front!

"Michael" from the Americas and "Michael" from the Russian Federation, two homologous names, two brothers in the same class, two completely different fate ...

With forty years of humiliation and unwillingness, he once again stood on the ring and challenged the unattainable "Grandmaster"!

The reflection of the Holy Spirit opened his eyes from above the clouds.

Come on, Mikhail!

Let's do it again ... a showdown!



The earth shook and thundered.

The earth was trembling continuously, the blood rain was shaking, and it was turned upside down by the hurricane and flew up to the sky. After the broken cloud, the huge shadows collided with each other, bursting into a tornado like a disaster.

Huai Shi stunnedly stuck on the window, staring at the intense flash of light from above.

What the **** is it?

SJTU at the opening?

Are the Giant Vault and the Alien Hades now in a decisive battle?

The adorable new trembling on the ground shivered.

Once again, he became an ant at the foot of the giant. He was embarrassed to avoid the aftermath of the sky, but he could not go back to the house to wash and sleep.

Huai Shi felt that there must be something wrong with this group of people.

Include yourself.

The **** he saw along the way was no longer as deadly as in the past, but as if he had been resurrected in the war, revealing a lingering breath.

Under the ruins of countless ruins, covered with blood and wind.

Even across the car, with a respirator, you can feel the horrible toxicity and hazards of the hurricane ... The closer to the central tower, the more you can feel the trauma once engraved on this piece of land.

There are even traces left during the war between the **** workshop owners and the Titan Sea.

Countless huge humanoid war machines and various weird corpses ...

They messed up between the ruins and turned into stone statues under the curse, but they still retained the agony and despair before death.

It's all broken now.

But when everyone started to feel numb, Huai Shi's heart was filled with faint doubts and puzzles, and he could not tell where the problem was.

Until the truck rushed forward, the debris was thrown out of sight.

Huai Shi's heart was shocked and he was shocked.

The corpses and debris fell from the tower.

It's as if ... escape?

In amazement, a flower in front of his eyes could not help but clenched his fists.

Between countless ruins and petrified corpses, he saw the strange figure again through the turbulent blood rain ...


After the broken mask, countless machinery and gears emerged.

He stared at the location of Huai Shi, his lips closed, as if to say something.

Soon, disappeared again—

It was not until this time that Huai Shi noticed August not far away.

He was looking at the direction where Condella disappeared, not turning his eyes until it was covered and covered by layers of ruins and debris as the truck moved.

Grabbing the scabbard of the short knife in his hand.

It took a long time, it took a long time to let go ...

He can also see it.

On Tiejingzai, Huai Shi heard of their relationship.

It ’s like father and son.

Condra was the one who raised Auguste in one hand. When Condra was assimilated by hell, Auguste was beside him.

Even he once told Huai Shi that if it were not Condela, he was assimilated.

Can appreciate the pain and helplessness in his heart at the moment.

Huai Shi lowered his eyes and said nothing.

The truck was still moving, galloping, through heavy rain and gusty wind, and the originally short journey was so long. Between this turbulent hell, everything is changing rapidly.

The earth swelled and collapsed, and the sky cracked and closed.

Everything was engulfed by the frenzy.

Everything seemed to be pushed down the edge of the cliff, precarious.

But no one thought that the war would come so soon.

Just below the tower, when the truck ushered in a sharp turn with the dramatic changes in the stratum, it collided with a huge synthetic beast.

In the loud noise and shock, if it were not the restraint of the seat belt, almost everyone flew from the chair.

It was like accidentally breaking into a large group of ivy.

The artillery burst into the face.

Seeing the huge synthetic beast rushing towards them, everyone's face suddenly changed.

No, they really ... broke into the Ivy's offensive line, and there were several synthetic beasts guarding this place.

"God **** meet at the corner!"

Huai Shi stunned: "Is this what is the development of youth campus love?"

"I'm sorry you are 18 years old, you are no longer young, and there is no such thing as a campus in **** ... but love can at least fight for it."

Auguste grabbed the safety rope and gave a meaningful glance at Huai Shi. He even had a joke: "If you rely on Yan value, you can pull the other party's main combat power, which is also a great thing."

"... This kind of credit is still free!"

Aware of the dangerous eyes of the girl next to him, Huai Shi stood upright: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful I sue you for slander!"

"The Legal Department is really scary."

Laughing laughter, the shock spread again, and all eyes turned black.

Hell car **** is on the road again.

The truck suddenly turned, and passed the attack of the synthetic beast dangerously, then sprayed the tail flames, turned from the foot of the giant beast-like synthetic beast, and galloped straight toward the tower.

Behind the truck, countless unmanned aerial vehicles have been dissolved into nano-sequences, reorganized to form a war weapon of the Ivory Tower, and rushed to the ivy's synthetic beast.

The troll and the steel were scrambling together, and the flames rose again from the heavy rain with the explosion.

Everyone hasn't had time to relax.

Immediately afterwards, live bombs descended from the sky, countless screams burst out, and artificial biological weapons spread their wings, and suddenly rose into the sky, rushing towards the ground.

A blazing flame rose from the earth.

The turbulence of the waves ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The harsh alarm sound suddenly emerged from the car with the death crisis.

Just after breaking through the wall in front of me, what I saw were the nightmare eyes spreading out in the rainstorm, and even several synthetic beasts soaring in the blood like a squid.

Specialized live bombs!

Dozens of tentacles are dancing, they suddenly pounce on the truck, the lock is complete!

Such a tight position and defense can no longer be described by coincidence ... Ivy knew their position! No, the preparation is so thorough that I am afraid that even the whole plan is clear!

Otherwise, how could it be so subtly inserted into the back of their positions, to attack them?

In the next moment, the squids soaring in the rain suddenly accelerated, and one of them was already in front of the truck.

Without giving them any chance to dodge, they quickly inflated and exploded.

The fire burst!