Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 632: exclusive news

At four o'clock in the morning, Maki wakes up from her dream and hears the sound of the door banging.

Full of anxiety and impatient.

When I opened the door, I saw Miss Huai Paper, which was completely different from what was expected. She was still a dignified beauty, but she was full of some disturbing threats.

Binocular scarlet, bloodshot.

The long hair danced like a flame.

"Miss Huai Paper?" She froze in place, suddenly a little frightened.

Huaishi raised his hand and typed on the phone screen:

[I need to vent]


The girl exclaimed and took a step back, stunned in place, unbelievable.

"Me, I know."

For a long time, as if she had made up her mind, her expression finally managed to calm down. As if she finally made up her mind, she stood up and closed her eyes: "Please, please ... I have no experience, please be gentle!"

Eh! ! ! !

Huai Shi's eyes widened, and he almost shouted in shock.

What the hell!

I just want to say that I'm going out and telling you!

What are you thinking?

Zhenxi closed her eyes, trembling like a little quail.

Soon, I felt a hard thing in my arms, heavy, huge and hot ... like a small coal stove, squawking.

Opening his eyes, he saw a crow staring at himself.

Then came the second, third, and fourth, until dozens or hundreds of crows occupied the entire independent courtyard.

[I ’m going out, they will protect you]


Zhenxi froze for a long time, stunned his eyes widened, and screamed again.

Reaching in a panic, grasping Miss Huai's wrist, she looked nervous: "Girls can't be so casual, Miss Huai, the most and most precious things must be given to the beloved at the time of marriage! , If that is what is necessary, just come at me! "


Huai Shi felt like he was upside down.

You're not right, little girl! What's on your mind?

For your body, I punched it, maybe I could cry until the end of the showdown!

He rolled his eyes, sighed, and typed again: [I just went to fight someone ...]


Dead silence, awkward silence.

Visible to the naked eye, Zhenxi's original pale face quickly turned red, and a strange whimper in her throat seemed to faint.

"I, I ... I'm not, I don't ... I ..."

She wanted to say that she was not the kind of woman who was full of filth and unkindness, but she didn't know how to explain it. She just wanted to shrink her head and dig into the sand dunes.

"Just when I went out to buy an orange."

In the chaos, she felt a palm pressed against her hair and rubbed it roughly twice, telling her: "You stay in the bedroom, don't move."

She was stunned for the momentary shock.

"Miss Huai Paper ... did you speak to me?"

It was just like she had imagined, with a husky, soft voice in her maturity. But it was too vague and faint, as if the distance was far away, and I could not hear clearly.

Yes, that's right, it was the voice of the pocket paper element.

After swallowing so many disasters, Shao Siming's reflection can be regarded as a growth ... however, this growth is not quite right.

Could it be that Dongji's bad thing, and what the **** did he do?

How does that sound look a bit like her.

Huai Shi sighed, took a step back, waved goodbye to the girl.

Turn around and disappear into the darkness.

In the silence, between the crows who blinked their eyes, Zhenxi was still stunned, staring blankly at the back of Miss Paper.

Pressing the hair she just rubbed.

I don't know why, the blush is a little hot.

But I still don't understand what happened.

There was some vague regret.

Miss Huai Paper is very hot, Miss Huai Paper needs to vent, and then Miss Huai Paper knocked on her door in the middle of the night ... Then, should n’t the next plot be a violent overthrow of yourself, you ca n’t say anything about yourself Thing?

Thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing, and then suddenly felt the tip of her nose hot and bleeding out of her nose.

So exciting ...



Three minutes later, at the other end of the Rizumi Manor, in the empty and silent tea room.

Outside the tea stove, the old man sitting cross-legged and tasting tea suddenly raised his eyebrows, glancing northward, with a weird smile: "She's gone."

"Is this what happened?" Amber raised her eyebrows. "It doesn't seem to be his style. I thought he would touch it till the end. I'm too lazy to get in trouble."

"It's true that it's gone."

Guo Shouqian took up the teacup and sipped the dark tea soup lightly, breathing sweetly: "Although the sense of smell is sluggish and the taste is incomplete, the old hearing can still maintain the original level ... the heartbeat in the manor is less Fly to the sky, it should be the location of Miss Jinxi's courtyard. "

"Two?" Amber was unbelievable: "Are you sure they are two? Is he still carrying Zhenxi?"

"No, Miss Jinxi's heartbeat is still there."

Guo Shouwei drank all the tea in the cup, and the science monster laughed: "There is another heart on his body, another heart that does not belong to him ..."

"Parasitic? Or a curse?"


Guo Shouqi shook his head, "That is a blessing that has never been seen before, from the abyss ... No, it should be said to be a god-like 'blessing'.

Although I don't know how much disaster this heavy blessing will attract. However, for Miss Huai Paper, it must not be a problem. "

"That guy ..."

Amber sighed in exasperation, wondering if it was unpleasant or jealous, or ... helpless.

After shaking her head, she glanced down at the time on her mobile phone: "For the time being, Ye Xueya should also be in Kyoto?"

"Miss Ye always likes to do something unexpected, maybe now she is in Osaka or Edo ... but she should not be involved in things here in Nara."

"I always think that Ye Xueya is the kind of person who likes to do business."

"Yes, but how do you say ..." Guo Shoukui said after a moment, "For example, the child would not like to eat other guests, but prefer to save a meal. This time If you are willing to be here, you have given Xuanzang a face. "

"... does this kind of thing really tell me?"

"Why can't I tell you?"

Guo Shou's puzzled rhetorical question: "As the principal here in Nara, you should of course know these things.

It is clear that the plan is arranged so that those who work can know it clearly. Even if it is a last resort, they should know what sacrifice they have made. Although the guy Xuanbird is an old pick, he has always been generous to the juniors. "

"The corporate atmosphere is so friendly."

Amber shrugged, not sure if it should be an honor or a grudge.

"Welfare is also good." Guo Shoukui grinned, showing his loose teeth, and smiled happily: "The decayed octopus prepared every year, is it delicious?"

Dead, Amber's eyes were almost staring out.


"Yeah, the Dongxia Pedigree's dried octopus came from me, is it weird? I also specifically asked them to give you the widest one ... Could it have been swallowed by Chu Hongchen Right? "


After a long silence, Amber looked away: "Seaweed is still good."

"Haha, look back and give you more."

Guo Shoukui smiled happily, put down the teacup and got up to leave.

When you are old, you need to keep fit. You can't stay up late like before. You should go to bed at five o'clock. It's always okay for this old man to stay healthy.

But before leaving, he turned back and asked, "Will you stay up late and hurt your stomach? Do you want to cook some porridge for you?"

Amber originally wanted to say no, but ... the porridge he cooked was so fragrant that he nodded.

Watching the old man leave, she sighed, picked up her mobile phone, and reached the special line of the news editorial department of Tomorrow. Soon, a female voice was connected.

"Hello? Which one?"

"I ... see Amber in here." She shook her head helplessly: "This is a mountain, there are no vending machines around ... Isn't the phone bad?"

The female voice became serious in an instant: "Ms. Amber, the phone is radiating!"

Amber was speechless, and only felt that his mother-in-law would never come out ... God **** has radiation, you are the news of tomorrow! Would you still believe this kind of messy old pseudoscience?

Maybe in order to guard against the brain control of the Astronomical Society, this group of people wear silver paper hats every day.

"Let's see, according to the special news service you ordered, the information of key people in Nara City, the first edition has been compiled."

A sound of knocking on the keyboard came from the other end of the phone. Immediately, he lamented: "It's terrible. Nowadays, there are simply gatherings in Nara City. At this point, more than 400 sublimators wander inside and outside Nara City.

There are not only Yingzhou people but also foreigners. Wanted criminals are even more terrible ... what are you doing? Fight the Holy Grail? "

"What is the Holy Grail War?"

"..." The woman on the phone froze for a long time: "Don't you know? No, don't all of you Yingzhou people watch animations? Forget it, to the point, there are more than 80 threat levels above B level. . "

"Is it related to my relatives?"

"That's a lot."

A sound of keyboard knocking: "The night demon brothers of the Edo Rush Group" The Fire and Power Club ", the unclean monk Guoying of Izumo, the millions of gold and blues in Africa, and the hammer of Dustin, ice stone Nafen, six Miyaka, Takeno, Shinano, Takeuchi Shiro ... I said, is Nara really okay? Is it okay to be so lively? "

"Before dawn, it will be more lively."

Amber sighed quietly. After a moment of silence, she suddenly said, "There is news for you."

"Huh? Exclusive news? I like ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The woman hit the keyboard for a while:" Name? Age? Gender ... In more detail, you can use it for free. "

"I think about it, um ..." Amber couldn't hide his bad taste, and finally got the nickname: "The news about [Broken Devil Witch Paper Suzi]."

Soon after a brief exchange, a regretful voice came from the other end of the phone: "This news is of class D."

"It's okay, when the price rises to A-level tomorrow, remember to make up the money."

Despite the doubts on the opposite side, Amber hung up the phone happily.

In the silence, the warrior **** her knees narrowed her eyes and stared at the night outside the window.

It is as if Nara can be seen immersed in the deep night through the high wall and the woods and a long distance. The **** race hidden under the turbulent water of the undercurrent is about to fall from the sky and set off a deep-water bomb of terror waves ...

By then, everyone's face may be very exciting, right?