Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 773: The death of a monster

   Is it wrong to say loyalty to Jidao?

   has become a tradition in this country where there are so many rebellions that almost can be sold at wholesale. For the underworld that has already abandoned morality, such things as loyalty... is it necessary to exist?

   When Sheng Tianmu asked such questions, Chiba Ryuji couldn't help but want to laugh, and didn't bother to answer such meaningless questions.

   "So, it's not a betrayal with outsiders. How about...remaining self-reliance as king?"

   Sheng Tianmu suddenly asked: "Where is Lawrence? You should be the ghost?"

   "The homeless guy who just smokes and drinks beer every day? You should be entertaining another group of friends right now?"

   Chiba Ryuji looked down at the time on the watch, and said indifferently: "For the internal affairs of the alliance, it is better not to interfere too much with Green Sun... Don't you always think like this?"

   "I believed you more than Lu Sun."

Sheng Tianmu was holding a cane, ignoring those gunpoints aimed at him, and asked tiredly: "Chiba-san, the situation is so bad now that I don’t need to say any more... You are a sensible person, even better than me. You are the hero who leads everyone to resist.

  But what are you thinking about now? "

   Among the countless future possibilities, this man tried to defend the inner circle of Tamba, even at the expense of himself.

   But now, when it is most time to cooperate sincerely, why would you meet again from the inside?

for what?

   Power? Or money? Hatred or revenge?

   Sheng Tianmu raised his voice, roared, and was so angry that he could not wait to tear the vocal cords together: "Chiba Ryuji, what are you doing!!!"

   After the rebels, Qianba Ryuuji lowered his head and gently wiped the blood spots on the cuffs of his suit: "It's just trying to accomplish something that was not done in the past...

   Speaking of it, this is still inspired by Mr. Huaizhi. If it weren't for his actions, I would almost forget who I was once.

   I should say thank you to him. He taught me the courage to sacrifice...Even if I can save one more person, it is worth it. "

   "Chiba, you can't save anyone, you are just destroying it!"

   Sheng Tianmu stubbornly held the crutches, and the blue veins on the back of his hand jumped up: "Stop your hands, there is still hope of salvation..."

   "Hope? Does that kind of thing work? It's just lingering!"

   Chiba Ryuuji shook his head disdainfully: "You are just sitting and waiting for others to pity you.

  You always dream of a chance for change, but you have never had any chance. What you see is just a mirage!

  Mr. Kujo, you, me, God City, and the present concealed paper...Everyone is confused by it, spinning around in the desert, waiting for the day to die of thirst, nothing is too late! "

   Has anyone thought about changing it?

   Isn’t it just a paper-loving amateur who is full of hope?


   This world is not so ridiculous!

   Generations of people, one leader after another, keep wanting to change, keep trying hard, and then keep disappointed, keep giving up, and keep passing on this ridiculous thing.

   Seventy years, whether it’s Tamba in Kyoto or Keki in Osaka, Detroit and Norwich in America, exile in Egypt, Siberia in Russia...

   All the mixed-breed gathering places cannot break free from this vicious circle!

   "It's not that there are no heroes who want to change, nor that there is no great power...but we have long been abandoned by this world!"

   Chiba Ryuji smiled mockingly: "Because they won't allow it, the world won't allow it!

   No matter how much we long for warmth, no matter how much we mourn and weep, what a price we pay, to them, we are just monsters born with sin! "

   He raised his hand, unbuttoned his shirt, and showed everyone the scars on his chest, the price that was once innocent.

   "Don't understand yet, be born Tianmu."

   Amid the roar of the collapse in the distance, Chiba indifferently declared: "The human world is too cold and too narrow. No matter how beautiful, there will be no place left for us."

   Monsters cannot live in the human world.

   Even if he is not killed, he will die in pain...

  Death silence came suddenly, because a crisp voice rang from Qianye Ryuuji's body.

   Those scars slowly opened up, and along with the flow of blood, Qianye Ryuuji's vertical pupils were rapidly retreating. Under the long hair, the protruding bones fell silently, and the broken skin closed again.

   The once decayed hybrids disappeared, replaced by a completely new look of Sen Leng.

   Freed from the contradiction between the present and hell, and ushered in healing and freedom.

   It seems that the Holy Spirit has descended on the earth.

   in front of all enemies, unbelievable miracles.

   "Look, we need more things besides healing."

   Chiba Ryuji spread his arms and smiled and declared: "Sometimes, if you want to live, you have to change the world, or change yourself..."

   or-both together!

   At that moment, Shengtianmu closed his eyes sadly.

   The gunmen pulled the trigger.



   Four hours ago.

   Through the one-way glass of the laboratory, Ai Qing stared at the observer indifferently.

  ——The beastly character brought out from the inner circle of Tanba by Tony himself.

   The dazed prostitute still didn't know what was going on. She sat in a chair restlessly, subconsciously pulling the dead skin on her nails and biting her lip.

   All physical movements show that she is now in a state of panic.

   I don’t know what happened.

  Beside her, the person in charge of the laboratory stared silently at the conclusions drawn by all the testing instruments, and finally took off his glasses tiredly.

   "The test results of the six'healers' you brought back have come out." He was silent for a moment and said, "Everything is normal."

   This is the biggest abnormality.

   does not have any characteristics of mixed species, without any complications, healthy as ordinary people, and even without any signs of sub-health.

   Every organ seems to be fresh out of the oven, as brand new as ever.

   The six cured patients had all the same characteristics, from gene to blood type to DNA, exactly the same. Even fingerprints are the most standard spiral shape.

   is basically a product created through standard templates.

   But now, a living ‘product’ is standing in front of them.

   She didn't know anything, she didn't even know what the condition that appeared to her meant, and she hadn't even had time to feel happy because she had recovered from her old illness without medicine.

The person in charge of    said softly: "Except for contraceptives, there is no history of taking medication, and within one year, she has not undergone any surgery, and there is no trace of transformation on her body."

   After a long silence, Ai Qing nodded slowly, her face expressionless.

   "Anything else?" she asked.

   The person in charge was silent for a long time, and said softly: "She... is pregnant."

   Ai Qing looked over, "Are you sure?"

   "She has normal bodily functions, and her organs have not been degraded or deformed." The person in charge said, "I don't think I can even read this wrong."

   Ai Qing closed her eyes.

   It is an incredible miracle that people with veterinary characteristics heal without medicine. But when this miracle really came, no one here could feel relaxed and happy.

  , but from the heart, pitying their miserable fate...

   Their rebirth depends on the law derived from the beast of immortality.

   "From a scholar's point of view, I must admit that Kamishi Future is an out-and-out genius, far beyond his teacher Miyamoto."

The person in charge sighed: "Not only did Professor Miyamoto's cell fusion technology independently completed, but also a brand-new genetic programming system was developed on this basis. The human body was re-edited on the basis of DNA, and it was finally successful with the immortal beast. The law has achieved fusion... such a talent is rare in the present."

   Through the power of the immortal beast, healed and reborn for the beastly character.

   It’s not just mixed races, all diseases in the world can be eliminated in this way and return to health.

   is simply gospel.

   It's just that this gospel comes from hell.

   This kind of experiment has already been done...

   Threat Level: Red Book.

  ——The Survival Institute Number ATTX701 Taboo Individual·【Swamp Man】

  The results of the experiment led to the complete abandonment of the micro-frontier laboratories of the three survival hospitals and sank into hell. All the experimenters were permanently detained and sealed up. Since then, similar research has been taboo and prohibited.

   There is no gain, only tragic losses and lessons.

   The body and consciousness of ordinary people cannot bear the power of the immortal beast.

   No matter how small a unit has been nerfed and iterated, it won’t work. No matter how small a solar flare, once it comes, it is a disaster for the earth.

   And the so-called healing in front of me is nothing more than appearance.

  Under the human appearance, the essence is no different from the mimicry of abyssal creatures. Such existence itself is a pollution to the sea of ​​silver, cancer-like lesions.

   And this excessively vigorous mutant vitality will spread in the most direct situation.

  At that time, all cells carrying the law of immortal beasts will replicate and spread uncontrollably on their own, completing their assimilation without the carrier and the uncarried being completely unaware of it.


   Everything is done unknowingly, and I don’t even know that I have ushered in a qualitative change.

   Everyone was misled by the ‘panacea’ thrown by Shencheng Future, wasting time in the mess of painkillers, but never thought that the method of spreading this disaster is not through medicine.

   but through people...

   The existence of mutual aid associations is not for the distribution of medicines.

   It was because of the gathering of people, that the marsh human cells in the future of God City were spreading and spreading imperceptibly. In the final analysis, how did he obtain the cells of the immortal beasts from the heavily-blocked Survival Courtyard?

   From the beginning, no one could imagine that he could be so crazy.

  No one would have thought that he would be able to succeed...

   "The only thing to be thankful for now is that due to time and equipment limitations, the future results of God City are still flawed."

   The person in charge of technology said, "The spread of the laws of immortal beasts is still limited to those with beastly traits, and there is still a considerable distance between ordinary people and ascended ones.

   And it didn’t evolve to the exaggerated level of the ‘swamp man’ in the record, more like the ‘Ship of Theseus’ that was gradually changing boards. If it is not spread through body fluids, it will take more than ten hours of close contact to reach the minimum level of infection..."

   "Mr. Cole, this is not a kindergarten, so there is no need to say gentle words to comfort each other."

   Ai Qing turned her head and looked at him blankly: "Just tell me the estimated number of infections."

   After a long period of silence, Cole replied dryly: "Mr. Tony brought back not much data, and an accurate assessment could not be completed. My estimation results are not prepared and do not have reference value."

   "What if I need to refer to it?"

   "More than 2,000 people have completed the infection." Cole replied hoarsely, "The carriers in the incubation period will not be less than 7,000 people..."

   "Mr. Cole, you have done your job well."

   Ai Qing nodded, "I will take care of the rest of the matter. Please cooperate with the memory blockade later, and you can end this unpleasant temporary call-up."

   Cole hesitated to speak, then nodded slowly.

   Then, the sound of the door opening sounded.

   "Ms. Ai Qing, I think your mission should be over."

   The middle-aged man who shouldn't have been here walked in from the door and announced coldly.

  'S slightly thin posture is not rickety, on the contrary, it looks unusually tall and straight, and the pair of gloomy eyes gives people a strong pressure.

   There is no bleaching and dyeing of the grayish hair, but it is simply combed behind the head, without the slightest concealment, and there is no disorder.

   Behind the comer, Tony, who was supposed to be responsible for the guard task, had been pressed to the ground. He turned his head hard and waved his hand to Ai Qing helplessly.

   It would be better to say that this guy has no idea of ​​resisting at all.

   simply pushed the boat along the water and lay on the ground.

   Now, Rene Hanyu, the head of the Yingzhou Branch of the Administrative Bureau, walked into the room and declared nonchalantly: "All the rest of the situation will be taken over by the Yingzhou Branch."

"Is this not in line with the investigation principle, Hanyu?" Ai Qing remained calm, as if he was not surprised at his arrival: "There is no direct command relationship between you and me, besides, my people are already solving... Does it seem too anxious to pick peaches at this time?"

   "I said, your mission is over." René told her indifferently: "This is my jurisdiction. Everything that happens should be left to me. The decision-making room has me to explain.

   Next, please cooperate with the handover work. "

   Following his words, the staff with solemn expressions filed in, controlling everything in the room.

   Someone walked up to her with a frame and asked her to cooperate in surrendering her belongings and all storage media.

   But Ai Qing did not move, just looked at Rene, and suddenly asked:

   "What if I say no?"

   René did not speak~lightnovelpub.net~ The silence came suddenly, and the atmosphere became a little bit colder.

   Cole was stiff in place, staring at the two of them blankly, at a loss as to what to do.

   Until Ai Qing suddenly smiled, kind and harmless.

   "Just kidding, don't be nervous."

   She slowly raised her hand, and in those vigilant expressions, handed over the guns, instruments and chips in the suit pocket, and put them into the frame one by one.

   Finally, put down the phone and looked at the person next to him: "Do you want me to cooperate with the body search?"

   Seeing with such soft eyes, the person holding the frame subconsciously took a step back and shook his head.

   "Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Ai Qing."

   René Hanyu said coldly: “Next, the Yingzhou branch has prepared a place to rest for you. By this time tomorrow, you can return to London and report to your work satisfactorily.”

   "I hope so."

   Ai Qing didn't say anything. Before leaving, she glanced at the observation room behind the one-way glass... the woman who was ‘cured’.

   is like a wild cat trapped in a cage, curled up in a corner uneasy, not knowing where he is, nor can he imagine what kind of destiny is welcoming him.

   But she did not resist, and let the people who walked in push her to the ground, put her shackles on, and obediently shut her into a closed isolation box.

   just silently shed tears.

   Ai Qing paused for a moment, then slowly turned her head back: "Your Excellency Hanyu, no matter what your considerations...relying on the merits of exterminating the innocent, wouldn't it be ashamed to hold it in your hand?"

   René turned his back to her and did not speak.

   let the door close.