Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 867: Death on the Nile

Not shying away from the tragic symptoms that he has begun to solidify, Imma calmly closed the shirt, "If it weren't, how could he come to Helios to seek rescue?"

She paused, and laughed at herself: "It's a pity, fate has tricked others..."

For others, Helios is indeed valuable. As a member of the Egyptian clan and the chief priest of the cat **** Buster, she does not lack the classics and accumulation of alchemy, nor does she need to seek knowledge.

She has almost everything she can get.

Why do you have to travel so far?

This time, he traveled far beyond the present realm just to find a way to heal himself, even if there is only one in ten thousand chance.

But who would have thought that the Helios chariot closest to the age of the gods in the world would blow up halfway?

After a long silence, Huai Shi sighed softly.

"Buster really loves you, Ms. Ima."

Imma remained calm, "Who knows whether it is a blessing or a curse?"

This is the hidden disease of the Egyptian pedigree, a small shadow that is rarely known.

Return to the ancestral state.

This is a defect like a genetic disease.

Perhaps the insight, the touch, or the coincidence, can cause countless reasons.

Maybe it's just... I'm getting older.

The resonance between her and the cat **** Buster surpassed the limit of safety, and the blood that she was born with began to be purified, and she began to move closer to the posture of the gods of the past at a speed of a hundred times or a thousand times.

If thousands of years ago, this was a blessing enough to delight all the people of the tribe, because she had already received the favor of the cat god, she might be able to become the human incarnation of the cat **** in time.

A living demigod.

But after the fall of the gods, it became a tragic wound and curse...

The gods of Gein have disappeared.

Her will and her genius were not enough to control this over-expansion and tyrannical divinity, but instead suffered erosion, causing almost solidified distortion.

After the fall of the Nine Pillars God, what this bloodline points to is no longer the gods, but the river Styx, which was heavily blocked by the Egyptian lineage and hidden in hell, where they finally disappeared.

A long time ago, in order to get rid of the fate of the Nine Pillars, God gave honor to mortals through blood, and took the lead in completing the co-ruling of gods and men, forming a highly integrated way of governance.

Through the nature of the divine power and the monarchy, humans are transformed into demigods, sharing most of the pressure, and thus being able to respite from fate.

Such a similar approach has been adopted by the gods across the country to a greater or lesser extent, but none can be as thorough as Egypt.

This has its inherent advantages, but it also has inevitable shortcomings.

If there is a turmoil in the rule of man, it will inevitably interfere with the operation of the gods, and even make the state of the gods diminish.

Even the inheritance of the Pharaoh was interrupted for a while.

Even if the Nine Pillars and the Roman pedigree reached an agreement, the dynasty was restored, but the vitality was still severely damaged.

The state of returning to ancestors appeared at that time, and after the fall of the gods, it was completely out of control.

At that time, the Egyptian pedigree was willing to lend the Styx to the research of the Utopia, thus creating an alienated Osiris. It was also the hope and ability to discover ways to restrain the attraction of Styx in the research.

It's a pity that it still treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The source code of Egypt has long been related to death.

Of course, it's not that there are no geniuses, talents and heroes that can restrain or even control such aberrations, but how rare is such a person?

Ima admits that he has no such talent.

She is 142 years old, and she has already lost her ambitions. After exhausting all conventional methods, it is no longer possible to delay the spread of this distortion.

If she can't rein in the cliff, then there are only two ways to go.

Either you can’t hold on, accept the secret ritual of the guardian of the temple, sacrifice yourself, turn everything to the gods you worship, turn into ignorant monsters, guard the holy place of Buster in the eternal darkness, and wait for one day. Sturt returned as a god.

At that time, all the guardians of the temple will be redeemed and become the ambassadors of Buster. But this chance is so small that it is almost indistinguishable from death.

Or, it is to transform yourself into a mummy in advance, take out the internal organs, freeze the soul, and bury everything in the figurines under the pyramid. Waiting for the next generation of pharaohs to have a vacancy when preparing for their ascension to heaven. When choosing herself, with the blessing of authoritarian relics, she will naturally be able to successfully resurrect and return to the world, as the arm of the pharaohs and subordinates to continue to serve Egypt. . In the end, after the Pharaoh's position changed again, he returned to Styx with the Pharaoh.

If there is a choice, this choice could not be better, at least it can last for more than 80 years.

There are only 21 places on the road to ascension, not to mention the fierce competition in each session. Some people lined up for hundreds of years and were not selected. They could only be buried in the dark and disappeared silently.

If she doesn't want to sit still, she must give it a go.

Even in case of hope.

She must find a way out for herself.

And now the pure divinity above Helios is a rare medicine to resist the erosion of the Styx.

Just as a glimmer of hope is ahead, how could she give up?

At this moment, Huai Shi has fully comprehended the determination of the old priest in front of him.

But still unable to agree to this fair deal.

"Unfortunately, Ms. Ima, divinity is also indispensable to me."

Huai Shi raised her right hand and showed her her steel arm and the shackles set by the surviving hospital on her wrist.

Speaking of distortion, there is still something more deadly than divine distortion locked in his casting furnace. Once the flesh and blood of the destruction element is released, the damage and bad consequences will only be more visible than the divine distortion!

What's more, in addition to the supplement of divine nature, this also involves the Huiguang crystallization that Huai poetry must have.

The matter involved advancement, and he couldn't give in no matter what.

In a short silence, Yima stared at Huai Shi's arm, her eyes changed slightly.

I don't know if it is anger or jealousy, but in the end, it is difficult to restrain a trace of admiration.

Just like what she said before, "Long admiration of the name", above the entire Helios, the monster of Iz is for the time being. Apart from Garland and Publius, Huaishi may be the last one she admires. People.

The successor to the Ivory Tower, the current King of Danbo...Even if you don't mention all the other's achievements, just seeing that he can tolerate the erosion of the elements of destruction and still jump around, he is far better than himself by many times.

If you have this ability, why should you be trapped and divinely deformed?

"It seems I took the liberty."

Imma nodded, and Su Rong said, "Then there is only battle."

She raised the scepter in her hand.

Go all out.

As a result, high-pitched drums rose from the darkness under the obelisk.

Immediately afterwards, the huge outline shook, dozens of sharp legs stretched out from the darkness, propped up the body, and slowly walked out of the gloomy pyramid.

It was a huge stone stele with the emblem of the gods inscribed, but at this moment, it looked like a huge abdominal sac of a spider, with ferocious faces and legs growing flexibly.

Holy stele spider!

Through the blessing of the gods, the stone stele inscribed with the inheritance of miracles was activated to create a war weapon.

Immediately afterwards, the three holy stele spiders were like laying eggs, continuously laying down a sarcophagus, and countless weird scarab beetles coiled and crawled on it.

A group of mummified cursed corpses crawled out of the sarcophagus, their alienated faces resembling wolves, and their eyes were blood red.

The jackal warriors held the magic weapon produced on the assembly line in their hands, followed around the sacred stele spider, and assembled into an array. It's like a legion that protects heavy weapons and prepares to attack.

In addition to more than a hundred jackal warriors, there are even four gorgeous chariots wandering from the two wings, the crowned skeletons holding swords and spears, burning with green fire.

Huai Shi took a breath of air when she saw it.

The scalp is numb.

This old lady was afraid that if she had not moved all her pyramids, her productivity would be so scary!

In the first round, he threw a bet on all his divinity and replaced all of them with servant figurines, and then catalyzed the jackal samurai army based on this, and matched it with a tank-like killer like the holy stele spider.

This is already a large group of formed legions.

If I really count on the incarnation of anger to come back, the result is really hard to tell.

Give her another round, maybe even an air unit like the Judgement Spirit can be created. At that time, there will be countless tactics to cooperate. Under the big master, they will be the same as the younger brother. You can fight as you want.

It's like the same one hundred yuan of capital, but the effect of being able to make money and spend three thousand yuan~lightnovelpub.net~ This snowball-like operation method is really amazing.

Huai Shi is simply too difficult to shoot.

On the throne of the sun-caster, Huai Shi secretly wiped a cold sweat: Fortunately, he has a deep relationship with many ways...

The raging flames lighted up again, and the huge incarnation of anger stepped out of the permafrost core, headed up and raised his eyes, the turbulent burning eye pupils reflecting the enemy in front of him.

Imma stagnated, unable to conceal the shock.

She had never thought that Huai Shi had such a superb accomplishment in alchemy, and such a pure source quality change had firmly overwhelmed herself.

Fortunately, the large groups of Egyptian pedigrees do not lack hunting experience against such behemoths.

For thousands of years, the guards of the Pharaoh did not know that they had killed the giant monsters that ravaged the Nile, so that the water of the Nile was stained red with blood for more than half of the millennium.

When the rainy season comes every year, the wind blows the breath of death.

Now, it's time to hunt!

Ima raised the scepter and gave the order to make the drums and horns sound again!

The sacred stele spider moved forward slowly under the guard of the Jackal Legion.

But the incarnation of anger was not in a hurry to penetrate into the enemy group, but still stood on the spot, trampling the cracked ground under his feet with iron hoofs, so he could wait for a while.

Wait, wait...

Waited for a long time.

Turning his head impatiently, he looked into the darkness behind him.


Why haven't you come yet!

"...Almost forgot!"

On the tower, Huai Shi slapped his head and finally realized.

He hurriedly flipped through his bag for a long time, took out the remote control to press the switch, and suddenly the halo crown from the paradise emerged from his head, shining colorful light.


Immediately afterwards, a high-pitched cry like a crow rang from the heart of the permafrost furnace.