Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 982: 1 name

The same late at night.


  In the quiet room, the white-bearded old man stared at the night of Danba outside the window with a look of compassion. When I saw the endless lights and the noisy construction site, I couldn't help but sigh silently.


  The people's livelihood is so difficult.


  Who knows how many people shed blood, sweat and tears behind this bustling scene?


   Such a brutal rule, squeezing the sweat of the people, in exchange for the prosperity, is really disgusting.


   But when a clear sound came from the door behind, that look of compassion disappeared instantly, became impatient, and greeted him: "How is it? Is there news from over there?"


   "The money has arrived."


  The knocker said: "We will give support when necessary, and please let it go."


   "Okay, very good!"


   The old man looked down at the numbers on the phone, and his smile became relieved: "Very good, with such support, the end of this sin city is coming!"


   Mingming is so old, but his expression is audacious and determined like an unyielding fighter.


   "We Wanderers Freedom League will never let it go."


  He promised: "Please tell them... Danbo, you will surely be able to clear the haze and usher in a bright universe! Even if the night is deep, the light of freedom will eventually shine on this city!"




   A few days later, Tanba, Old Town.


   The main body of Tamba in the past has now been replaced by newly constructed blocks, and what is left in the end is this abandoned building that has not had time to be demolished.


   Nowadays, a place abandoned by the times is rare, with only wild cats and dogs infested, looking at the construction site roaring all night in the distance.


   In a deserted old house, under the bright lights, the old man stood on the podium and gave an impassioned speech to the hostile audience.


"My friends, when you work hard and sweat all the time, the money you earn is just barely subsistence... But the real fruits are squandered wantonly by those bloodless upper classes to support their extravagant life. !


   Relying on the monopoly on pharmaceuticals, the Tanba Group is turning us into their slaves! Through the high-handed reign of Yakuza, the paper-carrying people forced us to work for them, forcing us to consume our lives to satisfy his eternal dissatisfaction greed!


   Relying on our blood and sweat, he built a magnificent palace, raised countless mistresses, and repeatedly stretched out sinful black hands to innocent children... My daughter, my daughter is..."


   At this point, the old man was choked with tears in his eyes, while the audience in the audience was filled with righteous indignation and his eyes were full of anger.


   "Everyone unites, joins the League of Wanderers, and overthrows the tyrannical rule of Huaizhi!"


   In a hissing cry, the old man raised his hands and shouted to the audience: "Reject the dictatorship! Reject the squeeze!"


   Under the guidance of the old man, everyone shouted enthusiastically: "We want an eight-hour work schedule and normal vacations and benefits! We want to control our homeland!"


   "Open the formula and supply of the medicine, and return my human rights!"


   "We want freedom!!!"




   The enthusiastic shouts continued throughout the night. The addicts and the attracted idlers are immersed in the future full of freedom and hope.


   On the roof, the black bird, which is as large as a falcon, tilts its head, combs the disordered feathers on its wings, and rises into the air again.


   only the faint tweet echoed in the air.








   "Eh, have you noticed that there have been more and more silly life recently?"


   At a weekend dinner, Ueno was chewing on edamame and complained impatiently: "A bunch of **** comes to the construction site every day to make trouble, and the street has become more and more chaotic recently."


   With a single word, almost everyone complained.


   Only sip sake in the house, squinting on the sidelines.


   Anyway, he has retired a long time ago, and no matter how troublesome things are, he can't get his mentality.


   On the contrary, he was a little worried about other things.


   "Hey, isn't there a kid from the past who didn't understand the rules and messed around?"


   Cautiously reminded in the house: "Don't do anything, the boss has made repeated orders, and you are not allowed to return to your old business."


   "Bah, **** it again."


Ueno became more and more annoyed, and almost smashed the beer glass, "Do you not know the current Tanba? Everyone has jobs and children, or they have good friends... I can't do so much work. I am anxious. I can’t make enough money, and I have to hurry up every day before I go home to sleep. Where can I have the time to run around and go around?


   are all a bunch of foreign hybrids, from those border guys, and a bunch of garbage that couldn't be helped in the past...Most of them are guys who live on welfare every day, or simply grind foreign workers to eat.


   After drinking alcohol, they fought everywhere and did things. In the first two days, there were a few robbers and murdered people. It was a lot of trouble. Hey, Yamashita, why don't you speak? Is the wind and the waves calm on your side? "


   Among the people here, the only one who hasn't gone to the whitewashing is probably only under the mountain where he is still working under the hut in the forest. As far as he arrived today, there was cement dust on the cuffs and trousers of the suit. It was impossible to go to the construction site to do volunteer work.


   That cold and gloomy look has not changed much until now.


   Hearing Ueno's question, he only said faintly: "There are not many people who dare to come to us to find faults, but there are more and more dealers selling prohibited drugs...There are also drug dealers."


   "It is said that someone in the pharmaceutical factory seems to be making trouble?"


   "Well, I heard that someone seems to be doing something, but he was dragged out by an interrupted leg before he even entered the door..."


   "Hey, don't mention work, don't mention work."


   Hearing upset in the house, he waved his hand to interrupt their conversation, and raised the glass: "Drink and drink, pity me, a retired old man, and you guys have to pour swill."


   For a while, everyone who provokes annoys with the ease that it doesn't matter to me.


   "Hey, you guys look down on someone, give me a big cup!"


   "Is this the attitude of inviting people to drink?"


   "Boss, bring the two together again!"


   Regrettably, the rare gathering did not last all night as usual. Halfway through the meal, Yamashita answered a phone call and left in a hurry.


   Someone among the remaining people suggested to change the place, have a second meeting, and continue to drink.


   Only the house shook his head, pretending that he was getting older, and didn't plan to mix up.

   just slowed down a step when he was leaving, and quietly called an old friend.


   "Hey, Ueno, are you having a lot of money recently?"


   Ueno touched his forehead, froze for a long time, and quickly reacted: "You won't want to borrow money again?"


   "I've been watched tight recently, let me borrow a little!" The house begged helplessly: "You will be paid back to the next party. By the way, don't tell my wife!"


   "Dog stuff, you said the same last time!"


   Although a little helpless and reluctant, Ueno still took out his wallet. Before he could pay for it, the room grabbed the wallet and stuffed the banknotes into his pocket.


   "Anyway, you swipe your card. What do you want change for, I will help you solve it!"


   The old man waved goodbye cheerfully, but after two steps, he heard Ueno's helpless voice: "Hey, the house, don't go to those places."


   "Good, good."


   The house waved his hands without turning his head, and didn't know if he heard it.


   Ueno stood there, watching him go away, for a long time, helplessly scratching his head, turned and walked towards the parking lot.


   Just when he opened his car door, he suddenly heard a roar from afar.


   The earth shook suddenly.


   Then, thick smoke, fire, and the sound of crying slowly rose, burning the night sky.


   He was taken aback for a moment, and rushed to the place where the fire was coming, and through the alleys, he saw the car basket on the street that was blackened by the fire, and the devastation of the shops on both sides.


   "Hey! Hey! What is going on!"


   He pulled a sluggish passerby and yelled: "What the hell?!"


"...I, I don't know." The terrified hybrid almost collapsed on the ground, pointing to the burning car: "Walk and go well, the car suddenly exploded, I really I don’t know, I don’t know anything."


   The sound of crying awakened the sluggish Ueno.


   He looked back at the messy street, rushed up, recognizing those faces one by one, and shouting the name of the house. But no one responded.


   Only the cry of the child sounded from the thick smoke.


   Right under the gray-haired man...






   When Huaishi received the news and came to the hospital, it was already an hour later.


   In the corridor, the irritable men gathered together heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and when they turned their heads to see the indifferent face, they straightened up involuntarily, stood still and bowed.


   The voice of greetings is endless.


   Huaishi looked down and glanced at the cigarettes in their hands: "Pinch all the cigarettes to me. This is the hospital. Don't be embarrassed in the corridor!"


   "Yes!" Ueno nodded frantically, and without waiting for others to speak, one by one snatched all the cigarettes in their hands and smashed them, threw them out of the window, and smirked at Huai Shi.




   Huaishi shook his head and looked at the wife and daughter in the house.


   The woman bowed respectfully and saluted: "Mr. Huai Shi."


   "You don't have to be polite anymore, Mrs. Room." Huai Shi shook his head, "Where are the others?"


   The woman shook her head and looked at the ward behind her: "I just came out and haven't woken up yet."


   "What did the doctors say?"


   "I still have to observe, but luck is good, I will save my life." The woman turned her head and glanced at the sleeping husband in the ward, her eyes were a little red: "If the delivery time is later, I am afraid..."


   "It's fine if it's all right."


   Huaishi sighed and glanced at the embarrassment in the house. After confirming that there was no problem with the vitality, the originally slightly gloomy expression gradually calmed down.


   Finally, I can only sigh helplessly.


   "I have said it many times, so old, don't hit the small steel ball..."


   No one responded, and the old man seemed to be close to him with a hippy smile begging for mercy.


   Huaishi opened her mouth to say something, but for a long time, she didn't say anything.


   turned and left.


   When he was standing at the entrance of the hospital, he saw the American homeless man squatting next to the fire hydrant.


"not us!"


   Lawrence raised his hands, showing his innocence: "Now Liu Dongli is responsible for the part of the present situation. Without his permission, no one would dare to mess around."


   "Who is that?" Huai Shi asked rhetorically.


   "Uh..." Lawrence looked helplessly: "This is also... we can't always ask us to take the blame if something happens?"


"if not?"


Huai Shi knocked on the cigarette case indifferently, and the lighter turned between her fingers: "Three people died, eight were injured, and one street was hit by the disaster. There was a child who lost his mother, and my subordinates Still lying in the hospital and being rescued...


   Then, you came to tell me that we did not do it!


   Lawrence, if it’s not you, it must be someone else. If you don’t know, I can call Liu Dongli. In short, I want a name. "


   He raised his eyes~lightnovelpub.net~ looked at the man in front of him, and told him seriously:


   "A name."


   Being watched by those dark eyes, Lawrence actually started to feel cold in his neck. After a moment of stunned, he sighed helplessly: "Give me some time, three hours."


   "Half an hour."


   Huaishi said, "You can move faster, I'll wait for you."


   Before the words fell, Lawrence disappeared in place.


   Twenty minutes later, the homeless man returned, and a **** fellow left him in front of him.


   It seemed that he couldn't feel the pain caused by the broken limbs. The guy was still smiling madly, his eyes blurred, and he was immersed in some dream.


"What's this?"


   Huai Shi took his feet and turned the people on the ground, knowingly asked: "Canaan's specialty?"


   Lawrence sighed: "This is the guy who put the bomb in the car, a crazy neuropathy... he didn't run far at all, and he was still giving his own injections on the spot.


   My brain was broken, so I didn't ask anything. "


   "So what?" Huai Shi glanced at his watch: "You have nine minutes left. You can sell it for a while. I have this patience."


   Lawrence rolled his eyes, raised his hands and surrendered without further delay.


   "Spiritual Assembly."