Apocalyptic Forecast

~: New Year's speech

   suddenly realized that it had been more than a year since the book was actually written. Time flies so fast, and I want to say something on the occasion of the New Year.

   I have the heart to write a long story, so I thought about writing a change today, and then writing a three thousand words testimonial, but I didn't expect that after writing a change, I felt that I could write a little more... so I didn't stop the car.

   Two changes are two changes.

   It’s okay to write less testimonials. More and more verbose things can be left to the end of this testimonial to talk about slowly. I can just say a few words briefly.

   It has been almost ten months since the book was officially uploaded in March last year.

   First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their continued support and company, and even recommended tickets, monthly tickets and rewards.

   One thing that is very stupid today is that I specially put that paragraph in front of the update in order to remind myself to thank the leader of Liu Chengji for the reward, and I forgot when I uploaded it.

   What’s even more stupid is that I took a closer look at the fan rankings, there are a total of 32 leaders... I searched the number of thanks in my chapter...

   only twenty-seven times.

   I forgot about five leaders!

  ORZ, I’m really sorry, the big guys who didn’t appear in the chapter, please contact me so that I have a chance to make up.

   To be honest, before I open a new book, how can I think that I will have 31 alliances in the future? This is more than twice the total of my previous books, especially the Silver League of Chen Zui... it really flattered me.

   Stingy like me, I want to go home to buy a mobile phone film and I want to go home and post it. Weishi left a deep impression on my young mind.

   In short, I would like to thank these good brothers again, especially the friends who are still rewarding.

Thank you Chen Zui, Winter Crow, Poor Nameless, Liu Chengji, Nakajima Kaze, Book Friends 20190610150114812, Silicon 124151, Lingxiao Signing, Gloria Alchemy, Elmy, Papse's Theorem, Baby's grievances Sigh, the hidden penguin, Zhang Weisheng, when did Sister Crow fool you? The love of Jasmine circled around, qamda, Lihuo Juhuang, no matter what the name is, 酩酊hair dryer and Sister Crow single push, Suo Tong, Xiaoshan real person, Stars are already in iron armor, delicious lazy readers, Nana Ohba, book friends 20180906125016289, hoodie Gu Gu YangerSun, Zixue Piao Huo, Zhang Weiyu is the most handsome, Penguin Sang Oh and so on.

   At the same time, I also want to thank everyone who is still willing to pay to subscribe to support this book under the current tide of piracy.

   More than 2,000 subscriptions from the beginning of the shelves, until some time ago, finally broke 10,000.

   Looking back, I found that there are so many people's support and love, which really made me feel a wave of erratic and panic. Seriously, it's stressful and it's hard to settle down.

   is different from the ease and comfort that I feel like writing at the beginning with average grades. I don’t know what to do.

  Thinking about it carefully, I can only say goodbye to laziness, update more, be more responsible for the plot, don't flood water, and try not to reduce the quality.

   Strive for updates every day, as much as you can write more and less, if you don’t do it, you can’t do it-it can be guaranteed, it seems that there is only such a little bit, as for more... then you really have to do whatever you want.

   Then, in a few hours, the new year will begin.

  I hope that in the new year, everyone can continue to support the idol business of Prince Paradise. I also try to make Xiao Huaishi work more and make more troubles.

   Do better work and do more things.

   And try not to abuse the master, write more cool articles, and write articles that make readers cool.

   Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year, all the best, you can paddle more, fish more, and most importantly-good health. Pay attention to safety these few days, don't go out and wander around, just like me, be a social elite who reads "Apocalypse Forecast" eight times a day!


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