Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 422: Happy growth

First punch, then punch!

The sun-drenched dust rose in the hurricane, Bahamut grinned, grinning happily, and raised his claws, and instantly countless steels multiplied from the sharp scales.

Triple Drummer Thunderbolt!

With a punch, the land of Wanli collapsed instantly. I do n’t know how many tentacles hidden in the ground were completely exploded by this sharp punch.

Then again, the claws closed, eight fingers clasped, just like the volleyball hit the darkness below the wailing wriggling.

——Triple Thunderbolt and Heavenly Collapse!

The ground fire burst out, and the lava turned into a rainstorm and then fell from the sky.

This trick that was stolen from Luo Xian was finally used under the huge and unreasonable physique of Huai Shi-even if it is not even an entry, the instant explosive power has soared. More than double.

Just like the stars falling.

By the time Huai Shi slowly moved his claws away, cracks had surfaced on the scales on his palm.

The darkness under him has disappeared.

The state of miraculous imprint Dracula was directly crushed by this simple and sharp punch, and it came backward. Not to mention, now in the lava and iron mud pits, there is only a pool of creeping blood left. A broken body like a rag doll.

It's really like Morando said, there really can't die here.

Huai Shi's smile became more pleasant.

Raising the tip of the claw, pinching Morando's head as if holding a dust.

So the broken body swayed in the wind.

The blood plopped down.

Huaixi asked curiously: "How do you feel, little brother?"

Morando looked at him dullly, his face twisting numb.

As if the soul had been devoured by nightmares.

This is indeed a nightmare, but it is not a nightmare that devours his soul, but the poem in front of him.

——His smile.

"Remember not to pee out."

A stream of metal vapor spewed from Huai Shi's mouth and nose: "We are just beginning."

Morand opened his mouth and wanted to make a sound.

I do n’t know if it ’s wailing or begging for mercy.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Because Huaixi took a deep breath.

As a result, the moans that were too small to mention were overwhelmed by the roar of breath.

The tyrannical fire rose into the sky.

The pain of purgatory has just begun.


Actually, it didn't last long.

One reason is not so important because he spit a little after five minutes, and the spitting is not enough. Another main reason is that ... there is a guest.

It is also not very accurate to say that it is a guest.

It should be said that they are the aborigines in this decaying dream.

Along with the earth-shattering roar, a giant black sheep's hoof with three black sheep's hooves and its creeping tentacles walked slowly from the end of the barren plain.

Several giant mouths opened at the same time and gave a sharp hiss to Huai Shi.

Right on its body, countless deformed monsters spread their wings and rose into the sky, turning into black clouds, as if the locusts were rushing towards Huai poems.

And in the always gloomy and gloomy sky, a huge and hideous shadow emerged ...

I do n’t know if it ’s a devil fish or some other ghost thing, just like an oval blanket covered with eyes and flesh tentacles, stretched in the dark dream of hell, wriggled and flew in, and passed, A thick, stench of blood rain was spilled.

The speed seemed to slow down, but it was within a hundred miles in an instant.

What is even more terrifying to Huai Shi is the rotten souls slowly crawling out of the cracked ground. The pale translucent figures are covered with deformed traces, and they continuously emit chaotic screams and wailing when they collide Stick to one place, crawling on the ground like an earthworm, or walking staggered.

Numerous faces filled with pain and bitterness were lifted, staring at Huai Shi dyingly, raising both hands, trying to pull him together into the darkness of this rotten dream.

That's what remains after the digestion of countless rot dreams. Those victims will fall into a nightmare that they can't wake up, and it will look like one day sooner or later.

Eternal torture and pain cannot be relieved ...

When countless rotten souls stick together in one place, they become worm-like things, and they continue to differentiate into tentacles, wanting to entangle on Bahamut's body.

And just at the end of the sky, a huge shadow emerged.

Vaguely able to distinguish the outline of the human form.

But she had three very different faces, a grinning woman, a painful child, and a burnt ghost face. Her five hands were holding **** torture instruments, and she was looking hungrily at Huai Shi.

As if thinking about how to entertain this guest, the psychology of Huai Shi continued to raise a strong sense of crisis.

"This is your rescuer?"

He lowered his head, looked at the wreckage of Morando caught on the tip of his nails, and asked curiously, "Don't you introduce me?"

"You're dead, kid ... The predator in the rotting dream is alarmed by you, hehehehe ..."

Morando ’s slowly healing eyes were filled with ridicule and poisonous glory, “even if you do n’t know what you are, you will definitely fall into a situation that is ten million times more miserable than me, in this **** of death Here, you will pray for the day when the world ends ... "


Huai Shi's fingers accidentally exerted a little effort to squeeze him off the waist, and then, the molten iron dripped, covering his grinning face, making his greasy expression dull.

"Although I don't know what will happen to me in the end, I don't think ... they will take care of you ..."

Huai Shi's movements were quick, and he carefully pierced an ultra-small sacrificial knife into his body, and fixed him firmly in the gradually solidified iron slurry.

Then, layer by layer, the rapidly condensed iron pieces were pasted on the outside, and quickly rolled into a round iron egg.

"You'd better pray that I can win later, and remember to look back at you, otherwise, if you ..."

Before the last iron plate was covered, Huai Shi grinned and smiled at him, saying goodbye: "Otherwise, just stay here for a lifetime."


In the scream of Morando, the two pieces of iron were closed together and directly welded to death.

In the end, he was thrown to the feet by Huai Shi, and stomped his feet again, and no trace was seen.

It seems that this coffin was very successful.

I really hope that people who use it can give me good reviews.


Bahamut slowly raised the mountain head, and looked at the enemies around him, grinning happily:

"--let's start."

Before the words fell, his wings suddenly spread out, and the wings that covered the sky set off a frantic hurricane, pulling his body into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, it fell again like a star falling.

Pulling the scarlet devil fish that seemed to be a fine blanket fell into the pit, raised his feet and stepped down, Yu Bu!

One foot just stepped on the root of its three tangled tails, almost completely flattened. A high-pitched, shrill voice spread out.

The blanket-shaped monster composed of twisted flesh quickly twitched, and countless blood squirted out. Then, it suddenly turned its body up and opened several huge mouthparts in the open abdomen. Thick tentacles rooted around Huai Shi's body.

Immediately afterwards, the blood of Bahamut was furiously drawn.

The premise is that the sharp suction cups on its mouthpieces can break through the scales on the body of Huai Shi and the steel skin under the armor comparable to the armor.

Naturally, eggs are useless!

Huaixi raised his paw directly, grabbed a tentacle, and then hissed away.

He wanted to see how long the tongue of this unlucky thing could stick out.

It's actually quite long.

Huai Shi dragged it for several kilometers and did not finish it. It seemed that he could continue to drag, but he had no patience. The restless one pulled the blanket of flesh and blood that fell on him, and then pulled his tongue roughly, Bundle it into a thick bundle.

Hardly tied.

It is too thick.

After Huai Shi raised his foot and stepped on both feet, he finally pressed out enough space, and suddenly pulled into the tentacle of flesh and blood, and then knotted a deadly knot.

This time it looks much better.

It's just a blanket like blood dripping from the murder scene.

Regardless of the black cloud-like locust swarms surrounding him, Huai Shi directly pulled out the painful hammer and aimed at the blanket under his feet.

Raise it.


The Hammer of Pain excitedly roared, frantically extracting the ubiquitous pain in this hell. The flame behind it spewed out hundreds of meters high. When it shattered and shattered, it glowed with a jaw-dropping flame.


Earthquakes and hurricanes swept through.

The blanket screamed.

Huaixi smashed the hammer again, and it shouted again, as if a large screaming chicken was tied in the middle.

Soon, the screaming voice was gone, and it turned into a dead mud.

Huaixi took a deep breath, the molten metal vaporized into a tsunami, roared and flew out, and burned hundreds of miles of lava river on the ground.

Under the horrible heat, the vaguely flesh-eating predator wailed and burned.

It's fine.

Huaishi raised his paws, wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and felt a lot of light around him.

Then, I saw other monsters staying in the distance.

He looked at him dumbfounded.

Looked at the burning meat at his feet again.

Take another look at Him.

It seems to be wondering what happened.

Why are ghost things from outside even more cruel than yourself?

Soon, countless wriggling ghosts suddenly shuddered, swiftly turned around, quickly decomposed, and began to become zero, turned into scattered white spots, and disappeared into the soil and disappeared.


The three-legged tentacle monster was a step behind.

It does not have the talents of its own companion when running.

After all, the target was too huge. Just after moving the body, I noticed the six cold eyes that the three faces of the monster looked at and stopped in embarrassment, trembling.

Looking back to Huai Shi.

Prepare to inspire courage to launch the charge.

Then it saw that the huge terminal dragon slowly stretched the body as if the warm-up was over, and the body began to swell again.

Furiously extracting the abyssal precipitation here, the essence of pain in the rotting dream, the end of the dragon that is telling the destruction of all things roaring roaring ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In the roar, the loud noise has come from the body of Huai Shi Burst out.

That was the thunder that burst as the bones grew and rubbed, and with the heart beating, the burning blood turned into a tide, echoing and filling in this rapidly expanding body ...

In his palms, the original blanket of burning blankets was silently decomposed by thunder and flames, and turned into fly ash.

The tens of millions of years of power accumulated in the nightmare were swallowed by Bahamut, turned into new blood and bone, flesh and scale, and became a part of His body.

Once, then again, again!

It was not until the earth bearing Him wailed, that the unreasonable growth rate slowly stopped.

In the silence, He lowered his head and looked at the two dull predators in front of him.


He found that he could grow and be happy again ...