Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 546: lament

Episode 549

What the hell?

What's going on?

What's the matter?

On the rigid face of the spirit of the Legal Department, such a vivid appearance of Huai Shi's favorite three questions in life can not help but sigh that Feng Shui turns, you also have a day to become an expression bag.

"what happened?"

Huai Shi looked closely at the giant rat warrior in front of him, and was full of curiosity: "Is this what happened?"

After a long silence, the Legal Department raised the sign in his hand again.

—— [Paradise Guard].

Even before the paradise was defeated, the paradise's most powerful force was also a truly capable parent under the kittens of the past.

They use iron and blood to firmly protect the copyright and safety of the paradise, rather than relying on the legal department to come to collect debts afterwards. Although it has been lost for many years with the fall of the paradise, its image remains in the history of the paradise and has never been forgotten.

I just don't know why, but today suddenly appeared in Huai Shi.

Even the Legal Department is a little puzzled.

Hard to understand.

Before Huaishi had figured it out, he felt his phone trembling.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Why did you suddenly have an additional employee? Or an expeditionary guard?" The kitten shouted on the phone: "I don't care, I have to add--"


Huai Shi hung up the phone without listening to him, raised his head, and looked at the Q version of the war rat in front of him. I could n’t believe it.

real or fake?

so smart?

"You give me a punch."

Huai Shi raised his head and ordered.


The giant rat looked at Huai Shi with a puzzled head and didn't understand what he meant by this command.

"Never mind, you just give me one ..."


The hurricane hit the face before the words fell.

The thundering tremor suddenly erupted from the room. With the violent turbulence of the air pressure, the strong wind flew around the surroundings of countless surgical instruments, raising a scream.

Immediately afterwards, the broken roar rang late.

There is a big hole in the wall in the operating room

After the big hole is another big hole.

Smashed into the medical room from the operating room, and into the drug warehouse next door from the medical room. Between the piles of broken medicine jars, Huai Shi raised his hand slack, still maintaining a blocked posture.


His hands are almost broken.

It felt as if a truck had hit his face in the front, completely beyond the expected destructive power and impact force, and hit the bone with a single blow.

Although it is not even a kind of sacred mark that can be beaten even if it is the third order, it is useless.

It seems to be just casual.

Huaishi waved his hand and coated with a layer of silver blood medicine, staggered up, walked back to the operating room, circled around the giant rat several times, and looked carefully.

It's hard to imagine what a weird creature is shrouded in a holster.

Even when he opened the mouth on the holster, when he looked inside, he could only see a darkness. It seems that the experimental body that has just undergone the operation just before has disappeared, but the body that remains today is instead a holster.

All attributes are perfectly inherited from the experimental body, and they are particularly exceeded.

Even if the styling is too much and the Q version is a little bit, but the appearance does not matter, it can be played!

Regrettably, as soon as Huai Shi let the crow of the candle in it come out, it would be immediately beaten back to its original shape and turned into a paralyzed rat-human experiment.

The state of the paradise **** seems to have to meet certain conditions to appear, not only for the credit of the crows, but also within the destiny of Shao Ming.

Otherwise, Huaishi can now use this correction value to make a big leap ...

After careful measurement and inspection, all talents found that the giant rat warrior of the paradise **** not only inherited all the attributes of the experimental body, but also possessed considerable strength, proficient in the use of many weapons, and various environments. Excellent adaptability.

He even has experience in team offense and defense.

This is a gift and gift directly dropped by the paradise.

No matter what the kitten thinks, the paradise itself seems to be full of affection for Huai Shi, and has never been stingy.

This made Huai Shi particularly ashamed.

Start thinking: Isn't it a good idea for a pirated prince to do nothing serious and just stare at the paradise wool? But soon, a little apology was offset by the kitten.

There is this kind of guy who eats five fishes and eats. Presumably, ZTE in the abyss paradise is just around the corner. Where can I use Huai Shi to worry about it?

Next, the biggest problem is the formal naming of the experimental body.

"Destruction Warrior!" The leading Marvel suggested.

"New century rat sound warrior!" Alchemist of the Ministry of Biochemistry proposed.

"Mobile Suit Rat Big Wood!" This scholar who was just driven away from the mechanical transmission department came out again to show his presence.

"Will it be more domineering if it's called" Red Lotus Nude "?" The person next to him asked, "Asta is also good."

"Why can't it be Gai Rat! Armored fighters will do too!"

"I propose to call the Demon Rat! Do not accept any rebuttal, YESYESYES !!!"

They didn't wait for the response of Huai Shi, they had already fought in the debate. A group of scholars and alchemists were unambiguous when they fought. They raised their wrenches and hammers and greeted the opposite faces. Now ...

Huai Shi, who was looking at it, couldn't help but breathe air.

How can these gangs of culture be more poisonous than sublimators?

You slipped away and couldn't afford it.

In the next few days, after a short break, Huai Shi threw himself in the operating room, selecting the severely injured ratmen to upgrade.

It is a pity that there are only nine who can finally become paradise guards. Because there are only nine crows with candlesticks that have been awarded with the Holy Mark of the Soul.

Only the Crow of the Candlestick can be used as the master control of the guard consciousness, and truly drive these upgraded giant ratmen. The number of ghosts in Huai Shi's hands is limited by the ring of Nibelung.

Sometimes Huaixi still wonders, why not just think of a way to wash Qi and then add an **** team? After all, the old things are the most useless, and occupy a space, there is no other use except to die to death will not be distressed.

In addition to the nine paradise escorts, Huaixi and Marville also made more than 30 relatively low-end versions of the enhanced ratmen. Thanks to the weakened number of alchemy matrices, these ratmen, in addition to dementia, are There are no other sequelae.

Huaishi simply threw it to the guards, but they had better communication between them.

It was only a few days after the ratmen learned to shout holy ya ... This group of crows are too capable of carrying goods, which makes people a little scared. It is said that several students who sleep with Xiaojiu can always be surprised at midnight The voice awakened.

Then I saw the sleepy forest hut holding a bird cage and singing hymns.

Thinking wildly about the messy things in his head, Huai Shi treated the last severely wounded rat patient at hand, and it was tentatively regarded as the end of treatment.

Then wave goodbye to Marville.

Next he planned to take a good rest, not going to work day and night again. Fortunately, once or twice, more often than not, this thing is really boring, but it must be fully focused.

After just a few days, the skill of "Hell Biosurgery" in "Book of Destiny" has been upgraded to level 6, and an additional skill of "rat anatomy expert" has been obtained Creatures increase their speed by 20% when performing surgery.

But what is the use even if it is 80% faster? I haven't practiced for a few days, and I feel that I have stepped back for at least a few years. However, this messy skill is always upgraded.

Huai Shi sighed, and after a timid and exhausted washing with an overdraft, he lay directly in bed and prepared to sleep.

But between the dizziness, there was a sudden shudder.


The moment before Huai Shi closed his eyes, he seemed to see a figure standing at the head of the bed.


A member of the expedition who had once died at the station in the weird figure of 'One Side'.

He stood in front of the bed, bowing his head, his wet hair on his forehead, the pale face with swollen bubbles, and his empty eyes reflecting the look of Huai Shi.

Seems to be smiling.

The cracked lips opened and closed silently.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to hear the voice from afar.

I do n’t know if it ’s on the left or the right, the east or the south, and I do n’t know if it ’s overhead or underfoot.


Huai Shi could only hear the tragedy.

As if there is an ancient memory awakened, awakened in the mud, a sharp roar sounded, sweeping from all directions. Thousands of desperate snarls and growls converged into substance, forming a wild frenzy, engulfing him, and getting involved in the depths of fear.

In the faint, Huai Shi's fingers twitched, and before he got up, he had fallen into darkness.

Throwed into the coffin of death, covered in layers of cold soil, and sank deep into the hell.

There is no way to struggle.


In the long trance, Huai Shi seemed to have a strange dream.

I dreamed that I had a prosperous and beautiful life, the world was prosperous, all people were closely united, there was no war, no disease, no struggle and persecution. Worry-free food and clothing, endless wealth, and a long and peaceful life.

Happiness seems to be living in the highest place of heaven.

Have everything.

Because of this, everything that was waiting for him in the back was so desperate-when he found that everything started to fall toward hell.

The end comes.

In a vague dream, the sun left them, and the night disappeared.

The eternal dusk enveloped everything.

Despair arrives in this long barrenness, and the earth cracks with it. Everything that was once magnificent falls into the dust and grinds into mud. Only the survivors lingered on the wasteland like ghosts.

"Ah, oh God, Almighty God ..."

The sobbing voices whispered in a low voice: "Why make me wait so tortured?"

No one responded.

Perhaps God does not care.

As a result, the voice of prayer was gradually disappointed, and in the end, no more prayers and survivors survived.

In the deepest darkness, only the most painful attachment remained.

"We are all-inclusive ..."

The voice licked the **** tears, and the broken soul whispered in the end: "So, we will recreate everything!"

After that, the endless darkness enveloped everything.

All things mourn.


When the alarm sounded, Huai Shi opened his eyes from the nightmare and panted in panic.


The despair in the dream remained in his limbs, trembling at every nerve ending, wandering in vain.

When Huai Shi raised his hand, he felt the wet marks on his face.

It was scarlet blood and tears.

The ghost in front of the bed has disappeared.

But there are still a pair of vague footprints on the ground. It seems that someone has been standing here for a long time, quietly gazing at Huai Shi in the dark.

Brought him a painful dream, and turned away before the dream woke up.

Quick footsteps sounded from outside the door, and someone excitedly patted the door. When Huaixi opened the door, he saw scholars dancing. The scholar was also stunned when he saw Huai poetry, and looked confused:

"How do you make this ghost look?"

"It's hard to say in a word ~ ​​lightnovelpub.net ~ Huai Shi grabbed a towel and wiped his face indiscriminately and asked," What happened? "

"Just now the experimental group announced the results, the outer structure of the branch control center has been cracked!" The scholar was excited: "We have found the location of the other two branch control centers, only one step away from mastering the central tower ..."


Huai Shi froze for a moment, then suddenly asked: "When did the official crack start?"

"Four hours, no, three and a half hours ago. I thought it was a protracted war, but I didn't expect it to go smoothly ... Mr. Huai Shi? Mr. Huai Shi, are you listening?"

Huai Shi relied on the wall and looked down at the time on his phone.

Suddenly understood the origin of that nightmare.

(End of this chapter)