Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System (Godly Zombie Combining System)

Chapter 991: I don't understand why you want to run

Lei Leopard originally thought that the words "Bleeding Sect" would scare Ye Li and Lu Ke back three steps.

But what he didn't expect anyway was that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, as if he hadn't heard anything at all.

"Come here and let me kill you." Ye Li said lightly.

Lei Bao was shocked, he wouldn't think Ye Li would say such things to him if he wanted to break his head.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Thousands of anger had rushed out of the top of Lei Bao's head, and he looked at Ye Li with death.

"I said, come and let me kill you." Ye Li's face was as calm as Guan Yu's face, "Don't let me say it a third time."

As soon as this remark came out, Lei Bao was extremely angry.

"Since you let me come, then I will come and kill you!"

The sound fell, Lei Bao shouted:

"Blood surgery!"

Suddenly, Lei Leopard shook all over, and the scarlet aura burst out, forming one **** monster after another, flying towards Ye Li and Lu Ke.

Ye Li smiled faintly. Although these scarred monsters looked terrible, they were like ants in front of him.

But I saw it: Ye Li slowly raised a finger, and the magical energy wrapped around it.


Suddenly, a sound of breaking wind appeared.

The magic light flew from Ye Li's finger and directly impacted on several scarlet monsters.

These scarlet monsters disappeared instantly.

what! ! !

Not only Lei Leopard, other gene warriors of the Blood Sect were also stunned. In any case, they would not have thought of such a scene.

"Blood surgery is broken?"

Lei Bao looked at this scene with horror.

At this time, he finally realized that Ye Li was much stronger than Lu Ke.

auzw.com "Everyone goes together and kills them!" Lei Bao yelled angrily.

Soon, hundreds of gene warriors of the Blood Sect rushed over.

In Ye Li's eyes, there is no difference between a hundred people and a person, only because they are all ants.


A sword was gone.

Suddenly, dozens of gene warriors died under the sword.


Lei Bao was so shocked that he knew that Ye Li was very strong, but how could he think of being so strong.

An idea appeared in his mind, this idea is to escape!

Suddenly, Lei Bao began to escape, only because he knew that if he did not escape, his life would disappear forever in this world.

In just a few seconds, all the gene warriors of the blood sect were killed by Ye Li, and the blood flowed into a river, which looked terrible.

Ye Li lightly looked at Lei Bao, who was madly escaping, and he felt a little ridiculous.

This Leopard thought he could escape, but he didn't know who he was facing. He was facing the devil Ye Li.

Suddenly, Ye Li appeared in front of Lei Bao.

Lei Bao saw Ye Li suddenly appeared in front of him, so terrified that he was out of his body.

"This and this..."

At this point, where Lei Leopard can tell a complete sentence, there is as much shock as there is in the face.

"What are you running away from?" Ye Li looked at Lei Bao faintly.

"I, I..." Lei Bao's teeth were trembling violently.

Ye Li smiled frankly, "Do you commit suicide yourself, or let me do it?"

Lei Bao heard this remark, as if the evil spirits were dying for their lives, and quickly backed away.

He doesn't want to die, he really doesn't want to die.

I knew that if Ye Li was so terrible, he would not dare to do this even if he gave him ten guts. Unfortunately, there is no chance of regret in this world.
