Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1006: The true king shows up? Not afraid of a

Of course, it may really be a prophecy!

This situation is the last thing that Chateau would like to see, because it means that in the projection plane, it is also very likely that the Elythel crown king of the main plane of Comanso, and finally passed the test. Practice.

And his incarnation, Lyle Akalama, will eventually become a runaway doomed to death.

If the body was reincarnated and reborn as Lyle, then Xia Duo would naturally not dare to take his own life to such a gamble, but here is the projection plane, virtual existence, it doesn't matter, it's a big deal!

However, Xia Duo believes that even if it is a prophecy, the "Basic Law" must be spoken. The trial ceremony was presided over by two high-level mages and witnessed by many high-level mages.

If he is indeed better than the "Elytheel Crowned King", he does not believe that all high mages will firmly believe in prophecies and execute the results.

If this is the case, then this so-called Excalibur Trial is completely a game of momentum.

Not to mention the sword of dominance, the other two divine swords are probably already predetermined.

Xia Duo didn't dare to determine what the facts were, but based on his knowledge of advanced mages, the result of the trial should not have been determined by default.

If the opinions of the higher mages reach a consensus, it is a foregone conclusion. There is no need to engage in such a gimmick, is it just to elicit a few thorns?

If it were an ordinary person in power, it might be possible, but the power of the higher mages belonged to themselves, and these little tricks were too low.

Therefore, after a comprehensive analysis, Xia Duo is still very optimistic about the probability that he will eventually pass the trial, hold the sword of rule, and become the true king of the unity.

The only variable may be the "Crown King Elisir".

The history of Comanso on the main plane tells Chateau that the ultimate winner is Elisir, and no matter what the truth of history is, he himself must be unique.

Although Xia Duo had the confidence to pass the trial of the Sword of Domination, he was still a little anxious in the face of such a character verified by the history of the main plane.

He even wondered if he would not return to the main plane when he perceives this projection plane in the star realm, but directly move over and enter this projection plane, would it be earlier in time sequence.

If this is the case, then he has plenty of time to plan the sword of dominance.

Of course, it may not enter the projection plane at all in that way, or it may be projected as a non-elf.


It is not the character of Xia Duo to complain about himself or to shrink back. Although he also agrees with the concept of strategic retreat, more often he will find a way to increase the chance of victory.

For example, now, he said to Parias: "My father, is there any result of the "Elytheel" you asked the other day?"


Even though he was puzzled by his younger son's request, Parias tried his best to inquire. When asked at this moment, he couldn't help showing a strange look in his eyes:

"The Elisir family are the survivors of Uviron. After the natural disaster, most of the survivors went to Akola, and a few entered Jelenstad. However, the Elisir family moved to Sebojo more than four hundred years ago. What do you ask this for?"

"Then recently, has any member of their family come to the Elf Court recently?"

"Of course there is. When it comes to the unification of the Ristar Forest, even the Akola Kingdom, which rejected the proposal of King Orsons, has specially sent envoys to observe the ceremony. Of course, the Elisir family will not be absent."

"Then who did they send?" Xia Duo quickly asked again.

"Their patriarch Kefum came here in person. He is about the same age as you, but his talent is far behind. He is still an apprentice of sword chanting. Do you care about him?"

Of course I care!

In fact, when he heard the name "Kevum", Chateau's heart rate couldn't help but increase by a few points.

The crown king of Elyther of the main plane has been established and ruled Comanso for nearly a thousand years, and his name is no stranger to Shaduo, who has long regarded the elves as his opponent.

Now Parias asked Chardeau whether he cared about this Kefum Elisir. Of course he cared, not only, but even if he was not in the Elf Court at the moment, he wanted to go straight to eliminate the variables in advance.

"Father, is that Kefum ready to participate in the trial ritual of the Sword of Domination?"

"He? How could it be!"

Parias unabashedly showed his disdain, "The patriarch of a dilapidated little family dare to peek at the true crown? Isn't he afraid that the family heritage of thousands of years will be cut off?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! You don't have to worry about him, I also asked Master Mikhail in the morning, you are the only tester of the Sword of Reign!"

Parias's meaning is very obvious, almost clearly indicating that Xia Duo, you are the only true king, but Xia Duo is not so optimistic, it is hard to say until the last minute!

However, he didn't want to go to Kefum now, he couldn't do it in the Elf Court, and it was meaningless to say a bit of trash in the past.

This might have stimulated Kaifum, who might not have wanted to participate in the trial ritual, but chose to participate in the end!

Wouldn't that create an opponent for yourself in vain!

"I see, father. The trial is tomorrow, and I want to be alone for a while!"

"Well, you have to rest first, and I will ask about the trial."


After Parias left, Chateau returned to his guest room, pondering the possible situation of tomorrow's trial, and recurring all his ideas about the future of Comanso in his mind. UU reading www.

Among them, the most thoughtful thing is of course the various deficiencies in the development of the main plane Comanso, especially the shortcomings in the unification cause.

Regardless of whether Kefum will participate in the trial or not, Xia Duo must be prepared to face him.

In addition to the support of many Earth theories, the understanding of the main plane of Comanso should be the biggest chance for Xia Duo to win.

As long as he can paint a bigger and more beautiful picture cake, he can't pass the trial if he doesn't believe it.

And even if it fails, it can also make him know more about Kaifum, which will help him return to the main plane and better "get along" with Comanso.

It's just that, it's a pity that the sword of dominance!


Half a day passed by in a hurry, approaching dusk, Parias hurriedly arrived, his face was gloomy, "Lyle, there is a news that I have to tell you, just received the news, Master Michael has already put Kefum’s name there. Added it!"

Compared to Parrias' gaffe, Chateau was much calmer. He was already ready to fight with Kefum. Hearing the news at the moment, his mood didn't even fluctuate, and he even asked with interest:

"Is it the Trial of the Sword of Domination?"

"Yes it is!"

Parias was in a mess at the moment. If he believed that his son was the true king of the future unifying the world of elves before he knew the news, then he was shaken now.

Even Lyle's past performances constantly flashed in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more irritable he became.

But thinking of Lyle's performance in the last few days, he finally said nothing, just gave a look of expectation and comfort, and then left silently.