Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1010: 1 die first, the commander appears

In fact, the truth is no longer important at this moment. What is important is that the trial of the sword of war has begun, but no elves can succeed.

A total of seven elves went up, the first four ran away from the silver platform with their hands in their hands and screamed, and the other two did the same, but they were pierced through the chest by the sword shadows flying out of the silver light group.

And the last one was not only penetrated by the sword shadow from his chest, but even the head was chopped off!

The Excalibur trial just started and the elf died not long after, even if the consequences of the trial failure were known in advance, but when the dead elf really happened, there was still a lot of commotion on the field.

You must know that you can know the trial of the Excalibur, and come to the Elf Court and participate in it. This in itself cannot be done by ordinary elves. It can be said that if all the elves present suddenly die.

Then the entire Ristar Forest will usher in a great upheaval!

Although only one elf had died now, some elf wanted to give up immediately. Even in the presence of many advanced mages, some elf shouted irresponsibly:

"I will not participate, I will give up, I want to go home!"

High mages, especially the elders, naturally wouldn't care too much with these young or even younger generations, but if they disrupted the trial, there was no need to stay.

One by one, everyone who yelled and screamed were all driven out. After that, the old mage reiterated the seriousness and sacredness of the trial of the Excalibur and said:

"If you want to give up, you can give up. If you are still hesitating, then give up too, because from the moment you have this idea, you have already failed!

"The elves don't need pure rulers. We need kings, commanders, and leaders who can lead us forward. Without this level of awareness, there is no need to participate in the trial!"

"Now the trial continues!"

After the old mage said these words, the shocked and impetuous mood of the elves at the foot of the elder oak gradually calmed down.

Of course, the number of elves participating in the trial is much less.

After all, there are only a few true enlightened people, and most of them still want to try their luck in the past, but if the probability of success is too small, then even elves are not much different from humans in this respect.

Of course, I chose to give up.

Only a few enlightened people have ideals in mind. Even if they know that the probability of success is slim, they will not give up. Instead, they regard failure as a special trial to accumulate a little bit more for the future.

Such elves are undoubtedly worthy of respect, and of course they are also very difficult opponents. Xia Duo kept all their performances in mind.

The projection plane is like this, the main plane is very likely to have such elves, and even in the time period of the main plane, these elves may still be alive.

Of course, this at least requires them to become senior mages to have the opportunity and necessity to prolong their lives.

Otherwise, the average elves will live at the end of their days, and they will no longer seek a longer lifespan. In the elves world, normal life and death is a tradition, and the world after death is considered to be true.

They will embark on another journey of life after death.



The trial that was going on normally, suddenly appeared a little strange. When the new elf put his hand into the silver light ball, a low buzzing sound was heard in the light ball, like a sword blade trembling. the sound of.

"Did he succeed?"

Not only was Celine holding the corner of Xia Duo's clothes, many elves were also communicating in low voices, and everyone unanimously focused their attention on the tall figure on the silver platform.

"It's Benoy from the Hoxon family!"

Soon some elves reported the identity of the elves on stage. Of course, there is more than that. The name of the elves itself contains some family information, but many daily performances are difficult to reflect in the name.

When he took the stage before, the old mage was a high-level mage, so naturally he would not specifically introduce the deeds of an elf who was not sure whether he could pass the trial.

Even now, the light group has the most distinctive vision since the trial, and the old mage is still indifferent.

Of course, he did not stop the whispering comments of the low onlookers.

It was from these discussions that Xia Duo learned more about the Benoy. He came from a famous family and studied under an advanced mage in the Elven Court, but he did not learn magic, but swordsmanship and carving.

His swordsmanship was once described by his teacher, High Mage Hanafaya, as "regular layout", "extraordinary momentum", and "a king's style".

At first, many elves thought that Benoy would choose to test the sword of reign, but he did not expect that he would participate in the trial of the sword of war, which was an upset.

What the elves didn't expect was that Benoy also caused the Sword of War vision, and he might eventually pass the trial and become the leader of the future war.


The trial is still going on, and the buzzing sound that resembles the trembling of the blade is also going on, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

In a moment, the humming sound reached the limit that the elf ears could hear, the sound disappeared quickly, and Benoy's body shook slightly on the hexagonal silver platform.

Afterwards, the right hand, which was originally immersed in the silver light ball, began to firmly withdraw from the light ball, and as his right hand withdrew, the light ball began to gradually converge.

"Has he passed the trial?!" An elf made a voice that didn't know whether it was shock, doubt, surprise, or relief.

Soon, UU reading www.uukanshu. The silver light group on the com platform has completely converged. Of course, it is not accurate to say that. It only converges near the sword body and turns into a silver and blue light flame, enveloping the sword body and even Benoy's right hand holding the sword.

At this time, the onlookers were able to see the specific appearance of the sword of war, Xia Duo also opened his eyes wide, and looked carefully—

It was a gorgeous silver long sword. It had a slightly wider blade than a normal elven-style long sword. Looking at it from a distance, you couldn't see any runes on the blade, as if it were made of a mirror.

And at the root of the blade, there is an elven rune that flows slowly like a stream of water, the specific meaning of which Xia Duoyi couldn't interpret for a while.

But he can probably guess that it should be the name of the sword of war, or the meaning it represents.


As Beno put the sword of war horizontally and raised it high, the old mage also announced: "The war commander of Comanso has appeared! Beno Hoxon, let us cheer for him!"

After a brief cheer, the trial of the sword of skill began.

As for the trialers who have not yet come to the trial of the sword of war, there may be a war commander who is more wise than Benoy, but the reality is so cruel, Benoy passed first, and nothing will happen to them later.

Such a scene also made Xia Duo quite irritable. If Kefferm were allowed to pass first, wouldn't he be in vain.

But the reality will not run entirely on his own mind. What is going on depends on who the old mage later calls first.

But even if Kefum succeeded in the end, Xia Duo would not lose. After all, the projection itself was pure profit, but he hoped to make more.