Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1024

Xia Duo didn't elaborate on the specific contact process, and Niya did not follow up, but said that if she was contacted, she must be told.

After that, the two chatted for a while on topics related to Monet's background fluctuations, of course, mainly Niya said and Xia Duo listened.

From Niya's narrative, Xia Duo can vaguely see Niya's research trend, which seems to be deliberately advancing in the field of background communication in the magic network.

Xia Duo guessed that perhaps she chose the research direction of Monet's background fluctuation from the beginning to study and even improve Monet's background communication in order to maintain the Tower of Time's continued leadership in the field of communication instruments.

It seems that not just herself, Niya is also working hard!


In Niya's urging eyes, Xia Duo quickly left the study and returned to his and Niya residence on the sixth floor of the Tower of Time.

If you want to contact a princess and a god, it is naturally not possible to do it in ordinary ways. Otherwise, Sevinton has searched so many new priests from all over Netheril before, and no one can do it in ordinary ways.

The so-called conventional methods are nothing more than the wizard's communication spells, or the priests (or believers) prayer requests.

But obviously, these two methods are not working for the moment. If they work, the Seven Pagodas would have succeeded long ago.

The southern border where Xia Duo is located does not have all the perfect conditions on the Seventon side, but he also has his own advantages, that is--

Go straight to your door!

The princess has been out of contact for so long, and although Seventon has not concluded yet, there are still many speculations. Among them, Xia Duo feels very reasonable, that is--

The princess was trapped in the outer plane.

I haven't found a way to return to the main plane for the time being, or have been delayed by something.

As for the outer plane, for the current Netheril magical world, it is still an almost completely unknown realm.

Of course, this does not include Xia Duo.

Regarding the outer planes, he did not have his eyes darkened like other color-resistant mages. At least he had been there once and knew some of the special properties of the outer planes.

That's why he had the idea of ​​going directly to the outer plane to find the princess, and then bringing it back to the main plane.

Due to the peculiarities of the outer planes, it is not a difficult question to find the princess. How did he find the glorious country in the first place, and what to do when looking for the princess.

The only thing to worry about is the question of coming back.

As for going to the outer planes, Xia Duo was already seven to eight points certain.

From the end of the New Year celebration to the present, more than half a month has passed.

In the past half month, although Xia Duo failed to awaken his bloodline again, the endless and growing cloud energy still brought a lot of improvement to his soul.

Because the bloodline awakening is not the result of a sudden jump, but a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

When he could not perceive the soul in the past, he might not be able to immediately experience this quantitative change process, but now, he can clearly perceive the subtle changes brought about by the growth of cloud energy.

These changes do not directly affect the soul, but are also closely related to the soul.


In the bedroom, Xia Duo lay on the bed to constrict his mind, and soon entered a state of extreme concentration. In this state, he directly perceives his soul.

In other words, he has gained the perspective of the soul; or, he feels that he has become the soul itself.

In the past half a month, the continuous growth of cloud energy has continuously impacted and tempered his soul. In this state, he has a feeling of continuous strengthening of his soul.

This feeling is not an illusion.

In fact, the small piece of mysterious space around the soul reflected by the radiance sparked by the impact of clouds has now at least doubled.

And in this mysterious space, in addition to the kind of weird and fleeting figures that appeared before, occasionally some familiar scenes flashed by.

Once on a trip to the outer plane, Xia Duo had guessed about the various visions of this mysterious space. Those weird figures were probably souls, who reincarnated into the outer plane through his mysterious space.

And those familiar scenes that only appeared recently, if he guessed right, should be the scenes where the soul reincarnated to the outer plane.

Specifically, he had personally seen the strange farmland, farmhouse, and reincarnation on the boundless wilderness of the outer plane.

As the soul grew stronger, Xia Duo felt that he could travel through this mysterious space around the soul to the location of those soul reincarnations on the outer plane.

Of course, it is more accurate to say that only the soul has gone to the outer plane, and the body has not passed by.

And this ability is more like the previous acquisitions such as [Control of Water], [Raising Clouds and Driving Fog], [Retrieving Memory], which is an instinct derived from blood.

You don't need to learn, you know how to do it naturally.

Perhaps his current bloodline has not reached the critical point of the next awakening, and Xia Duo can only feel that he should be able to go to the outer plane again for the time being.

But as to whether he can return on his own after he has gone, and how to return, he has no idea at all.

At this time, Xia Duo could not help but think of the Kafa envoy that he met in the Glory Country. If he didn’t leave in a hurry, but chatted with the other party for a while, UU reading might be able to establish a private person. Relationship.

And now, he was not sure if he went to the Glory Nation again, whether the other party would appear, or whether he would send his subordinates to send him back to the main plane again.

However, judging from the attitude of the other party, it should be quite easy to talk. This time, I will bring him some local specialties of the main plane, plus the latest news of the main plane, Xia Duo is sure to let the other party send him back again.

Furthermore, there is not necessarily only one Kafa in the Glory Nation who can send his subordinates to send him back to the main plane, contact Kafa's subordinates, or other people who have the ability to do this.

In the glorious country, the land of order, Xia Duo was not worried about being deceived or treated harshly, just worried that there might be twists and turns.

In addition, searching for the princess may not be as smooth as he thought.

But no matter what, I always have to try it, and Xia Duo is also very curious about his new ability, how the soul goes to the outer plane, and whether this process can be achieved through magic.

In addition, the soul can pass, so what about the body?

The outer plane was farther away from the material foundation than the star realm. Xia Duo was also very curious about what would happen if his body went to the outer plane.

However, these questions can be answered step by step in the future, and now, all he has to do is -

Observe the mysterious space around the soul, wait for the moment when an outer plane scene appears, and then leap forward following a certain instinct originating from the body and soul.

Suddenly, the scene around Chateau changed.

He is no longer in the state of perceiving the soul, but has become a flesh and blood body. Of course, he knows that his body is not real at this moment.