Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1027: Elf ambassador, glorious intervention

Outer plane, inside the hall of Nether Palace.

After Xia Duo entered here, he was surprised that Master Byron, who had disappeared from the main plane for more than half a month, appeared here, and was also confused by the presence of the Kapha Divine Envoy and the mysterious wizard wizard.

Intentionally asked one or two, but found that the atmosphere in the living room seemed a bit nervous at this moment, mainly from the sometimes frowned brow of the elf mage and Master Byron's slightly anxious expression.

As for the ambassador of Kafa, he looks like Xia Duo saw in the Glory Nation last time, standing tall, standing tall, standing tall in armor and holding a scepter in hand.

Judging from her appearance alone, Xia Duo could not see any emotional flaws.

In such a scene, the princess was not there yet, and when Xia Duo was a little overwhelmed, Master Byron, who was in the leading position, actively asked:

"Lord Chateau, why are you here?"

Chateau didn't quite understand what Master Byron meant. Should he tell the succession of Giles Tower in front of other guests?

He knew that Kapha’s envoy came from the glorious country and had a close relationship with Netheril. It’s okay to talk about it, but the elves may be the elves kingdoms from the outer plane, and the elves kingdoms on the main plane. There may be a connection.

Here, it is somewhat inappropriate to talk about Netheril's internal dissonance in front of the other person.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind quickly between the sparks and the fire, but on the bright side, Xia Duo replied calmly:

"Before the New Year celebration, I had been to the Outer Plane due to an accident and went to the Glory Country once, and after this celebration, in the past half a month, I happened to find a way to go to the Outer Plane. Method, so there is this trip."

While answering, Xia Duo was also paying attention to Master Byron's expression. Sure enough, when he said "more than half a month", the expression on the Master's face became even more anxious.

Xia Duo was thoughtful. Before this time, he had taken a trip to the outer plane and had personally experienced the time inconsistency between the outer plane and the main plane.

And just before he came to the kingdom of the princess, in the home area of ​​the four brothers in the wilderness, he encountered a situation where the flow of time was suspected to be abnormal.

Master Byron disappeared for half a month and is now found in the outer plane. Perhaps it was because he lost his awareness of the time on the main plane that he could not return in time.

Now his expression of anxiety became more and more anxious, and he seemed to be telling Xia Duo that he already knew what his delay in returning meant.

Then, Master Byron's face changed again and again, and finally it seemed that he had made a certain decision, his eyes suddenly became determined, and he warned the mysterious wizard mage in the living room:

"Villes Divine Envoy, my **** has been invited to the kingdom of death, and the return date is uncertain. If you have nothing else to say, you can leave now."

Elf mage, no, it should be the envoy of Veles. He frowned even more when Byron saw him off. He first glanced at Chateau who had just arrived, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

After that, he carefully looked at Byron, who was determined, and finally set his sights on Kafa Divine Envoy.

But Kafa Divine Envoy did not react at all, and even his eyes did not have any emotional fluctuations as before, just standing there, like a statue.

"In this case, I will leave first, but I want to remind you that my lord's patience is limited, and I hope that this palace will not become the target of my lord's anger in the end."

After speaking, the envoy of Kafa just got up and left.

In the dome of the hall, the holy light envoys were playing and playing. Seeing this scene, they immediately separated two, and they were about to land, as if they meant to send each other off.

But Byron stopped halfway through the flight, so the two little light groups flew up to the dome again, and continued to play with their companions.


From Byron's reply to the elf just now, Xia Duo finally knew the reason why the princess was not here, but his doubts did not diminish at all, instead they became more.

He glanced at the Kafa Divine Envoy, who was still motionless until now. Seeing that Byron did not expel him like the Elf Divine Envoy, he couldn't help asking: "Master Byron, what is going on? "

Upon hearing Chateau’s question, Byron was silent for a while, and then slowly began to speak: “After Shia was ascended to God, she also received an invitation from the Lord of Death and the Lord of Elves. After weighing it, she chose to go to the Kingdom of Death. After that, she summoned me from the main plane to be responsible for receiving the elf envoy.

"As for the Kafa Divine Envoy——"

At this point, Byron paused, and at the same time, a metallic voice that was extremely impressive for Chateau rang:

"My lord is happy to see the birth of a new **** of order, which will keep it away from the manipulation of chaotic forces."

Kafa Divine Envoy said only this sentence and stopped speaking, while Byron explained: "Kafa Divine Envoy is appointed by the Lord of Radiance to protect Shia from the interference of the Elven Lord God."

"Intervention of the Elf Lord God?"

Xia Duo seemed to have thought of something, and it seemed that he had not thought of anything. For a while, all kinds of thoughts were flying everywhere.

Upon seeing this, Byron said: "Your talent is outstanding, and your future achievements may not be below Shia. Since UU reading can come here, it doesn’t matter to tell you something in advance, Shia rises to God. The ritual materials were sent by the elves, and for this they paid a lot of money."

More specifically, Byron didn't say anything, but Xia Duo was able to give full play to his imagination. The princess becoming a **** should be considered a good thing for Netheril, and the elf could not do thankless things.

Combining with what Byron said before, perhaps the various contributions of the elves on the main plane are for the "harvest" of the elves main **** on the outer plane.

As for what the real plan was, Xia Duo could only guess one or two, except for the Elf Lord God, how could anyone else know it!

But no matter what plan the Elf Lord God has, it is only a plan, and it has not been fully realized. Now that a shining master has emerged halfway, the future depends only on the re-gaming between the two sides.

For a while, Xia Duo was full of curiosity about the world of gods, but without more information, he could only fill it up with his brain.

At this moment, he remembered his purpose of coming to the outer plane again. Although the princess had gone to the kingdom of death and might not be able to exert influence on the main plane for the time being, Byron was still there.

As long as Master Byron is brought back, the situation in Seventon will be cleared, perhaps even better than the effect of the princess's direct impact!

Thinking of this, Xia Duo couldn't help asking: "Master Byron, is it convenient for you to return to the main plane now?"

When he came, the time of the main plane had reached the end of January, and it was more than ten days before the one-month deadline agreed upon by the Seven Towers.

The time on the outer plane is not consistent with the main plane, Xia Duo naturally hopes that the sooner he goes back, the better, and if he goes back late, it doesn't mean much.