Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 1032: 7 major factions, 25 directors

Then, Brundes and Xia Duo talked about some interesting things inside the Seven Towers, and then left in a hurry. After that, in Xia Duo's lounge, no longer stopped, and people came to visit from time to time.

Either it was made clear that the horse and the horse were drawn directly, or it was an attitude of inquiring on the side, or simply came to take refuge, or just came to see him in the name of communication.

In this process, based on the principle of reciprocity, if the other party wants to win over, inquire, and communicate, he must first express his own attitude.

For this reason, Chateau finally had a clearer understanding of Netheril’s "chess players", which can be roughly divided into seven major factions, namely--

Lord camp, radical casters, and muddy, anti-elves, elves, truthists, and faithists.

The Seven Towers camp is rather special. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it the "Seven Towers Interest Group." The actual attitude and final demands are not completely consistent.

For example, the Giles Tower can be classified as the lord camp; the Gustav Tower can be classified as the lord camp and the anti-elves camp at the same time.

The Morion Tower can be classified as the lord camp and the truth faction.

In addition, there are also conservative and open points to knowledge, but this is similar to the Seven Towers camp, which is more similar to an alliance of interests, not just an attitude.

In short, the same attitude does not mean that the interests are also the same, but when the interests are the same, the attitude is often the same.

A small Netheril, the interior is still quite complicated, for the time being, Xia Duo only classified himself as the lord camp, and maybe there is a school of mild spellcasters.

Of course, because of its mildness, it looks dull, and Xia Duo did not specifically classify it into one category.


Soon, the banquet was about to begin. At the reminder of Deacon Tom, Chateau rejected all the visitors after that. Only then did he know that these people didn't need to see all of them.

In fact, if he knew in advance which "chess players" Netheril had and what their attitudes were, some people wouldn't need to see it at all.

It's not a group of people at all, and if you see it, you can see it for nothing, unless the visitor betrays the master behind them and exchanges a big secret for their own shelter.

However, this possibility is extremely low, and Xia Duo doesn't think that a subordinate who runs outside all year round in the magical world can know how many big secrets.


Illumination Hall.

When Xia Duo entered it, her eyes suddenly lit up. This moment seemed to go back in time and came to noon. The artificial light sprinkled from the dome of the hall was bright and soft.

Touching it can even feel a slight warmth, like the warm winter sun, soothing the body and mind.

The hall is very large, even if there is a long dining table and it can accommodate more than twenty people at the same time, it is still not crowded.

The twenty-five directors of the Austrian-French Federation have all been there, of course, Chateau only recognizes Brendes and Oron among them.

Others may have heard of the name, or maybe they have not even heard of the name, so how about face!

"Lord Chateau, come, let me introduce you!"

As soon as Xia Duo appeared, Brundes took the initiative to greet him and introduced him to the directors of the Austrian French Federation, but Xia Duo met another acquaintance first:

"Director Olong, long time no see!"

"It's been a long time indeed! I didn't expect to meet again on such an occasion. It seems that Master Byron is right. You really have a lot of potential!"

When I met again, Olong was very emotional. In just a few years, a senior arcanist has almost grown up under his nose.

If I knew this earlier, it would be better to invest in advance, maybe now it's another scene.

After the simple greeting, Brundes continued to introduce Chateau——

"This is the director of Ansero, born in Morion Tower. He is only responsible for the care of the [Color-resistant Scroll] in the Austrian Federation. If you want to know the secrets related to the [Color-resistant Scroll], ask him that’s right. !"

"Fortunately, Director Ancelo."

"Fortunately, Lord Xia Duo."


"This is the director of Fizban, born in the Gustav Towers. He is in charge of the internal review of the Ofa Federation. Don't look at his indifferent facial paralysis. In fact, he is very enthusiastic inside. He knows the internal news of the Seven Towers better than I do. Much."

"Fortunately meeting!"


From the seven-tower arcanist sent to the board of directors of the Austrian Law Federation, to the leaders of some of the more powerful wizard tower organizations, Brendes took the trouble to introduce them one by one.

But the closeness is quite clear. At the end of the introduction, there is basically only one name left.

In this regard, Xia Duo did not show any disrespect, and he nodded to each director almost equally. If the other party is interested in talking a few more words, Xia Duo will also respond.

Compared to the people who visited him in the lounge before, each of these directors was at least an archmage, and many of them were famous.

Of course, his own strength is not a big deal. Although Xia Duo has just become a senior arcanist, he still has the confidence to be in the forefront of these directors.

What is really important for these directors is their identities. They represent Netheril's twenty-five mage tower organization. For this point, even if they are all low-level mage, Xia Duo can't help but not take it seriously.

However, paying attention to paying attention to attention, some people will not go together after all.

After the introduction, the dinner almost even started. A director named "Hechnet" represented the president of the Ofa Federation, Konjeniou Grand Arcanist, welcomed Chateau, UU read and announced the dinner. s begin.

As a result, the more than twenty people in the Hall of Illumination who were still quite harmonious immediately separated into different camps.

Chateau sat down with several directors of the Seven Towers camp such as Brundes and Oron, and the others were also in twos and threes.

This long dining table is still big enough, and at the same time the voice of the Director Hechennet is also big enough, otherwise when the toast is being said, the sound from one end of the table will not be heard from the other.

Chateau was quite uncomfortable with such a weird social environment, and at the same time he was a little confused. Didn't Brundes say that Master Congenio would attend?

He is also preparing to mix a set of Ironstone equipment!

Moreover, after returning from the outer plane a few days ago, when he contacted Master Byron, didn't the Master also say that he would come to the New Year's Eve dinner?

Why haven't you come yet?

The dishes at the dinner are in the style of Netheril, mainly fried and roasted, and some raw vegetables are also supplemented with elf fruit wine. Overall, it is not bad, but Xia Duo is a bit tasteless.

There is something in my mind, even eating is not good anymore.

During a toast, Chateau concealed it slightly, sent a message to Brundes, and asked: "When will Master Congenio come?"

"The president is not in good health recently, but don't worry, he will definitely come after he said he will!"

Brendes said so firmly, and Chateau's understanding of Congenio was limited to a little background information and hearsay rumors.

However, the rumors of the Great Arcanist among the casters are still very credible.

So Xia Duo suppressed the confusion in his heart and waited patiently.