Arcane Lord

v1 Chapter 104: Broad conception of bloodline theory

   After sending away Sami and Devine, Chateau did not fully devote himself to studying magic. The two people were not malicious just now, but sitting here so almost defenseless has already made him alert.

   Xia Duo changed her posture and leaned against the tree trunk, looking at the ordinary apprentices who were working in the distance, thinking about some details of the mutual aid study group in her heart.

   First of all, there must be rules. No matter how small the organization is, there are rules and names. This is the basis for him to control the organization. Second, the rules can be very loose, but you must leave yourself a certain degree of authority.

   Combining with the student union he had been with before crossing, Xia Duo had a care in mind.


   When considering the organization rules, Xia Duo was also studying the water control ability he had just acquired today. It is not uncommon for Netheril to suddenly acquire a certain spellcasting ability like him.

   There are only two records in the "Biography of the Archmage Darthreel", one of which is very similar to Chardonnay, but also had a dream and then gained the ability to cast spells.

  The other is to come into contact with a mysterious gem, and then gain the ability to cast spells.

   And other books that Xia Duo has read have similar records, such as doing nothing, gaining a certain spellcasting ability inexplicably; or a spellcasting ability inherited from his grandparents and fathers.

  Nase-sorcerers make such people who have the ability to cast spells without learning to become warlocks, or further called "blood warlocks".

   They think that the ability of these people to cast spells comes from a special bloodline in their body, and often the ability of these casters can be passed on to the next generation through the bloodline, which seems to confirm this.

   But the bloodline theory does not explain everything. For example, some half-elves are born with simple elves magic, but the elves themselves are not every individual who can perform magic.

   Whether the so-called elven bloodline is really different.

   And the situation like Xia Duo is a little more special, experiencing a special dream, and gaining the ability to cast spells related to the content of the dream.

   If you insist on the bloodline, you can only say that the concept of bloodline is quite broad.

  Comparing the differences between the wizard and the sorcerer, Xia Duo found that the sorcerer is simply a natural seedling of the sorcerer, because the sorcerer must be trained for a long time to enter the state of concentration and touch the magic net.

   Forcibly using a knife to stimulate the body like Chateau did to stimulate the spirit is not desirable.

   But sorcerers can directly order spells to appear from their minds, which is equivalent to learning to cast spells before they learn to focus, and then to learn focus, which is much faster than ordinary people.

   Now Xia Duo even wondered, did he already possess the talent of a warlock when he used the knife to stimulate himself? That's why he was able to get into the magic net so easily?

   Time cannot be turned back, this question may never be answered.


   After careful study, Xia Duo found that becoming a warlock didn't help him much in his current situation. Of course, the main wish was that the ability of the warlock could not become strong through learning.

   His current ability of the warlock can only affect the shallow layer of the magic net, not reaching the level of a formal wizard at all.

   or a lot of additional practice can make the casting become proficient, but the total casting power is so large, it will not be improved due to practice.

   Hope to rely on the illusory dream to improve, it is better to study the principle of magic, the essence of magic net, and then promote to the official mage!

   He couldn't grasp the dream, but the promotion of the mage was in his hands. Before, Xia Duo and Sami said that he could upgrade in one year at the latest, not to lie to them.

   It is that Xia Duo has a very good understanding of his own progress, and this is the latest date for understanding the first magic net and creating a spell of 1st level.

   If there is other help in the middle, such as directly obtaining the structure and elements of a certain 1st-level spell, the date may be advanced to the extent that Xia Duo himself could not think of.

   Xia Duo's status as a warlock came a bit late. Compared to some tasteless spellcasting abilities, he prefers to improve his physical fitness.

   Although the connection between body, soul, and ability to cast spells is still unclear, the energetic and increased strength brought about by the improvement of physical fitness are obvious.

   This kind of benefit, Chateau hopes to come back several times.

   Although he does not expect his body to be strong enough to be inhuman, a good body must be his most stable support on the road to magic! Even the hole cards in some special circumstances!

   "Should I find someone to learn martial arts skills? Such a strong body can't be wasted!"

   But in an instant, Xia Duo dismissed this idea, at least until he became an official mage, he would not do this, it was a waste of time.


   It was noon in a flash, and Xia Duo also got up and left under the apple tree. When passing the warehouse, the on-duty mage left everyone behind.

   "Because of the loss of some apprentices in the orc war, some jobs are missing. You don't have to come in early tomorrow morning. Wait for the reallocation in the lobby on the first floor."

   left directly after speaking, leaving a group of apprentices talking.

   "Are you ready to change jobs?"

   "If you don't change, how can we grab those formal apprentices, how about you?"

   "It depends on the situation. If Sammy and others stay here, I will stay here too."

   "Well, me too!" Another person intervened.


Xia Duo listened for a while and found that the center of these people's discussions turned out to be on their three formal apprentices. If Xia Duo and the others are not going to stay in the Arcane then most of these people Also ready to change jobs.

   The change caused by the opportunity to ask questions made Xia Duo reaffirm his study group plan.

   "Chateau, are you going to change jobs next?"

  Sami’s words suddenly calmed the apprentices, and dozens of pairs of eyes were looking at Chateau. At this time, Chateau also pretended to think about the gains and losses between changing jobs and staying in the Arcane Garden.

   The most direct benefit of changing jobs is that it is possible to come into contact with a formal mage at work and to earn a lot of extra money.

   But the problem is that it is too late for Xia Duo to hide from the wizards, how can it be posted?

   The advantage of staying in the Arcane Garden is that you have more time at your disposal, or you don’t need to work if you stay in the Arcane Garden. You only need to answer a few questions to these ordinary apprentices every month.

   I used to ask the teaching apprentice or the teaching mage for them, but now Xia Duo can answer it by himself, which is much less troublesome than before.

   In addition, the relatively relaxed environment of Arcane Garden can even provide more communication time for the study group.

  With little consideration, he decided to stay in the Arcane Garden, hoping to operate it as an additional base for the study group.

   But looking at Sammy’s expression, he seemed to want to change jobs, so Chateau told him bluntly, "I am going to stay in the Arcane Garden."

   Xia Duo's answer was cheered by ordinary apprentices, but Sammy's expression was a little hesitant, he didn't know if he should stay.

   Between the chance to contact the official mage and the study group, Sami lingered.

   When Xia Duo saw this, he pushed Sammy's arm and said with a smile, "Well, let's go to the restaurant first. If you are late, you won't get the spirit wine!"